West African Muslim hijacks schoolbus full of children, sets it on fire in Italy in protest of Africans drowning in the Mediterranean
In socialist europe
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the fire rises?
Tire necklace treatment for europeans coming soon.
Water wings for the Warriors of Allah 12988816?
The governments of Europe and the US love to import 3rd worlders by the millions. As much as a the African niggers, Middle East Muslims/Kikes, and so on are total trash it would not be such a problem if the governments were not hell-bent on importing and defending the scum.
At this point the easiest solution to solving the mass immigration problem is eradication of all government officials who refuse to stop supporting the flood of 3rd worlders into Europe and the US.
Europe is not socialist, sadly
Some of them like to think they are.
And "Fuckwit Europe" didn't have the sa,e ring to it.
It's all about the votes. Or the Benjamins. Or that special feeling some of them get in their big girl panties after bombing nations of little brown people into oblivion and inviting them over for tea.
Post the link you raging faggot.
Were the children in the bus when set on fire?
does it matter? why are you so racist?
What happened was
not sure what happened after this
check out italian newspapers, they're doing this story 24/7
several videos also
literally the fire rising and journakikes keep a lockdown on the story
should be memed hard and forced mainstream
He didn't hijack it. He was the school bus driver despite being a sex offender and drunk driver before.
sounds likely
(((who))) let him get that job?
reminder Italy has been a nation of cryptojew Vatican rape slaves for milennia
isn't this a jewish false flag to start the fight between european and baste somalian muslim?
agreed they are wercking eveything on purpose.
I'm italian. The situation here is uncontrollable.
A lot of immigrants arrive, they don't know where to put them and they end up in the hands of the mafia (drug dealers).
This event is not the first of many
I guess voting in a nationalist didnt work
I did not vote mate
I merely observed