Here to announce that we will free Brenton Tarrant from prison.
It will be done by a few highly trained special operatives.
Here to announce that we will free Brenton Tarrant from prison.
It will be done by a few highly trained special operatives.
I would like to see this happen.
Is this an esoteric metaphor for freeing the immigrants jailed in the US and putting them into the general public?
That would be another great Brenton 4D chess move.
What are the chances this happens twice in a week.
Link to the livestream OP.
The chances are… very possible.
Aristotle never said that.
Even if this wasn't a LARP, you'd have to be retarded to announce your intention to free Tarrant on the same board he posted his stream due to the fact that this place is crawling with more feds than usual right now. They'd just up his security even more
Maybe, maybe now. Who knows.
Maybe that's the point?
how the fuck would you know everything that aristotle said ????
you seriously mean to say you can prove he never said that
"fucking retarded"
Also, everybody subscribes to PEWDIEPIE. We gonna make lots of pies in the future.
Color me doubtful.
But I'll be watching.
Then maybe you need to go back to LARP school.
pew pew pew
Don't project your fulfillments on me bro.
For absolutely fucks sake mount one of these onto one of these and play some patriotic songs for him on your way out
O yeah… M4A1.
B8 tactical shotgun.
S4 grenades.
Sog knifes.
SMG M57 machine guns
We are ready.
Subscribe to pew pew pie.
Pro tip: people who do much speak little.
We will see to that !
Yeah, that is why Tarrant made entire manifesto BEFORE he did his deed?
If you say so.
He didn't stay in a thread shitposting, he made a post and there was a livestream up with the action. Talking about it in advance means you won't do anything. By all means, attach your manifesto along with a livestream of an ongoing happening like he did.
I would love to see you faggots op this. And of course it has to be livestreamed.
Imagine being Brenton. You're rotting away in prison, and all of a sudden the wall is knocked down and a van pulls up.
Imagine going to Turkey, North Korea, Pakistan and then buying guns and not being on any list despite being a FIVE EYES country. Brenton just slipped thru the cracks I guess or maybe there are no computers strong enough to connect the dots.
You cannot even save your children from big Muslim cock in ass.
Ha ha Kafir, we can anal rape your children every day and you can not do anything. They cry for mum as I shoot my sperm into them for Allah!
Security is a meme. All of these systems are built by geniuses and then staffed by niggers and indian monkeys.
lmao reddit spacing
YOU won't do shit, but this will happen. He will get a honorary position after the Machtergreifung in 2033.
Godspeed, OP
Sieg Heil and may your cause succeed beyond your wildest dreams
You will do nothing. It was a false flag.
Soon enough lad soon enough
Brenton TARRANT has a will of titanium and is prepared to wait for 27 years for his freedom. We will free him within 27 days Kek willing
I hope they really do it.
What have you done to save the white race today sage(1)?
99% chance this is a LARP. Have a bump and a (You) anyway for that 1% chance, you shitposting faggot.
The best part of this post is the feds will now look into this. Kek get larped faggots. It would take millions of dollars to even attempt this not including people experiences in extraction. And external backing.
>(((soviet))) whataboutism
Shill confirmed.
Yes, save the an-hero! This site needs violent spastics, they’re so rare!
Where is the livestream fucking niggerfaggeet! Dont tease with good time and then jump and hide before the climax! FUCKING GAYTARD #NoBalls #vagenaMan
No it wouldn’t. He could be sprung and st least see the sun again for like fifty grand. I could realistically do it for that including truck and speaker system. It could be done. We got shia leboufs faggot flag with zero resources this could happen
You think we are joking around, boy?!
Lies… slanderous gayboi lies this is a shitpost with bait! If this was the Ocean youd catch a megalodon!!
Yeah, you clearly are. You'll never use your guns, so it doesn't matter that you have them.
Checked. It's just computer legos being sorted by packets and affirmative action hires. The feds are notoriously incompetent and often dont share information with each other. There is far less to fear from them than you think
I'm rooting for you op I hope this is real … BUT I have my doubts prove the h8rs wrong #freeBrenton
Some fag check if these pics can be image reversed. I don't even think OP is from New Zealand, look at those Ami bullets.