THE BEST REVENGE A WHITE MAN CAN GET IS TO LIVE A ENJOYABLE LIFE. Don't believe in the race war meme. There is no reason to fight other races. No reason to fight islam. The powers that be have been trying to bring islam and christianity into conflict.
In order for a atom to be balanced it needs both protons(positive/male) and electrons(negative/female). Men with women are in a state of balance. Message boards like /pol are like a lot of protons(men) with no electrons(women) and as a result this is a breeding ground for imbalanced sort of thinking that some have alleged has led to erratic forms of behavior.
A christian who wants to promote christianity should simply be christian, evangelize the faith, and perhaps have a family. There is no reason to fight islam. If Brenton Tarrant was upset about muslims and insulted they were on his land he should have gotten the women in the mosque pregnant as a means of insulting the muslim men. He should have impregnated those arab women with his white seed.
The whole "muh white race" thing is stupid. It's just this thing promoted by the white left in order to drive normal whites crazy. The white left are just sociopathic witch hunters who are trying to frame normal whites as evil so that they have an excuse to socially crucify them.
Don't fall for the hype. It's okay to be white and okay to be proud to be white. If you want to promote the white race just find a white woman and get her pregnant and have a family. There is nothing wrong with impregnating non-white woman too, it's ultimately a matter of preference and white men have the right to exclusively date white women and they have the right to date non-white women too.
The white left has been trying to drive you guys insane, don't fall for the bait. Just be normal and peaceful and choose peace. The other races of the world are not trying to destroy white people. Arabs are not the ones opening the gates to immigration nor are the latin Americans. There are theories about who is opening the gates, but we know for certain its not muslims, latins, arabs, blacks, or asians.
The white left is basically a group of brain-polluted people who are engaged in a sado-masochostic game of engaging in sadism towards normal whites who are predominately working class, and the white left is also masochistic towards themselves, submitting themselves to the verbal abuse of non-white races.
Some have speculated the leftist jews are the prime pushers in this whole thing. Whatever the case is, whatever the situation is, I am telling you white man: keep your cool. Keep a cool head. Chill out, make money, make love, read, and right, and socialize. Don't let your self be driven crazy by the white left.
The white left have been trying to drive normal whites crazy, don't let them drive you crazy. Choose peace.