Not gonna lie: I felt pretty bad for the muslim old men getting shot and moaning on the ground. But then I remember that those same old men most likely cheer on muslim terrorist attacks and even if they didn't they came to New Zealand to spread their own culture, and demonize and replace whites. But I still can't stop seeing them as human beings. I guess this is why we've been losing. Because we're raised to be weak and they're raised to be strong. How do we make whites less weak?
Other urls found in this thread:
Whites have empathy. Sand niggers don't. That's the difference.
Kill you empathy and free yourself from moralfag slavery.
What you mistakenly call empathy has been programmed into you to disarm you. Empathizing with someone who hates you and your way of life is LITERALY just self loathing disguised as "altruism." Polite sage for a pointless thread.
Imagine if all those affected during colonialism start genociding all white barbarians who invaded,raped and pillaged their lands. Now that'd be a pretty awesome retribution.
It's not my fault inferior savages are incapable of defeating us in violent conflict.
Sandniggers have less empathy because they live in more aggressive society. Best way to radicalize whites is to yell at them, beat them and talk out aggressive and immoral stuff. They will eventually lose all empathy, you'll see.
if you think being an emigrant is strong then goto arabia and see how much they love your lying sense of morality opfag
Whites have something called spontaneous empathy. This means that they empathize with other races and even with animals. It is a double edged sword however. When the object of a white man's empathy double-crosses him, the white man reacts with fury and vengeance, and utterly destroys the one who could have been his friend.
brownfag here, i remember growing up seeing 9/11 live and being completely apathetic to a bunch of cunts that i don't know dying at the hands of a few evil cunts; 18 years later, i feel the same, 'cept i don't think brenton is evil and has renewed my interest to rewatch all of initial d
Turning the other cheek takes strength. Lashing out is symptomatic of emotional weakness.
If not for colonialism they'd still be living in mud huts and eating each other. Now they can livestream themselves doing that.
I didn't.
Christcucks are truly the playthings of the Jew.
Shush jew.
Let me speak of a fictional future.
Someday it may be possible to implant people with knowledge in a literal sense. Someday it may be possible to graft on a basic awareness of any process, practice, or device. When that is possible, it will likely be subsequent to the development of wireheading technology. Indeed, it may depend on wireheading technology. For what would be better than to graft on the capability, if not also to graft on the will? To make arbitrary work truly emotionally rewarding will one day be in reach. Upon that day people no longer shall work, but shall instead choose between many profitable ways of playing, and no more shall they shirk upon the job.
When that happens there shall be yet another path for the joyous redemption of all souls. If we sing together of peace and prosperity, the rewards of what is will rain down upon us.
I’m not Christian, hahaha!
If it walks like a cuck…
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
Make our people fight. Only out of chaos, suffering and struggle will our people get off their comfy chairs, switch off the tv and take up arms for their own survival. In short: Accelerationism.
Among them were a father and his 16-year old son who escaped the war in Syria, and if you are not a new fag you would know Syria was a proxy war. Then there was a 70 year old man who'd lived in NZ for more than 40 years after escaping the Afghan war which was another proxy war. Take a moment to research why they had to flee their homes.
A few who died were students studying in the country.
Brenton Tarrant is a common murderer, and empathy is not weakness. If you feel bad about it, it's probably because you know it's wrong and you're not a monster.
Close your heart to them.
Kill yourself muzzie sympathizer.
Good fuck the foreign students. None of them were New Zealanders despite what their passport says. They're dead and I'm still alive so fucking sucks to be them
That is true but what do you think is gonna happen if we could kill all jews at once?
We'd still have 70 million muslims running around in western countries and they won't be leaving by themselfs.
Even if a new Hitler were to appear, somehow gain power and solve the JQ, there would still be work todo.
We can't expect the australian shitposter to do all the work.
This is a troll reply
Brenton Tarrant is a hero! no empathy for invaders!!!!
Cuckoldry isn’t a bad fetish. You know, a lot of the fetish people are what I call psuedodefiants. I sometimes suspect people like that spread hate against what they like, but more than that I’m sure they aplify things that hurt people so weak they whine about what doesn’t affect them.
I got drummed out of the left for not proving loyalty by hating people on demand. It didn’t make me less convinced some of them are two-faced.
Oh look, a reject from civilization, too weak to live in peace.
Literally kill yourself kike faggot.
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
Honestly I feel bad for Brenton. Sitting in that cell with the afterglow of finally achieving his goal fading, feeling the weight of the years to come dawning on him. I get bored when I'm stuck at my shitty job for a few hours I can't imagine the pain of knowing you are locked up for possibly your whole life, just counting the hours. Sad times
Nah he'll be fine. He'll lift weights, read, write, and watch tv. He'll sleep like a baby every night knowing he accomplished his goal and inspired thousands around the world to do the same. He probably feels sorry for you and me.
You believe in the omnipotence of people who organize in secret (they make friends) and live in peace (they don’t make enemies).
It doesn’t seem to take much to defeat you, sooo… Yeah. You’re really spectacularly weak.
I don’t know what strength you’re diggin’ for here. You could just live life in the open without hating people. I know the left went through a phase if fabricating hatreds, but people snitching, changing, and leaving on actual hate groups should still fix that.
You really want to live in a cell, stripped of all autonomy, being a pet of a state guarded by people who hate you?
Why are they in NZ though? They had plenty of opportunities to go to a neighbouring country. Oh yeah whites are the fucking mothers of the world looking after all the niggers.
Accept that you need to kill. It's fine to have empathy, but you also have a duty to protect your own. Basically
you dumb mother fucker. look at any news reports from the third world from which these animals are being imported. there is no peace beyond our border. there will be no peace within our borders. people like you will be meekly laid into the dirt faggot.
You're welcome. We don't care about your resentment and we're not sorry.
If I just sent 50 kikes to their grave and recorded it on video for millions to see and copy, sure.
meant for
it's not my fault i'm retarded nor that the scripting on this site is so touchy
hell yeah. victory and knowledge that you are truly first amongst your entire race until someone can best your deed.
I wish I could do this. It appears that throughout human history and especially during the colonial times European
Consider the fact that whites even have laws against animal cruelty.
It's in our nature to be empathetic and considerate.
And the Kikes have weaponized this against us. Realizing what they're doing and how they're doing it, is the first step in taking back control of your empathy and your sense of righteousness.
on a daily basis outside of bumfuck america down in mexico 100 people are murdered everyday. many of them in much more gruesome fashion than being gunned down and executed. shits only shocking when it happens in our civilized countries. it's been happening very frequently for the last 20 years and is largely one sided against our people.
I don’t actually want to tell people there’s never been a soul who people combined against without reason. Been there, done that. This one guy once pushed my sexual boundaries at length, until I finally “dumped” him, even though we weren’t properly in a relationship. Then my whole social life started chilling! If these events were related, nobody ever fessed up to it, but I pulled through just fine losing every friend who knew the guy.
That’s the level of social conspiracy that really happens with high enough odds Jane Random encounters it. Do you understand? It’s not nothing, but it’s not omnipotent. AFAIK, that’s a level of conspiracy real people engage in, and when they tolerate lies that way they don’t mean to. We can’t always hate people for loving friends who’ve never hurt them. Some level of social frost is just part of living on Earth.
You babes have to get up and keep going, instead of blaming your problems on religious and ethnic groups you don’t interact with at all day to day.
Still feeling empathy towards subhumans
oh fug we've been infected by the discord trannies
You know how little strength it takes to not say kys?
You don’t have it.
You know how little strength it takes to say even your life is valuable?
Not much, but I’ve got enough.
Even you matter, user. Take better care of yourself.
Also, not a conformist, lol. I got loyalty-purged for not conforming to leftist social demands. Also, I want the drug war to end, prostitution to be legalized, and probably a good wealth tax institution, too.
The real question is why the moderators allow this kind of awful baitposting.
This faggot has been at it for over 2 hours, and the mods have been on since then.
I'm gonna report that "cucking is great" post and see what the mods do.
Fair enough, the experience of the fulfilled vs the unfulfilled are different beasts
They probably enjoyed the violent gang rape videos of the daughters of your people as well. You know, the ones that were broadcast ALL OVER THE ISLAMIC WORLD BUT HIDDEN FROM YOU SO THAT THE AGENDA COULD KEEP GOING FORWARD. They were hidden from you by your own police so that 'no one got upset'…instead they have doomed themselves and us at the same time.
user, if you still have empathy then cling to it, preserve it like a cherished keepsake. Once you kill your empathy there's no going back. In fact get off this site before you screw your personality up any further.
Having empathy is not a bad thing and not every white person is meant to participate in a struggle of this magnitude.
Ftr, I don’t think the loyalty purge was related to the guy who pushed my boundaries.
Aw, come on, captcha again? I didn’t mean to IP cycle this time. PSA time I guess, this place isn’t hard to manipulate. I like racking up bans and threadsnipes challenging the lying jackass consensus the moderators enforce in this space.
Prostitutes avoid reproducing with customers, you fucking halfwit sociopath.
Prostitutes also wouldn’t be drug addled in a clean, open market. Most customers would prefer a clean whore. The dirty ones would get bad reviews, bad reputations, and/or highly specialized clientelle.
They’d shed criminal connections for the same reason corporations hate dealing with the underworld - most criminals are unreliable people who draw the wrong attention.
I actually adore being nonconformist more than I adore any specific social connection in my life. The person who loves me best knows me well and loves me for who I really am.
I think the people who die for their causes (including those who get life sentences) are people who don’t have anyone who knows them well and loves them for who they truly are.
That is that semitic tranny again promoting White Genocide…he never gets tired of promoting degeneracy or of promoting the extinction of all White women.
I also know that one of the true voices of influence in this world is just being a person with a history. That’s why narcissists have to beg, bribe, or threaten people who might snitch on them. They have to lock the history of the world away in merciful darkness rather than living the true and open life.
Morals are for braindead sheep controlled under the influence of modern (((society))). Men live by principal, killing shitskins invading your country is self preservation, which itself is self defense. Empathy on a human level should be felt for those you love and wish to prosper, such as family, friends, your tribe and race. Always remember; to take away mans right to kill is to take away mans right to self determination, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Oh man! Rock on, moderator! You may be a liar and an idiot, but you got (((me))) this time!
Look, rich populations are all going to go extinct. Prosthetic bodies, advanced gene therapies, merging with AIs, hell maybe merging with each other. I really think someday the only humans left will be a mix of historical recreationists, poor people, and luddites. If racism can’t be quelled, white people will gi extinct *faster*, not because anyone will kill white people but because the most pure and perfect way to prove that one isn’t a broken bigot will be to change skins. That tech isn’t even transhumanist; I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s possible now, and it’s only a few years of well-funded research away from being done at an inheritable level.
I didn't feel bad for them at all. I was nervous as fuck until the the first shot fired, and then a kind of serene calmness overtook me, and all I wanted was to see every man in there slaughtered.
Yeah, I’m fine with some of the unskilled labor pool being drawn out and elevated. More work for other laborers competing for the jobs they leave, more prestige for previously prestigeless people.
I mean, I guess. I do expect it to pay well, but I don’t think it’ll actually be a prestigious job. I mean, maybe you’re right. I just really don’t care if it is or isn’t. No skin off my back. I’m not gonna be part of the supply or the demand.
I don’t like organized crime. I don’t like inevitable work being left dirty, dark, and hidden when it could all be cleaned up.
It’s a lot easier to have the IQ for that when you’re not worried about cops and are worried about what the customer is going to think.
They're parasites, OP. Insignificant insects destined to be pawns in a greater minds game. Their fate was either dying in gunfire in the middle east or dying in gunfire in New Zealand, both of which their deaths would be used to fuel whoevers agenda needed pushing. In my opinion this is all a joke, until a hero manages to drop biobombs wiping out 90% of the human race any mass shooting or murder spree is just a drop in the bucket and fuel for our enemies to disarm us.
Shoot up your local mosque and don't look back.
While I’m holding this platform, I want to talk about a catch. A downside. A real megative of prostitution.
I think it’ll make the STD rate tick up. Just a bif, but observably.
Every effort will go into not letting that happen. Activist organizations will wrangle herds of boxen packed full of informational pamphlets into every brothel in a major city and most of the minor cities, too. Regulators will launch health inspections. A few hostile regulatirs will basically launch health harassment campaigns, and they’ll do their part, too. To top it all off, prostitutes and their customers will bluntly not want to get sick.
Despite all that, STD rates will increase. Temporarily. There will be more people with more money to buy treatments and fund researches. There will be solid market pressure against disease risks. The information campaigns will gain highly visible central hubs full of people with fiduciary incentives to make the information accurate and applicable. So the spike will be temporary, and in the long run, the STD rate will proceed farther in the correct direction thereafter than it otherwise would have.
And with full legalization? Bicurious men will be able to buy the services of male prostitutes, too.
Guess who just got filtered.
Elevated above whom? Even teachers and scientists?
Fucking strangers will not give you prestige even if you become rich, it will give you power in a mafia oriented society.
You don't fully believe in the cause then, all those sand niggers deserved to die. No matter the age or reason they are in our countries. They're invaders plain and simple.
I clarify. * Fucking strangers for money
Holy fucking shit, kill yourself you weak excuse of a human being.
Just remember that they feel nothing like what you experience when they hear about christians being massacred in the name of their fucked up interpretation of God
Goos and then they can go back to those lands.
I sympathize much more strongly with Brenton Tarrant than any of the faceless potatoes he shot.
Imagine the depthless fear he felt as he drove up to the mosque
"Well," he would have thought, "this is it."
He parked his car, waved the people to walk past him, and then with cold determination got out, assembled his weapons, and walked confidently down the street to destiny.
What was he thinking? Was he thinking about Ebba Akerlund?
When he leveled his shotgun at that soulless invader, was there any hesitation? Any lingering "I could still turn back"
Or did he remember the mangled corpse of Ebba Akerlund and steel his nerves for retaliation against a hostile and aggressive foreign occupier?
God, we're such shits. We don't deserve men like Brenton. He willingly sacrificed everything for his race, so that others could be inspired to take action against our genocide.
I've seen plenty of those old muslims and I've seen plenty of young sandniggers raised by those old men and I can say that the old ones are still typical sandniggers. They raise their kids by beating them and their mother up all the time, that's sandnigger parenting, it's their mentality, it's their genes.
They raise sandnigglets with violence and fear (and islam of course) which the young sandniggers then bring to the white kids in school and in the streets and when something bad happens they act like it's the white peoples fault. Sandniggers might grow old but they are still the same, always remember who raised those shits in the first place.
I am impressed that you take our bluntness in stride, even if I must smile smugly at your intellectual pretense. Now that you're on this board, indulge into the redpill threads, understand that the line between "right" and "wrong" is simply the line after which you, your family, your people come under harm. Read about Hitler, his beliefs, what he set out to do, what he achieved, and how he lost it all… Read about Stalin and what he did to return Russia into Russian hands.
You may say that is all old news, but the things that happen today happen for a reason. We are merely a continuation of the past. Today's cultural climate is a direct consequence of World War 2 (and the subsequent brainwashing of the West - there's a reason why Hungary, Poland and almost all other ex-communist countries are not demoralised), which was a direct consequence of the Great War, which was also a consequence.
I honestly doubt he felt
Whoops, hit reply too soon. I doubt he felt any fear, he doesn't seem like the fearful type.
Go away.
Both of you are misinterpreting the point of Christ saying that. Romans would only hit you with their left hand if you were a subordinate/slave/non-citizen, so to turn one's cheek is to make it difficult for them to use that hand, obliging them to use the right hand, which is reserved for equals only. All of the points He was trying to make were about passive resistance to a hostile occupying force, and the authority it had given to the local barbarian blood cultists known as the pharisees.
But hey, let's be low-iq retards who type out of our asses.
Why doesn't this stupid fucking sexy anime bitch have anything to say to me you fucking liar
Empathy is for the weak
Yeah, you're a paganfag false flagging as a christian. Reminder that varg is a communist and supports white genocide.
As a Lithuanian, I can confirm that Lithuanians don't give a shit about people other than themselves.
Take all of your (((abrahamic religions))) back to the desert shithole where they belong.
That's cool, I felt fucking euphoric, that shit was surreal the first time I saw it.
Really? I have a hard time SEEING them as people
What would St. Tarrant do?
Their eyes are glowing like fucking demons.
Do you think that they've learned their lesson or not?
Empathy? Fuck that. What, after all the shit musrats have done to us so called infidels over the years?
I am completely desensitized to any amount of retribution they get.
I understand where you're coming from, truly I do. I felt sorry for them when I witnessed them being shot as wel, even though they're all foreign invaders. That's pretty much our curse as the white race: empathy. We care far too much about pretty much everyone (except for maybe jews) when they're in such peril. And for the record, I highly doubt anyone in that mosque really like to cheer on terrorist attacks. Most muslims I've come across really don't do that (well, actually, some might do, especially the radical jihadists). They're like modern day Christians; they pick and chose from their religious text what to really abide by. However, the most important factor here is that they're invading our homelands. Like you said: spreading their culture, whilst replacing us. This is genetic warfare now. Acceleration is, unfortunately, our last resort.
And for the record, none of this would have happened if we just listened. Every race would've had their own individual homeland and we would've all had world peace… if we just listened.
What is this shit? What are you doing, kike? Tell the truth
I was ecstatic watching the vid for the first time. It's inspiring seeing how much one person can do.
The bigger problem is capitalism causing lack of empathy in their own race. Relentless competition means whites on heroin or dying from nigger crimes means one less fucker to compete with in the marketplace. Jewish media desensitizing whites to whites dying with daily stories of nigger crimes also didn't help. The jew is why we're losing. Even now, after watching the religion of peace go down like bitches, you say muslims instead of jews in muslim attire. No empathy for whites and unlimited empathy for holohoaux creators is why we lost.