I am the Purple user and I have come once again to save you people from the shills. While I'm still up in the air about NZ because I don't have any first hand knowledge I know of something that Mossad is planning to stage and blame on Iran using the NZ attacks against muslims as justification for if that has any meaning. Could be them just taking advantage could be they did NZ to stage this. When I say did the most likely circumstance being they helped radicalize and push shooter to his end not a thing that did not happen. People died the video is real and has great entertainment value.
Back to the point Mossad is planning an attack in Europe or a coordinated series of attacks and I'm here to not just let anons know but hopefully the few glow nigs that lurk here with enough of a shred of dignity left to stop this.
Mossad will send bio/chemical team that is part of a secret military intelligence directorate on "vacation" as a reward for blah blah blah. They are not on vacation they are there in areas of France and Belgium to extricate chemical shells from WW1 that failed to detonate. These shells contain mustard, phosgene, chlorine, hydrogen cyanide, etc etc etc. All they have to do is follow the history, the war journals are published and in some cases up to 30% of shells used failed to detonate. Gas shells have very specific exterior for easy identification and all can be found by metal detector a few ft from surface in most cases. The point of drilling and tapping shells from WW1 is to put in people's minds that any Iranian terrorist can go dig one up and do a repeat attack because there are millions of these fucking shells in the ground. In reality extracting chemical agents from 100+ year old shells is really something only professionals can do under pseudo laboratory conditions. Some are much easier to remove than others if done at right temperature but some dipshit radical off the street won't know mustard gas shell from phosgene. The agents within these shells after having been extracted will be transferred to Mossad teams on ground who will plan and carry out individual attacks.
Anyway I digress; the jews are going to do a literal false flag mass gassing of europeans at railway stations. As the rumor mill churns in France, England, and Germany because their governments can all be relied on to toe the Mossad line in the aftermaths. Those countries also have HUGE sunni wahhabist populations that will be used to commit acts of violence against shiites thereby showing to the dumb goyim that most muslims are good and on "our side". Really Jews just own all the Gulf Monarchies and the Gulf Monarchies own all the sunni Imams in Europe aside from the Turk ones who Erdogan controls.
We are talking Mossad doing a version of what Shinrikyo did but done by professionals with proper training at multiple locations throughout the European infrastructure system. This will completely destroy societal trust to 0 levels and facilitate an immediate backlash against Iran and Shiite Muslims who will be the alleged perpetrators along with a ramp up of the police state to levels that would make Orwell's imagination tremble. It will be said the government of Iran and Ayatollah are either complicit or approved of the attacks which they will pin on the IRGC Quds forces. I stuck my neck out to warn these idiots so they could do something similar to what Russia does each time there is going to be another Syrian gas hoax but alas have not heard back from them so I will have to rely on shitposters to spread the truth.
As always Aga Khan will help GCHQ and Mossad frame up some poor Iranian fucks for the crime like he has done for the past several minor false flags Mossad has staged in Europe to appear to be Iran Quds. Aga Khan is who Jews/GCHQ want to make Shah 2.0.
Yes anons this is also going to be used as an excuse to basically cancel Brexit and a pretext to declare war on Iran for Blumpf with his newfound European coalition.
You see in your owners mind you are all too fucking stupid to question anything about such an event and they expect you to just bend over to get fucked in the ass like you all did after 9/11. This is where they really fucked up because it isn't 2001 anymore and this is yet another case of these rich fucks being so out of touch with the reality of normal people it blows up in their face.
In 2001 there was no place for some failed glownig to come warn you what your masters have in store for you and no place a thread like this could even exist. If they want the 2019/20 a Kike Odyssey sequel to 9/11 they are going to have to try much harder because people with nothing left to gain talk to me and people like me with nothing left to lose talk to people like you.
We have either stopped a terrorist attack within the next 6-12 months or when it happens this thread will be an archive of the truth.