To the Jews on this board, visiting or otherwise shilling:
If you're so innocent, please explain this.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not possible to explain it away:
not a jew but, i imagine most jews consider her a rabble rouser
shes a fake jew
Kikes detected.
most jews are just middle class balless wagie cucks that are zionist and hate muslims and niggers and spics
some are in positions of multicultural agenda and that's their racket like the holohoax industry which is a pretty large
the big jews like international financiers are as pragmatic as the elitist whites and are willing to let socialism drive mass immigration in order to keep up production and net profits which is all that matters to them
Only good kike is a dead kike. Just like sand niggers.
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
there are always outliers. the goldbergs sitting around their dinner table aren't discussing white genocide. i personally wouldn't trust a jew that isn't a fervent zionist from israel.
sounds as retarded as it looks
So you'd only trust jews that want to involve your country into their wars so your people can die for them and want to suck your country dry?
Remember anons;
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
Holocaust didn't happen is a double-edged sword. At one point you can get rid of all "guilt" (which you should even have against the jews)
On the other side, you'll have people declaring Hitler a zionist agent.
Basically you lose the connection between killing jews and national socialism, which I don't think is good. There is no reason to be guilty over holocaust even if it did happen. I see more and more kosher nationalist shills on this board who are pro-Zionist. These shills use "Adolf was Zionist" as an argument.
They will use it anyway.
Point is: jews didn't die very much WW2, more whites die than them, and it's a brother war.
i would trust a jewish person who fulfills this definition. i wouldn't trust a diaspora jew no matter how humble they might be. honestly, i'm wary of any non-anglosphere american as well.
Which is well proved a kike D&C so not sure anyone gives a fuck.
I think he's saying he wouldn't trust a jew that isn't openly "israel #1" because then that jew is up to some subversion by other means.
Well, you can destroy their "Haavara agreement" argument if you cite "Mein Kampf", however there must be some argument for "if Hitler didn't gas the jews, what is he going to do with them", otherwise they could convert some retards to Zionism (when Israel does something "baste) or use "do not hurt us, Hitler didn't do it" as an argument when National Socialism becomes mainstream
Then they will say that "Hitler is most anti-White person"
There is simply no reason to be guilty over gassing someone as evil as jews
You're a retard, that doesn't follow at all.
um, no sweety. better get with reality.
A Jew with actual influence in Sweden is SD Kent Ekeroth.
Hardly proved; in fact when you cite the havaara agreement and suggest Hitler was a Zionist. It's jews that freak the fuck out.
Given their behavior before and since with crypto deception, genetics etc, it isn't a leap to suggest they may have been running him from the start and the camps were about getting the people they believed to be genetically jewish into Israel and slaughtering anyone who didn't meet the criteria.
Eh… Jews are just Jews. They hate Europeans for the heinous crime of pointing out what they are. Every decision they make revolves around whether it's good for Jews or not. They really believe that if they don't turn European nations into mud holes that they will be exterminated.
Daily Reminder
A white nationalist wanting to raise awareness of the jewish problem and wanting worldwide support would target prominent jew elites and or zionist politicians
Not worshippers at prayer
That's what isreali jews would do, not national socialists
2nd Reminder
Based Zig Forums mods encourage the jews to swarm the board pretending the jewish psyop is the work of white men and not the jews themselves
in there defense with your font and spacing it looks like a sliding shill post
'da joos' 1000 times doesn't mean shit nor does it have meaning. since it's the topic here though no prob. every fucking thread is full of these silly 'the more you know' reruns though.
Why is Zig Forums banning anons on account of the same isreali jews reporting them just like when the Trumpstein scam was being shilled on here
Yet there are 1000's of isreali jews on here pretending the latest jewish psyop in NZ is the work of Zig Forums and the Rabuch Goldstein impersonator is /ourguy/?
She is Mossad false flag.
Jews have a caste system that is global as the end game. Its pretty absurdly complex, but so is their subversion now, and theyre doing a good job. In the end, they will institute world government and decapitate all Christians.
Complete guide to noahide slave law
This is true. Maybe before WW1 and WW2 the Jews could of had the chance to renounced their Jewry and live amongst us peacefully but too much shit has transpired at their hand since then and the shit they are currently trying to pull off is evil to the highest order.
The Jews are correct that they have to eradicate us if they wish to survive. if the population ever finds them out on a mass scale they will be dead within the week.
Is there something about getting fucked like a woman that makes you talk like one?
Check'd and kek'd
The whole sweety thing is ironic and meant to piss off normalfags, so I don't know why the fag you're responding to used it here.
you not!
It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world."
Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
America was founded on (((enlightenment))) values. It was the best thing to ever happen to the kikes.
Or nothing will ever change.
You're going to go extinct and there is nothing you can do about it. If you go crazy and hurt people you'll only kill what? tens? among hundreds of thousands of new migrants every year? It will be totally irrelevant. You'll make them hate your kind more and you'll kill off your own gene pool faster since you can't have kids if you're dead or in prison. And if you go to jail rape awaits you. It's like poetry, you want to save your race, by not having kids and effectively becoming exclusively gay? lol
You can't call me out, you can't say anything, and no one will even believe that this post is real. Get fucked. The world will not miss you.
A holocaust happened. In Dresden.
wtf hate national socialism now.
Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt
"It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world."
Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
Jewish Hypocrisy On Immigration
Whats on your mind all day, subhuman?
When you see anything beautiful, noble and natural do you get a sudden itch to corrupt and destroy it? And why? Because you feel you'll never be part of it?
Do you seriously believe you are "god's chosen" then?
Don't bother with her. Make them explain this:
A scriptural mandate for a future War with Islam that will destroy the entire West and leave only Israel standing (evidence which demands the removal of all Jews from influence in the West NOW)!
The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization]
At that time, a nation from the end of the earth will be aroused against evil Rome and wage war against it for three months. Nations will gather there, and [Rome] will fall into their hands, until all the children of Edom will gather against it [that nation] from all the corners of the world. Then G‑d will be roused against them. This is the meaning of: "For G‑d has a sacrifice in Botzrah". (Isaiah 34:6) And afterwards, it is written: "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth…" (Job 38:13) He will destroy the descendants of Ishmael from the land, and break all the powers of [all the nations' guardian angels] Above. There will not remain any power of any people on earth, except the power of Israel alone.
I forgot to add the last annotation from the preceding link:
BeRahamim LeHayyim: One cannot ignore the facts. To do so entreats disaster. Read this in terms of the daily news, and substitute Arab nations for Ishmael, and the West and US for Edom.
"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of every other major revolution in your history."
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
Actually, you're being too kind to them. They see the West as the "Christian West", and so "Christians refers to all Europeans under the "Roman-Christian" system of government (as Edom).
In their Zohar, they tell themselves that all non-Jews everywhere will be genocided, leaving the world only for them.
Its political instruction, not prophecy.
As the only form of human with little to no admixed hominid genetics, we are the source of all renewed genetics. Your tree of life.
If we go extinct, you will inbreed until you have to breed with Tyrone or Ting Ting (both harboring significant non-human monkey genetics, just like you) just so that your kids come out not completely retarded or with a death sentence. Your scriptures state outright that you will be genociding the Arabs, so no joy there in terms of merely becoming Arab.
Good luck trying to outrun your need for the source of your humanity with population-wide genetic editing, chimp. Should go well.
They are wrong. We know that Edom was actually incorporated into judaism during the Maccabean reign. They forced the Edomites to convert or die in 158BC. So the jews themselves are Edom (and there is plenty of documentation on this, old and new). The reason that they want someone else to play the role of 'Edom' is because Edom is erased from the Earth in their prophecies BY US NO LESS…so they are simply trying to genocide us before we can genocide them. It is a preemptive strike on their part.
With all due respect, what matters is their view and how it informs their actions toward World War, Nation Destruction, and our genocide.
Not your view as to the correct interpretation of their myths and history.
As you can see by reading the my prior quoted text from the Chabad link, the religious core of Israel holds the West and its peoples to be Edom. That's the assumption that they act from.
Everything else may as well be disinformation. If they don't believe your assertion, then it doesn't matter. They've been calling the West Edom for thousands of years and they have a lot of power at the moment.
Don't be fooled into thinking that their texts are some kind of metaphysical reality. They are only political instruction, written by them. They can change the meaning of things at will. Once they do, the meaning is changed.
Even if they were to succeed and live like kangz for a while. They will never be satisfied. Sooner or later they will simply go extinct. I doubt there was ever a more stupid people on earth than them.
Though, I get your point about Biblically based justification and prophecy in the context of of identity (who is who). I'm just not sure how much of a difference it will make. Especially if we accept that they wrote their books as political instruction to themselves and that there is nothing metaphysical about them. Your point also seems to imply a British Israelism view that I'd have a tough time getting on board with. But, again, I take your point well.
This video is relatively benign in the grand scheme of things. Here's a more effective one that I found on here yesterday. Bonus points for redpilling normies because they'll be more likely to listen to it coming out of the mouth of a jew rather than hearing it from one of our alt-right asses.
I know this is very rarely mentioned here, but remember that there's a difference between the average jew and a fucking zionist. I live in an area with a relatively high jewish population and about half of them are decent, normal people. Redpilling a jew is the ultimate victory, and it's actually relatively easy with the halfbreeds. They'll either listen, respectfullky disagree, or call you an asshole. That last part is important because there's little to no pilpul, just standard insults. The full blooded sephardis in this area will usually resist, but even then it's because most of them have fallen victim to the same mind control as the rest of the normalfags. It's pretty rare for me to actually meet one that "knows." You can tell by the look in their eye. The innocent ones get angry because of their inherent tribalism. But when you meet a true dyed-in-the-wool zionist, they feign anger but you can see the fear in their eyes. They know, and they know you know, and they know that you know that they know. It's priceless.
A good piece of advice is to make it clear that zionism is jewish supremacism. Normies will respond to that more openly because they've already associated the word "supremacism" with "evil." Oh, and stop being so mean to black people. I love having a chuckle over the word nigger as much as the next guy, but we're never gonna get anything done if we keep falling victim to the same obvious divide-and-conquer tactics that they shill this website with constantly. Even if you truly consider them subhuman you at least have to realize that they intend to make slaves of us all, and an enemy of an enemy is a friend.
Why would you "redpill" a jew? Let them have a taste for their own of the cultural marxist medicine that their own brain trusts brought about.
Then why are they jewish? How many of them are hard working blue collar workers?
Because most of them have no idea how sick, evil, and depraved zionism really is. Your average working-to-middle class jew thinks zionism just means supporting their home team. Have empathy, user. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
I'd say at least half of them work service industry jobs, and the rest are professionals (doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, etc.) but still not terrible people. Although it might be a regional thing tho. I'm sure the jews in Jew York and Pedowood are a whole different story.
the Goy know. The jews and Catholics are bringingin the muslim filth. The Goy know.
What about the jews who carried out the USS Liberty attack, the Lavon Affair, countless false flags and murders + pushing macabre stories of gas chambers and ovens on small children? Are they just rabble rousers too?
what about 911? Building 7? Larry "Pull it" Silverstein. Fuk all you mother fuking kikes!
This. Watch embed related starting at 32:29
Give me a break. Do you honestly believe zionism is the matter here? I have more empathy than is good for me a lot of the time. Aryans often tend to be altruistic naive individualist fools. The jew knows and abuses this. Why do you think their sharpest critics are found among jews themselves? Even though one can count them on one hand. They merely reveal what the jew is like.
Jews love inventing anti racist groups and getting public funding from the government. Basically they don't want to get real jobs.
are you stupid?
her signature statement is supremely Jewish.
"…….Europe must learn to become multicultural or else EUROPE WILL NOT SURVIVE".
When Jew-splaining to Goyim, Jews always make these big important sounding proclamations at the tail end, then duck out, never giving any reasons why their proclamation should be believed.
This is SOP for Kosher Chicken Hawks (AKA "Mid East Policy Expert") on TV news. News Bunny to KCH "….and tell viewers why USA supports Israel" KCH "Israel STABILIZES the Mid East, where the USA has vitial interests".
Notice that Mrs Spectre (AKA Rosa Klebb) nor any TV news Kosher Chicken Hawks ever give any reason why "Europe will not survive" or how "Israel stabilizes the Mid East" because the exact opposites are true in both cases.
Europe is multicultural. Some map of 1930 had over 200 "Nations of Europe", and as someone who went to grammar school in rich White public school in the 1970s with several families from Europe I can confirm this is indeed how they think. They didn't call themselves "German" or "French" except that they'd learned that was what Americans expected they call themselves.
"The Middle East" and especially "The Holy Lands" and Ottoman Empire had been the most stable region of the world for last 700yrs since the end of Crusades, and except for the Crusades had been stable for over 1000yrs, more or less, arguably the biggest, longest, most stable region in human history.
Say what you want about Varg, but the motherfucker is right about certain things. For example: Barbara Specter is a CIA agent and works within parameters of AIPAC and COINTELPRO and a whole bunch of other nonsense type boomer NEOCON protocols. There are a few dozen Juden who take on the "Specter" moniker as a sort of tongue-in-cheek "fuck you" to the Goyim. Specter = Spook, no? These are the older generation of CIA spooks that are working to train and get a new generation of scum into their ranks so that there is a cohesive continuous supply of GlobalHomo POZ at the disposal of NWO Juden/Rofschild Elites.
Imagine after all the bad things Europeans have done to Jews, this Jewess is working to save Europe.
She says that (without her help teaching Europeans how to be become multicultural) that "Europe will not survive".
She is the embodiment of the true Christian spirit, meeting hate with love and forgiveness.
S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is from James Bond and is "Special Executive for Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion", sort of the inner Jewish circle of Communism, or Jewish International Communist "deep state".
The vast majority of CIA/Mossad Ops are information collection and processing. Interdiction, SRT teams, and the like are supposed to be quick one and done Ops. Just look at the "Ace of Spades" that you see on Gondola on the stickied thread here on Zig Forums. That is an example of INTEL/OPS one branch feeds into the other. On a honeypot like this information is gather for the next quick strike as to influence global opinion for NWO and possibly deep state cultist shit. Anyone posting here though already should know that and is just "riding the Kali Yuga" so to speak, right?
Kikes, but yes.
this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad
"It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world."
Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
I get the impression of a demented jew unwittingly spilling the beans. You get a pretty clear glimpse of the evil that she embodies.
She has unwillingly done us a great favor. Using her monologue in propaganda videos like "with open gates" was really effective.
Don't engage, dumbass.
I don't believe in this jews forcing multi culturalism.
Multi culturalism and stealth genocide against jews affects them the most.
For example, the abortion propaganda affects jews more than other groups. They have disproportionally higher abortion rates than other groups.
Remember, jews are whites, any propaganda aimed at whites affects them as well, sometimes more than other white groups.
Race mixing as well is more commo amongst them. A lot more Jewish persons marry other races, other religions than any other group.
70% of jews marry non jews.
So this multi culturalism, race mixing etc reduces the nuer of jews. Therefore, they cannot be behind the race mixing, white genocide plans. They are the biggest victim of it if you look at the stats.
Look at America, Jewish men don't marry Jewish women anymore, they marry blonde Christian women, or in silicon valley they marry Asians.
Jewish women in the west have the lowest birth rates due to the anti white genocide propaganda.
For example, before multi culturalism and race mixing
80-90-100% of the Jews married within their group.
100% of Christians married within their group.
After the multi culturalism, race mixing and religious mixing anti white propaganda for decades:
Only 29% of news marry within their group now.
96% of white Christians marry within their group.
So out of the two groups, the Jewish were more affected by this multiculturalism race mixing, mixed marriage propaganda.
Mathematically, it means that in the west, Jews will become extinct within two generations as a result of the multiculturalism.
So why would they do this against themselves? It doesn't make sense this theory that news are behind the multuculturalism race mixing, mixed marriage propaganda when it is bad for them. Abortions as well.
Look at the pilpul Jew here
Hitler called out the Jew and began to forcibly remove them.
Just like many other leaders did throughout history.
Making Hitler out to be a mass murderer is Jewish projection.
The fact that he was not is not a negative.
The fucking mental gymnastics and absolute lack of intellectual honesty you display is VERY telling.
You are the type of Jew who poses as a white nationalist in order to derail the movement.
Your stink always gives your kind away.
So are you saying that you believe Jews were slaughtered in the camps?
There you have it, Zig Forums! This is how the "Right" wing of the ZOG thinks. Opposing "White Genocide" is codeword for opposing Kike Genocide! Protecting white people means protecting Kikes! No homeland for whites means no homeland for Kikes!
Does anyone know how to make a webm of this video.
I have seen it before and I consider it a very important resource, but I don't have it saved
OR get the fuck out.
Also this reeks of
Bumping my leading role
Talk about a fuck up, at about 1:04 he shows his credit card, front and back.
Simple. Jews are either religious or profanes. Profanes are the ones that want depopulation etc
Remember Lads, subscribe to PewDiePie!
No Europe will not survive. But the bullshit stops here in America. We started the Eugenics program which Hitler admired and we will rise up again. Trump will be re elected next year. The Federal reserve will be dismantled after the dollar crash and we will appoint Trump as dictator to flush all the cancer out of our system. A new iron fist isolationist America on the gold system will then wreack havoc on all enemies of the state. We will again plunder the riches of everyone else with a top military war mongering attitude mandated by God Himself. Israel will submit after Trump rebuilds third temple and will be hailed as Messiah.
Ah, the "good jew" myth. Kill yourself and save us a few seconds, Haim.
Quite the opposite. Demographically, Americans are fucked.
t. American
Fucks sake, at least format your spam properly you fucking kike faggot.
In so far as they are disagreeable in existence in European lands, no, there is not.
This is gay as fuck
If you are white, why would you want to share this world with ugly and/or dumb people? You probably say Europe for the Europeans and Africa for the Africans, but then again you argue New Zealand for the (ethnically) Europeans too, and South Africa for the Europeans and not for the Africans, and you will keep on conquering more land and claiming it for your own race. Jews and niggers have to destroy the White race or they'll be destroyed themselves.
There's an inherent battle between the interests of the genetic elites and the lower genetic classes.
Sure, psychopathy and low IQ provide a bigger incentive than ugliness alone, but ugliness or weakness is enough of a valid factor to be afraid of getting progressively displaced to smaller and shittier lands or genocided. The only way this could be wrong is if the risk for themselves was too high for Whites to attack, but there's likely some level of displacing and killing that is worth the cost, so that slowly they might displace and eliminate the lower races (if their fighting ability is indeed superior too).
For want of Knowledge, My people are Destroyed
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The explanation is that Jews consider themselves to be humans and everyone else to be animals. The Talmud says this and their top rabbis repeat this constantly.