NZ False Flag Confirmed
Officers who arrested Tarrant were in training exercise with same scenario.
NZ False Flag Confirmed
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At 00:47 they say the cops were in a training exercise just before the shooting for this type of situation.
They literally left the training session and headed for Tarrant with the rifles they were practicing with.
This is not some new scoop, this was known back on friday when it happened. What is the point of it being a false flag or not? Who the fuck gives a shit - if it is, we know who is behind it, and if it isn't well we still got to deal with the consequences, implications and so on of this event. This thread is redundant and meaningless.
And they still took their sweet ass time.
nah, it's simply a way to re-enforce ZOG is correct
is that vid archived? or a pic that isnt blurred?
Is that a red beard? or a shadow or what? is it even brendan?
Lurk moar you shitskin faggot.
Imagine being as retarded as you are. Preach this shit to the non-whites, not here, fuck you.
Ur mum is a training exercise.
Video is at the top.
Watch the police chief say it himself.
His name is Brenton retard.
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
We need to have a "Police training exercise" report everyday. It's like a weather forecast for terror attacks.
It seems the govt is purposely giving information to back the false flag narrative.
Because it's real.
So what's the reasons?
Meanwhile, Mossad agents are here shilling the false flag narrative.
Oh shit I'm a #muhammadmissile now!
fuck off faggot it was real
Retarded OP confirmed.
Neck yourself OP
wow, you're really smart!
You fucking fag
King David Hotel
USS Liberty
9 a fucking 11
You simply don't stream your false flag on facebook to whole world. It could be false flag but if he not stream it online. No alphabet agency would stream their fake attacks.
Reason for this false flag theory is same like Qanon. Keep people home and do nothing. They don't want lone wolfs killing their muslim pets.
You don't attack a hotel full of british military dressed as arabs.
You don't attack a ship and say it was Egypt
You don't take control of Americas military infrastructure use it to knock down 3 buildings in new york with 2 planes demonstrating drone strike technology and then attack iraq afghanistan and syria whilst creating a pseudo islamic that changes its name every year army to fight.
You just simply don't.
So there's no way you prerecord something augment it with cgi and then stream that as though it were live. Then use it to justify new draconian laws. That kind of technology just doesn't exist.
Wow crazy coincidence! Just like it was a crazy coincident the last couple of times a terror attack coincided with a police/military training for the same type of attack. Really makes you think.
I never understood the notion that jews would push the false flag narrative in order to blackpill whites. Far from every white nationalist supports the shooting, I would even go as far as to say that Brenton supporters are a minority among us. Even if Europe had 10 000 attacks like the NZ one, the muslim population in Europe would only suffer a 1% loss as there were roughly 44 million muslims in Europe as of 2010. With current immigration policies, the muslim population would probably still make a net increase. You can bet governments all over Europe would clamp down on gun rights long before things ever got this far.
OP is braindead. If its a falseflag they woudlnt mention the training
or they would
No, makes no sense.
It's known that an active shooter drill was carried out just 18 miles from the Sandy Hook school shooting on the same day. Would you challenge Sandy Hook being a hoax? If not, how come we know that a drill was carried out in proximity to the shooting? Would't authorities have refrained from reporting on it?
It still works HEAVILY in Ethnic White's favor.
It still shifts the general consensus toward Zig Forums and away from /lefycuck/ and away from (((CNN))).
And? So what?
the cops were at TRAINING man it's a fucking FALSE FLAG!!!!!!1!11111!1!1
Which is why everyone you meet on the street thinks this is a false flag.
Easy criteria to meet if you don't leave your basement, to be honest.
What would be the purpose of doing training the same day as an attack, not to mention then announcing that fact after the attack?
of course it was a false flag, does not mean people didn't die though. the real abttle is the reaction to it, this is why they are banning tarrant memes down under.
A military drill would be a good excuse to have the military ready to step in and handle the thing. A possibility could also be that the military personnel said to be involved in the drill actually were involved in orchestrating the hoax. Just speculating here, mind you, I don't have all the answers; I just know what seems suspicious to me.
They have to announce the training like on
this one
because not everyone involved in the training is necessarily part of the chabad lubavitch freemason satan cult.
so some of them will mention the training then it would look bad/fishy if the authorities hadn't announced it and it came out later; like on 7/7 and 9/11 for instance.
I dont see how any of this is in-line with the global government program, at all. This is all coincidental, just like my birth.
t. mr. shabbos goy
all semites are targets nigger, why is it one or the other with you?
That doesn't confirm that it was a false flag, retard.
Gas yourself, Schlomo. Sow your seeds of doubt somewhere else.
The technology exist. Tarrant was full of Nazi symbols, but they were hidden so only redpilled people could recognize them. Black Sun on his chest, Nazi regiment symbol on rifle. Says in manifesto that the immediate threat is immigration and other (((threats))) can be dealt with in time. He wanted to awaken the white race to the current injustices, subversion, and silent war. If he had openly mentioned (((them))) then his messages would have immediately been discarded by normies because they've been conditioned to avert themselves from anything anti-semitic.
Std rat in corner response you shoul have probably called me kike too.
And that's why he rounded up and exterminated jews is it?
Well how convenient, but I guess an IDF probably doesn't sport a set and compass or the star of david on his gun if he wants to pretend it's whites v everyone else, does he.
>Says in manifesto that the immediate threat is immigration and other (((threats))) can be dealt with in time
Well that's wrong and has never been the general consensus here.
His mission was to disarm the whites in one of the spots jews are going to take refuge in the coming wars.
You really aren't sending your best.
They don't even need to justify anything. They simply do it. Maybe write some arguments next time.
What laws? Guns are basicly illegal in Europe. Only thing they can do now is simply kill you because you are white.
>lets shill via (((news)))
This post was barely comprehensible, and your logic is retarded and makes no sense. I legitimately think this post was made by a bot.
There is no evidence of it being a hoax or of military people being involved in any way, nor was there a military drill. You're really reaching here.
Beginning to think that the false flag / hoaxfags are just cucks who want to convince themselves that they didn't actually see a video of muslims being gunned down because it disturbs them, so they invent these delusions about it being CGI or done with actors.
Bad conspiracy theories are often used to hide a real conspiracy. Its why (((they))) push flat earth, to make us look stupid and discredit when we actually find conspiracies. The greatest fear should be that they are going to hide an actual conspiracy by having people spread idiotic variations of an actual conspiracy. Thats how this entire situation has felt, it all feels like somthing was wrong but so many shills push blatantly wrong theories to lead us astray. The jews only benefit from someone not naming the jew. A war with your invaders is pointless if you cannot kill their king, king jew.
Again, pushing false narrative, Brenton directly mentioned jews too times, and indirectly one time their role i.e. capitalists.
This person has never fought a war and will, it doesn't understand strategy.
Tell me, mr. mossad, do you play chess?
Nobody beleives the video was faked, this is a mislead. Its obvious that the question we are asking is if it was planned by (((them))) or by the shooter. Preplanning from a poleice force seems to point to (((them))).
His manifesto doesn't even cover the evils the jews had done, it does not paint a clear picture.
If I were a jew why would I be pushing a theory that incriminates the jew?
Almost as if someone knew a shooting was going to happen nearby
Hahaha xd
Yes, it does, it paints a clear picture of capitalists (jew included) bringing in the immigrants over to replace whites.
Because you are not incriminating the jew at all.
Fuck off kike.
Kill yourself Jamal.
Hi, imkikey! How does it feel to be wrong about everything you have ever said in any thread on the board?
It's hasn't been proven, but what it seems is that they had advanced knowledge.
Have you been weaned yet? Oh that's right, someone as brain damaged as you had to have been bottle fed.
9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis
Reminder that shills like him are allowed to post here.
Daily reminder that feds and israeli are actually the ones bottling feeding this narrative.
And the mossad agent here picks it up and spreads like they want to.
Were they training during Port Arthur, I wonder?>>12994765
You were already exposed.
Again, another fact that is conveniently fed to the world after the shooting to reinforce the forced false flag narrative.
Mossad are working extra.
You were already exposed.
No normie thinks jew when he thinks capitalist, the jew demonizes non jewish capitalists like Andrew Carnegie, and you're ignoring my question kike, what benefit does me saying the jews did this do for the jews. It only serves to hurt the jews, and yet you paint me as a jew. The jews oldest trick is accusing their opponents of doing what they themselves are doing. Kike.
Exposed on what?
Exposed that they share this information after the shooting to help the "exposing"?
Sorry, I tell you that you are being exposed.
Shooter was in Honest Composition to counter against Shit Skin treachery. Literally Zero staging or puppet stringing what the fuck soever. Get the literal fuck over it. Jaded Faggot Opens fire against people he doesn't like. But Actual Assfuck breathing retards spin anything into a 10th tangent betrayal conspiracy marrygoround Nigger Pill devouring Horse Shit
You were already exposed. It's a false flag. You're clearly paid to cover this up. Do you honestly believe that anyone here is going to accept that jews WANT us to think they did a false flag?
Because it basically shames all acts of fighting back as jewish false flag, thus discouraging action and more loud mouth posting?
Actually, you are the one doing that.
What does he have to do with not being retarded?
So you are spamming, and so I will respond:
For your question:
Certainly! Who do you think reveal that Tarrant "visited" Israel? Jews.
Who do you think reveal that cops had training on that day? Jews.
Jews give you these information to bolster your jewed narrative.
You were already exposed.
Try again on a new IP address.
It isn't working.
Explain WHY jews would want us to think they did a false flag, when it was clearly a false flag–just like all the others–for the purpose of disarmament, which it achieved and which the manifesto explicitly said would happen.
If we are not fighting back against the jew, the jew only serves to win. The shooter wants to incite us to kill muslims, but what happens to the jews in such a situation? Nothing, infact they can only serve to gain with us getting involved in countries like syria.
And normies are so asleep to the jewish menace, this is why when a shooter claims to be from a chan where everyone operates from the truth that the kikes ruin everything, and doesnt nane the jew, somthing is off.
You are spamming.
It is working, since you use jew supplied information to bolster your false flag narrative.
Because they don't want to admit a white man can fight back against invaders, and thus use the false flag narrative to smear him.
So it's not false flag since that's precisely what it is armed for, the forced disarmament of populace in order to lead to people actually resisting tyranny.
You lost your own narrative.
But we are fighting back against the jews, the muslim are the jews and vice versa.
False narrative, the shooter wants to incite us to kill invaders, jews and muslim included. I wonder why you are mis-spreading his word.
Only muslim think so, because muslim want everyone to pigeon hole the jews and ignore them. Even normalfags are tired of both jews and muslims.
False narrative no. 2, he names the jews, as well as the muslims and all the invaders.
did that nazi terrorist guy not shoot out the windshield of his car as he fled the mosque? or did he only pierce the windshield with a few rounds :| either way, i thought the windshield was gone so i got confused at the rammed car in this vid. sine the windshield appears to be intact - probably my poor memory screwing with me
New Zealand is intended for distraction. It shifts peoples' attention onto Muslims instead of Jews, which serves ZOG goals.
Jews despise Muslims for being redpilled on JQ.
Remember : Subhumans in Western countries are attack dogs, reigned in and controlled by Jews. If unleashed, Muslims, niggers, leftists will attack their abusive master.
Turn the golem against its Rabbi.
Hitler personally didn't see Muslims as problematic. Synagogues, not mosques.
Great narrative. I'm sure it will work.
No, you've already failed.
Ah, so your absolute unquestioned worship of the literal jewish narrative (that he was an evil white nationalist who wanted to kill muslims who were totally just peaceful) isn't relevant here. The fact that you repeat exactly what the jewish media says–and denounce everything that other people say–isn't part of this. No, no, it's definitely the jewish media who wants you to believe that it was a false flag. They totally don't benefit from your narrative.
Utter fucking bullshit. From their false flag (which is now confirmed), they get both gun confiscation and internet censorship. They have already achieved this in multiple other countries and they're doing it in New Zealand now. By claiming it was a false flag, they lose this. That's why they're not the ones claiming it. You're really pathetic.
Proven false flag.
Which they achieved using a false flag. Just like they did in every other country.
You've lost your mind if you beleive fighting back against those who walk in through your open front door rather than killing the kike forcing it open, is a good idea. Its obvious how hard you're shilling at this point. If the jews wanted to smear the reputation of the white man and his ability why did they not claim false flag on those synagogue shootings.
Ignore blatant shills trying to make conspiracy theorists look like idiots. No one who has watched the video can be this stupid.
Oh, I forgot about that. Were the cops "training" at the same time as that, too?
Islam is the sword of jewry. We will never support Islam.
You are spamming, that's factual.
No, it isn't. You are being exposed for shilling a jewish narrative.
No, the literal jewish narrative is that this guy is a mossad false flag planted to smear white nationalist, and you are working to shill on that full time.
Wrong, so you add another depth to the false narrative.
Again, bullshit, they can get both confiscation and internet censorship without any false flag, and you are pretending they need an excuse for that.
Except they do, the israeli mossad are the ones supplying the information that it is a false flag in order to muddy the water.
So it's not a false flag then since mr. mossad just says it is.
Wrong, they don't need a false flag to achieve that.
Some of the world's most deadly sharpshooters were in Christchurch when New Zealand's worst ever terror attack unfolded on Friday, with NZSAS taking to the streets to help hunt the rampaging mosque shooter.
Snipers from the New Zealand military, as well as professional snipers from Australia and Asian countries, had been at the Defence Force shooting range at West Melton, 25kms west of the city, the Herald has been told.
When the massacre unfolded, they were sprung into action and understood to have been granted special powers to take up arms in order to protect the public.
And you've lost your mind when you believe muslims are somehow different than the jews when they are both invaders.
Who pay you and why are you here?
But they do, plenty of them claim they are false flag shooting to stir jewish sympathy. Jews claim every shootings by white men as false flags.
I'm getting that the officers were in training before they arrested the shooter who was driving away.
Once again, another fact said after the shooting, in order to bolster the false flag narrative.
Keep repeating it. It will magically become true, right?
Scream louder as you hit us.
No, jews have never said this. They say that he's an evil white nationalist who killed innocent dune coons and that guns are bad. No one is going to believe you.
Yes, your jewish narrative–which you are repeating verbatim from jewish media sites–is false.
Proven false.
Funny how they've never done this, isn't it? It's funny that they always do a false flag as justification.
No, repeating history. No one believes you.
No one will believe you. You are already proven wrong.
Proven false flag.
Funny how they've never done this, isn't it? It's funny that they always do a false flag as justification.
It's a proven false flag. You are totally powerless.
Its seems just as likely to me that the (((New Zealand authorities))) fabricated this story to get gullible idiots to cry "false flag" and mindlessly denounce the hero Terrant.
You people need to realize that the enemy has developed significantly in terms of profiling what will trigger your paranoia.
Here's a purely logical suggestion: Unless you have data revealing how often or how seldom the NZ police do training exercises, you don't even have the proper information to claim that this was an UNLIKELY coincidence.
So you put muslims and jews on equal footing. Certainly accusing the man saying that the jews are enemy #1 of being a jew will make people beleive your jewish lies.
And you claim to have refuted my evidence simply by saying "no it did happen, they did false flag itç you're fooling nobody jew.
Not one of us confirmed.
9/11. Sandy hook. Every jewish shooting in history which preceded gun confiscation. Try harder.
It is physically true, not magically.
Don't need to, you are already glowing.
I said it again:
Once again, you are adding the peaceful muslim bits, which is false.
And they do not need false flag as justification.
Nope, you are pretending they actually need, look at actual gun control history.
Again, so it's really not a false flag then, since mr. mossad is already spamming.
I don't think it's a false flag since mr. mossad here is butthurt the moment I suggest it's not.
Why should terrance be our hero and not men who shoot up synagogues. Why should we worship a man who singlehandedly gave muslims more ammunition without striking at the jewish gun shooting us all. The muslim bullets are easily destroyed if the jews are not there to defend and praise them via the news.
Once again, false narrative, muslim are jews, jews are muslim, and they need to be removed together.
Only you are putting jews on a pedestal because you want people to focus on jews and ignore you.
Please provide evidence that it's a false flag?
Post articles from the jewish media that say it was a false flag. You cannot do this. You were proven wrong.
Where can I find a legit copy of Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies?
Yeah, he seems more of us than you, mr. mossad.
This is not a jewish shooting, mr. mossad, this is fighting back.
I am from Europe. 16.3
Not if you goal is to derail support from Saint Tarrant of Christchurch.
What are you talking about exactly. Omar's comments about Israel? Nothing was going on except YangGang spam, and this put an abrupt stop to it.
Scrapped a much longer one for the version we have. If it was a jewish psy-op, do you not think that he would mention jews more for them to effectively play the victim?
Back in 2011, and with no proven connection to Tarrant
People are also calling him a muslim because he visited Pakistan.
I'll give you that. Typically these training events happen a few weeks before though.
Still not a false flag. You grasp at straws