US President Donald Trump has said that the time has come for the United States to "fully recognize" Israel's sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights, seized from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967.
Trump: time to fully recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights
Time to recognize (((Trump))) as a one term president
It's fucking over.
Goy, what are you doing here? Go back to a Brenton thread. Nothing to see here.
I'm in both threads actually, mr. mossad.
Trump cucking proves Brenton is right.
what's good for (((them))) is good for us, goyim!
All joking and memes aside, was this guy seriously put into place by Israel? He has literally done nothing about any of his promises he used to get elected, and it seems like he cares more about Israel than Netanyahu.
How is this possible? Do we live in hell? Is this a nightmare?
Need a yarmulke up the golden toupee.
Hell yeah, send his orange ass back to Israel. I hope to meet him and his pedo friends in minecraft some day.
And why would Assad, Iran, and Russia agree to this?
Israel is occupying Golan heights for decades. They bulldozed thousands of Syrian homes and now pay Syrian citizens to be welfare recipients so they become good goys.
Nothing good comes from it, but from a practical point of view, it changes almost nothing in the region. One should not ask to not recognize israeli authority, but actually enforce syrian government presence on rightful borders.
All the shit going on right now, and all this guy can think about is Jewtopia.
They're trying to get the world to agree it's their land, so they can go ahead and start drilling oil and become Jewdi Arabia. I think the massive amount of potential oil cash is significant geopolitically.
jews are already drilling for oil and getting water
W.W.III on the whorerisen
((( )))
I fucking love Trump along with our hero Brenton.
based and goy pilled.
Probably trying to gode a response from Iran. They keep shilling for that war
What a snake this faggot turned out to be
Meanwhile struggling to get a border wall and secure American territory for well… Americans lol.
Embarassing. I don't even care if Israel takes the whole of Palestine, Trump did fucking nothing against illegal migration and is consistently doing nothing or completely cucking out from his campaign promises.
Currently the trade deficit with China is worse than before his tough talk, so he helped China. He helps Israel. He actually helped EU more with his tough talk as well. And he's supposedly a though president. He's a fucking joke due to his complete lack of accomplishments. He sets up the American economy into a huge bubble and when it will burst the consequences will be harsh for Americans. No doubt it will burst when the American people will elect a Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders or one of the other more communist freakshows. I doubt Trump will win a re-election.
To be fair Israel could've grabbed the entirety of Palestine multiple times through history but for some reason they didn't. I doubt WW3 would happen if Israel would take in all of Israel. Maybe a middle eastern conflict but the house of Saud won't stand against Israel. Syria is too weakened, Iraq won't do shit either leaving only Iran. And Iran would be btfo by US and EU if it decides to intervene.
remember when Trump was going to pull out of Syria, haha
Just so you know Golan is Syria
there is more but I don't feel like reading those absolute turbo faggots comments anymore
didnt he admire trump in his manifesto? im about tired of people trying to use an appeal to idol and trying to make everybody fall in line with terrants manifesto. its obvious he wasnt entirely redpilled but still mad enough to do something.
Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a
policy maker and leader? Dear god no.
No he did not admire trump.
Trump owes his job to some Jews. Thanks to the laziness and treason of half a dozen of his predecessors, plus the diligence and self-discipline of the Jews themselves, kikes now have veto power over the American political system. Usually, this controls which candidates are on the ballot at all, but in 2016 Clinton idiotically tried the Pied Piper strategy of putting an unvetted candidate on the Republican ticket to oppose her.
Lo and behold, he won. The (((establishment))) didn't know how to handle that, since the new president-elect was A) too rich to bribe, B) too old to threaten, and C) wise to the heebs after 40 years in NY real estate.
All is not lost for the yids, however. Not only do they have plants in his family, Trump is acting like he understands what happens to the economy (and, according to the received wisdom, his re-election chances) if he seriously pisses off the (((Federal Reserve))). One announcement that interest rates are going up by 2 points, and we're in a recession, which the media sheenies will immediately pin on Trump, as if he personally went out and sabotaged the economy. They did this exact thing to George H.W. Bush in 1992.
So. . .
Trump aside, just look at all the layers of control the Jews have ratcheted down onto the system:
Level 1: Society-wide propaganda about the Holocaust and the goodness of Jews
Level 2: Infiltration of political parties to manage the levers of power directly/monopolistic MSM control to promote forced narratives as if they are God's own truth
Level 3: Selection mechanisms to make sure the (((right))) candidates get in, so that no matter who wins the race, an acceptable politician takes office
Level 4: An overcentralized economic house of cards that eight powerful Jews can topple with a press conference, if need be
Level 5: Close access via family connections to drip poison into the president's ear
Level 6: Maybe assassination
And then OP makes Zig Forums's 6 millionth thread about what a zionist Shabbos Donald is. No fucking wonder he's kissing Israel's ass, you fucking idiot. It's an easy way to get other items on his agenda through with minimum pushback. Pushback that may include even his own death at the hands of the proverbial lone gunman.
No way is he sincere about his love of Jews, but shitposters on the internet aren't going to influence his actions more than the managers of trillion-dollar banking houses and his own traitor daughter.
Be sure and upload this identical thread tomorrow though. You're teaching us all a lot, Mr. Brockenstein.
clearly Israel is building their Greater Israel, the same way Hitler built Greater Germany
theyre building their own empire, and we're taking in all the refugees the kikes are displacing
no wonder Tarrant supported Trump
r/the_donald was annexed by Israel, too
Yes, Neocons are all Jews and their shabbos goyim. What are you explaining to me here, nigger?
Look at Boltons twitter header
such a fucking disgusting narcissist
That's his official account. He held the title of ambassador. He was supposed to do that.
Bolton, apparently, can be bribed to do anything as long as it wins him another award
narcissism is a weakness; its how kikes rule the goyim; they promise us meaningless shiny presents
This post will be ignored.
Read the protocols, user.
He doesn't care about awards, he's a jew himself (1/8). Nuremberg cucks need to accept that it only takes a little jew blood to make someone a full-blown kike.
Oh jeez it actually is. Then it's even more cucked than I imagined. It's supposed to be an area with plenty of oil. Oil for Israel of course because Trump hates protecting America's interest even more than Obama.
Why are there faggots who are defending America giving even more free resources to Israel while Irsael provides NOTHING in return. That nation provides absolutely zero in return. It's an even more bottomless pit than throwing money at niggers. At least niggers in your own nation provide you something Israel usually provides backstabbing, dishonesty, unreliability and is just a profiteering nation that wouldn't even be around with all the free shit they receive for no reason.
How are people so delusional that they think this is 5d chess against democrats? As if their voters care enough about this to even make a 0.0x% shift when the elections are still far away.
Trumpniggers are dumber than actual niggers.
I fucking hate this piece of shit so bad
If anyone is interested in what the biggest black hole on the internet has to say about this:
Basically, it contrasts based Donald with the anti-Semitic liberals who said he was Hitler.
Personal confession: I really thought that this would be too much even for them, but I was wrong. So terribly wrong.
WTF, is he wiping tears in that pic in lower-left corner?
The purpose of the Nuremberg laws was to enshrine blood purity into law and create a legal precident to allow people to be kicked out of or allowed into the country based on their ancestry. The NSDAP did not accept or want Jews in Germany, let alone their own party. They wanted to physically remove them all and put them in their own country somewhere in Africa or on an island somewhere.
All arguments from the Alt-Kike to the tune of "it's okay that my friend is a mulatto on his mother's side, that's Nuremberg compatible" or "Hitler was a Zionist too, he supported a Jewish ethnostate" are all willful and deliberate misinterpretations of the historical truth. Hitler would have never supported modern day Israel because not all the Jews are living there, we still have millions of them infiltrating the rest of the world and sending welfare and political power back to support their shitty apartheid state. He would have never supported mulatto Nationalism or happa Fascism either, every race has a right to maintain it's own purity and genetic integrity.
The irony is that Hitler appealed to a degree of moderatism in his rise to power such as passing laws that made it illegal to bully or attack Jews for being Jews, that actually protected them as they were being removed or sent to labor camps to work for a living, but since he lost the war he ended up being painted as an unhinged monster with master wizard hypnotic powers anyway. The people making the Hitler Zionist and Nuremberg Mulatto arguments are committing the same fallacy as the people who take his postwar demonization seriously and LARP as Satanic Neopagan Hyperatheist Church-Burning National Socialists, when the actual National Socialists would have never taken anyone who behaved like that or belived such things seriously and certainly would never have allowed them into their party.
Taking a half-truth and running with it is no different from outright lying. The first step to understanding how we got here is being able to read history and not only cut through all the bias, slander, and misinformation, but to accept what you find when you do. That's the line in the sand between real people with working minds and shills, NPCs, and sheep. There is no shortage of people who would twist and distort Hitler as an icon as a cheap attempt to win power and legitimacy for their own personal blend of ideological nonsense. Neocons and kikes do it to shill for Globalism and Israel, but we have our own inverted counterpart to that which we have to deal with in our own circles.
Makes you think, if they ever achieve that, you know what i don't even want to think about it
he is a christcuck jew awaiting the rapture
there are a lot of them in government, and the us military, frankly I don't think anyone in the US military achieves the rank of general without fundamentally believing in this. It's a mental disorder. Look at Jim Mattis, and this fucking retard. Patrick Shanahan, kissing ass in Afghanistan like a cuck faggot.
I'm not defending plebbit, but to be perfectly fair somebody higher up in the thread already pointed out that loads of people on the channel are calling it out. The mods are just the very bestest of goyim, and are deleting the negative or neutral comments as fast as they get posted. Nothing but slavish hobnobbing praise is allowed through the IDF filter.
I'm only going off of pictures, but Golan is frankly much prettier than a lot of Israel. From photos, you'd think it was Spain.
Baste and MIGApilled
To be fair, Israel on the whole is a very picturesque country. Under a different regime, I'd love to vacation there to hike in those hills.
There's no saving the migatards
Fair point, and a good sign. This isn't organic, it's forced.
They probably think ISIS and Iran are allies.
The one-eye sign of masonic kike puppets
Good post have a (you)
Apparently we need a screenshot of this piece of text, because it keep being brought up by retards.
Reminder that those same philosemite vermin post here and got all the oldfags banned for not supporting the ZOG emperor and the JEWOP.
I never thought I'd even consider leaving the Trump train, but unless this is 112d chess, I don't think I'll be voting anymore. I'm not seeing a point in supporting him if he only cares about the country that stole our uranium, nuclear triggers, murdered USS Liberty sailors on purpose in an attempt to drag us into war, runs AIPAC which DOES drag us into their wars, costing us Trillions and thousands of lives. I don't see any way this is a chess move, it seems clear that it's selling out to our parasite, because his daughter converted to a shit religion.
Listen up you retards, perhaps you weren't alive during the 6 day war, but I was. Israel was attacked, and Israel should enjoy the right to defend herself. This territory is being used as a proxy by Iran to attack Israel from the Syrian side. For those of us that are informed, we had a presentation on a few Sunday's ago in our church highlighting the struggles Israel faces. If you care about America, then you have to care about the security of Israel. We cannot allow the cancer of terrorism to grow on the doorstep of our allies. Israel today, America tomorrow. You retards here all suffer horribly from September 10th thinking. Eventually, these problems come home to roost. Yes I support Israel 100% on this and gladly donate Friends of the IDF. Please watch the enclosed video, it will change your mind. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!
The Jews have taken complete control of all choke points of power and we are entering into a period of consolidation of power which is characterized by a demographic shift in all white nations to ensure there is no political means to shaking them from power.
They wish to impose a police state to back stop the systematic plundering of the world through a monetary system based on impossible exponential functions.
Hooboy. Trumps about to make the 2020s a darktime for the rightwing, it'll be the 00s all over again.
Good goy. Here's ten shekels for your account, courtesy of the IDF.
We really should flood the internet with "Trump is Israels bitch" memes.
Hate to be a defeatist but even Brenton didn't dare naming the jew
kicked out of 109 countries - Everyone is antisemitic!
Attacked by nearly every country around them - They're all picking on us for no reason at all!
If you have a problem with literally everyone you meet, you have something wrong with you, not them.
Fuck Israel and fuck you too boomer kike
Yes, the nationalistic and conservative Jews.
5/10 bait.
For those who don't know, during the 6 Day War, Israel attacked Egypt, then lied and said Egypt attacked them.
why don't you go live in Kyris Joel, New Square, or Bensonhurst or 20 other 100% kiked areas and see how these motherfuckers shit on you, and I do mean literally mother fuckers, they are all fucking perverted
God tested the Israeli people by making them persecuted in the lands of strangers, no question about it. For their suffering at the hands of Adolph Hitler, he brought them to the promised land again. Why can't their neighbors leave them to live in peace? I don't build rocket launchers in my lawn and aim that at the family next door. What you kids have in techno wizardry you lack in common sense.
serious question: what do you get out of this shilling? you getting morally superior dopamine hits?
Let me quote another user here…
The "holocaust" is just the linchpin of a bigger lie that can never be admitted, because it would imply that the UK, Russia, and the US conspired with jews from all over the world to destroy an entirely innocent nation once (WWI because Germany was perceived as too successful) and twice (WWII because Germany dared to survive and fight back) just so that the jews could blackmail the UK into signing the Balfour Declaration, which illegitimately gave jews the rights to occupy Palestine. So the creation of the terror state israel and every crime leading up to it, as well as every crime and war afterwards would have to be admitted as the utmost treacherous war crime against the human race. They won't let that happen. Ever. As for the "holocaust"…the 300k that actually died in German prison camps, according to the official red cross numbers, were deliberately sacrificed by jews, when they used the media and demanded for all the world jewry to boycott Germany and starve them to death. This created the starvation and diseases that killed the prisoners. Admitting any of this would end the state of israel and the jewish identity. They would rather genocide the entire human race before any of them would admit to it.
My only duty is to my God, and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. I unapologetically stand for Israel and really just don't give a damn what you think about it punk.
try finding a picture of a dead Israeli on google, then try finding a picture of a dead Palestinian child with half their skull in tact, this occurs on purpose,
Buddy are you saying the holocaust didn't happen. My GOD!!! What are they teaching you kids. Do they still have history books in the classroom, or are you playing on fucking facespace all day. Come on man.
Sorry I lost my Schindler's List tape…without Hollywood my perception of history is all distorted. I better watch jewish revisionism on the history channel right now.
christ cuck boomers are dumber than muslims it seems
Can't wait to murder your children in front of you, Schlomo.
I want to say "obvious troll" but he has boomer-speak down pretty well.
Well they don't call it the idiot box for nothing. You'd be better served by listening to conservative talk radio. They said you guys were nuts, hell man i believe it. I'll pray that you guys seek the light of the lord. Until then fuck you and fuck racism.
How about you learn some history for once?
Allowed to post here.
All according to plan. Trumpstein would do anything to allow the expansion of Greater Israel to proceed apace
Yeah, I can't tell either. So many newfags due to the New Zealand shooting that it could just be some boomer come to educate the "evil nazis".
So do you look something like this guy?
Historical lesson for would-be liberators of their country: just kill all the jews. Because if you lose the war, they'll fuck you over without a second thought.
Gas chamber can't have wooden doors.
The Lord you say? Wanna learn some real truth before you die, old man?
Every way humans describe God…be it the creator of all life, the entity that connects everything on earth, the power that can hear our thoughts and feel our pains, the god that grows his power through our worshiping, the god that makes us part of himself when we die, the one that tests and challenges us, the one that shows us all the wonders on this earth, the one who dictates the morality of good and bad, the one who puts his own existence into the hands of his creation, the one true God…all this describes unmistakably NATURE itself. Humans not only based their religions entirely around what nature teaches us, but they decided to claim the achievements of nature for themselves and hide it behind a superstitious entity. Why? Because they think they can can get away with defiling and exploiting nature for themselves. Religions are solely human creations to enslave mankind to the written laws in exchange for empty promises. The natural traits superstition, faith and morality were hijacked into a lie, all the religious scriptures are tales of morality based on natural law, and the principal of God describes nature itself.