Similar in concept to the NPC, we all create plausible jewish Twitter accounts and begin to parrot "white supremacy" posts, replacing white with jewish.
My Fellow Jews, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to call out Jewish Supremacy whenever we see it!
If you're standing idly by when Fellow Jews are spewing their hatred YOU ππ» ARE ππ»NOT ππ»AN ππ»ALLY!
If we all work together we can, and WE WILL stamp out Jewish Supremacy!
fellow jews this is an excellent idea! nancy pelosi will be pleased. and when its all over and the whites have had their race war , we can claim to be white and win twice- lol. i love it.
Only a kike would come with such a plan. Not only it is disgusting to even think of trying to act like a Jew, we are not parasites camouflaging among a host nation, but if the facts we quote from what we thought to be real Jews turn out to be coming from fake Jews, then we won't be able to quote any Jew at all! In other words,
Samuel Morgan
Do we create another group of accounts where we larp as jews calling out our fellow Israelis for Hebraic guilt due to Palestinian massacres?
Thomas Young
And when will this come up in a conversation? Jews in the west don't overtly promote jewish supremacy. Take another hit from the bong and put some more thought into this please
Jordan Rodriguez
Sounds like a good idea, but I'm not a faggot who goes on twitter, so I'll just sit this one out.
Those who: 1. Seek to derail topic to create noise 2. Insinuate that Marxism is Jewish to make you believe that this is the case, which is absurd because it directly opposes their capitalist ideology. Even if you do not believe in it, it's still Jewish gaslighting. 3. Says it's a stupid idea to discredit and discourage people from doing it 4. Sit idly by and loudly says so as if to garner public support for that particular action
These are all enemies of the white people, regardless if they're white or not. Anyone who opposes the cause, even indirectly, are to be suspected shills.
Justin James
Hi cadet Moshe. I see you're fresh out of JIDF school.
Angel Rodriguez
We make it the conversation faggot
Christopher Bell
Implying I'm a shill doesn't make me a shill. Try harder at gaslighting. I'll answer the question of why communism isn't jewish to anyone else: Because the jew swim naturally in capitalist water and communism seeks to destroy it. Hitler knew this. He created the national SOCIALIST party, which was based on Marx' theories. Jewish bolshevism is known, but they were later purged and replaced by Russians. Perhaps you'd also want to explain the decades of US-Castro relations which were pushed by (((them)))? When JFK wanted to soften the pressure on Castro (among other anti-jewish things), he got removed.
Revolution is center of Marx' theory of class dialectics. It goes against everything Jewish; destruction of property, dismantling of power structure, the abolition of central authority. The reason why communism is so vilified in the US is because of (((them))) who used the USSR to associate it with. The public and politicians swallowed it and McCarthyism and red scare went rampant, giving politicians a convenient "mark of evil" to pin their societal problems on - even abroad. Look up the 60s communist killings in Indonesia, supported by the CIA. Then there's Vietnam.
Communism is a de facto enemy of (((them))) which they perhaps originall rode the wave on during the 1917 revolutions, but were later removed from. They conveniently used propaganda to label communists as the current world evil, just as the "alt-right" is today - giving the political ball momentum which they could steer with little effort.
Ayden Perez
I'm really not trying to (1) and run but "Marxism isn't Jewish" is the most retarded thing I've heard in awhile.
David Brooks
you're probably some genderqueer r/communism teen who just heard about this place and wants to redpill all the jews larping as Nazis here, possibly jewish
Camden Watson
White people are better at everything, even at being Jews. We should outkike the kikes.
Both Capitalism and Marxism are Jewish, two sides of the same shekel basically. Lurk more before you post.
Xavier Thompson
Only shills would sow doubt by not giving reasons for what they proclaim. Start writing or throw yourselves off the nearest cliff.
Hunter Adams
why don't you do your own research before writing something as retardedly jewish as MARXISM ISN'T JEWISH? sage
Carson Hill
Marxists thoroughly infested socialism in general. If I were a miner in 1900 West Virginia I'd be a socialist too. It probably wasn't a good idea from the start but it was a very effective pressure group. This of nu-school sort of black and white prageru type thinking of capitalism vs. socialism is just another tactic of controlled opposition. It should be white people vs. jewish subversion/sociopathy. Notice how similar Randian capitalism and Marxist socialism are in practice. That's just the jewish worldview.
The jewy aspect comes from what they always do: take something that has merit, keep the fading facade of what was actually good about it in the first place while weaponizing the now hollowed out movement to take power and drain the host of profit.
lol, what is this? Trump has proven himself to be very supportive of Jews and Israel. Trumptards are such delusional sub-humans.
Leo Jones
Give me the links to support that marxism is jewish then. it should be very easy to do if you posses them, no? If you're a shill, then you'd be appealing to those who already believe maxism is jewish to begin with. I don't. Start typing proper arguments, kike.
Can you give specific examples of similarities between "Randian capitalism" (whatever that is) and socialism? You also do not sound like you're from academia, because Ayn Rand is well-known laughing stock there. No one reputable takes her books seriously because it's poorly written pseudo-intellectualism full of platitudes and arguments that are easily debunked. Look up any video on Youtube critiquing Rand, there are plenty. That's the difference between Marx and Rand; Marx is actually proper well-written German ingenuity spanning several thick books.
Jeremiah Torres
Marx was literally a jew from a line of rabbis. Both 'philosophies' are about taking from others and telling them to fuck themselves. (((Coincidentally))) they also lead to the exact same kind of ruination and decay. Pretending to be against an ownership class while trying to install themselves as new overlords. Marx literally hated the working class. Rand was just more open about it.
Both are existentialist rather than essentialist, putting value on a person by what they can provide for the system rather than valuing a system by what it can provide for the people.
I am not from academia. "Intellectuals" are self-important blowhards that fall squarely in the midwit category. "Intellectuals" (self-named of course) place no value in intellect, only rhetoric.
Writing several "thick books" means dick if they're garbage.
Ethan Bennett
Blake Williams
checks out
Hunter Young
About 90% of the Bolsheviks were Jews.The killers of the Czar and his family were Jews. Karl Marx was born a hook-nosed Kike.
In the current year of Silicon Valley spying on you and censoring what you can say online, have a look at the pic related. That's Soviet Union born Sergey Brin on the left, and from a Google images search for "Bolshevik Secret Police" that's some enforcers of the Red Terror on the right.
Look at the Communist Jew in the middle.- Notice any resemblance to Brin?
Derailing is a powerful tool. I almost typed out a reponse for you, with your second guy baiting me. This thread is about Operation Schlomo. Let's keep it that way. Head over to /marx/ if you genuinely wish to discuss this further.
Which were later purged and replaced by Russians in the Stalinist purges of the 20s where about (((10%))) who were said to have joined to be on the winning side. The Russian communists where not stupid in this regard. We know jews have always infiltrated governments as stateless people to survive, like cockroaches, so to see a jew directing the killings of fellow jews is not surprising. I looked it up against and yes, his father was a rabbi and mother from a line of rabbis. I'll give you that. A possible explanation is that Marxism was to be used against the governments of the time, to subvert them by calling the people to arms. It worked in Russia. I can't see that capitalism is any better though. National socialism with a strong singular leader doesn't seem too bad anymore, as long as that leader is Plato's philosopher king, like Marcus Aurelius was.