Ya know, what gets me most about christians is how fucking blind they are at their core.
You claim to oppose jewry, to be 'redpilled' on the JQ… But that's an utter impossibility.
You fundamentally don't understand the jew, and how it came to be what it is.
What decent divine entity would free the jews? What decent divine entity would 'choose' the jews? What decent divine entity would kill the first-born of the Egyptians to free this tribe of wretched scum?
Even if you assume none of that shit happened, if you believe in the christian god, in abrahamic universalist monotheism, by definition you are worshiping the same entity that the jews claim 'chose' them, in whatever form that took.
And what did that entity instruct?
"Destroy all who carry a faith which is not me."
Does that sound like an entity who is 'moral' in any sense? Doubly so if, as the jews claim, this entity helped them genocide countless tribes in the most horrific manner imaginable, and actively engaged in assisting them by manipulating mortal minds to make them try to fight the jews and thus lend credence to the jews attacks upon such peoples.
Frankly, I think most of it is just semitic fairy tales… But there's a core that's genuinely terrifying to me, as a deist.
Its the core notion of why I believe jews to be innately evil, why I believe judaism to be innately evil: I think you're worshiping the devil.
Seriously, I ardently believe that the 'god' you worship is not a benevolent force at all, but a craven monster of divine proportions seeking to empower itself and bring about horrors upon mortal reality.
IOW: For all the talk of 'Satan' and shit, and the aggressive projection of worship of such onto jews, I believe christians ALSO worship the same entity, and that it is innately malicious and nefarious, that it has used its tricks to bring about the downfall of many native faiths, of many other divine entities.
It is a being of lies and deceit, a being of trickery and manipulation, and it has been extremely successful.
Point being, it blows my mind how christians talk about this 'satan' thing, and even ascribe worship of it to jews, yet never once for a moment consider that, maybe, perhaps, possibly… they are also paying homage through worship to this same horrific entity.