Italy: African immigrant Attempts to Murder 51 Italian Children on School Bus “In Protest against Me
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Where's the mob when you need them?
Importing said niggers for shekels i believe
This type of entitlement is unbelievable. The first thing you do to a country that offered you everything is to burn their children?
that was the most surprising thing I noticed about these muslims and immigrants that come into the country. They swallow that liberal propaganda 110% for some reason. I have no idea where they are getting it, but they are really really strong on rightwing hate. Of course it doesnt stop them from still being hardcore muslims which makes no logical sense. They simultaneously know that they are invading and taking over but they also get super super angry at even the tiniest hint of racism or illiberal thought. Which is the perfect invasion strategy but I'm just so super surprised that the average muslim got that down perfectly.
I talked with a few muslim immigrants, they are all like this. They think muslims are being oppressed and hated and rightwing party X is sooo evil. Everytime. Then you ask them about Erdogan or you hint at how muslims seem to be taking over and they look at you like "oh heh. I guess so :)"
How retarded do you have to be to try some shit like this in Italy? They don't fuck around over. There are Italians that will start shooting up random migrant communities because of this. For all the shit that Europoors get about being cucked, they still have much more cultural homogeneity than the US and when the time is right there will be RWDS.
Guys look as soon as Europe & United states embraced a middle eastern philosophy/religion that was the beginning of the end. It was only a matter of time until history is erased. When the jews convinced European men they're special children of God & ppl ate it up game over. The game has been over a long time its just clean up time now. Sorry for the black pill. People worshiping a foreign god means your team lost.
this is reason there are so many rapes in continental europe. the domestic women for whatever reason don't want to be enriched. i blame the media for not doing enough, in america it has been working well for years.
A nigger eh?
Good. The world is hyped for killing sandniggers, not lets get hyped for killing niggers too. Someone try to get the highscore killing mostly niggers (and other muds and traitors too).
That is what every white man must do to non-white children. Instead, the niggers are doing it to our own, because some cucks decided that "muh i will not attack niggers the way the attack us" was a valid option.
Kill their children, or they will kill yours.
ProTip: The Western Tradition is really a synthesis of everything and if you're doing Christianity correctly then you ought to be worshiping a Neoplatonic god.
this guy was a bus driver. if they had done a background check on him they would have found out his previous convictions.
At one point Jews used to be special children of God, but they forfeited their status with the rejection of Chirst. The Jews that accepted Christ became Christians and now it is Christians that hold that mantle. Most of the modern people who consider themselves to be Jews are Khazarian converts who have no direct lineage to the Jews of the Bible. Just because they subverted Christianity the same way they've done everything else does not mean that it is inherently flawed.
That's exactly what the mob is doing.
It's a classic case of African behavioral genetics
Italy breeds greasy sub humans. Quit that shit op.
why are all you faggots not sage and reporting this duplicate shit?
check the catalog nigger
Yes you got it right, the people who are hating on Christianity in willful ignorance are being kucked, and missing a fundamental glory of Europe
Is this the new goldwater?