Meanwhile we are one step closer to being disarmed and the Jews will kill the shit out of us.
Are you "accelerators" fucking retarded or you just trying to frame shit on us?
Meanwhile we are one step closer to being disarmed and the Jews will kill the shit out of us.
Are you "accelerators" fucking retarded or you just trying to frame shit on us?
Other urls found in this thread:
How can they disarm you if you do not hand over the guns?
If you hand over the guns, why are you even having the guns for?
Kill yourself sand nigger. Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
Its called state power applied in effect they limit sale and they stores run dry, they put your ass in prison and hound you, or just send their multicultural Bolshevik army to take them.
Don't cosign this shit!
If you aren't willing to defend your right to bear arms with force, you deserve to have your guns taken from you. You relaly gonna let the cops come and take what's yours?
Deal with it loser.
So you're saying it's Friday?
Moshe shut you baby dick sucking mouth….You ignorant spergs just doomed New Zealand…because you are too cowardly to do what the French are doing…btw this isn't natural
Sound like time to fight back.
Precisely what we want, time to fight back.
No one does but cucks.
the fuck are you kvetching about?
Really? Massing on the street to get smashed by the police for 11 weeks, with no civil war in sight until recently?
Why do the mods allow these awful shitpost threads?
Is it because its them making them?
This is your brain on cuckservativism. Read turner diaries
So why don't you stop it?
Don't you have guns?
Yeah and that is after disarmament and restrictions slowly applied what you going to fight with your little spergy Israeli ass kissing rice burning manlet?
You dumb faggots think you are Erwin Rommel? Your insolence and "strategic thinking" is that of Varus.
Great now all we have is one-shot centrefires thanks Tarrent.
So you turned in your guns without a fight? And you're blaming someone else for that?
What is after what now?
How are you going to be disarmed if you're armed? That doesn't make any sense.
You seem to be getting really upset now. Just be honest, you don't want to be forced to use your guns to defend your right to have guns, do you?
I don't understand.
I thought the point of having firearms was so you could defend against oppressive overreach of government.
So how could government oppressively overreach in taking your firearms if you have firearms?
How the fuck am I gonna fight a war with no market access to firearms, ammo, cleaning gear?
This is tranny level long term planning.
Nigger, every guerilla war is like that.
You think it's open market for the vietcong?
they were going to ban guns anyway, dumbass
Then I guess you never needed firearms to begin with, if them shutting down the market is all it takes for you to give them up or accept being shut down like that.
Must not have been that important.
That is the one thing they haven't been able to do, and now the majority is turning on them here comes the strategy of tension and the divide and conquer more. Plus we have been used as the dirtiest whore in history to great effect…we *were* needed.
Not if they don't brainwash people first that is what the fuck they are doing. You repel the gulag you don't fucking run towards it by turning everyone against you when you already don't have the fucking numbers.
A decade from now there will be even less White people, you retard. It's now or never.
stopped reading, go swallow windshield glass
There wouldn’t actually be any genocidal action in a mass forcible disarmament event. I do think there’d be a crime wave, but only a crime wave.
Kill yourself sand nigger
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
Seriously learn to speak English or just fuck off sand nigger it's hard to translate your dresser gibberish.
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
really makes you think
Then you shouldn't want MORE time for them to brainwash people.
If you're too scared or weak to fight for your firearms then they never really mattered at all.
And they always lose…
1975 NVA Tanks come rolling in 5 bllion in Soviet Aid, ally murdered sent the country downhill, next thing I know I'm growing in the bayou next to Vietnamese and Cambodes.
How did it work in Syria?
Without state sponsorship it fails. Every single time. To add more, murder is not "guerrila war" its called pissing everyone off and making enemies.
Being surrounded, cut off, demoralized, and evil as fuck is not my idea of an "effective strategy". The fact this site is hosted by who it is and you assholes aren't being raided should be a "moment" of clarity..
Simply epic.
is this picture of you, your wife and children done in serpa at a country fair???
Sure they do.
Your habit of making … makes you stand out ya know. Its almost like you want that. You're the same guy in the other thread talking about how much you love Israel.
may be a South African family, not sure, but New Zealand seems to be the very real Armageddon retreat, so you mugs need to be gone, or at least know your place as serfs. Some real shit is in the works…… I'm thinking 7 billion people worldwide will be dead by 2020.
Reported for being a subhuman of the worst kind
Yea that video is hilarious, jamming taking forever to clear, not taping the magazine, wild inaccuracy, firing while not looking, autism with tons of weapons instead of one with a lot of maagazine, dropping shit all over, and firing at nothing, getting caught and flashing the Milo sign. Meanwhile the entire country is fucked and the enemy gets everything they want.
If he wasn't a coward he would gone after something important, dangerous, whats next you many faced worshiping the "God of Death" faggots gonna take down a daycare and teabag the 4 year olds "to save the white race"
Banning guns.
Reminds me of the first chapter of the Turner Diaries.
meme responsibly
Fight back faggot. Here in the states in CT when they banned semi autos and normal magazines, basically less than 13% turned them in or registered. They are not going to throw 1.5 million people in jail. Just do what the Aussies did and bury them or have a boating accident.
shoot them when they try to take your guns you god damned fucking pussy faggot
you don't even deserve to have your guns in the first place listening to bitches like you
fucking retard. Tarrant was right, you morons really do need to be accelerated
Name spelled wrong again. If i had gotten a penny every time a kike shill agitating against Saint Tarrant misspelled his name i would have made a small fortune. I can't wrap my head around the why though.
Learn to read, inverting gay bald advertisement guy
Shoot traitors, pussy; don't let the enemy disarm you. if they rob you of your dignity get revenge for it, people will follow suit because it was not only you who was robbed.
The hardest time for our world is coming, we tried for peace, we hoped away time we can never get back. Either way you are looking down the barrel, it's best whites are the majority when you rise to meet the challenge.
Misspelling on an image board = kike
You have to be black, sounds like "duh power of street knowlich"
Or you could not be a pussy and instead group together and say "Ya know what? Nah cunt. We're not doing that shit. You can go to Australia now. Fuck off." and refuse to give up the guns or to acknowledge/accept the legislation.
Its a very slippery thing to pretend that someone was saying an isolated incident was proof of something when in reality they were pointing out on instance in a pattern.
Would you kindly spell out his entire name in the next post? Just for research purposes. His name is Brenton Tarrant.
Tried? When, who, where 1933 you mean? Are wearing a yellow vest disarmed getting pelted?
I know what will will bring whites to our side and force conflict…lets go waste some "sand monkeys"
ALREADY HAPPENED…Its called the "War On Terror".
Don't attack jews specifically the clear and out there ones, hell no lets go shoot up a elderly home because "shitskins" autism.
You failed to spell out Brenton Tarrant in your post as i requested. If you don't do it in the next post, i am pretty sure i found the reason why you kike shills misspell it all the time. You don't want NSA search filters to pick up your posts.
Ohhh a pattern, a pattern…There is also a pattern of failure repeated systematic failure…Guess who has been doing that for a long time just guess? And its getting worse….with chances dwindling day by day.
Someone misspelling Tarrant
"pointing out *on* instance in a pattern."
NOTED: hat tip "an"
Good, now do "Brenton Tarrant" as i said.
Like with christianity?
See above.
See above.
Its really strange that you don't want to just type out his name. Brenton Tarrant. See? Its easy.
grab your trusty katana user
hey, I've seen this picture somewhere before. This happened a few years ago in South America right? Seven defenseless family members all cowered in fear for their lives in their sleep wear and, weren't they all shot to death by a drug cartel???
I'm out
If you happen to be apart of the "crewman" thinking you are going to accomplish anything or hell a fed, I could care less how it plays out.
Learn to Read.
good, lets see what happens when the government comes after millions of weapons
Still legally own more funs than I can carry myself.
Not sure what the issue is.
shut up faggot, you're embarrassing our country
Who are these crewmen he is talking about?
So how much do you care? Like I realize you care a very large amount, but could you put that into metric units for me please?
It won't work. NZ is fucked though.
why are you idiots responding to someone so clueless
Don't let them disarm you, faggot. That's the point. You think all of the American gun owners are going to hand them over? Fuck no. Even the "red flag" shit in the States is producing shootouts. You're armed for a reason, and it's not hunting.
nows the perfect time to use those guns it would seem.
Don't give up the guns, retard. Fight back.
Fight back kiwi faggot
It done kicked off on your front porch
This 100%
Those weren’t even humans , they were future breeders. He did good by aiming well
Uhhhhh use those to acquire the full auto ones the pigs have. Also pro time the mad muzz invaders all have full auto aks and rpgs and grenades stashed ALL FUCKING OVER THE PLACE dude. Use yur shit nigger gas gas gas
If you aren't willing to fight the imminent crackdown, you're as much of a coward as the kikes who want to strip you of your freedom.
Faggot OP doesn't understand the concept of acceleration
wtf I love gradualism now
[email protected]
Blitzkrieg you stupid bitch, hit them so fucking fast their heads will spin and by the time they realize it they've already lost, your just a stupid nigger who can't into warfare.
Die on your feet or live on your knees. That was always the choice.
burka-clad womyn cops…figure it out
Dont forget
[email protected]
Ask them what they would do if you tried to take their firearm. When they say or imply that they will shoot the shit out of you until you are ded, tell them that they should expect the fucking same from you.
Will you blackpill niggers not
any century? They were going to kill us all anyway, you dumbasses. Fuck, I wish we had actual moderation.
Accelerationists are retarded, I don't want white genocide tomorrow, I want it over the course of the next 50 years by the time im dead, let my kids deal with it.
-t mentally and emotionally stunted 30 year old boomer
smh fam
It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.
This faggot again
Hello Vietnam Gook
How are you today?
Back at work early, I see
For what purpose? No purpose. Its your cope.
You were supposed to stock up when it was available. If you can't figure that out then maybe you weren't cut out for war anyway.
what gets me is the NZ govt and police are demanding "do not watch the video".
IMO that is NOT "reverse psychology" or anything. These twits really are the sort of ass-clowns that are so use to bossing everyone around and live in their own little world surrounded by Yes-Men that they really think that people are "looking to them for direction", etc.
for some reason I'm thinking about the Aztecs when the Spanish arrived. The Aztecs had had their heads up their asses for so long they thought everyone would just always do exactly as told.
Some kids were kids, then, user.
The main need is how to manufacture gpowder and gpowder filaments. Casings and metal smithing are easy.
Where to get these when shtf.
Potassium Nitrate: Compost
Charcoal: Wood
Sulphur: Pyrite Ore
Land owners will have plenty of these resources, unless they live in the desert, then they will only have access to two (compost and pyrite), and not the two required for combustion, unfortunately. There are ways to make less powerful gp without toxic sulfur and it's extraction process. Maybe another user will do the work to post that.
Well too bad faggit, you can fight now or be bereft. If you won't fight, you dont deserve to live.
Reminder to search "Synagogues/Mosques in my area" to find nearby enemy locations.
Everyone in real life is cwlebrating Tarrants actions, but every thread on Zig Forums is about how this is a bad thing he did.
You've got 1.2 million firearms, lots of rural areas, and there are only so many government agents.