Bolton crying:
Trump is such a loser. Now Seals have to break him out. Just another day in clownworld.
Bolton crying:
Trump is such a loser. Now Seals have to break him out. Just another day in clownworld.
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Yeah, I don't think that's happening.
hopefully the CIAnigger plant gets murdered
13MGET confirms
Awwww shiiiiiittt.
lol this place has gone to shit
schwag balls deep in a kike ass
cry harder CIA
Reminder that communism and capitalism are two sides of the same jewish coin.
wtf I love Bolton and Trump now kill yourselves poneyfags
Read Extreme Ownership by Leif Babin and Jocko Willlink
Bottom text
Working overtime huh commie
After that phone prank, Venezuela realized there was no teeth behind the U.S. threads.
*threats… but Bolton should make a thread.
I'll explain why this kike here: wants us to go to war in south America so fucking badly. You see, with Trump being a big fucking sellout, and the fact we will never have a fucking wall, this would mean a huge influx of fucking browns flooding into the US claiming war refugee status and being granted asylum. Image Europe-tier invasion flooding into the US, by the millions, it would be that fucking devastating. Luckily however, the world is starting to see Trump as a weak pussy as he continues to be bullied by old timey newspaper companies and dead senators.
Implying Boltons friends over at the CIA aren't makijg threads for him daily
Checked for accurate first post.
So you support a commie?
Gas yourself out of shame.
I don't give a shit what the spics do so long as they stay out of America.
I wholeheartedly support Maduros regime as long as it amounts to a ertain stability of the state, i don't care if his people have to stajd in breadlines.
Communism is BASED.
R/the_donald MIGA (((boomers))) BTFO.
China respects your Boomer christian heritage more than the west at this point. CHINA IS ALSO MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN (((AMERICA))).
BASED China:
>Bans degenerate (((Western))) made nigger music.
>Is authoritarian, but that is totally okay since the (((West))) will turn into China-lite making any claim about China's authoritarian nature an invalid criticism towards the Chinese government.
US and the West
>Doesn't appreciate the rights provided by the US constitution or the rights given by the (((West))) other than the right to cut your dick off.
>Modern (((Whites))) have no culture and the likability of the white race having their culture and country back is zero.
I don't, kike. And my own country is already flooded with Venezuelans fleeing from the commie regime that starves them. It's disgusting. I wish Maduro would fuck off and things went back to normal there so that the Venezuelans here can fuck off to their own country as well. You don't know how bad it is because you're in burgerland which is far away and where Spanish isn't widely spoken outside a select few regions.
Maduro is literally jewish, you know that? Not like "ha ha he acts like one sometimes"… but he's an admitted Sephardic jew.
Look at this bugman.
China is wrecking you in the field of science, art, math and many more. Your hated towards the Chinese is BASED on COINTELPRO CIA propaganda.
The average cranial volume among East Asians was 1,415 cubic centimetres.
The average cranial volume among Europeans are 1,362 cubic centimetres.
China is BASED and chinkpilled.
God bless Maduro. Bolton is a nigger.
The virgin us vs THE CHAD CHINA
We need this meme.
13000000 dead niggers top kek 11/10
Trump doesn't want a war. Bolton is on a tight leash. It's all theatre
Venezuela is only beloved by shills. Maduro hasn't even come back to "his" country yet, he fled like a month ago.
I hope we invade, the US Army gets shredded, and the shitskins are melted. I fucking hate these zogbots anymore, they suck so much cock and betray their oaths every minute there's no mass murder of thr ruling class and their families.
BASED communist did a thing
The only country of Maduro is Israel.
A Zionist-shabbos and his ZOG-bots versus a literal kike and HIS ZOG-bots… either way we win.
Imagine how much better things will be once the kosher U.S. is finally put down.