Brenton has provided us with evidence showing us that Accelerationism does work

And we can use it to our advantage.

Only a few days ago, Brenton Tarrant killed 51 Muslims in a deliberate attack with multiple firearms. His reasons were multifold, but one was to accelerate the situation we currently find ourselves in. Basically, he wanted to turn the heat up under the pot in which the frog sits. And as we can now see, Accelerationism is a viable strategy.

In their attempt to fight against Brenton's act of Accelerationism, the Left in NZ has to cuck for Islam by making all the women wear Hijabs, making everyone give two minutes of silence at work, and even broadcasting Islamic prayer on national radio. However, this is only just enough to cool things down for this attack. Successive attacks would more than likely spur the Jihadis and ISIS members in NZ to retaliate with similar counter attacks. If we could get them to do so, then we could kick off the race-war which is a great precursor for societal collapse, which is what we need.

Essentially, Accelerationism's success depends on the Accelerators ability to keep his foot on the gas, so to speak. If he can, then he's almost guaranteed success. The only real problem is figuring out how to do that.

At this point in time, it seems as though NZ's Islamic community is on the precipice of retaliation, so pressing their action switch could be something as simple as torching the main Mosque or the bouquets left in honour of the fallen. Thankfully, something like that would be quite achievable and quite easy to get away with, too.

Now, all we really need is a few more heroes and they don't even need to get caught. All they have to do is Accelerate.

Attached: YouCallThatAShitPostMate_.png (1200x800, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:>>13000168

Source of quote:

We are told 50 people died, 50 people were injured. 7 apparently died in the second mosque. That means we should have 43 deaths caught on camera. That's funny, because we don't even see him shoot 43 people. Not to mention, we need another 50 to survive (spread out between both mosques), even if only a dozen are from the first mosque that's a dozen more people we'd have to see him shoot. Does he shoot ~55 people in the video we see? No. Stop falling for Jewish tricks.

Source of quote:>>13000168
Someone died in hospital. So it's now 51 dead.

Accounted for. It was 49 and later changed to 50. Hopefully an autist will attempt to count the bodies in the mosque, but from memory it did look like 20-30 people shot. No where near the amount they're claiming.

I just counted the first Mosque. There's about 40 people shot in the footage. Before he even makes it into the prayer room he's killed six people.

I neither know nor care.
I think you're a jewish trick, now make em clap for me, trick.

Classic case of shill derailing. The thread is about Accelerationism, not how many were shot.

KING OF Zig Forums

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (993x1187, 2.69M)

You're useless, >>>/reddit/

Does the 40 count include the few he picked off outside? To get a good estimate, let's assume those are all kills.

Yes. Then you have the other locations he travelled to where he also killed. Anyway, if you don't stop derailing, I'll report you. You've totally gone off topic. Whether he killed 20 or 50 it doesn't matter because he's still pushed NZ itself to virtual tipping point.

I was assigned to this post, just following orders. I hate being here.

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Eventually some jihadis are going to livestream a massacre in a Christian church and film themselves raping and beheading our women, which will also go viral, and give birth to an entire generation of Tarrants.

Attached: GAS.gif (320x240, 1.43M)

Good. The sooner the better.

Ban me, then I can leave. He doesn't go to other places. He was stopped by a heroic Indian man with superior fire power. Your racist hero even wet himself according to police reports.

Attached: 2.jpg (1080x1080, 118.96K)

(((you))) love being here kike, don't lie.
You earn shekels for every post.

This is now an IDF thread.

Attached: 49907454_170668577235233_6268168346350168350_n.jpg (1080x1283, 870.47K)

What a shit op.

lol you can't even count. Make a video and prove it.

accelerate off a cliff faggot.

sage for shit thread.

Wew, these shills are salty. Must mean it's a good OP.

(((police reports)))

Fuck you Zig Forumsasses, this stunt killed my communities' ability to organize and grow. You think you're going to win shit when the left suppresses us? News flash, the west is cucked to hell and back. What we need right now is to grow and build, not paint a target on our backs.

(7) OP praises his own OP. Holy fuck, where are you people coming from? KYS immediately your worthless faggot.

Saged and reported, obvious zionist shill

Real Zig Forums doesn't give a shit about this guy, OP is a new faggot that arrived because he heard about "hate" Zig Forums on the evening news.

anti-christ is a code word for anti white.

Grow and build what? Your impotent LARP group who does effectively nothing?

Been here since 2014.


One must differentiate between accelerationism and the "propaganda of the deed".

Showing up is half the battle, but only half.
One may achieve the goal from a classical anarchist viewpoint, to hasten the decline of the contemporary system. Trying to nudge things a certain way will require greater efforts, from a larger, somewhat cohesive movement. That's where the screeching divide&conquer retards are a serious roadblock. Parasites and profiteers, like Anglin and his incel-right sycophants, are another.

You'll have to un-jew the movement, first and foremost.

Well this thread went to shit fast. Might as well post IDF chicks hahaaha. Will Israel send me a check too!?

Attached: 53095617_399737454187592_8572301487417800137_n.jpg (1080x1312, 497.05K)

You must be retarded.


Like what you're doing right now? Anglin has done more than you.

No you fucking moron, we're in no position to fight a fucking war. We're a minor rebellion at best, so fucking act like it. What's the first step to any rebellion? ORGANIZE!

The only thing you fucks have down is spread up the process of your own doom while giving people justification to do so. This act did more harm than good.

Your OP now looks like Gaza, it even has our soldiers in it. You're nothing.

Uh huh.

I'd probably have jizzed in my pants too if I'd just shot 100 mudslimes.

Attached: jizz in my pants.jpg (977x768, 75.38K)

Vote for who, huh? Who is going to fix this for you? All you are doing is posturing. You don't have a viable alternative.

It's not hard to do more than zero. This act did no good at all.

Vote for Warren or Yang.

Quick! Go and put on that MIGA hat! You need to vote for "more immigrants than ever before".

I'm not talking about voting you fucking hack, I'm talking about building a community in the real world to support our goals and to build an ability to resist the global homo.

No thanks

Vote Patrick Little

This attack ensured Muslims are victim class, dumbass. Expect compensations to be paid to the familes.

What kind of community? Do you even have more than 20 members? What will you achieve with that? Will you influence the government or change policy and legislation? No. It's just another LARP group, isn't it?

You can still create your gay larp group to put up flyers and suck each others dicks. No one's stopping you.

You sound like the people who criticized Hitler

They already were. In case you didn't get the memo, white are absolute racists who are literally Hitler and only genocide nonwhites.

Too bad he didn't burn it all down

Nope. Hitler was actually involved in politics and was an IRL guy who knew how to get shit done. You've got a fucking boys club that likes to LARP.

Are you white? You post like a nigger.

Anglin's an embarrassment to himself, with his irony-bro faggotry and endless bitching about white women. We get it, you're a loser who can't get laid, unless you're paying gook hookers.
Get over yourself.

Anglin = baste.

100% Northwest Euro according to 23JewsandMe.

I'm not the guy organizing a community, I just agree with him. And we don't know what he's achieved

Are you white? You post like a kike.

Well it was fun derailing your thread. Keep on infighting gents, and wasting your time accomplishing absolutely nothing with your time here. I'm out.

Cui Bono?

Europeans? Nope, PR disaster in race relations. Very bad for Europeans living among Muslims, will escalate tension and violence in every diverse neighborhood.

Muslims? Nope, very bad same as above but vice versa.

Mass media? Yes dream come true.

AIPAC? A dream come true

Governments trying to gut free speech? Yes dream come true

Governments looking to tighten gun laws? Yes dream come true

Police state/surveillance apparatus? Yes dream come true.

Military Industrial Complex? Yes citizen we need to keep you safe from terrorists, it'll cost you $750 billion per year plus interest. Sorry you can't afford Universal healthcare, what are you a Socialist?

Israel? Yes, "how nice of you to step in and volunteer to take the retaliation for our decades of slaughtering unarmed civilians in Gaza.."

Pro-war Neocons/Mossad? Dream come true, now they can easily lead some angry patsies into carrying out false flags in order to get US and EU to support their war with Iran and Syria.

There's nothing known about the three other suspects? Hey, that's not strange at all.

Fair enough, I'm not reading IDs anymore because everyone is now a spammer.

Attached: tarrant falseflag.jpg (1742x433, 236.59K)

Fantastic post

You joyless losers are so broken you lash out in narcissistic rage at anyone who suggests you ought to enjoy life.

But sure, worship a guy who broke so completely he threw his life away, setting back good causes because he was so sad his daddy died. I’m sure your total lack of pride will invert into real pride if you just dig far enough into primitive misery.

All you've done is boost the velocity through the roof which means more people will click on it. Congratulations on getting me more attention. You're very big brained.

Bravo JIDF

A lot of people claim jIDF shill certain threads, I'm pretty confident that this was 100% the case here. OP put in lots of effort writing all that, and 50+ posts in, no one gives a shit about it. It must feel disheartening to see your words fall on death ears.

okay then, you're not fooling anyone btw.

The only good cause he set back was gun rights. The guy was hopeless. He was one of the incel types that were treated as prey in recent years by the kind of people whose lives are so empty they slavishly encourage people on this site to shatter in mindless rage rather than improving anything in their lives.

The blackpill is arguably worse than the bluepill because when it doesn't just paralyze it causes self harm

Are you a woman? This isn't instagram. Lurk 2 years.

And you thinking killing 50 mudshits going to change shit? News Flash, there are way more of them and more importantly the people that have the power here want them here. It doesn't matter if you kill 50, 100, 200, 1,000, etc. It will NEVER be enough if we don't have the power to oppose those who want them here in the first place. They will just bring more and we're back to square fucking one.

My group was in the hundreds but the problem is we're spread out. So we we're helping our members by making it easier for them to make local groups, but due to the crack down are ability to organize went through the floor.

that is the goal

The whole purpose of making a thread is to get replies, you utter melt. Get in the bin.

It’s not a blackpill to point out that most people are happy, but most hateful people aren’t. Hatred is a choice people can stop making.

When your so-called "arguments" are so weak they can't support themselves there's no need to debunk them because anyone with half a brain can figure out the truth

Antipodean Resistance?

Would you say you're getting angry now?

I'm saying that this sad fuck was blackpilled to go and do this shit

Some people are unhappy because they have real problems. Opt-out miseries are a privilege that should be *used*.

inaction is our greatest enemy
everyone who advocates doing nothing over doing something is a traitor

Lol. Sure. “Organize”.
Naw, that’s okay fed.
Leaderless resistance and lone wolf is what has you kvetching loudest.

I wish a shooting like this happened every week

0%. Currently watch Ze Pooblique Spayce with Jay Eff Gayreepee.

saged and reported. Zionist shills please go back to where you come from -→ >>>/reddit/

It was already bad before.

They're not the poor little people who dindu nuffin you're trying to paint them as.

They already had their dream come true before this attack

Same as above

They were already trying to gut free speech before

They were already trying to take all gun from the population before

They were already trying to put everybody under surveillance and compile as much data as they could

They were already making a shitload of money before and never had any intention to give you free shit, this doesn't change anything.

Israel was going to find an excuse to mass murder no matter what

They were already doing that before

it really does
can't be subverted, predicted, infiltrated, or stopped
Hero Tarrant was not on any watchlist
lone wolves aiming for easy targets can not be prevented, and gives the highest liklyhood of the lone wolf not having to sacrifice his life or freedom
Tarrent is a genius

Again with the “organize”. Shill posts designed to namefag people into infiltrated orgs so they can be misdirected, pushed into apathy or entrapped. NICE TRY, though. Be sure to “organize” yourself into a camp.

pic related

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Yeah, okay, but whatever. People who take antidepressants sometimes end up adding a bullet to their dosing regimen, but the antidepressant should still be tried first.

I still think some of the surplus youth worker issue should be solved by shipping the unworkers to poor foreign countries to help build their infrastructure. If standards are too high in the forst world, send people to places where their marginal productivity does more good. There are still *plenty*.

100%. Success is it’s own proof.

I agree with you about the killings not making a difference and I feel for your organization, brother.
May things cool down eventually so that you can bring the people together. Beware of feds, they love to infiltrate everything. And beware of antifa like the ones who doxxed the Identity Evropa members.
Make sure to get your people into local government positions, those are relatively easy to get and can become an effective means for your organization to move up the ladder and eventually get relevant positions that enable you to enact change. Best of wishes

You will have every bone in your body broken one by one with sledgehammers. It's beyond just removal now, you kikes will all be tortured to death on live streams along with your families. The time of mercy is gone. You will beg us for a quick end, but it will go on and on and on and by the time you die, you will be unrecognizable and you won't even remember who you are.

You're pinching a whale, retard. That's what killing an insignificant number of Muslims amounts to.

More like not falling for the accelerationism psyop.

Useless for us, very useful for our enemies.

No, we're a NRX group, with a religious focus, based mostly in America with some members through out Europe.

Community building isn't inaction you fucking moron.

We are leaderless and lone wolves don't win a fucking war.

The Fasces, my goal is to build unity and number to gain power. You can't destroy those with power without power yourself. If one can't build such an organization than all of this is fucking pointless.

0.05 shekels have been deposited to your account

I remain skeptical, since there have been several attacks that didn't change much.

Literally; fuck off. Your not a king or a saint so stop pretending you have any fucking standing on an anonymous image board. Organizing is fucking stupid since namefagging is for fags with mush brains that have to have make it on reputation instead of actual skills.

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Oh, cool. I used to be featured on Xenosystems. How's your neolibertarian LARPing working out?

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If this isn't a paid shill, I don't know what is

idiot, I counted 63 in the Video.
