
I have a new game for you pol

help me create a new government

Core points;

What would you do???

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 6.21.57 AM.png (523x523, 110.88K)

3 years way too much, 12 months much better to get basics of warfare, survival

I wouldn't ban it. Just discriminate everyone who does such things on a daily basis. The thing with "banning" is, that it strengthens the things banned, if they're not completely wiped out. Think about drugs: They're banned, and yet they're available. Additionally, people who want to get high are financing organized crime, terrorism, and so on. Most heroin comes from afghanistan, and is used to finance terrorism. The drug trade also enables A LOT of prostitution of the worst kind. Think about Rotherham - Those girls ended up as the prostitutes of their dealers.

You fucking marxist

What business? You want to nationalize all resources. The population is just another resource to be nationalized. So there's no business other than maybe state-coopted corporations waiting to be fully nationalized.

Sure. Finance all your social programs for the majority of losers with moneyprinting and inflation. Remember the 80-20 rule - Tha majority will always be a ajority of losers. What could go wrong.

Why? If someone outside wants to provide you with stuff in exchange for some cheaply printed paper, why wouldn't just take the stuff?

Interestingly I think, you right-wing-socialists could learn a lot from saudi arabia. Their immigration policy is, that anyone can immigrate - really without any limits - as long, as those immigrants find a saudi citizen, which is willing to pay for everything said immigrant is in need of, and cannot provide by himself, and is willing to be punished on behalf of said immigrant, if he does anything wrong. I really think, that something like that is the best immigration policy possible.

This would be established by the policy mentioned above, if the populace wishes so.

You'd probably would need to conquer such territories first. I'm not a warmonger, so I'd be opposed to this kind of policy. BUT, you could ship them to some underdeveloped piece of land in the middle of nowhere, which is in need of some colonist.

I'm against reparations. Just make such abuse impossible by arming everyone with military grade material. Which, by the way, is being done in pakistan. In some pakistani provinces it's perfectly legal - and encouraged - to own stinger missiles, and such.

Why am I argueing for muslim policies? I really don't like them, but the enlightened west really is worse in many aspects.

Naaa. Arm everyone with military grade stuff, and let them organize by themselves. Militias are cheaper than armies. With "arm everyone" I mean "Let them buy and develop military grade stuff without any intervention". I like low taxes, and everyone can buy his own weapons.

Naaa. I love space exploration, but it appears, that private marketeers like Elon Musk are better in doing it, than the government would be. So just make the development of intercontinental missiles a private business. You know, those space exploration missiles are just a slightly stronger form of an intercontinental missile. If you let a government agency like NASA do it, they'll waste money in order to get jobs and political favours. Just compare the launch cost of the NASA missiles in development with the launch cost of the BFR.

Deregulate Nuclear. About 99% of the costs of building an reactor are a result of all kinds of fascist and unneccesary regulations. Officially it's about reactor security, but in reality quite a lot of it is bullshit, which makes reactor building MUCH more complicated and expensive.

So you want me, so that someone else can waste his or her time with some kind of neomarxist gender studies bullshit? And you also want me to pay, so that someone can get some kind of paperwork which will enable him to make him much more money in the long run? Naaa. Both are investments - one bad and one good - which should be paid for by the person making said investment, and not by me.

What for? There already are a LOT of cryptocurrencies. Why not use those? Why should the government be in charge of the money supply?

No answers? I thought so. Fucking leftists.

You would really allow infant mutilation which is a clear violation against human rights.

also Nestle takes 400 gallons of water a hour from the great lakes and pays $200 a year. Start charging a real price for water and you can fund the whole nation.

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Go back to reddit you fucking nigger.
You were banned for a reason.

It's against human rights to shoot asylum seekers right at the border. Discrimination is against human rights. Fuck human rights.

If you've got a problem with certain practices, you should segregate from people with those practices. It clearly doesn't do much good, to ban everything you dislike. As shown in the example regarding drugs, bans usually do not achieve the intended outcome, and are a bad thing by themselves. Bans strangulate freedom, and they require overreaching measures to be enforced. Bans are a bad thing.

BTW, it's a REALLY HUGE problem to make EFFICIENT rules for widely diverse people. I mean, in the mathematical sense. You can't expect an efficient outcome, if you have the same rules for people with an IQ of 50 and 150, of if they're from cultures with opposing values. Islam and enlightenment are not compatible, and there's no set of rules, which would lead to an efficient outcome for both groups.

Therefore, it's always the solution to segregate. So no to Greater-France with all its fucking centralism.

I've never been banned here. Fuck off.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Please expand on that.

Okay, so since we're laparping, lets play on this cool map I made. It is based on a 4-quads post an user made about his ideal form of government. In this alternate universe, we have dismantled all the governments of the world and replaced them with an anarcho-feudal National-Socialist Pastoralist-Aryan Khaganate. Over the years, the global Khaganate broke apart into numerous tribes. Each people chose a name for themselves based on either their locality or the stories of our past. Civilization has re-emerged as well and a new ice age is beginning to take hold in the north. It is an age of conquest and heroes!

Attached: Anarcho-Feudal National-Tribalist America.png (1766x1363, 3.19M)

So they imported too many shitskins and their country went down the shitter. Why doesn't anyone there think to Brenton?

A mighty Fag is stronger than a single twig

do you have the post saved?

A mighty fag burns better than parsely distributed single twigs.

/liberty/ please leave this ismt your board

(((Cuckpitalists))) burn better, how does it feel that you have more sympathy and loyalty to money than your volk

Please excuse me, I'm new here. What do you mean by that?

Please believe me, that my Volk is cucked in such an imperial manner, that it doesn't deserve any loyalty. Even the great Führer Adolf Hitler himself thought so in the end.

How the great Nietzsche said: Was fällt, das soll man auch noch stoßen!

You'd surely agree. Otherwise you're a dick.

if u join military in ger as officer (u must sign for 12 y), u study and do the military thing at the same time. 3month study, 3 month service, this for 4 years than u have got a master degree and r in the rank of a leutnant. BEST THING: u get ur officer money from first day of studying. after study u serve 8 more years. i think u cant make it any better as this system.
So i would organize it like this, to answer ur question

It's a human right to defend your nation, you dummy. Also learn to quote, pretend like it's not your first day on an imageboard.

There's reason small twigs are used to get a fire going, not giant logs or tightly bound bunches of sticks.

And then, everything will fail.

wow it's fucking nothing