So Help Me Understand Something

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Self Justice.

In Germany at least:
If the System isn't doing it right, people can do selfjustice.

Yet any Selfjustice will be judged by a judge at the end and they are all left-cucks.

The process is non compliance followed by killing them when they try to force compliance.

followed by actively hunting them down making them comply, aka revolution.

Destroy said government.

Ignore the symptoms, attack the source, address the big elephant in the room of humanity…the JQ.

That makes more sense.

Also makes sense.

Makes so much sense it shouldn't even be possible.

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As soon as their heart starts beating they shit themselves instead of realising that is how you are meant to live defending this shit.

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Facebook Bans for Criticizing Incels
Incels are the new Muslims! I got banned for posting the following at my page:

I have to agree that these "Incels" pose an enormous existential problem to the civilized world, in fact they are just the tip of the much larger iceberg. Ugly face is almost always connected with neural disorders and other health problems. Just look inside any psychiatric ward: they are literally filled with ugly people, and the more retarded the patient the uglier he looks. Same way baldness is correlated with numerous health issues. Face is the real passport of psyche, and a shitface is almost always an evidence of brain problems and bad genetics at play. Even if the ugly look is due to malnutrition, one still has bad genetics, because his parents have failed to provide him with good food. Of course one can get disfigured in a car accident, but that is no different: getting into a car accident increases chances of low IQ (DUI, driving cheap unsafe car, having slow reaction, etc…), therefore a freak is always evolutionary bankrupt.

It doesn't take a Ph.D in evolutionary biology to infer that it would be a winning strategy for women to date only handsome males with high libido, because kids conceived from promiscuous males will carry their genes and will strive to have sex with as many women as possible. And of course such alpha males should be physically fit. You can't have sex with 1000 women/year, if you look like some Elliot Rodger jewish-asiatic manlet freak. That is actually what my mother taught me about the rules guiding our society and how real men behave themselves.

High libido men are very sociably and actively search for multiple ex partners, they look nice and clean, make presents to women and paying them attention - this all shows a woman, that her wannabe partner will do everything to pass on his genes. And subconsciously it is very important for any woman, that her partner had many sex partners, as that means her children will also have many sex partners and will pass her genes forward. From that we can conclude that the female centered natural selection (matriarchy) is a all about mass procreation, while the male center unnatural selection (patriarchy) is all about making tricky systems with draconian laws, where they can game the system by enslaving women. That is why women are naturally less creative and more into people than systems.

According to the Next Steps Project by University College London, which has been tracking people born in 1989-1990, around 12.5% of them were still virgins at the age of 26. Since this figure naturally includes more men than women, we might actually have to adjust the estimate from 10% to 15% or even 20% of men being Incels. That is a huge number of freaks and creeps threatening the future of humanity: these 20% of men are constantly thinking and scheming about gaming the system and enslaving women, drowning humanity in the new dark ages, because that is the only chance to procreate for these ugly degenerate monsters. It is no secret, that ISIS was formed from young sexually frustrated males, like the western Incels, who were unable to find their niche and sexual partner in the polygamous Islamic world.

– Ayn Rand

Given that, I propose starting the war on ugly. We need a good old genocide to cleanse the humanity from this genetic trash. Only brutal eugenics can solve the ugly question. Until we start killing ugly subhumans, there will be mass shootings, like that of Elliot Rodger. As said Fyodor Dostoevsky, "only beauty will save the world", of course Dostoevsky referred to Jews and the Jewish culture (Fyodor really hated non-Christians), but we can extrapolate that to the whole humanity, without regards to religion, and then we will see many ugly things, not worth saving or investing into. If we simply kill all ugly children, there will be no such obnoxious virgin losers. That will be the final solution to the Incel question.

Who said anything about amerimutts?
You sure wanted to get that bait out didn't you my man?

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Kiwis need to start a yellow vest style protest for gun-rights, and they need to start it yesterday.

That's a symptom of an underlying problem. Dating back to the original sin of rejecting nature for personal gains, by exploiting our surroundings. That is parasitical in nature, and led to the corruption of our species by poisoning blood and race, as a natural self defense. Ugliness is the first visual instinct we use to sense danger. Nature is sending us signals to stop being parasitical, while punishing us into extinction for going against the natural order.

The proper use of alcohol is the suppression of appetites. Fill your house with the stuff, and then remember every time you pass a bottle that if you drink it you shall surely perish.

If you do this as my mother did, I would request only that you also be kind unto your children should they question it. Know ahead of time what words you will utter of the practice.

Another halfchan tier slide thread.
Get AIDS and die, OP

That's a losing strategy. Waiting until they're at your doorstep with a fully armed and armored SWAT team, or worse, said team breaking into your house at 3 AM to seize your weaponry will result in your death if you attempt to stop them. The moment they declare they are going to start seizing guns, is the moment you should start hunting down government officials and those that would enforce their tyranny in THEIR homes. You cannot win if you simply wait for them to come to you, going on the offense is the only possible winning strategy we will have when the time comes.

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Cry more, faggot.

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Whats with the fetish for legality? Muslims don't need legal weapons to kill Europeans, why should we need legal weapons to defend ourselves? Check your priorities.

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i know you have no proof though.

loaded with anecdotal evidence, faggot. i suppose stepehn hawking is a retard because hes ugly too, right?

None of you arseholes are gonna do anything, 'cept bitch about how hard done by you are, and how much you're gonna do about it.

Concentrate on the guns and it's all about guns.
You do nothing more than fight for guns.
Just keep your damn guns, instead of talking about keeping your damn guns.
Why should you have to convince people to keep their damn guns?
Keep your fucking guns.

Let's make a song and dance about keeping the fucking guns. Wooohoo, go you. Look at you and your guns.

It's not about the guns, (keep your guns).
What the fuck is wrong with you people. You couldn't organise a root in a brothel with a fist full of fifties.

When the fuck sre you low IQ motherfuckers gonna organise in a way that doesn't alienate everyone down to the brand of fucking H2O that they drink?
Face it tards. You set your standards outside of reality. You turn more away than take in.
It's time to actually take stock and realise what the fuck you have to work with. Otherwise, everyone's the fucking enemy in your eyes.

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don't even post that shit ironically user

What we need to happen is a major domino has to tip over to start the chain reaction. That's what everyone is waiting for.

I don't get it either, especially for somewhere like New Zealand. They're so far down on the resupply chain that whatever they possess is effectively irreplaceable. At least in America guns are so prolific that even if all production was banned today it would take a couple hundred years for the shooting to stop.

I suspect the reason NZ gov't is moving so quickly on the gun ban is because they know compliance will be low if the muslim's strike back before it is enacted.

So fucking retarded, holy shit.

I hope by god you are just trolling or this is a poor D/C attempt.
"Yes let's start turning on eachother about how we look even though our population is rapidly declining" "oh while we are at it anyways; let the most privileged group control the same shitshow they are now controlling.

oh and >not being for unironically enslaving women (cause they are so smart righto friend ;^))

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if we had more and better firearms, we wouldn't have to worry about the government

Tarrant already knew this, and addressed it in his writings. According to him, the gun owners of NZ were a bunch of miserable;e fucking boomers who were going to lose there guns anyway. He admitted, his actions would aciculate this process, but as he saw i, the NZ gun laws were soon to change and he he just speeded it up a bit, and at least provided a spectacular how and symbol whist he did it.

Expect us to actually do what needs to be done in the world's most comprehensive police state ever created.

Realize we are stupid niggers instead.

Oh I think you do. They're conservatives, useless, cowardly, conservatives. Lacking the will for true struggle, they will lash out in their disbelief that someone could have true courage and show them for the spineless fools they are.

It has been interesting to watch the (supposedly) far-Right personalities tripping over themselves to condemn this. It's probably for the best that their weakness is exposed and culled.

It's the reality of what we're facing. One of the troubling facets about the potential seizure of guns in the United States is that, those who would defend their rights have an entirely unrealistic expectation of how it would go down. They imagine themselves refusing and shooting back, but they never really think through the logistics of what that would entail or how it would go down. They don't stop to consider that, realistically, they cannot effectively fight back alone against an entire squadron of police in body armor with SWAT support positioned with sniper rifles across the street.

Once legislation is passed for seizure, they will slowly, methodically disarm the citizenry house by house, piece by piece. And those who resist will be facing a fully armed squadron of police, on the doorsteps of their own homes within which they may have their wives and children present. Are you really going to shoot back at that point, knowing that you will die right then and there and possibly lose the lives of family members as well? If you wait to the point where they're at your doorstep you have no chance to effectively resist, and you will either be disarmed or killed. You cannot resist a tyrannical government by focusing on self defense, as you will simply be crushed underfoot. The only way you can possibly effectively fight back is to go on the offense, and I honestly question the resolve of the American citizenry to commit to that kind of action. They all believe in defending their homes and their rights, but once they realize defense is not sufficient, are they willing to go any farther? The answer to that question may be the determining factor to the future of our country.

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You do realize that in order for guns to work

How do you think the pro-2A sheriff's departments that are creating "gun sanctuary" counties would react if their gun-grabbing 'brothers in blue' counterparts start getting wacked?
Drop support/cuck out, or "we warned you this would happen"?

Typical kike shill false flagging fbi q-boomer nigger. Reminder to sage and report, we are them. They are us. Islam is the future.


Go away.

Here's the secret. All the political muh guns fags care about is their personal firearms collection. The talk about government resistance is all bluster