The boyfriend of my wife says New Zealand is beautiful

Havent read anything about this all day on 8.

So, did you enjoy the day long trials as a muslima-kiwi?

Attached: 5c94a5484c96bb46788b4568.JPG (650x400 127.06 KB, 66.07K)

Hahahahaha oh lord. Those women look like babushka wearing old Slavic women instead of muslim-animal. KEK.

I thought Kiwis were supposed to be attractive? These women all look like fat old American boomers.


all jewish
t. classifier

I can see it too friend
Good god holy fuck

You're going to make classifiers out of us all, friend. By the way…isn't NZ a notorious hub for Jewish enclaves? In fact…all the NZers I've met online were very disproportionally Jewish. It seems like the (((Eternal Anglo))) really was busy breeding with Juden during the early 20th century after all.

Yes. And what is interesting, they are allmost all Sephardic jewish. And that is interesting. Jacinda (Hiacinta) is Sephardim. They have something like base in NZ.
Pic related are pure jews, Mizrahim, not related.

Attached: Mizrahim.jpg (937x552, 458.59K)

(88) Checked.
I'm getting an Amy Winehouse vibe from the one on the left, but the Kiwi grandmas in OP's pic seem more like Ashkenazi/Anglo (cryptojew)?

It is the most important skill novadays, bro.

Attached: Megan Amram sephardi jew.jpg (780x520 40.98 KB, 55.22K)

Thanks man now I’m going to go pour hot muriatic acid into my eyeballs


All sorts. They are all fucking mixed.

Attached: bushy Jacinda.jpg (721x539, 112.25K)


Attached: mom.jpg (600x315, 48.35K)

(1100) Two Pairs: Check'd.
She looks mixed Ash/Shep Jewess to me. Shepardi girls have more fat on their faces/bones and a darker complexion.


Totaly agree with that observation. Yes, it is something like 30% ashkenazi, 70% Sephardic. Well, mother is Sephardim, while mother is Sephardim, pic related.

Attached: Laurell Ardern dad&mom.jpg (1240x700, 229.48K)

*dad is ashkenazi, mom is sephardim

Look at them in the second pic, fetal alcohol syndrome and subpar genetics everywhere. This is who becomes a leftist.

Looks like NZ is ripe for direct conquest by whomever it may concern.

Plus Negro genetics, user. All jews have 10% to 20% Negro admix.

Attached: plus nego genetics.jpg (1120x640, 191.88K)

how cucked can one country get?

fixed it for you

Attached: cucked_cunt.png (780x520, 294.09K)

It is not about cucked, user. It is about jewish occupation.
But believe me. They just dont know. They dont know how many cryptos they have on top positions in society.
Like fucking Swedes. Swedes think, it is consensus. But it is just jewish propaganda and leadership.

Attached: two jewesess.jpg (292x173, 19.21K)

Still not a woman…that THING is a fucking globohomo tranny.


Attached: that horse smile.jpg (600x450, 46.07K)

A Jewess with a cock

Attached: Liveleak.com_-_The_New_Zealand_prime_minister_seems_to_be_pa.mp4 (406x720, 1.86M)

Jews are trannies by definition, user. Thats why allmost all homos and trannies are jews or crypto jews.
It is about semite neanderthal substrata.

Attached: jesus fuck.png (630x372, 218.4K)

Checked trip dubs

Did I tell you that was a dude or what? Yes castrati from a young age but still a globohomo. What kind of woman has HAIR on her nipples, that is a 'male only' characteristic.

In that lighting they look diluted, but then you see their spawn in, , from a different angle and it seems to come together. Actually now that you mention it…when I look at the parent's pic as a thumbnail, I see Anthony Bourdaine and a typical bulbous nosed kikess. Are you sure it isn't the father that's a Shephardim and the mother an Ashkenazi?

Also that gaudy necklace is so Kosher it hurts.

KEK. user beat me to it, but not like NZ PM beats "her" tranny penis. Just like Michael Obongo.

Holy fuck look at that nose! Did you shoop that? Be honest


"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races…and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel…will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…"

Baruch Levy in letter to Karl Marx, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574

bushy cunt

Attached: bushy Jacinda1.jpg (721x539, 115.7K)


Attached: New Zealand mourns Christchurch victims with call to prayer, 2-minute silence-vzppu1aHqa0 out.mp4 (1276x714, 13.86M)

Attached: jewtube.png (1204x246, 47.92K)

thanks, wasnt able to find the source file in their code and just been lazy.

OMG what an opportunity right there…guys NEXT TIME REMEMBER THE 'AFTERPARTY'

Where is Saint Tarrant II when you need him?

Upside-down world NPC as usual: bad is good, cucking is heroic, etc.

Fuck. What a cunt.

You meant new sweden?

youtube-dl didn't work on reuters for me, had to pull it from some chink news channel on jewtube

If you're a white Newzealander man either gather together with your fellow men and do something or either commit suicide since if you're not going to do anything you might as well end your useless lives as you're wasting resources that more valuable individuals could be using to further or ethno nationalist agenda

Oh fuck, yes. i fucked up that. Father is Sephardim and mother is Ashkenazi, yes.

Attached: i have bushy cunt.jpg (1000x667, 156.83K)

I really don’t understand why people fear infidelity. Unmarked infidelity is a disease risk, but if it’s open and under control it’s all just pleasure and autonomy. People can network in exotic ways and be empowered by it. We’re all just existent.


Attached: nope.jpg (720x405, 66.72K)

Calm down, demoralization faggot. They are preparing as we speak.

Holy shit their eyes are insane, they look like witches. for downloading jewtubes is easy enough.

No worries. It just clicked with me that her father reminded me of this anti-white piece of shit in an instant. May he burn in hell.

Keep in mind that you see these White Traitors like the German cuck in the embed and a Jew always pontificating upon White Genocide. Same thing in NZ and so many other places ad nauseam. Classifying and naming the Jew and point them out individually as they shirk and try to hide among us is critical at this stage.


Attached: 5 Babushka just gave you a green one on her fj _bcf5db6138f4740b19c1eceef157d6a9.jpg (1000x992, 196.85K)

Mizrahim are just niggerjews. Real witches are Sephardims. Fucking snakes.

Attached: Sephardim yentas.jpg (500x750, 123.36K)

The Queen Lizard placed the jewess kike tranny as NZ PM cause the kike bitch tranny is told what to do by the British Empire. Exterminat these weak fucking kike pedos.

London and France are the hub of Rofschilds Jewry and that is where The Five Eyes get their orders from. No surprise really.

It is critical, yes.
We all criticise Swedes as cucks. But they are not. They are just fucked from crypto jews, enemy within. They just dont recognise them.

Attached: this is jewess btw.jpg (750x937, 224.21K)

I still have a hard time recognizing them.

Kiwi's are so culturally cucked. There are no fucking men in NZ. No way a man would let any female relative wear a shitskin hijab.

i beg Swedish Men to kill all of your Government now. Drag them out and make an example of what kike jewery gets you. Send a message to all the Rothschild kike Khazar they need to leave the planet.

Men don't usually spend a lot of time considering womens fashions. I can't believe that women would consider it in the first place.

True, they need to die for their crimes against humanity. It wouldn't really take that many men to accomplish it as well. {shrug} but Macron is still prancing his faggot ass around France so not sure what to think about the possibilities.

cunt Macroc needs to be beheaded for the world to see.

I can't tell you how much I would really enjoy seeing that.

You have just allways ask yourself - is this a jew?
Than, after years, it is just automatic, instinct.

Attached: also a jewess.jpg (1280x720, 153.96K)

Religious, culturally, or ethnically? She doesn't look like an ethnic jewess to me and thus is nothing more than a foolish shabbos goy.

I think shabbos goy who capitulates. What say you?

Check em' and kek em'. Once total societal break down happens and capitulators like "Le Pute De Juifs" Macron and others like him are dead…those Rothschilds will be safe in their Island Bunkers and elsewhere deep underground. Perhaps they will emerge for more trickery or will initiate killing those not connected and serving their family.

Attached: French_Fried_Human_Consciousness_2.webm (720x480, 15.59M)

Jews are semites. Semites are Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalensis hybrid species.
Religion, ethnicity and culture means nothing when we deal with the jews. Only species. Btw, jewish species races (subspecies) are Mizrahim, Sephardim and Ashkenazi.
I know. And that is the problem. Most of people doesnt recognise them. Ashkenazis are heavy mixed with Germanics and Slavs.

Attached: those two are easy ashkenazis.jpg (1080x1349, 330.21K)

Aren't sephardic and Mizrahim largely inferior to Ashkenazi jews though due to the European mixture that Ashkenazi jews have?

They have huge fucking nigger lips…so I see what you mean. Even after all those attempts to hide the nigger in them it still expresses itself.

Attached: part nigger woman.jpg (284x160, 9.14K)

Observe those rat ears too

Mizrahims are just heavy nigger mixed camel fuckers, IQ85.
Germanic mixed Ashkenazis are intelegent, due to solen Germanic genome, about IQ 100 - 103. Slavic mixed Ashkenazis are IQ 95 - 100.
Sephardim jews are Spanish mixed. And Spaniards are Goths, Suebes, etcetra, Germanic again. But Sephardims are unusually talented snakes, something very special. They are kings of the jews.

Attached: mizrahi.jpg (960x640, 98.33K)

Yes. They are 10% Negro mean admixed.
All jews have this negro lips trait. Especialy fat, fleshy lover lip. They cant operate that, loke they operate their noses.

Attached: yenta beauty.jpg (634x829, 166.62K)

I think this is because they are turkic/kikes or turkikes. A people I am starting to believe are the worst, most deviant, least moral people this planet has ever spawned.


In the end all this talk about Jew this and Muslim that , does it matter? we that are oh so awake and all but we aren't reproducing and passing on the genes , we aren't doing anything to remove the jews from the financial and political hierachies . And ot to mention that in the majority of people's views our views about races and such are regarded as wrongthink …so where do people like us go from there ? how do you figure we get to maintain our herritage and make it thrive in the future?
we don't have the luxury of saying that our race is chosen .

good luck with you ISLAMOFASCIST NWO then…just think you could have had a EUROPEAN ETHNOGLOBE of peace, quiet and prosperity for all HUMANS…but instead you were amused by the violence and the killing and the spectacle of death.

Let's be honest , what is it that we want in life that we are not working towards archieving ? are we so deomoralized by the leftist traitors , hordes of 3rdworldians getting invited by our own leaders , so hamstrung by the economical system that without sending the woman to work , having a middleclass life barely obtainable except for the best and bightest that make those 6 figures to have their own house -family-cars and luxury . Should we not be happy that the system is collapsing , and reorganize to build upon it's ruins?

You kill shitskins so the invaders feel fear in your lands. You force your government to stop importing shitskins or kill them too.

We are the only people who can build civilization because we are the only HUMANS left. If we do not organize a civilization, there won't be one again.

when anglo ladies put on scarves they just look like old ukranian hags

So lok at the polish, and russians they still have the means of maintianing a nice homogenous culture (well mostly ) should we notconsider bolstering their culture econmicly and reorganize from there on?

excuse my typos

Jews, Turanids (Turkic people), Gypsies, and others… Those are all semitic or semite admixed people. What they all have in common is neanderthal substrata. All people have some neanderthal admix to a degree. Semites have the most. And that is the basis of their ugliness.

Attached: semite1.jpg (736x1078 34.76 KB, 140.56K)

I thought all whites are this cross, which is what separates us from africans who have 0% neaderthal.

They are far from homogeneous user. Russia alone is 30% muslim. And the poles are a huge percent kike right now. Kikes are organizing this and Hungary as a 'safe haven' for kikes. That is why they began pillaging it in earnest lately.

Attached: The Future of Poland.mp4 (1280x720, 13.24M)

I think there are a few solutions, 1 make your own wealth and stop paying into the system (tax) , 2 find a nice woman and have many children. # school and raise your children. Teach them history , teach them how to fight both with and without weapons , teach them the means to survive within the system and outside of it.

They are ABSOLUTELY VILE PEOPLE…no wonder we exterminated them in Europe. We need to continue.

Attached: turkic muslim porn habits.jpg (1077x795, 646.39K)

Or exterminating your enemies completely THEN doing all the things you mention when your lands people and nations are secure.

So you discovered a large dark hair on your wahmens nips?

Where is this coming from ? i was not aware of this and would like to have more sources if possible please.


Whites and some Asians tend to have neanderthal ancestry. Blacks do not.

That is Varg Vikeners perpetuated jewish agenda. Jews are whitewash Neanderthals for some 15 years now. Why? Because they know what will happes when goyim figure out they are of different species and that it is all about millenias long interspecies war between Homo Sapiens Europensis (Cro-Magnon) and Homo Neanderthalensis.
But we will leave that for some other thread, dont want to derail this one.

Attached: neanderthal vs cromagnon.jpg (288x288 45.56 KB, 18.77K)

Stop relying on currency. The Central Banking system is owned by kikes and money is truly worthless. Move your finances into a resource like gold or land for instance.

Keep spamming your jewish lies, shlomo. Homo europeansis and Homo asiatis (and by extension Homo americanis) both have Neanderthal admixture, while Homo africanis and Homo australis don’t. Jews are a subspecies of Homo europeansis (I’ve taken to calling them Homo europeansis judaica). They’re not uniquely neanderthal.


is she actually wearing the same bedsheet since a fakcing week now???

Standard "whoiskike" test for you. Retype:
no jew is allowed to type that. check mate

Australian Aboriginals have H. neanderthalensis DNA too, you know?

dk what u niggers tell me about the % this and that shit, but these girl r hot as fack, woould fack 100%

His citation used to be "pablo haaretz it's the current year" but now that it's been ripped to shreds thread after thread after fucking thread his citation is jew-created recreations of neanderthal skulls.

He's a shitskin that spams this shit because he doesn't have any neanderthalis admixture in him.

But what about Christians, they will continue to ahem" turn the other cheek". Besides the Christian religion seems to be losing members, and honestly they have not contributed a lot and aren't concerned about the jews or muslims .

This is pretty accurate. Ashcanazi kikes branched from the K haplogroup and have their own unique subclades. They literally inbred themselves into a new subspecies.