Revenge for NZ? It has begun


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Well has anyone got the video?

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Do not fear, that priest will survive just long enough to tell us not to blame it on Muslims.

Because live stream = real

Cucknada YES!

No luck yet, just this still so far.

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Why would anyone be sad? Either they believe in their garbage religions or they're liars.



Maybe it was an altar boy he used to boink

Its a muzzie 100%. If it was an ex-altar boy with a sore ass he'd stab the guy in his home, not during mass.

Found it faggot, trying to save it offline but here's a link to video
here is the video

Better quality vid



Attached: montreal stabbing 2019-03-22.mp4 (1280x720, 14.24M)

Even if it was a FF what does it matter now?

Perp. Def looks likes a muzzie with that neckbeard.

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Pray for us, Saint Andre.

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We know it's not a Jew since admission is $5.




Surprisingly light skin. Maybe not full, or at all even, arab..

Fuckin hell it looks like a benny hill sketch.

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Hey guys, I'm supposed to slide this thread but I gave a massive hangover and I wanna go play world of warships so

Christchurch was a falseflag, Brenton is jewish, poles aren't white, etc.

See you on monday!

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If Muslim retaliating good, if it's pedophilia victim taking revenge good too. This and French churches being vandalized is all good news…we need conflict and chaos as soon as possible.

This. Let it burn.

tbh I was expecting something big in Paris or London, more likely Paris as they had already used the 322 in London

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turn the other cheeck goy.
The church will only sponser more middle eastern semites to come here and rape our women, sit around living off deceiving the whites and resselling garbage to us.
You can see how much their faith is worth to them, none willing to defend their leaders.


Wow the church was very empty for a special Easter service or whatever it was on a weekday. But still had very professional multi angle livestream with zooming and panning. I'm fucking totally convinced this 100% real.

Doesn't matter anymore.

nothing is real until you have seen it on livestream

I like how empty the church is.

lol youre obviously butthurt about everybody taking the NZ shooting so seriously.

the world is a slaughterhouse

lol youre obviously butthurt about the lack of acceleration

Turn the other cheek, goy. Free indulgence for any man or woman who lets themself be shanked by shitskins while giving up their daughters to black bulls for the breeding of more godly niggers. Do not forget to take all that untaxed money to shelter more migrants instead of help homeless whites.

The Fire Rises


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there revenge attacks r just facking hilarious
first this shiteater in the netherlands, now this! they just look like full retards compared to tarrant

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What a lame counter-argument. I personally don't care one way or the other about accelerationism. Brenton Tarrant was a hero and did nothing wrong even if his tactics were subpar. At least he tried to get revenge, that's good enough for me.
I myself enjoy my comfy life so I'm no accelerationist, but I also enjoy watching the world burn.

Publicly gay priests get excommunicated or defrocked, and the second picture is an episcopalian or something like that.

I wouldn't expect anything major until around Easter.


This is not how you take revenge against Zig Forums

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Anyone have the images/articles/videos with some of the other priest murders? Muslims pretty regularly attack Christians at mass. We should post it all over twitter.

That is kindergarden level attack compared to Saint Tarrant. He will be ok. Non whites sucks at everything.

Virgin retaliator vs Chad Tarrant when?

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Remember all the Muslims shills after Brenton fucked their shit up?
Notice how these counter attacks aren't targeting kikes either. It's so strange. Almost like muslims in the west are her for some other reason than just stoping us from aiding kikes in the middle east. Almost like they're here to pick our corpses clean just like the kikes.

Relax user , Easter Sunday is right around the corner. I’m sure the Muzzies got big plans

Reminder that christcucks want you to believe that some huge Christian revival is happening in the West meanwhile every Church is fucking empty.

come on

don't worry, they're working around that by closing churches

Plenty of churches record their services for older folks who can't attend. Try harder.

Normies man. "Hey what's that strange man doing WHOA NOW A KNIFE" zero situational awareness

Not revenge. Just part and parcel of living in a city with muslim immigration.

accelerationizm works

If someone plans on avenging anyone, post the video please otherwise the media will not talk about it.

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Doing God's work user

link removed


As if Catholics are doing anything to resist the poz.


As far as I can tell Catholics are encouraging the POZ but this still shouldn't happen in our nations.



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On which planet?

Catholicism gave us the Crusades, Christendom and the Reconquista.
Protestantism gave us Turks, Freemasonry and Moral Relativism.
Had we stayed Catholic, it would not have ended this way.
Quote related.
Martin Luther: "Better Turk than Papist".
Go to the Latin Mass. Reconnect with God, His Church and European Civilisation,

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ML said that because the papists are jews.

off yourself christcuck

No they don't and that's the problem retard

Yeah they're all boomers or shitskins. Young whites realize that christians are cucks either subconsiously or otherwise.

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I think it more likely he said it because he was a raging drunk tard.

Yes, Luther disliked the Jews immensely. That is not enough to make him good. We are talking about the Cuck who sowed the seeds of the English Civil War, Freemasonry, the French Revolution, Communism and Globalism, with all the tyrannies they led to.

Do you realise the average peasant in Christendom had more than fifty days of obligatory holiday, Sundays excluded, every year. Some dioceses had more than a hundred, leading to complaints of too much time not working. What a lovely complaint to be able to make. The cost? Give the Lord of the Land 10% of whatever you grow, keep 90% to use and sell as you see fit. No taxes or usurious loans, either.

See you the above. Non-Catholics are effeminate and sterile.

Catholicism is the only remedy to Islam.

Only the jewish religions can save us now

Christianity compels us to accept that we are all brothers in Christ. That the blood that flows in my veins is the same as the turks, the niggers and the kikes. Worse still, it compels us to accept our lot in life, to wait patiently for an afterlife of promised rewards.
I will not condemn my children to a world created by tolerance


A christian Brazil is better than a pagan Europe

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Not true. Your Brothers in Christ are your fellow Christians, not the wider world in general.

You don't need to hate other races to love your own. That is the lie of the Cultural Marxists.

Loving others, for the good of their soul, for their conversion, for the glory of God, does not mean they all get to come and live in Europe. Look at the great missionaries and heroes, they went abroad to bring them the Gospel and lead them out of spiritual savagery.

They did not invite the Chinks, Nogs and Mohammetans to come live in Christendom instead. Image related.

Tolerance is not a virtue. Error must be opposed wherever we find it.

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Best explanation of why Christfags belong burning next to their kike masters I've ever seen. Good point, user.

What happened to those who were born before Christ was born?

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in catholic lore or something, i don't think it's in the bible. but supposedly he goes down into hell and saves the ones who deserve it

you couldn't have picked better cherries

That second picture is metal as fuck

tbh we need more spooky skeletal buildings and catacombs

Lololol Jesus was a Jew… Lolololol Christfags are all Shabbos.


Believe it or not, the Jews consider that Catholicism was the original cause and still is the main cause of antisemitism worldwide.

Pagans like Nero, Julian etc. had no issued with the Jews or were positively Judaeophile. Julian the Apostate even sent them to rebuild the Temple.

Compare with Christendom which kicked the Jews out of every country, a trend which stopped when Protestantism came into exist. It was the Puritan Oliver Cromwell who invited the Jews back to England after 200 years, because he admired them and needed their money.

There is nothing more cucked than hating what made Europe great: the Faith.

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Holy fuck you jewish faggots hidding as Larpagans are the worst posters on this board. kys.

Europe was great before your dumb sandnigger thought he was divine and got himself killed sperging out over it. Europe will be great again once everyone forgets all worthless desert cults and their members. This bullshit reads exactly to me like the mudslime posting over their dead goatfucker cohorts, here's hoping for more dead kikestians, more dead kikes and more dead sandniggers all. We need nothing less than we need you alive.

You made well reasoned post with historical facts.

Kikes are quick on the scene with their epic anti christian memays xD!


do they still brap after they die

Shut the fuck up kike. You faggots all run on the same script. You aren't here to have an actual conversation about religion, just to regurgitate one liners and meme.