Don't fucking turn them in! They're not hard to hide.
Also, fucking follow Tarrant's example!!!! Shoot up more mosques and kill all the mudskins before they take away your guns!
Don't fucking turn them in! They're not hard to hide.
Also, fucking follow Tarrant's example!!!! Shoot up more mosques and kill all the mudskins before they take away your guns!
Based, have a kike-free first post
Woman with boobs and vag
Looks like we've got a whole JIDF team.
use em or lose em
Reminder that JIM is selling data to every alphabeth there is in the world. As expected of an ex military intelligence stooge.
You mossad agents should make a league table though, it would make it more fun.
ZioPolitician 10000pts
MarxPolitician 10000pts
CEO 5000pts
Lobbyist 5000pts
Proudboy/Antifa/e-celeb 2500pts
MSM 2000pts
Marketing 1500pts
Jew 10pts (because they are just worth more, or so I've heard)
Christian 1pt
Muslim 1pt
Hindu 1pt
Buddhist 1pt
Atheist 1pt
I think based on availability and usefulness of target those would be fair.
Thie is either a glownigger or an idiot.
I do not believe this was a false flag but the next one MAY be. And make no mistake, there ARE feds on this board and Zig Forums DOES comply with US authorities inquiries about shit like this.
Just a word of restraint, lads. Don't make it QUITE this obvious, even though this IS how we all feel.
Also someone please link to full version of Tarrant's video without the 15 seconds of no audio during the drive at the beginning? Thought I had both but all I can find is that initial rip where the sound cuts out.
Holy shit, I feel like no one on this board has read The Turner Diaries.
Shut the fuck up kike
Name one wrong thing the OP said
You missed the first post, glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger. This means you're going to be taken out back and executed by your handler. Relish what little time you have left alive.
Come on now nigger
Link anyone?
4chan thread
glowniggers are making these posts.
Don't forget to the synagogues.
a week ago this thread wouldve been deleted and OP banned. mods have been replaced by glowniggers