ISIS & other Radical Muslims Bootlegging guns while everyone else is volunteering to turn theirs in

After the "assault rifle" ban in NZ after just six days someone with wizard-like internet search abilities needs to do an accurate report on how Islamic terrorists are actively sneaking in military grade weapons. I KNOW that they are sneaking them into Europe as we speak through the Balkans and also from North Africa into Spain/Portugal/Greece, etc… But I'm sure they're sneaking them in from Indonesia/PH and other SEA countries into places like AUS & NZ… Someone needs to do an accurate report, because I'm afraid all these whiteys are going to be gunless and nutless when these motherfuckers start spraying their AK's. Surely there's still some men in these countries who can hide and are accurate with their dad's 1960's 30'06 or .308.

I know I'm not speaking for everyone, but there's a shit ton of people turning their guns in, and it sickens me. They must not know shit about history, or how a populace or empire will send its weak, its women and children first, before the strong men invade. I'm not saying this is going to happen per se, but this is what's happened in the past - we just have a horde of tech to hide it or make it seem like it's something it's not.

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Lets trigger the muzzies again so they start their attack prematurely.

Shit, they're always triggered. They're just the current incarnation of western imperialism vs. Semitic zealotry - The Jews did it, the Christians did it - it's mostly the same shit, these religions all evolve when reacting to stress, but they're mostly all the same.

I honestly believe that these religions are all basically controlled by one another in some contexts.. I really think that the zealotry is heating up to polarize the populace and to leave them with nothing but their dicks in their hand to defend themselves against the already established zealot groups. It's pretty ridiculous to think that after all the Muslim terrorist attacks that these imbeciles completely disregard them after a white guy repays the same respects. Talk about victim blaming - it's the same logic as "your ancestors enslaved me" - the dude shouldn't have shot up the mosque, just as terrorists shouldn't have shot up France in 2014. It's just going to be a big domino effect until we're all defenseless and realize that the people running the banks and the governments are the real ones' to blame here.


There's been police firearm buy-back events going on literally every year for like the past 30 - 40 years.

In NZ they stated 37 firearms have been turned into police since the shooting - that's a lot considering that it's hard as fuck to get firearms in NZ in the first place (for law abiding citizens)

Kill those that give up their guns. Those are tools of the enemy.

They're dead men walking anyhow - no need for them to be killed by their own people. No need for any more soft targets to die at all - The puppet masters need confronted.


It's true - but the root cause still needs addressed. I think there is a big silent majority of likeminded people like us, but I still think it's just the emergence of a police state with all of these tactics they're using.

Why not just pose as moooslimes and locate their weapons caches? If you hang out enough, you can see who comes and goes from where and what sorts of people they are. This isn't that hard.

Also, the more cucked your EU shithole is, the better this works.

Shut the fuck up jesusnigger. I have released a plan to solve the problem less than five seconds after seeing the OP. You can go be useless somewhere else.

Last year in parkland . . .
Muslims were asked to arm up, just in case . . .

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Flashback to 2015 . . .

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This is exactly what I feared would happen. John Smith gets his nice custom rig taken by the Feds and called a babykiller, while Abdulaziz gets his contacts in Pakistan to smuggle in AK's by the crateload to local insurgent groups. Cheap Russian steel core is coming in on ships as we speak.

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A state agent supporting the will of the state. Color me surprised.

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You just described jews and the muslim brotherhood.

Fuck the state and fuck the moonGod worshipping pedo invasion force
Giving away your guns you are from warrior stock act like it
Islam KEK Crom Laughs at your four winds

This video is Great i feel like lifting weights now Muh new fit Music

I have some bad news for you. The indonesian government is helping smuggle AKs to Australia and NZ.

Who remembers this.
I certainly do remember it when it was in the head lines.
I spotted this on another page..
The Al Noor mosque in Christchurch targeted by Brenton Tarrant produced at least two terrorists, from a very small congregation: al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones, killed by a drone, and Christopher Havard. The parents of these boys say their sons were radicalized by extremist preachers at Al Noor. The boys were in Yemen with the guys who trained the Charlie Hebdo killers. A 2014 story at (now scrubbed from the internet) quotes a mosque attendee who says, “A visiting speaker from Indonesia talked about violent jihad and plenty shared his views.” Three questions: How many news reports have you read these details in? If you’d known that this mosque was a terrorist factory, would it have changed your feelings about the news at all? Finally, how does it make you feel to learn that the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?

The left socialists are running the west into the ground and silencing educated discussion on big decisions that irreversibly impact all the west

NZ has taken 1000000 a million immigrants over the past 15 yrs, that’s 20% of current population. And the average immigrant breeding rate is very high comparatively to local birth rates. Diluting culture and the good life created by the countries founders. Some parts are more than 20% Muslim and growing, that don’t integrate with the rest of society. ???? What idiots are running the country

Who remembers this.
I certainly do remember it when it was in the head lines.
I spotted this on another page..
The Al Noor mosque in Christchurch targeted by Brenton Tarrant produced at least two terrorists, from a very small congregation: al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones, killed by a drone, and Christopher Havard. The parents of these boys say their sons were radicalized by extremist preachers at Al Noor. The boys were in Yemen with the guys who trained the Charlie Hebdo killers. A 2014 story at (now scrubbed from the internet) quotes a mosque attendee who says, “A visiting speaker from Indonesia talked about violent jihad and plenty shared his views.” Three questions: How many news reports have you read these details in? If you’d known that this mosque was a terrorist factory, would it have changed your feelings about the news at all? Finally, how does it make you feel to learn that the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?

but a mighty white man is worth twenty shitskins.

who needs guns.. we will go bererker on them in our rightous white fury.