Qtard for 2 years. Done...

Qtard for 2 years. Done. Tired of defending jews and dumb decisions that make no sense but am simply told to trust a plan from someone I don't know.

Need some education. Please help unQtard me. Blue pills make me stupid. Red pills are false maga. Feed me black.

Attached: matrix_steak.jpg (500x681 300.8 KB, 76.58K)

Welcome to nihilism my brother. We will always have a group no matter what to define you in…

Attached: download.png (500x735, 194.68K)

1. Not your blog.
2. Lurk two years before posting.
3. The jews are behind everything. It's the jews. It's always the jews.

You should kill yourself then. Preferably in the course of killing the enemies of the white race.


Your blog posts don't mean anything.

Presumably you recognize the Q is Trump's own propaganda outlet, which is the first step towards the truth that the idiots here are largely unwilling to take.

After that, you have to decide whether or not you support what Trump is doing. I recognize that Trump is highly talented and is able to do things other people can't, but at the same time, I don't know what his real goals are, and even if they do line up with my own intrinsic goals, I can't be sure that he will succeed.

As such, I plan for his failure or his betrayal, and urge accelerationism among everyone I interact with. The Path of Blood is the only realistic alternative if Trump disappoints.

And his IQ rose 2 whole points that day.


Masons dindu nuffin.
Skull and Bones dindu nuffin.
Jesuits dindu nuffin.
Satanists dindu nuffin.

If you're weak-willed enough to have wasted two years on a transparent larp, you are not wanted here. Lurk for two additional years before posting again you stupid faggot.

I still care about things. That's what makes this so annoying/frustrating.

Too many years of being told I matter. I'm trying to wash that off.

I'm not for violence in the way you suggest. If Civil War…so be it..but what you speak of is far too radical and well,…fucked up.

Drop in the bucket. I'm still stoopid.

Should I just off myself then?

Lurk 2 years before posting again.

freemasonry is not intrinsically heeb bullshit, it got zogged because it is a perfect breeding ground for heeb bullshit. dont throw the baby out with the bathwater, I can name dozens of good intentioned organizations, and bad intentioned ones for that matter, that got coopted by Jews for their purposes. how can christianity and satanism both support global zog? and atheism too? And Islam too…? Capitalism and Communism? How about the United states, was the nation founded to create and support Israel? I don't think it's insane to believe that but I believe no, it got zogged later.

Freemasonry is a victim not a vector, and it's a damn shame because in a lot of ways it breeds strong independent white families with radically conservative values.
t.mason that doesn't know what to do about masonry. I wish white nationalists would do a hostile takeover. it's the huge boomer quotient that makes masonry susceptible to bullshit centrist 1960s policy support like Zionism. Don't hate all of us, come help us unzog ourselves like every other single fucking power structure there is.

That is fine. Put your trust back in Trump then. There isn't any other viable option that I can see. If there is, let me know, because I agree that violence is the last resort, but it seems to me that we are very near the time for that last resort.



How is this even possible? It was exposed as fake and gay immediately.

Attached: q larp 2.jpg (1084x562, 109.63K)

Imagine being a soldier on the streets of Berlin in WWII and seeing a bomber dropping pamphlets, picking one up, reading it, and coming to the conclusion that there was no such country as the United States.

Have you thought about taking the NEET pill, matey?

Attached: NEET pill.png (800x1000, 128.23K)

Zig Forums never offers any substance or reasoning to be anti-Q beyond this.

Bitch was hot spread her legs in front of a kike. Because money, fame and power. Things we Whites don't have any longer in our country.
And you wonder you lot how kikes came to have so much white admixture!

PS:dunno what redpills you were swallowing but something tells me you got jew'd on your medication too.

Thank you user, Hillary has already been jailed under secret FISA court proceedings not that CNN will admit this. Right now Trump needs our support, he's been building a secret underground wall to stop the invasion of Venezuelan/Iranian operatives and Delta has been activated in its defense. Trust the plan.
