Naming the Jew is a limited hangout

We begin by naming the Jew. A large number of the people at the top of the power structure are Jewish. They have a long history of practicing usury. They practice nepotism and believe in their own racial superiority. They claim 6 million of them were murdered in the Holocaust, when the real death toll is far lower, and most died from starvation and disease. They have their own foundations, secret societies like B'nai B'rith, and their own country founded under fraudulent circumstances. The Jew has been named.

Now, let's explain why naming the Jew is a limited hangout. Notice, I didn't say it's FALSE. I said it is a LIMITED HANGOUT. A limited hangout is when you tell a partial truth, but conceal important information that is necessary for a complete picture.

What other groups are at the top of the power structure? Freemasons are one of the most important. Related to them are the British royals and nobility, who have interbred with Jews and work through the masonic lodges. The Vatican is also important, as they work through secret societies like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and others. Mormonism is more important than many realize, because they have so many people inside the alphabet agencies and they are fiercely nepotistic. Bankers are also very important, as the Federal Reserve (a private bank) and corporate private banks control the money supply, which lets them control the boom and bust cycle. The majority of Wall Street and London bankers are not Jewish.

Then you have think tanks and policy groups, like the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Comission, Round Table, Pilgrims, AEI, Heritage, the Jasons, Le Circle, 1001 Club, Club of the Isles, etc. Then there are foundations, like Soros' Open Society, Rockefeller, WWF, Bill and Melinda Gates, etc.

On Zig Forums, shills use naming the Jew as a limited hangout. If you don't believe me, start a thread about literally any group I just mentioned, and see how quickly they try to shout you down by saying "it's all Jews, and only Jews!" A good way to test them is to ask about specific turbojews, like the Rothschilds or Soros, and see how they minimize their contribution, and demand that you focus on all Jews, not turbojews.

The problem with blaming everything on Jews, as with blaming everything on the masons, or the Vatican, etc. is that most Jews aren't in on high level espionage, just as most masons have no idea what goes on in the higher degrees. By focusing all of your energy on the Jews, you make two mistakes

1. You fail to account for many of the enemies of humanity

2. You lay blame on common Jews who are absolutely clueless about the crimes of the turbojews.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait to see the shills screaming about how OP says Jews are totally innocent.

Every kike is a miniature Soros. Sage, report, and shoot up a synagogue.

This message brought to you by the FBI.

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If it's all Jews and only Jews, and you're not pushing a limited hangout, why don't you talk about some specific Jews that you believe are a problem, and what they have done? Let's hear your thoughts on the evils inflicted on the world by the Rothschilds?

Excellent post. The "little Jew" is the army, an army that is evil and must be destroyed no doubt, but there is something else above the "little Jew". Many people dismiss the things Alex Jones say and they lose a HUGE part of the puzzle.

In this aspect half-chan is ahead because they are not obsessed with "It's the Jews!", many have a much more refined view of this Conspiracy.

"It's the Jews!" is Stormfront circa 1999…true and yet so simplistic that it becomes a limited hangout.

The jews have to have traitors from other groups to work with. This is known. I don't think anyone here thinks it's just jews that have to be dealt with.

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This is the point nu/pol/ is at. A new low. Calling out and opposing Jews is "limited hangout" and "shilling" now because it isn't simultaneously going after every other bad group at once.

There it is. You just proved you're a fucking shill on the payroll of the turbojew.

I thought naming the jew was a "limited hang out"?

I remember he was trying really hard to push the "limited hangout" meme a few months ago same wording, even used the same Bill Cooper pic for his threads. He kept getting banned for spamming which is why I'm assuming he is back on tor.


It is. There's no inconsistency there with what I just said. You only think there is because you think Zionism is exclusively or even primarily a Jewish project.

buzzfeed made a thread

lol just stop

Proof you have no argument.

Wrong. The people at the very top are jewish old-money banking barons. The freemasons and secret societies are all a problem, but they all server the talmudic jew.

Dear god, can the bogus antisemitism already. The only real enemy are the people who by their rape of privacy, unapologetic loyalism, and psychological abuses create the very two-faced world they live in fear of.

I screen caped this post and Ill do it for your next one as well

Which is the jew.

Israel doesn't have pay to play citizenship, Zion is a ethno state ONLY for jews

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this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad

Are the Rockefellers Jewish?

Bill "vaccines to reduce the population" Gates?

Warren Buffett?

Disliked/reported the video and filtered

Ok. Will you be re-posting it with an actual argument?

No I will just post it when you remake this thread



Jews are easier to comprehend. The JQ boils down to an alien group pursuing what they believe to be their own best interests.
The web of our own elite institutions is much harder to deal with. Their motives and methods are unclear, and when you dig a little deeper it sounds like fiction.

Take your meds.


The absolute state of shilling.

It's ALWAYS the jews. They're the ones that got kicked out of hundreds of countries during the past 10K years.

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lol you think the Gates foundation is trying to reduce the population? The only population they want reduced is whites.

No one is disputing that. The question is who created Zionism, and the answer is not Jews. It was the British Empire who wanted a pretext to take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.

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he never said that kike

Here's what happens, OP:

- remove all those non-Jewish organizations that you mention, clown world and white genocide remain unaffected
- remove the Jews and clown world disappears as if by magic

We know I am right because as soon as Hitler removed the Jews from Germany, Weimar culture was destroyed and the nation returned to sanity. In fact it became the most advanced country in the world for a brief period. The Jews are at the root of everything. Yes, there are shabbos who will sell out their fellow whites for 30 pieces of silver, but removing them doesn't solve the problem. In particular, the Jews who run the central banks and money creation racket are the ones who are at the very top.

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Also that is a good point. Every White is a potential Hitler, and every Jew a potential Herzl. The difference is that Jews realize this and Whites largely don't. So that's why they are able to run herd over the rest of us.

Kill yourself

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You're one of the few that has the brains to understand what OP is saying but i don't exactly agree with your argument that JQ might be the best to wake up people, many people came to the JQ thru the Alex Jones type of stuff.

Also, think about all those Illuminati/Satanic/Occult symbolism being paraded in show business and the potential it has to wake up people…eventually all come to the JQ.

.1 shekel has been deposited into your account.

Retarded boomers need to get the fuck off this board

lol zoomys are so defense about their pozzed websites

What about the massive transfers of technology and funds to Nazi Germany? It wasn't the "little Jew" who did it, the "little Jew" was furious writing "Judea Declares War on Germany" inconsequential articles while the "Top Jew" was arming Nazi Germany to the teeth.

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All kikes support their strongest people, because they are ethnic nationalist.
We should do the same.
When it comes down to it any jew would fight tooth and nail for total goyim destruction, just as we should with the jews.

but the mason golems are the ones doing all the legwork

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Good thread, OP. I'll reply to this in length over the weekend.
For now, have a bump and my blessing.

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Hitler killed common Jews while giving jobs to turbojews like Max Warburg to run the (((central bank))), who he allowed to escape to the USA when it was becoming too obvious that he wasn't assigned to a camp yet.

>Some guy with a (((publishing deal))) says derogatory things about Hitler
What a shock my whole world view is crashing down

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At the mid-level most are goys, secret societies of all shapes and sizes and their nasty initiations, multi-generational Satanic pedo families, "regular" blackmailed pedos, etc…but at the very top and bottom of the pyramid it is mostly Jews.

Scott Lively made his book available for free and the amount of shit he takes from Globo-Homo is all you need to know about the quality of his work and his character. And he knows about the Jews don't worry, he chose to fight his fight from the homosexual angle.

Are you retarded? Run an internet search on suppression of Freemasonry if you don't like the source. This is an undisputed fact, you mongoloid. There was an entire political party in the United States created by former president John Quincy Adams devoted to rooting Freemasonry out of the country.

i would like to remind everyone here that einstein was a jewish refugee and he invented nuclear fission and discovered e=mc2 which are both the only reason we had nukes to keep the russians at bay. Cold war would have been the end of humanity elsewise. Thanks.

But notice that no one who loudly insists "it's ONLY Jews" ever gives any specific indictments of specific Jews. They don't talk about George Soros being behind the flood of Muslim invaders. It's always vague, and it's always used to deflect attention from anyone else.

You don't typical charge people to view your propaganda

Her cousin, the Duke of Kent, is the top Freemason in the entire world.

Yeah well it’s organized crime whoever does it, right? The law has whitehat defenders who use some of the same tricks. I don’t think of them as pure as the newfallen snow, but I doubt they give a rat’s patootie whether a perp is Jewish, Mewish, or an Oompa Loompa. So it doesn’t matter who your enemy is in this or anything; just play life tight and lawful, because nearly everyone who lives works to make the world better somehow.


i hear you…Viktor Orban points his finger at Soros and get's accused of being anti-semitic, Alex Jones is being increasingly accused of being anti-semite, etc, etc…so there is merit to adopt a non-"It's the Jews" strategy


Obviously it is more complex than "the Jews," but the Jews are and have always been the sort of pulsing heart of this diabolical machine, and they're also the most visible.

It is true that more people should be deeply concerned about masons and the British royals, as well as wanton corruption in the Vatican.

I wouldn't worry about the Mormons. It's true that they have produced annoying adversaries for us before, but deep down they all know what's going on with the kikes, because their entire religion is literally trying to emulate kike nepotism–Joseph Smith correctly predicted that the liberalization of society as a result of the enlightenment was a fucking terrible idea, and that Jews were behind it, so he built a religion around the idea of immunizing a core of Aryans against the sterilizing effects of liberalism.

Smith seriously said, unambiguously, that there would come a day when the women of non-Saints would simply stop having children. Mormons are all low-key Quiverfullers, their plan is literally to just wait until shitlibs destroy themselves while cranking out as many white people as possible. In essence they're just doing what Varg Vikernes is trying to do, except on a scale of millions of people, proving once again that Christians are just better at everything than pagans.

Their infiltration of the alphabet soup agencies is real and bad, though. That's how you get closeted faggots like McMullin. It may serve some grand purpose that the Church President sees as essential, but it also exposes the worst elements of the church to corrupting influences that can either turn them or blackmail them into serving Jews.

I understand that the Top Jews are not exactly Jewish, they are the "Illuminated Ones", i know all that stuff just trying to keep things a little simple…

That is the truth that this limited hangout seeks to cover up.

Hitler was a Rothschild

OK, but on the other hand if one adopts the "Its the Illuminati" perspective one is leaving out the "little Jew" that is at the bottom of the pyramid and makes the pyramid possible in the first place. My point is that the JQ and Illuminati perspectives should be fused together.

Op from my point of view when naming groups like the Vatican and the free masons you are naming groups that once opposed the jew and have now been infiltrated and subverted by the jew.

Yeah, and give them the justifications they need. Nice try spook.

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nope, they have a lower birth rate then Israel and their demographics reacts to economic shifts unlike Israels

secondly the proportion of non white people there is increasing and will soon be similar to average USA

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If you think a random Jew is making Rothschild banking possible, you are not very smart.

Fuck off you misdirection shill

You do realize that was soviet propaganda.
Michael collin piper debunked this as well.
Disinfo kike

How did you think hitler being a nigger and a muslim became a thing.


Hard to believe…pic related.

brainlet…the Jews are the army and the army needs to be defeated neither me or the OP are saying otherwise, this army however serves a bunch of psychopaths that are not exactly Jewish.

Not like the other claims like him being illumaniti or freemason

pic related

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Ah huh.>>13002628

I don't agree at all that Hitler was rank-and-file member. In this i disagree with OP. Germany was given to him and the Nazis so that WW2 could happen, Hitler and Germany walked into a Thesis-Antithesis trap. By the way…so did Stalin.

Are you one of those people hitler just accepted it than pulled a fast on them and then later made a new economical model and nationalized the banks?

War happened due to hitler's economical reasons.

That sounds like people didn't have to struggle and battle with communists for the new national socialist state. Completely wrong, obviously. Even after the bolshevist revolutions in Germany. I agree in that they underestimated Hitler greatly, since he almost miraculously succeeded.

Reminder that these users are allowed to post here now.

I like the part where Sutton says there was nothing jewish about Bolshevism.

Hitler pulled a fast one on them by attacking in 1939 when nobody was expecting…when he realized that he walked into a trap he made the 1939 gamble.

I don't think his economic model angered the Top Jews because it was the only economic model possible for a country that was heading to war a war that the Top Jews wanted…

Alright tell (((jewtube))) to stop banning refutations.

Let me take a stab at the "not all jews" excuse…

- If you change the word jew with organized crime you wouldn't waste a second arguing about whom to bring to justice.
- What kind of malfunctioning moral compass must one have to put the lives of 20 million over the lives of 7.5 billion?
- Over 5000 years of jewish crimes, with billions of victims…still not enough to call for action?
- There was an entire religious denomination created to oppose the jewish crimes (the catholic church). Shouldn't that be a hint of some sorts?
- the rootless nomadic lifestyle of pursuing crime, while being persecuted for it, created a mental disease that went untreated for thousands of years. It evolved into a thought process, a mental roadblock, that prevents them to comprehend the fundamental importance of the natural order. Instead they see it as a threat and actively work against it. That is by natural definition a suicidal path for the entire species.

As for limited hangout…mankind fought these beasts for thousands of years, and they will do so until first one group then both are destroyed. Nothing will change this outcome.

This exactly describes the internal jewish means of operation. A caste system where truth is partially given to specific groups, while the full truth is veiled in secrecy. This is why there are so many different terms to describe the jews and why mankind has such a hard time to see them all as a threat.

Gee, Moshe, don't you get tired of this shit? Whatever, I'll see you on the DOTR, buddy.

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Germany was given to him by financing the young Nat-Soc movement (detailed by Sutton), by making the puppet government around Germany to humiliate and anger Germans and by the "Young Plan" made by Owen Young president of GE that collapsed the German currency (also detailed by Sutton).

LARPing to avoid getting heat just like Alex Jones does.

Oh I thought you were those types of faggots.
Okay I respectfully disagree it was the economic and freeing his people is what pissed them off.
Is the whole reason why the u.s goes to the middle east to fuck shit up like libya.

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No, they're lying to protect jews and defame the one system that actually threatens their power.

Zionism a shit, but they aren't the only enemy and anyone who tells you otherwise is cointel or a useful idiot.