We begin by naming the Jew. A large number of the people at the top of the power structure are Jewish. They have a long history of practicing usury. They practice nepotism and believe in their own racial superiority. They claim 6 million of them were murdered in the Holocaust, when the real death toll is far lower, and most died from starvation and disease. They have their own foundations, secret societies like B'nai B'rith, and their own country founded under fraudulent circumstances. The Jew has been named.
Now, let's explain why naming the Jew is a limited hangout. Notice, I didn't say it's FALSE. I said it is a LIMITED HANGOUT. A limited hangout is when you tell a partial truth, but conceal important information that is necessary for a complete picture.
What other groups are at the top of the power structure? Freemasons are one of the most important. Related to them are the British royals and nobility, who have interbred with Jews and work through the masonic lodges. The Vatican is also important, as they work through secret societies like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and others. Mormonism is more important than many realize, because they have so many people inside the alphabet agencies and they are fiercely nepotistic. Bankers are also very important, as the Federal Reserve (a private bank) and corporate private banks control the money supply, which lets them control the boom and bust cycle. The majority of Wall Street and London bankers are not Jewish.
Then you have think tanks and policy groups, like the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Comission, Round Table, Pilgrims, AEI, Heritage, the Jasons, Le Circle, 1001 Club, Club of the Isles, etc. Then there are foundations, like Soros' Open Society, Rockefeller, WWF, Bill and Melinda Gates, etc.
On Zig Forums, shills use naming the Jew as a limited hangout. If you don't believe me, start a thread about literally any group I just mentioned, and see how quickly they try to shout you down by saying "it's all Jews, and only Jews!" A good way to test them is to ask about specific turbojews, like the Rothschilds or Soros, and see how they minimize their contribution, and demand that you focus on all Jews, not turbojews.
The problem with blaming everything on Jews, as with blaming everything on the masons, or the Vatican, etc. is that most Jews aren't in on high level espionage, just as most masons have no idea what goes on in the higher degrees. By focusing all of your energy on the Jews, you make two mistakes
1. You fail to account for many of the enemies of humanity
2. You lay blame on common Jews who are absolutely clueless about the crimes of the turbojews.