I honestly could never imagine anything so kiked being said.
What The Fuck: Pompeo says "Trump sent by God to save Israel"
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't need a thread for every jew cock Trump sucks.
Christian Zionists are the worst. They support Israel in hopes of bringing about the end of the world.
It seems Trump "has a copy of Mein Kampf in his bedroom safe" was a red herring.
No shit.
Zig Forums is going to mining MIGApede salt next go around. Check 'em
The absolute state of Zig Forums. They shout DEATH TO AMERICA like it is punctuation, yet you side with them because you once read that Iranian mean Aryan. Do Iranians look white to you? No, and their Islam is not based. Iranians hate Americans (unless you're a wrestler for some reason), but if you go to Israel as an American, women are literally lining up to sleep with you. If you're a U.S. marine doing a training exercise… you can literally take your pick. You can do anything to them, grab 'em by the pussy…. any thing. They let you.
wtf i love israel nao
No. Zig Forums is going to start supporting MIGA because 1930s Germany is getting a little bit old and boring for our tastes. There's nothing edgy anymore about showing a swastika and scaring soccer moms. I mean really, try saying Sieg Heil without sounding like a LARPing faggot. I'd say the SS still has some lustre, but these days the real edge is walking around your Muslim neighborhood with a Mossad shirt on. I predict that within a few years, Zig Forums will evolve away from National Socialism to Zionist Socialism.
They pay you too much.
I came here specifically after reading this news, just for the comments.
your nose is showing, moishe.
At this point netanyahu is more /ourguy/ than trump is.
Lol Iran is a fucking paper tiger that is only capable of stopping the oil flow out of the region for a few months. Seriously Iran has no way to project air power or logistics to move their army across Iraq or Syria in a safe fashion that wouldn't allow Israel to bomb the shit out of them 24/7. Even if Iran pulled it off without being annihilated they'd be catching a UN resolution for forceful regime change. Iran would get fucking rolled by the Saudis' money and a whole merc army that would show up overnight in Pakistan for that good oil money.
The absolute state of /TOILETS/. They shout DENIALIST ONTOLOGY like it is punctuation, yet you side with them because you once read that BIBLE mean BIBLE. Do BIBLES look SMART to you? No, and their SONNETS is not based. BIBLE hate MEANING (unless you're a PRO-SKATER for some reason), but if you go to HELL as an ANIME FAN, women are literally lining up to BIBLE with you. If you're a SPACE marine doing a training SHITPOSTING… you can literally take your pick. You can do POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY to them, grab 'em by the LOGOS…. any thing. They let you.
The most cancerous regime since Cromwell. Needs to be violently purged.
Now it's getting so absurd it almost looks like they are giving the jews cart blanche just to have antisemitism rise. That's nonsense, of course, because they'd be going down with the jews.
Your time is nigh, subhuman
Go back to voat, retard.
Did you completely miss the 8 years of Kang Nigger?
Would they do that if jews weren't running it and diverting billions of American dollars to israel?
It's time to find out.
At least he is a nationalist. You won't find him building walls for other nations while paying for it. What annoys me is that no one here really takes National Socialism seriously. As I said, the LARP stuff has run its course but the political ideology is sound. What people fail to recognize though, is that only Israel has managed to make nationalism truly work in the 20th century. USA had a good thing going until the 80s, but now the country is so full of people that don't resemble each other, who could even be proud of that? Zig Forums will become fans of Israel because we're sick of being on the losing end. We want our own Israel, and if that won't do, we'll side with the only one out there.
So what is the solution? How do we carve out our own ethnostate that people are proud to associate with? People thought they had a good thing going with Trump/Pence, but it turns out you'd have less of a Zionist if you voted in Bibi for President of USA.
what a pozzed faggot.
I am European and hate also America
Death to America!
Only political solution for America is collapse. For burgers, don't forget to vote for democrats and try to fuck over your government before you drag us into another war
JIDF shills like you should be hanged
Zig Forums will become fans of being on the losing end. We want our political ideology full of people that don't resemble each other
who could even be proud of that? Zig Forums
As I said make nationalism truly work
This is impotent thinking though, because you have now power to ever make that happen. While your parents watch nigger ball, Israelis have been planning to build stronger generations to support their future. Have you been to Israel? It's heaven on earth.
I like that you expose your all jewry here. It makes us hate you even more.
What the hell is going on here? Some of these girls actually look really cute, and don't even look like hook nosed kikes. How are they ending up in Israel???
Lol cuck
Fuck this gay nigger earth. I’d rather see it scorched than have adamite abrahamic filth infest this joint one more day.
Much better than what we have now.
You've been mislead, that's why. You should see Israel for yourself some day.
Maybe you'll learn from it and make Europe great again, instead of trying to become the world's biggest doormat for Muslims.
Doesn't do anything for me. All I see are the products of white sex slavery from centuries of kike owned and operated slave trade. Stolen genetics.
Lol, Trump is The Antichrist.
Trump’s a plagiarist; the fucking shrubbery used that line.
You people don't even know your own history. Romans? Greeks? Vikings? All were very into stealing women from their enemies. Look at the Trojan wars, all because of an abduction of a woman gone wrong.
Pompeo is a neocon. Of course he's gonna say that
What is the best way to stop the nuclear armed jews from jewwing?
Becoming their Messiah seems like an appropriately brash option.
Jokes on them, because America died with Dixie.
Fuck off Zig Forums. King Nigger is the reason the middle east is worse off then it was before. Why race relations got worse. Why the far left rose up. That dumb nigger damaged this country beyond belief
Trump wants a Nobel Peace Prize like Obama – and if he gives the Jews more land, they'll nominate him! Mark my words! He gonna get a Nobel prize 2020 for his re-election.
Getting late here now, so taking a break for the shabbat. See you all next week!
lmao at this establishment neo-con line
Just reminder that JIDF owns this board
90% of the threads made here are by JIDF
This place (along cuckchan) is Israel's greatest weapon. You might be redpilled about Israel but all operations here target leftists and muslims who are real opposition to Netanyahu and not Zionists (who are just your local conservatives along with conservative jews who are not targetted on this board)
Some good Milkers. Would make a great slave.
Nigger they did. Things were fine under Dubya. But when that nigger got elected everything got ten times worse. BLM wouldn't be a thing if King nigger didn't get elected
You realize, shockingly, that a story about a war in which Gods were fucking around with man and invincible heroes were the frontline soldiers was indeed fictional, right? The city of Troy ITSELF was entirely made up. Though citing mythology as a factual example of your point is a great way to get people agreeing with you about genetic theory.
The Saudis can't even roll the Houthis. Their army is filled with nothing but fat oil babies rich from a dying industry. Their decadence will be their end. Iran has a capable anti-aircraft defense system. If the Russians send them aircraft, they will be a force to be reckoned with. We can laugh at their militias, but they are experienced now. Israel would never be able to carve a path to Iran solely because the Palestinians would rebel and start slaughtering Jews the moment they leave they leave for an external war. Besides Trump would step in to wage war on Israel's behalf just like the Bush Klan before him.
What does race relations even means? Fat establishment Israel worshiping neocoons get willing house niggers working for them without problem while you and every white person not working for ZOG has to put bulletproof windows in their places of business?
I'm really starting to question my beliefs. Even Tarrant said he could be a leftists depending on how you define it.
Trump's embassy move, Golan announcement, and now this, wew lads.
In case you didn't know the Jews are kvetching about all three. They were happy with the status quo with the embassy location and the Golan as well. Also his base eats this stuff up.
Prepare your anuses for Trump's win in 2020. All the kvetching and belly clutching we see on this board is just pre-salt for 2020.
We know the JIDF tricks and we give them (you)s anyway. We need better discipline here.
Please stop. I don't want to be trolled into fantasizing over Jew girls, even if she does have a nice ass.
Is there any hope that one of the Democrat candidates would be any better when it comes to thwarting unbridled support for Israel?
go vote 3rd party
I little bit over reacted, but you can't trust the (((right-wingers))) and look through all information possible before doing anything
also right-wing is just a jewish label just like left-wing. when doing something think only who it really benefits
reject everything that is not full blown 1488 and rejects zionism. Conservatives and primal enemy of everyone who does not want to serve jews
We should help leftists collapse the west and then call for total race-war and destroy all niggers/jews here and deport muslims back and hope that Muslims use that time to destroy Israel in middle east. Voting for conservatives will just help to preserve the current system which is doing everything we don't want
Conservatives and
conservatives are
I'm not a sexual degenerate. These women are literally succubi. They may look cute but they are more unloyal than our women and that is saying a lot. Especially considering that jews are not the pinnacle of masculinity either.
Gas yourself.
based and lifepilled
No, they weren't. White genocide and low-level nigger terrorism has been a constant in this country since Reconstruction. You're a worthless, manipulated faggot who is screeching because the nigger president had the impudence to drag his feet a little before rubberstamping israel's bullshit.
What is world ruler? China produces half the shit the entire planet buys. Americas "world ruler" status consists of Israel first policies and Netflix tv shows about gay black trannies.
They unironically give slavs Israeli citizenship (as well as kidnapping and raping them) so that the IDF looks less less disgusting.
Here's how these retards actually look.
I'm pro Israel. That's why I believe every nation should embrace diversity, and end discrimination.
Ethnic homogenity is weakness, diversity creates strength.
No more Israeli apartheid, for the wellbeing of Jews everywhere!
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OP have you head this? Which one is worse?
Wew that archive was shoad hmmm
Here's a live video link
So was Breivik, he murdered the future enemies of Israel (children at an anti-Israel rally)
Might want to double check your mythology faggot Helen wanted to leave and snuck off.
gonna go make some popcorn. cant wait to see how they fake muh-2nd-coming-of-christ with area 51 technology
Damn man. Those are the women who would be lining up to fuck anons when they get to israel? I know I have referred to them as half niggers but I swear those kikeses look more like nigger men everyday. Must be the sun.
I don't usually agree with Pompeo, but I think he's reaally onto something here.
SO after all these centuries it turns out that Donald Trump is actually the Messiah whom the Kikes have been waiting for. Congrats, Jews, your dreams have come true.
People scoffed at the Heebs sect that's been on their "Campaign to Bring Mesiach:, , . but it seems they got results.
Maybe, or he keeps a copy to remind himself how evil whites are and how chosen the Jews are. He's definitely stupid enough to believe the Six Gorillion myth.
Most underrated post today
Trying to read this thread is like wading through the rubble of a nuked city. So many deletions!
Eat shit jew.
Its worse but before it was extremely bad.
He was just a puppet the same as the others, moron.