According to this ancient (from 2009) Stormfront post, Activision Blizzard is jewish. He claims it's owned by this Sumner Redstone guy, but I can't find anything about him on the Activision Blizzard wiki page or any associate companies with Blizzard.
Does anybody have any sort of information on that Stormfront claim?
The reason, is because Vivendi Games that merged with Blizzard was a gaming sister company of Vivendi Universal, a very cancerous, known jewish degeneracy spreading mass media company.
So yeah, can anybody enlighten me?
Blizzard Entertainment jewish?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vivendi owns Canal+ Group.
Canal+ Group owns Red Production Company.
Red Production Company (In Britain) made "Butterfly" a cancerous, degenerate tranny drama series in 3 episodes about a boy (11 y/o) wanting to be a girl.
Two different things, nigger.
I'm asking about jewish influence, not about the quality of their games.
Shameless self bump.
Bump for interest
You are converting energy into digital nothingness. So I wouldn't be surprised. Vidya can be good but should be a tool for fun, not to lose yourself into. Get family, get your nation back, get a house etc., and then you can play vidya.
Of course. You won't even have to dig that deep since (((Mike Morhaime))) was the CEO of Blizzard and (((Bobby Kotick))) that of Activision. Blizzard was founded as 'Silicon And Synapse'. So essentially merging the goyim with addictive video games. Or just deliberately making a profit while ruining people's life by abusing their weaknesses.
Always the same business model also. Have a team of skilled white men create a decent game. Then get rid of them and ride on their success to make many shekels and subpar sequels.
With the exception of Overwatch where they made a subpar soyboy waifufag copy of an existing game. Not before wasting billions of development money on (((Tigole's))) Titan project.
Unclench, faggot.
into le trash
I haven't found any evidence of him being one of (((them)))
Is it just because of his name being unusual or?
Activision Blizzard is a listed company and so you can check the shareholder registry.
Sumner Redstone at one stage did own pretty much all of the stock in Midway Games after spending hundreds of millions buying it up because his grandson like video games. Then it collapsed.
His main companies are Viacom and CBS Corporation, through which he controls Paramount, DreamWorks, BET, MTV, etc..
He also owned Harmonix (Guitar Hero) via Viacom for a period of time, which ended up costing Viacom hundreds of millions of dollars in a huge lawsuit.
Guy is in his 90s and hanging on for dear life. Been family fighting in court in recent years over whether or not he's mentally competent still to be running the show.
It's most likely bullshit
Sumner Redstone is a pedophile. Interesting history with Dan Schneider.
It was started by 2/3 jews…
This is a picture into a degenerate past but hang in there, the overall message isn't shit.
We were gods in vanilla. I coordinated 40 man raids, made calls, recruited for the guild, trained other players… immensely fun time. There will never EVER be another time in gaming that was as enjoyable… and I was fucking ADDICTED to it. I spent 50 hours a week easily for two years… loving every fucking second of it. Then they decided to release an expansion.
I quit specifically because after "beating the game" for two years they reset everyone with an "expansion." Raising the level cap invalidated all of our effort. it was like a game had been discontinued and a new game was released. Instead of allowing shittier players to progress through all of the content at a slower pace they subsidized them by demoralizing excellent players… and many of us quit… allowing slots to open up for shittier players in high end guilds. The raid size shrank from 40 players to 15 (ignoring Zul Gurub, a trial balloon prior to the release of the expansion), and they introduced difficulty levels into the raids and achievements so that "completionist" gamers like I was would need to beat the raid on several difficulty modes in order to get stupid superficial pet skin and other ignorant shit. They made an amazing game and then hijacked their own success to demolish an entire genre.
At first I just moved on… I think Aion, Warhammer Online, Rift, and maybe a few others were MMOs I tried after that. After not being able to find that same spark of, "Holy shit this is amazing" I quit RPGs entirely… played FPS for a while… then quit that as well when the trend in the industry moved away from user controlled servers with user mods to centralized servers where hackers and bots could fucking run wild.
I actually still miss games once a year, but when I go look for a good game to really dive into and enjoy all I can ever find is trash.
How so?
Didn't Zig Forums borrow a lot of their ideas?
Someone confused Viacom and Vivendi.
There's major Jewish influence in the western video game industry. Michael Morhaime was the jew who co-founded Blizzard btw.
Bigots lie. They always lie. Bigots are generally less honest than people with mental illnesses. Furthermore, bigots often accuse others of lying. Bigots lie and they project lying. Society is too advanced now to function with the inclusion of people who always lie.
That’s why bigots were expelled from society. It was the right action. Bigots are worthless.
A few people discovered that accusing others of bigotry was something of a nearly-perfect lie. Since bigots always lie, any and all denials of bigotry must also therefore be lies.
Do you understand?
Don’t be bigoted.
Since bigots always lie, and anyone upset by migration is a bigot, wealthy people in the first world were free to keep the third world brain-drained into trashheaps suitable for genetic exploitation (IQ of children is not that strongly correlated with the IQ of their parents) that held down wage rates preserving the post-capitalistic neo-aristocracy movement in the first world. Anyone who protested that third world countries were desperate shitholes was obviously hateful.
The two generally efficacious means of reducing immigration are 1) reducing prestige, and 2) improving foreign countries. Fascists are a prestige nightmare who make their countries into corrupt, violent shitholes, so they do therefore reduce immigration.
Improving foreign countries is a better method, but one that powerful people understand so poorly you’d think they had a fiduciary incentive to not get it. (They do.). To improve foreign countries you must do two things: 1) reduce the suffering of children in those countries (people understand this one), and 2) improve the attainable NOT MINIMAL quality of life (this one baffles people).
Foreign aid works better when it addresses a country’s middle classes, both the upper middle and the lower middle, because those are the improvements that create structural advances in a nation’s whole incentive structure. Helping the working poor alleviates suffering now, but changes incentives only marginally and/or in chaotic fashion. Helping the desperately poor alleviates suffering quite well, but actively degrades the developing economy’s incentive structure.
Help foreigners grow roots and you won’t have to deal with rootless foreigners!
Morhaime is jewish.
Kotick is jewish.
Its not really a secret. Why did we need a thread?
The people who drule this place hate truth because they’re corrupted neo-aristocrats defending a profitable dearth of egalitarianism. The left my allies were tricked into hating anyone who pointed out bad conditions in and first world externalities upon the third world.
We stand on a global platform! Be not as the old defending the lies that made their life, but defend the truth from which new lies sprout!
The left cast me down for my activism, but that’s fine. This is my life. They can be flawless angels if they must, and I can go to hell if I want to.
I don’t need Zig Forums‘s shallow lies, either.
Because it's always good to remind the retards that claim to be dissidents that they're engaging in schizophrenic behavior by gobbling up the products of kikes when also fighting the kikes.
If you don't think this post was shit you must be 75% pajeet, user. Consider yourself fortunate my list of things to kill is very long. You deserve strangulation for filling my hole with soap.
Jesus christ.
People who haven't played WoW or other similar MMORPGs probably can't grasp exactly what is meant by "hours".
There is a console command in-game which displays the total time you have spend logged into the game, in days.
I myself totalled across my characters, around 400 days played.
This doesn't mean I logged in on 400 different days - it means I spent 9600 hours logged into / playing the game.
And my "/played" was nothing out of the ordinary amongst the "hardcore" players.
tl;dr White men are literally spending YEARS logged into WoW, which is sometimes called "Digital Crack" by the more cynical addicts.
Yes it's degenerate.
Yes I had problems.
Yes it is a digital drug.
Yes it is pure escapism, usually people who play this much are self-medicating (with the game) their mental health or other life problems (terrible marriage etc.)
That Stormfront post is correct, despite coming from a boomer nest.
World of Warcraft was designed from the ground up, to be the most addictive game ever designed.
It hooks within hours of first playing, due to frequent and massive dopamine surges.
Video related, EVERY wow player is conditioned to feel pleasure and excitement, a dopamine fix, at the sound/sight of the "level up" animation.
It becomes a conditioned response.
The game starts out with frequent rewards, which gradually take longer and longer to receive.
A team of psychologists carefully planned this, using the most in-depth research into addiction.
lmao they used to be called CUC software
Well they did a horrible job because it is gay as fuck.
One thing though. I don't care if its poker, movie, board games, or dnd night RWDS need leisure too. Just keep it unkiked.
By which you mean they copied literally every other game on the market.
They sure aren't very good at business to be kikes. All of their games are on their last leg and they haven't released anything new in years.
Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision-Blizzard, is a kike. So yes.
Additionally, Jeff Kaplan and Chris Metzen are both kikes.
Kill yourself jew.
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
All video games pacify people and waste time.
People must target conventions and other gathering places of liberals and jews from the gaming industry, and enact mass shootings in the same way that Brenton Tarrant did with the mosque. Conventions like GDC, E3 and others in the west must all be stormed and have as many of the jews and liberals there killed. Videogames are being used by both groups to mass spread marxism and other jewish propaganda. Targeting and eliminating those in the industry will deal a great blow to their agenda, as many there consider themselves untouchable and above any threat. Once some of them get killed in their own conventions, most of the jews' drones (liberals and such) will retreat from spreading their propaganda, fearing for their lives. And as a bonus, the mass shooters can even have the luck to eliminate some of the richest jews in the country.
Target game conventions. Don't focus on attendees. Focus on killing the organizers and their staff.
Jewish call to violence
It's 3/3? Shit I thought it was 2/3.