White Financial Solidarity

Thought I would make another thread since the last time it was pretty well received and while people had different ideas there was no actual catty fighting - just different ways of doing things and that is what we need anyway.

So this thread is for ideas on ways to utilise the system (while it still stands) so smaller groups of Whites can make the money to obtain resources just in case society collapses or for Whites who are more cut throat and want their shit back in the City and will acquire the money with other Whites to establish themselves again. If we can start to form ranks around housing, jobs, information, technology, families, businesses etc., we can begin to gain some power that we lose daily due to waiting for "something to happen".


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Not really. You keep your own money as it is voluntary but why wouldn't you buy split the essentials such as rent and food? Of course it is up to those involved but that just makes sense. No one touches each others money though. That is up to each individual on how much money they put into any given idea. This is a platform in which Whites can find solace and generate wealth to relieve the stresses that come from modern living. If Whites can link up with that stress dropped off and make fun of life within the community what is to say other Whites don't follow suit of their own volition?

Hi, Moishe.

only muh Hitler is allowed for White people

has nothing to do with hitler you kike.
But people like him is still making you kvetch.

Fuck off (((torpedo)))


OP is a user that decided to use a little of the ‘ol Brain. Enclavism is the future and everyone is doing it except whites because of……guess who?
Any type of Financial Institution, collective housing, trading or basically anything with $ signs in will get Jewed up and if somehow that’s prevented it’ll be “Look at this Whites Only Credit Union (Farm Bank , Savings and Loan, whatever) “
on MSM and then protests , boycotts, doxxing and harassment of everyone involved until insolvency.

How about not

What is it like being white? I mean really… you’re not being beaten in a war. That wouldn’t be so humiliating on the grander scale of things. You’re not weakened by disease, or anything like that. White people are more powerful now than at any point in their history.

But you’re being fucked to death, literally and figuratively, and the vast majority of you are either okay with it(If you’re not doing anything about it, you’re okay with it), or actively enjoying/participating in it.

How do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

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Yes, Whites need to network but White Nationalists keep fucking that up every time Whites come together for anything…for the Jews.

Quiet kike

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We know who you are

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OP i like your resurrection of this thread, but put a little more effort next time. The old thread was epic but the OP did a decent job.

Whites having ingroup preference isn't living like bugs. Don't violate building codes by stuffing 30 people into a 2 bdrm apartment like the spics do, but resource pooling is a component of emergent power. Atomistic individualism is a weakness.

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Just filter the shills/jews/fucktards and discuss. This was a great thread a few months ago and while OP did a mediocre job here it needs to make a comeback.

Revive the cultural sentiment in every people.

This, it's beyond the point of changing the narrative and it's more about derail shilling nowadays. Best advice is to filter, report, and move on. They lose their power when nobody responds.

I'm shrinking, I'm shrinking…

Just applied for a new job like two days ago
It’s angood one. Wish me luck anons

Checked for luck.

Legitimately not trying to derail so if you disagree contain your autism, but YangGang.gif could prove to be a useful way to solve the Movement's biggest problem:


This money could be injected into pro-white groups, programs, and systems that directly benefit the white population and /ourguys/. Imagine $100 a month from 1,000 people into a slush fund for legal defense. Now imagine $1,000 a month from 500 of us or as many of us who can afford to donate the whole bag. It's free money from the system that can be used to help bring it down.

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That’s what it would take dude. Zig Forums coin or something. It could be based on merit too , answer certain riddles or small quests or workout achievements to unlock bonus bucks too. Reward attributes that help our people.

Oh yeah and fuck that chink faggot nigger right in his ass. Tell him I said that too. Fucking cuck chink nigger , I vote ten thousand times for Ebola-chan rather than chink nigger kangyang

congratulations you applied to a job you massive faggot. want a cookie? you won't get it simply on the basis that you felt the need to tell the entire world.

I know
It’s ok though cause I took a step in the right direction , and more importantly I’m talking to more people and building my network of success

Wow, that was a really cogent point. I'm impressed, really. I think I speak for all of us Aryans when I say I am stumped. You heard the shitskin dike everyone, pack up and go home!


nigger if we all posted about every goddamn job we applied to this would be fucking linkedin

Hey, if you don't like it then apply yourself and stress test it. Smarmy one liners is literally high school bitch-tier. Say if you are actually White and not a shill, why is putting one year of your life in a "cramped" condition not worth it? You think our people never suffered before you pampered bitch?

This is the frustrating thing. It is funny how people with youtube channels and others don't talk about this? Spencer, Mike Enoch, Red Ice, Jared Taylor etc., said nothing about this. This is a completely harmless idea that everyone does day in day out. It just adds the emphasis on Whites doing it again like we did back in the 90's and beyond. We lost this somewhere in the 00's and the 10's are proof.

Good man. That is half the battle. Try and save up a few thousand because if you can get a couple of people like you on board and you have some saved up, you can put down money safely on the rent and food without worrying about the next month. Also, if you don't find others it doesn't matter. Right now Whites need to save up and apply themselves better. Who is going to listen to some edgy faggot who has only read books but has no money or house? What a boring one dimensional faggot. I'd rather a house to bring Whites around to and be able to have a laugh again.

I don't need to add anything else. I just want discussion this time. Obviously I have a greentext spam which you have probably seen, but mods delete my threads when I add it, so I just stuck with the one above. But I understand what you are saying.

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You do know that in a shtf scenario individuals are the first to die. Right?

t. frogposter

Riveting argument there, shill.

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any white workers group should have open books. money should be parceled out fairly. quarter of the earning should go toward the company. another quarter should go toward investment in other white workgroups.

I have the opportunity to check out and move to Utah for 97k. Get a wife, etc

Or stay in DC and keep trying to climb the ladder and actually change things.

Wat do boys?

Yeah. It's up to the anons who have the house. I personally say you don't force anyone to give up money that they don't want to. Be honest about how much you can give, but if someone cannot or won't give extra money who cares. Just figure something out.

Depends on age, user. You have the argument for having kids and you have the one where we really should be changing things first. I'd say rack in the money and climb up a bit more. You can always check out in your early 30's depending on your age now.

0ef0cf here, switched to phone+VPN changes. My apologies, didnt realize you were the old OP should have figured. Understand defending yourself against the mods.

Agreed. A basic model would be 1) network with at least two others in meatspace 2) one of the anons- perhaps the elder or de facto "leader " get a USDA loan and buy rural land JUST close enough to larger populated areas to have an economic base, but far enough to qualify. Also urban life as we know is shit.
3) start a small homestead operation. Prioritize land over house size.. but learn to build add ons or recruit a construction user eventually.
4) offer low cost rent (dont require it)but regardless everyone pitches in to build the homestead for food and resource production.

Everyone also has a source of income drawn from working at the nearby economic base. Try to prioritize commute time slightly over money - only commute far if the money is much higher because that extra time not commuting adds up. You can increase the complexity as your group builds trust and resources.

To clarify I mean dont require your compatriots to live there. But have space and eventually opportunities to offer low rent and various forms of aid/benefits (these dont have to be monetary) to less established anons such as the one that just applied for the job above.

yeah that's why im not an accelerism retard

but i also own a compound and have a dozen or so private security guards so…

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Good lad, I thought of reviving this thread theme myself because of how monumentally helpful the last one was for me. Since the last thread I have helped family find jobs, had open and productive talks with family about viewing our finances as joint and to think of mutually beneficial ways to sustain or grown the limited assets we possess together. I've started shopping at white businesses, especially farms when they are open for foods that are in season(bankrupt your local grocer). If I was in a position to join up with others to start gaining assets and maximizing cost reduction through cooperation I would also do that but that is not my reality. The only suggestion I would give would be to start creating some of your daily necessities, then giving them or selling them at great discount to family, friends and allies. It's not only helpful to know how to become self-reliant, but also builds camaraderie to share homemade items with the volk. Fuck the shills they only push us forward

Utah here , you’re either going to work in oil in eastern Utah or wasatch front doing sales or tech. Fuck the wasatch front. It’s nigger tier Denver like. There are lots of whites though and park city is fun whether it’s snowing or summer. Skiing and mountain biking are inherently white sports

Good news to hear, seriously. There was some good anons in that thread and you must have been one of them. Keep it up! It seems to be benefiting you and your family. If more Whites did this and we banded together, we would see the fight be much easier for us. No need for do or die battle to the death. We have done that enough throughout our history.

Anons lurking. Take note.

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Fuck off boomer

Jews are NOT white and the holocaust is most assuredly jewish bullshit

Shabbat folder dump eh kike?

Whitebois doing finance without jewish help

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Id gets is the new meta

That's the joke asshole. If you force your opponent to accept that jews are white, you then force their dishonest mouths to then cede on white genocide. White genocide is real or it isn't. They can't have both. Don't allow them to have one without the other.

Can be done. It's only money between us without a (((middle man))).

You are why we lose. Too fucking uptight. Have a laugh now and then.

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Why haven't we been doing this shit already?

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sounds like you just want to be a neet, faggot.

There never will be “white financial solidarity”. Even the joke known as the “alt-right” can’t financially sustain itself anymore because the paypigs are growing ever the wiser and moving on with their lives knowing what’s down the road. The idea of any collective organizing is to have certain goals but when the “dissident groups” are made up of sodomites, informants and kikes, who can you trust? Even explicit “NatSoc” groups in Europe are controlled opposition with Azov/Pravyi Sektor being a literal Jew-Ukrainian pawn and Golden Dawn having Albanian sex scandals with its base members. There is no hope for the white race, only death and destruction. Enjoy what little freedoms you have because they’ll be gone before you know it.

Lol dead thread

Sounds like you have no argument. What is making money through work, you dumb bitch lol?

bump lol

Healthy enneagram 8 ftw

That guy is way tooooo hot for his own good.

tits or gtfo, you know the drill, whoro

What if you call it EUropean or larp as an Austrian descendant and call it a Bavarian central bank. Like how the hell will minorities relate to that? And if MSM has something to say, they'll just repeat the "It's okay to be white" mistake and redpill normies.

I like the idea of whites helping whites, my problem is that any whites who are not already supporting themselves financially are pretty much useless NEETs with no skills or drug addicts who will steal from you / kill you / leech off you until you kick them out. It's very tough to find someone with the wits and the will to make it, but just hasn't had the opportunity yet. Opportunity is all around.

This is why TRS, Spencer and co. are fucking faggots and I don't trust them. I even got kicked from Ryan Faulk's discord for talking about this. When will people with reach bring this up? I might even drop Red Ice a little donation if I have to. Because the more people that know about this the broader the pool of talent, you know what I mean? So people with jobs and skills can join up and not be anchored down by some seej monkey who is still stuck on le redpill. We need to move on from that now and get back into IRL power.

All the best.

I don't get. Wouldn't the best tactic to destroy your enemy be doing it in silence as they could instead of parading and provoking? What are these female minorities trying to get from their actions here?

Yes, same way Whites should be revitalising silently instead of being larping faggots.

these are my favorite threads because getting your finances in order is the basis for a happy healthy life and are especially important if you want to have children. I came up with a clever name "white frugality" and have posted a few times. I've found that the topic that gets the most response by far is getting out of debt.

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Dave Ramsey has gotten more people out of debt than anyone else through his "debt snowball" method. If it can work for Anonymous Poster here, it can work for you too.

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This is one of my favorite frugal books by Dolly Freed, who lived with her father in a house they bought for 25,000$ cash and only spent around $1400 per year in living expenses. They grew or caught almost all their own food and even made their own Tofu I believe.

$1400 might have been possible in the 70s but the cheapest I know of anyone living today in the US is Jacob from ERE living on $5000 per year. I'm down to around $12000 but I also have 2 kids unlike Jacob who is a genetic dead end.

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Here are some of my ideas from a previous thread about where to start eliminating expenses.

web resources:

Here is Jacob Lund Fisker's 30-day makeover for extreme frugality from his website earlyretirementextreme.com (in the left-hand sidebar, scroll down) - I followed much of his formula and retired in 2013 at the age of 25. I could not have done it without his ideas and guidance on this website and the associated forums.

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Being white beats the fuck out of being one of those farm implement, for sale humans.

I'm planning on taking 3K in debt to kickstart a small business in fine jewelry, and then using income from that and my current wage slave job to eliminate the debt and (thankfully relatively small) student loans I have. I'm hoping in a few years I'll be successful enough to unshackle myself from my trash "family" and find other anons to live and work with.
Good plan Y/N?

Part of me thinks "I should have invested as much as possible from youth and lived frugally so I could afford to live in some modicum of dignity." And then the other part says, "It's all going to fall apart before I can cash out anyway. Index funds aren't going to help in the Africanized Caliphate"

No you fuck, you don't take out loans in an effort to pay off your current loans.

Everybody knows that you take out loans to buy lottery tickets.


Just right software/ AI/ Robotics.
It will lead to you becoming a titan of industry at best.

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Only one and true financial solidarity of whites:
No. Taxes. On. White. Men. Period.

Taxation is theft at gun point. No Taxes. This is the final goal of perfect white state.
But who would pay for muh based police or muh roads?
Will obviously people who are not white men. Jews, shitskins and whores. Tax them.

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Necessary but no sufficient

Tariffs are the only redpilled taxes

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The way to do this is to learn a trade, then form small corporations privately owned by a few white workers who share your views. With only worker/owners, you avoid all problems with (((Title VII))). (You literally can't be discriminating since you don't hire employees. Choose a C corporation (not an S, see below)
From there, you distribute via wages only as much income as is necessary for you and your white brothers to qualify for welfare benefits. This is to make the state is subsidize your families groceries (food stamps), health care (medical), and shelter (section 8). Add as many owner/workers as is feasible to absorb most if not all the income from the corporation to keep it from paying much in taxes.
It is important that the corporation be a C corporation, so the the income does not pass through to the owners. By taxing the C corporation separately, you control the money going to the owners to qualify them for maximum benefits.

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Got any Minecraft WWII bunker builds you can show off?

Sorry, no. I don't play Minecraft. I just thought the pic was funny.

Is there any minecraft Zig Forums servers?
Just wondering.

go for it mate! As long as you have a basic plan for your jewelry business.

For the last 10+ years, if I need a job doing that I can't do myself, I only employ whites. I also only tip whites. Little things, but if we all did it, it would make a difference.
Out-jew the jew

I always enjoy these thought experiments but I don't see how it can ever become reality. There will always be some faggot who fucks it up. One traitor who is a thirsty faggot who dates a non white. And the only way to prevent this is to have rules. If it's an unwritten rule no one will know how to react when eventually some thirsty cuck breaks it. So it has to be a written rule. And this written rule will obviously get outted and acted that all members are racist bla bla.



Bump for amazing thread

Intellectual property rights is what kept Tolkien's work from being raped up until recently. It has a very important part in society, don't modern art for helping actual artists.

So I am of German and Irish heritage. have a number of skills… And live very self-sufficiently with a wife and 2 kids. The basis of my success is my land and my own skills. I have 2 sons both still little boys and hopefully another on the way. But that leaves me as one busy-as-fuck guy with a pile of completely unused resources and the skills to do lots of stuff with it BUT I am one guy and only have 16 useful hours in a day and only about 250 worthwhile working days a year outdoors (and that's pushing it). I'm having a huge pole building built right now which will let me do wood working all winter. Planning on making cedar Adirondack chairs and tables and such. Probably even a boat if I get bored.

Anyway I have a big-ass field that is full of weeds. Like 50 acres unused. Class 2 soils and zone 8b. Another 7 acre field of the same all unused. I even have a small guest house/cabin that I built and lived in for a few years when I was younger. I would love to help some young smart white guy learn to live on his own and start a family and such.

So I have offered this to various white guys who appear to be decent and essentially been blown off. Been laughed at and had demands made like I work for them etc. When I was 16-20 I would have fucking killed for a nice little place to call my own with no requirements beyond don't burn it down. Help me work when you re not busy at your job and if you make money off the land in some way give me some cut. This would be a perfect setup to help some smart white guy start out and start a family and such but I can't find a taker who is worth a damn.

So far I have seen many stoned hippies that want to grow weed. A hunter who wanted to set the place up with food plots and stands to hunt deer and turkey in the woods and ducks/geese on the pond. He wanted me to set it all up for him at my expense (even gave me demands on stands instead of just building them) and build him a website. Then he would take people hunting all while living here for free. There was a horse guy. He was Gung Ho to raise horses and just disappeared. And of course dozens of Mexicans wanting to squat… No Bueno amigo…

I can teach anyone to do the stuff this thread is requesting. I have all the resources and a turn-key setup but dayam it's hard to find anyone interested! Everyone wants a fancy house and a fat and reliable paycheck no matter what. No really hard work or major heavy lifting or risk on their on their part. Etc.

I think people like to talk a great game but when faced with the reality of the challenges of leaving the banks and debt and colleges and Chinese plastic crap behind and live by their own hands with their own skills and resources they change their minds FAST.

Things have not gotten bad enough imo. Everyone is fat as fuck and lazy and useless. If not they are out here trying to hustle people day in and day out. Prove me wrong…

How are white people more powerful today than they were 60-70 years ago? This is so laughable stupid!


Are there any known mega rich /ourguys/?

In group preference is all that’s needed

A small plot where I can till, raise a few goats and chickens, and possibly keep bees once some dust has settled is all I've wanted since a young age, but my family lost our farm in the midwest in a string of vandalism followed by mismanagement. It's not reasonable around my current location due to geographic/climate restrictions, and I haven't been able to find anyone willing to go in on a plot of land somewhere far from home. In the next few years I'll likely have to settle for a much smaller chunk than I'd hoped, but it's still a more appealing plan than most alternatives.

What sort of circumstances led you to sitting on so much unused land?

I learned how the FED worked in 2007… Yeah late to the party right? Well, I learned that shit and realized there was a shitstorm coming. So I turtled up sold most everything I had at the time and took a horrible job in a shitty place that paid really well because it was dangerous and miserable. I got a good woman and she trusted me and did the same.

We took no losses at all in the '08 housing collapse and I spend years shopping and learning what to look for in land. I had minimal help but really did my homework. I learned about soils and climate and water rights and zoning (uncisntitutional and criminal). I got the deal of a lifetime from a complete idiot who didn't know what they had. I learned how the FED worked and bet my life on it and won. That is how I did it. Whats coming is going to be WAY BIGGER than that little bump in the road. So if you are serious, then learn everything you can now and stack your resources. If you got a bit of luck you can find an idiot who will give their shit away to you. Sorry to say it but that is who the world works in kike banker land. It is horrible and shitty and hopefully we will get a gold standard… but that is still up in the air.

Don't be defeatest… be patient and plan. Really. Not kidding. Its coming.

What you're offering is amazing. Congratulations you have a sound head and are vetting the people properly. Yes the sad reality is that majority of people are blue pilled normies. The most promising sounded the hunter but good job not letting some self entitled cunt take advantage of you. If I was living in America and it was three years ago I would have jumped at the chance. Hell three years ago I would have tried to move just for such an opportunity. Well now prospects are better. I have a unionized job, zero debt, married to an amazing girl and a plan for the future. Mind if I ask where you were finding such people? Were they just locals from your community? Did you ever offer it to anons from the chans?

You are obviously ignorant of history.