Brenton Tarrant your sacrifice won't go in vain.We will eradicate these hoes. Some guys are putting up this as their story on their IG profile, but let them be in their dilemma we will raise our army from here and fuck those fucking cunts right where it hurts.
Brenton Tarrant your sacrifice won't go in vain.We will eradicate these hoes...
I like how the brainlet mudshits who made this image didn't read his manifesto, everything that's happening was EXACTLY what he expected. Can't expect them to read anything not in the quran though.
I'd fuck a fat, ugly, old Eucalyptus Nigger before sticking my dick in a Kike.
How can you even tell with that blonde one in the road?
Holy shit. These are in every thread!@#!!@
Its almost like mods on Zig Forums are incompetent, but when you watch long enough, you realize occam's razor is full of shit.
I shilling and these retarded jews think it will convince people to join their sides, when they forget the only way to convince us is truth and arguments that is about the truth.
There's been plenty of spam before this is no different.
No, this is very different, because the spam has been reported and mods are not only not acting, they've limited the number of active reports.
IOW: They don't want you to be able to report these posts, and they don't take action even when you do report them. Speaks for itself.
Nigger, how dumb are you? Its not about convincing anyone of anyhting, its about disruption.
And it works. Because our mods are in on it while hiding behind pretending to be shit at their jobs.
It's obvious shills are pushing this Brennan fag. Fuck that guy and fuck you kikes. The terrorist attack was a ff.
Fuck, he was right all along.
Everything he said would happen hasn't happened, he believed making things worse would spur Whites revolting, nope, things got worse and a bunch of White cucks cucked.
With what money and numbers, you sperg?
Sources: dude, trust me.
Even guys like Vox Day have been shilling that narrative with precisely 0 evidence despite having a 150 IQ. If he has nothing, you have less than nothing. Leave. Now.
Says you a few days after the incident. I /run/ translation and currently we are translating his manifesto into every European language. That is going to radicalise more people than you could ever imagine. Plus he has already caused multiple retaliation attacks that are helping ignite the global racewar. Git gud, nigger.
I still fap to >help me muzzie slut having her brain blown out and then driven over.
Isn't that a gook though? Plus she wasn't wearing a head covering. Nice either way, though.
What they're failing to account for is the reaction when yet another Islamic terrorist attack happens, and it will because Brenton pretty much challenged them to respond.
Some people would see NZ reaction and think to themselves, "If Muslims were truly peaceful, then why is NZ trying to appease them so desperately to avert a retaliatory attack?" Imagine what they'll think when it ends up not doing anything, and the west still attacked regardlesss for it. It signals that nothing except complete submission will satisfy them, which makes people think, why not fight them instead? Brenton understood enough of human psychology to know that such a thought process would emerge due to the overreaction of the state and media.
As a result you're going to barely hear about a lot of arrests of Islamic terrorists in the foreseeable future. Because they'll be desperate to prevent this mass realization at all cost (because the side-effect is people will turn against the state and media too) while the shooting is fresh in people's minds.
shut the fuck up you shill
Brenton was a Mossadi
you are doing exactly what the joos want
You shut the fuck up. You are petrified because the truth is so harsh that it threatens your reality. The change is real and it is happening and believe it or not you are a part of it too.
But that has already happened. Deep down whites know pakis aren't like us, which is why they give them leeway.
Anyone who's paying real attention would realize that (((they))) always capitalize on any event if it means serving their greater narrative. There's no doubt they'll be determining how best to exploit this shooting to stir anti-Muslim hatred towards supporting a war in Iran. So it's likely any major Islamic terror attack that does happen soon, could be a false flag to steer anger towards Shia Muslims. That's why it's essential to always get people to question the media and their narratives.
Just ask the dumb bitch.
Isn't this what he wanted to happen?
Cucks are allergic to real acts of rightwing passion. They just want memes and shitposting, not action.
which? Don't bother with German. I#m already working on that.
Would you kindly tell some lies about Antwon Rose? I want you to obediently make Zig Forums look bad again for my amusement, and I know aryans can always be relied upon to trash themselves. No dignity at all.
But we are different, we know what we have to do, we are awake.
There have already been several retalitory attacks the media just chooses to not cover them or spin cycle the whole thing.
It's this new wave of 4niggers and ledditors. They don't know how accelerationism works because their tiny, smooth brains can't wrap around it.
I don't know what you're bitching about. All I know is that a good nigger is a dead one.