==Israel is based!==

Reminder that pol is and always will be a Zionist board
leftypol shills stay out of this thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hottest IDF girls for wh*toids

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Kill all goyim. Israel will win.

Bump, stupid goy refuse to play along.

lol nice attempt at redtexting the subject field retard
must be that ashkenazic genius

Jews are supreme.

Negev chan a cute

I am ashkenazi and I have over 140 IQ
I know all you goyim scum are jealous over our success, but niggers are to white people what white people are to us.
We Jewish people rule the world, just deal with this, wh*toid scum

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Taking the Golan hills from the Goyim is the best
*Laughing jew meme*

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Why haven't we been doing this shit already? If Whites find out that they can begin looking after themselves again because other Whites are actually successfully getting their shit back in order of their volition, decentralised etc. What is to say Whites all over don't join in?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17.69K)

Keep poking the bear. Just keep on poking.
I'm very much at peace with the approaching future. Almost eager. Are you?

Remember to support Israel
We need your help white men

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Can't wait to see my Amerimutts fight with Iran

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Way to many shills lately.

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You can never win against intellectually superior Jews.
Convert or be killed.

WTF? I love Israel now. Based Trump. Qanon. Follow the plan. Zionism forever. Goyim is just cattle.

Jews are the master race. Goyim lack enough intelligence to defeat us.
Become our slaves, or be killed off.

Oh so you're being ironic. Because you actually support trump and call everyone who isn't a Republican a "leftypol" shill.

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For all the newfags here
Reminder that whites are the most pro-Israel group in the world
Reminder that Jews are white
Reminder that not supporting Israel means betraying your race
Reminder that Hitler supported (see Haavara agreement)

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You need to be banned.

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Be quiet Kampfy.

You aren't banned because you're a mod.

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>>>Zig Forums
Funny how this board has been filled with commies after kamphy left

IQ test was created by jews, so fuck off with your (((knowledge)))

Why do you mods bait and aren't banned?

i'm trying to help you

No, you are Kampfy and I know because he opposed Israel, being a Muslim.
White people need to stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers.

Why filter paid shills?

This post makes sense if you don't think about it.

We all know who is behind /interracial/ board here, you pathethic neetsoc cuck

ok rabbi

NEET Socialists belong on Zig Forums.
Hitler lost because Aryans are inferior to Jews.
Might makes right, you dumb goyim.

There's an increase of kike on this board lately.

ITT: you and some shill who can't be banned or is a mod

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Nice try kike, I don't fall for now Jewish tests. Now please go back to -→ >>>Zig Forums

lol, Zig Forums has gone bagel chasing crazy. It seems everyone is posting IDF chicks ahhaha.

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I'll break it down for stupid, vapid gentiles.
We won.
The mods are members of OUR tribe, not yours.

Convert to Judaism or be killed.

This. Wh*te woman crave for black cock these days.
Neetsocs can't even reproduce. AHAHAHAHAGAAAGV

Fuck off kike. Commies like you are not allowed on my thread.

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didn't your jewish god rebuke you as his children?

You don't know anything about Judaism, thoughtless goy.
The beliefs of gentiles are completely irrelevant.

Vid related is all you need.

Ok mate, whatever you like

This is legit how some Jews I interact with on a daily basis act and think

the cianigger mods keep deleting and locking false flag evicende threads so the jews can start a war between christians and muslims to expand greater israel

God gave us the land by creating us, and giving us skills required to rebuild Israel.
Of course goyim are not advanced enough to understand.
We are the master race after all.

fuck off kike

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There's no where left in the world to hide.
Everyone knows now. Everyone.

…tick tock.

Get on it whiteoids.

The master race sure likes touching kids.
If all your master race is good at doing is stealing and exploiting others, then it tells volume about your "fair and just god"

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At least try a little harder.

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Codenigger and his mods personally endorse this spam.

Gentiles only exist to serve Jews, young ones included.
You do anything we ask, regardless of what a minority think or want.
We won already.
Jews rule the world and will forever.

I see, trying to get the youth to think with their dicks, not their brains? Clever.

They're enjoying them as much as you are.

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Goyim are so ridiculously easy to handle.
They lack necessary intelligence for thinking ahead, and playing this game of chess.
Everything they do is a joke.

I like how you cucks post your women to get fucked. Probably would get you off to see me fuck your jewesses. Why are Jew men always scrawny and lack any real mass?

whats next, the based females of syria megathread?

lol just wait

nice troll, but any Zionist could do better

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All righty, mate

a lot of (((Russians))) on this board lately…

Well you won't be seeing that from Palestine, lol. Or Egypt… or Iran… Our intelligence indicates that Lebanon will start utilizing this model of recruitment. The Russians were effective in using their "Syrian Girl" asset against Westerners.

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We were kicked out of thousands, but still survived
Would a dumb goyim race survive a pogrom?
Weak, privileged white Europeans deserve extermination.


Women of my enemy is not gonna change my mind or anyone's, you need good arguments not pictures you retarded kike.

Many (((Russians))) indeed.

I never met a tough Jew once in my life.

Why are these so ugly?

Israel has no right to the Golan Heights!!!!
Land grabbing thieves!!
They are riding rough shod over all every UN law, how do they blatantly commit these outright illegal crimes and get away with it!!!!
Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949


Israel is todays Sodom and Gomorrah, the sooner God smites that abominble wicked nation asunder the better!!

Only Jews I've ever met wanted to take a hidden approach. I knew one Jew who said he wanted get involved in politics when he was older, however not publicly, Jews get these habits at a young age.

Blacks, greek and roman slaves, etc

indeed, they lose all verification when they have to resort to pulling out "REMEMBER THE 6000 GORZILLIAN" card