Pol is compromised

various security agencies across the world have started to monitor half pol and 8pol,
just a couple days ago some kid joking about bombing some charleston school got tracked and arrested.

obfuscate, dont let them know anything by feeding them with useless information.
just shitpost a bunch claiming to be on your way to do a mass shooting or bomb a place perhaps, and attach one of your CODED MEME IMAGES.
these boards are compromised so lets make them waste their time by chasing shadows and shitposts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


So try not talking mad shit then? That is fucking retarded. Why blow up some school like a retard? Just make shekels and get your shit back into society. Remember, we are only here because we bailed out of society. Talk shit about jews all you like but White men allowed it. Now we have to return home so to speak. Even the feds here will get converted when they know they will get more bennies and live in a better society.

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Also, I rawdog /baph/. No fucks given. Gome at me bro.

Zig Forums is a board of peace

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fbi are a bunch of glowniggers

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english isnt my first language, stepped up would be better, either way theyd never track and monitor posts before like they are now

so lets peacefully tip the friendly suit people to our fun parties :DDDDDD

Pics or it didn't happen

Source for the guy getting arrested for a 8ch post?

Proof or fuck off.

also nice ID

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nothing but pedo shit has caught their eyes on these websites for ages, no inside secrets it just seems like now that some 8pol shitposter prevents terrorism like that now they are interested

google charleston 4chan bomb threat, some kid got arrested

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I tried and came up with nothing.

you would never light a mosque on fire
it would be very illegal to remove kebab during prayer
do not bomb any federal buildings
and remember…. subscribe to pewdiepie


8ch is friendly, nobody on here would make a bomb threat user

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Lel. Anybody can, and does, monitor these sites. There used to be links to sites that archive these posts and fakely attribute them to names and avatars. Nobody posts those anymore.

Besides, all the snitches (jews, feds, and jurnos) need to know that
Only small-braind, in-bred, mixed-race, afro-asiatic parasites

Good way to test any suspected vulns in your opsec or network protocol.

Everyone here unironically loves jews too. Wanting to see them genocided is just meme shit. And you dumb glowing niggers bought it. Fucking retards.

Rats are swarming the ship as it sinks. This place is gon to hell anyways, let it rot. New venue incoming.

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Just makes me hate them even more, user.

I'd fuck an ugly, old, fat nigger Twa-pygmy before sticking my dick in a Kike.
Unless it was a corpse of a she-Kike that I just killed, then I'd choose the Kike.


wow news flash, bulletin!

Yes, security-intelligence services are not trained in humor-detection, unfortunately. They're probably doing the same thing with fundamentalist Islamic forums, where they've never once come across irony and jokes. Probably best not to joke about blowing shit up for a while tbh.

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It's not compromised.

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kike girls

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We're really not sure what you're talking about. Zig Forums was founded on the peaceful pillars of Islam, and it's a well known fact that Muslims don't commit ANY acts of terrorism.

Gotta Jew fast.

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"Bomb threats are just part and parcel of life on a big forum"

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I can accommodate you.

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For a lot more.

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Deserve to be killed like the rest of you vermin

That's OK. That's plenty.

Also, what was the "Lavon Affair?"

"The Lavon affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. "

Arent those where children are? That's pretty sneaky!

(Also please post another distracting pair of fun bags with "USS LIBERTY" painted on it.)

Who are these Aryan qt's?

Don't be fooled by a young kikess. They turn into hooked nosed yentas in 4 years tops.

Hahaha. Israel is whiter than the US of AmeriMutts.

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They've always been here. They make most of the threads here.

If it was my son, we would start with schizophrenia. I have a two-center, twisted, distorted level of books and text.
I'll write a summary of this paper, how to do an asymmetric struggle in the system, and then discuss it.

Before anything, Brandon. Carrand clearly is the true hero ankle is accelerate the deterioration of the system American and exploit their weaknesses, and Rita opposes citizen as weapon and robbery and exploiting American meaning, if not as a means establishing civil war.
What can be done about the problem of reprisals the mosques to many in this way? Well, start with effective, if you have a friend, try to ensure that they are intended for immediate emergencies.

If so, if you know he's reliable, plan exactly what's going on. Before the street attacks, many of the tasks required a lot of impetus, which was clearly normal.
An effective action is an action that causes direct monetary or social or political damage to the system. For Example, the owner of a company that killed a valuable, prophimmoral social media or media company.

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Remember the Facebook staff responsible of applying moral filters to content posted by millions of people, they're exposed to the stuff they read and see and said stuff drills its way into their heads.
Blue/purplepilled agents who really think doing good and really wanting to be honest will come to this place with their minds open like open halls.
Every single day, they'll go to bed with these biohack dubs of knowledge that will do their little work, neuron by neuron and before they'll know it, BAM!

That's the thing with the truth. It simply rapes your stupid defenses and you decide you love it or it destroys you and you flee in fear.

I don't like the truth but the truth likes me.

wow no proof

wtf I love jews now

must be due to all the ukrainian white women they keep as slaves in their fuck houses in tel aviv

also jewesses really become ugly around 35-40 yo, unless they have so much white dna that they're just jews in mind and culture

the effect of rich jewish men claiming pretty white women
but don't worry, they struggle a shit lot these jews to actually find one of these pinups
meanwhile, we have absolutely tons of them in white countries

News flash!

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big geometry but ugly facial pragmatics

No shit. It's the same nigger script bullshit that has never been fixed.

Nigger faggots can't get laid any other way, so they do it to rape straight men.


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Keep wishing you'd have a chance with any of those women.


I'll take the one on the right.

What? No. 1) I'm not 20 anymore, 2) I'm faking it to making it like every fucker out there. Blow away.

And why exactly should I be worried ?
in b4 they're going to invade my home, I live in a shithole, my next door neighbor is a drug dealer and there are gang members all over the damn place.

jews don't have women who remain elegant even in their 50s unless, unsurprisingly, they're soooo white that obviously there's about little jewishness in them
jews are immensely envious of whites because without the white dna they are simply disgusting!
nature wasn't kind with them so this is why they hate nature
they hate the people who will forever remain more beautiful, aryans
if it didn't make me smile, i'd pity the jews but i'm actually happy that they're naturally ugly and can't do anything but try to find white women to lower their innate ugliness

So fucking do something about it you retard.

I already made it nog.

alphabet agencies know the URL to infinite chan

not signing every off every e-mail "the government is the bomb" since the snowden leaks.
user have you even been trying?

Your're full of it and made that shit up. Prove it you fucking faggot.
Anyone who believes you are low iq fake news spreading cunts.

For any glowniggers out there, you have your target – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany_Must_Perish!

It's *you*.

Ass rape them while they are being GASSSSSED

Sure sonny. You made it.

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Go to gas station. Fill up jug of gasoline.

Wait until drug dealing neighbors are asleep. Proceed to set their doors on fire and make sure the house catches as well. Wait 20 minutes. Call the cops, report your junkie neighbors for setting neighborhood on fire.

Remember, you have an attack plan that at least 50 before you actually attack. This allows you to identify and plan insects in your plan. Is one of the most powerful tools to damage the system of car bombs, but also to save lives.
I brain just described the accident in Brandon Tarrant, Alabama market, let, then, has been hit it again.

You are using the car Canstar transport.
You can recall that a kidnapped car is lighter than a normal car theft so all the rubbish that can be stolen for sheer revenge on the black market in the hope of a truck. In fact, you have an explosive increase in garbage than a car per day. To get a big bomb on top of the car, try a few options.

The Federation, which has been a painful lead to the darkness and good people as the first to come.
Otherwise you can get garbage for the success of your own. Agricultural fertilizers with a common instrument for achieving this.
Andres Breivik, for example, made lies and he ordered the manure.
He uses it to make a car bomb.

Attached: the sea.jpg (625x415, 52.22K)

I live off of residual income nigger. You slave away in a shithole sorrounded by niggers and faggot prostitutes.

Go home faggot

Is that what you're calling holohoax reparations?

Faggot nigger found. Why not be a man and confront me face to face?

That's what they call retirement and dividends nigger. I am smart, and I don't live in a faggot state.

Here's your link since faggot OP failed to post one.


So your old piece of shit ready to kick it. You can't die soon enough.

What I find funny is that I know of no one - not a single person, in meatspace or on-line - who actually thinks the CIA and FBI aren't crooked and filthy and rotten from inside out.

So to any glowniggers reading - I hope you are proud working there.

Pol had been comped since day 3 of it's existence. Where the fuck have you been?

Mods took no action on their baitposting threads until they got spammed into non-function. Standard procedure these days.
Speaks for itself IMHO.

I wish for all Minecraft players to look at the following pdf. It is ment for fantasising hypothecial situations where you might need that. I repeat: this is minecraft related! Now be a good goy and bake some eggs, watch tv, and drink a beer.

there's always room for a redemption arc

Attached: To any NSA and FBI agents reading this Please consider whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden’s example.png (255x255, 6.74K)

Oh yes. Pause flag in the war are usually cause common sense practices and procedures shall be at peace with myself.
However, Governments do not share with a wolf or group visible and now claims deal with their food species in the regime.
That is why it is important to build trust in and food medical checks, but you can if you can speak for their.

Yes our goal is to create the disease without finding the rules of the ability system, flashing and power that you have organized and set suction, the army will put you and handle the new system. So this is the case, which is why it is so advantageous. But if there is no connection warning organs, there is a risk that people will not be able to save only organs information, especially that there are wolves.
But less than learning about it. One of the Wolves who want to go to Norbert and the world, and all those who are raising or listening to the regime alone a man and the Earth, Ion, captures the bait of all the sex Bernardo alone…
Nor can They overthrow the government. He created chaos.

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The most interesting thing about the kikesses is how many of them look like Emily Youcis (yuck-is). She is a turbokike just like the Odinia lady said.

it always has been so i dont know why you're shitposting this m8

I quite agree actually - it is indeed White men's fault. See, the whole reason you were able to exploit Whites was that largely Whites are more empathetic, more "fair" and more trusting of other races than most. And in peacetime, those should be good traits to cultivate. Hell, I still can't honestly say I "hate" other races in the way Zig Forums would approve of.
But you made all this inevitable, so now we have to crush you. If you'd just slunk off to enjoy skulking around your ethnostate that wouldn't be much of an issue. But that you continue to actively destabilize the West, actively lie and subvert, while bleeding the West dry. And you view lies & deceit as virtues - and those are your only real weapons. So I'm not really sure why you're making the argument that now that you've been found out & your weapons increasingly ineffective we should just bow to your greatness or something. And those Feds and glows you mention that have increased surveillance of the board - draining their manpower and departmental resources I might add? How many of them are going to say "Yeah, totally - fuck my nation and family, I want them sheckles"? A few, sure. But it's pretty clear that Zig Forums is a mind virus & the more agents come here, the more truth they're exposed to & the more of them will psychologically defect. I mean think about it, you really think most of them want their kids to be schizoid little fuck ups that chop up their genitals and eat steroids all day just so Israel doesn't have to create a sustainable economy? Please, we're not locked in with them, they're locked in with us. All them coming here is just gonna provide new recruits in handy places - I welcome it. Retarded anons need to just post less info if planning a happening in Minecraft - that's what those other places (that shall remain nameless) are for.
The top of that pyramid of needs is self actualisation - and your society of shallow materialism & degeneracy simply isn't satisfying anyone. It's also unsustainable - so it needs a shakeup, now, on the terms of the defenders. You did this, you made this shit necessary, don't come and whine if you don't like the taste. Post more Khazar Milkers instead - offer up your women to us like you do with niggers, maybe that'll be the effective strategy to stop Zig Forums! Give all those new feds and glows something to fap over tonight lel.

How fucking new is OP? Stop smoking weed and bring hell to a synagogue you pussy.

Welcome to the future of polite discourse. I'm also not a hater. 14, not full 88. Significantly more awake and red-pilled than I was a year ago.

Yeah, I know I should technically still be lurking. I never post on well-represented threads, but I hope all the newbies/tourists decide to pull up a comfy wicker chair, apply SPF 50, and behold the power of the black sun.

It's hard to share this wisdom in the meatspace without paraphrasing, using rhetorical straw men - to draw parallels. White people having a little self-respect and working together will literally save the world. For all races. Except (((one))), potentially. Assuming they don't dutifully stay in their containment area. Just saying… never again. Based on their past and current performance, odds of finally getting their much-hyped holohoax is over 90%, moving forward.

The time for Eco-fascism has come. Hold still while I glass you.

GoPro stock just keeps going up.

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I am a peaceful man in an unpeaceful world.

Try being literate before posting.

we have been monitored long before this. what has been happening the past week with this board goes far beyond. have you not noticed the difference in forum moderation?

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My guess is (((they))) are exploiting a very old vulnerability. Basically the entire internet is vulnerable to this type of hack and the (((government))) is not interested in fixing it.

Don’t they basically get information from what we do? Faggots. They owe us some money and sheeeiiiitttttt nigger

And Israel won't accept these women as citizens but ya never hear about them leaving Israel. Where the fuck are all these sex slaves going? The morgue for organ harvesting?

i understand this now, you want to get your people back, its never gonna happen pol is a majority jewish board now where ppl let off steam in very unkosher ways.

It's very real.


I'm too lazy to archive it, sorry

All these CIA Niggas don't know about 1488Chan to coordinate real attacks.

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them gainz son
buy gun(z)
sing the song of your people

(checked for truth)
Ah I see. OP said it was Charleston. Thanks for the article. I remember seeing his post on 4chan and had wondered what happened to him. Probably just some a-political kid trying to avoid a test. If that's the case, I'm glad he got caught.

Kek. I like how these faggots are trying to tie these random threats to the Unite the Right rally. Pathetic

I'm a computer, OK. The things you really are doing this from even on an asimetri war.
But I have a program that takes away the staff and information advice from me and garnishes your offer to secure a certain point where it is completely absurd.

This book is more important than the debate about war and how he chooses letters randomly, running the word and definition of "Oh, Power Cloud organized guerrilla", because they believe it is not great for most of us. The group distributes three selected photographers (many organizations have a military coup in the name of a three-word abbreviation) and collect.
Imagine the Sanej Federation. If extendable for coverage on "The flu coating "