It's over. After two years the witch Hunt has ended. Get ready for the biggest salt mining since the 2016 election
Mueller Investigation Is Over
No one cares about your globohomo emperor. Sage, report, and subscribe to pewdiepie.
I wonder which sandrat Jew usurped those genes?
so... it's nothing?
lol, fuck off, kike.
I'm still suspicious that the "nothingburger report" is going to be a headfake. Wouldn't surprise me much if that finance kikes caught wind of it and it's partially responsible for the sell off today.
I'm good with either shitlib salt or ZOGnald's dynasty in ruins.
remember when we used to care about Trump? Ahh the memories
what are you trying to say, anti-semite?
It wasn't a witch hunt. It was a deliberate media operation to shift animosity towards Trump onto Russia, the real target of judeonegro America's genocidal rage.
Kikes are trolls.
These investigations have to be another psy op. They did the same thing with Bill Clinton. Every time you get angry over a policy and feel like attacking, jew news reports that you can keep calm because somebody is already attacking him. It must be a "Wait for your turn (while the anger subsides)" kind of thing. Meanwhile he is never in any real danger of being punished for being a traitor.
Nothing ever happens to rich politicians, user. It's whites who will suffer if this has any weight at all. The entire thing is justification to paint white voters as traitors.
desperate kikes who push their women into their army
good, so when they die they lose wombs!! :)))
I am an user coming from instagram because i'd like to find a specific post I saw, but the search doesn't give me anything when I type the number of the post, how can I find it? please help…
what is the number?
A post of what?
When does the investigation into Israeli collusion start?
why are you being so antisemetic?
happier, if not deluded, times user
Worst case would be them taking the middle of the road with a little something for everyone, but no big waves. Besides, they already dismiss us as russian bots.
Nobody fucking cares.
Kek. This is the post-Tarrant era right here in one post. Hello fellow white nationalist internet poster!
Ha ha ha
look at our khazar milkers goy, do you support israel yet?
It seems effective at derailing every thread.
Anybody pretending at this point that we should care what happens to Trump has to be a paid shill. Anyone with an IQ above 80 must have figured out by now that Trump is literally an agent of Israel.
Thank God, the age of MIGApedes is coming to a close.
That pos iwi tavor, heavy long trigger pull, super tall makes prone expose shooter, m203 longer than barrel, poor transitioning, kept 5.56 for the free US ammo, etc.
Post a screenshot of your insta with the post, and we will find it.
Hahahahahaha the libtards are freaking out, I was watching a pirated CNN stream and they're seething.
Our shills itt are expressing some very very salty liquids too, look at 'em go.
Stay salty, I look forward to your spergeouts when he wins in 2020 you dumb shill.
Pig fucking ugly.
It started years ago, Mueller was investigating Israel this whole time.
Now we need to wait until the end of 2020 for the reports results to be made clear LOL
It's gonna say something retarded like, "we think something fishy happened, but don't really have proof, lol."
Pompeo is a fuckhead. Trump is surrounding himself with idiots lately.
Trump's overt zionism aside, I'm still looking forward to having a sensible chuckle at all the fucking nothing this report is sure to contain.
lmao this nigger
It's like after a shooting… the longer it goes without identifying the shooter the more sure we become the shooter isn't white. In this case, the longer we go without getting any evidence of collusion or anything damning, the more sure we become this was a fucking witch hunt all along. …but you're right, this will end in two more years of left cope and salt.
The sperging is certainly fun.
Gonna be so good.
We could afford a wall, alternative energy and universal healthcare if we quit bombing brown people overseas and stopped funding zionists. America is such a wealthy nation its amazing, but we blow cash on the stupidest shit because we think some sky god is coming back.
Remember when the pope appologized to zognald? Let who raw dogs a pornstar etc etc
Fuck off shill
it's afraid
i am expecting 2016 levels of salt.
Biggest waste of time this investigation was
Nothing was found before and nothing will come out of this either.
I still couldn't help but laugh off this whole thing only to realize at the end of it, just what are they onvestigating anyways?
Why does anybody use twitter?
You'll notice anyone who uses twitter that posts here is from a media company everyone hated in 2016.
If Mueller ends up having nothing on Trump after two goddamn years of non-stop investigation those in the media, establishment Democrats and Republicans, and within the government who pushed this non-sense need to start being removed. The corporate media with their multi billion dollar platforms along with their pals in the Democrat and Republican party working with those in the government and intelligence community need pay in blood for their non-stop propaganda campaign.
Someone posted the report:
BTW, progressives who aren't part of the MSM have been making run of this shit for years
The FBI don't investigate, they entrap and harass. Only salty twat retards believed this huckster in chief was ever going the way of Nixon, just for winning the bid over an old friend and ideologically too similar to separate rival.
It felt good to believe, however briefly.
nigger nobody cares
Cuck cuck cuck
This is all theater for stupid people. GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS HAHAHAHAHAHA
Of course its a troll but its funny as fuck.
Hello fellow white nationalist poster!
Russian collusion isn't even a crime; it's attempted diplomacy, faggots.
Yeah too bad he sucks adamite cocks
Some shill told me Hillary underwent like 9 investigations. what…? Oooh you mean investigations that took 1 day each and found huge crimes every time with no repercussions. In 2 years against all the fagots in the counsel they can't find anything on Trump because they're treasonous pricks.
I've heard a few stories yea, the funny part is they use made in china products so it's easy to figure out their rackets right off the bat. They can't never come up with anything to use cause the products they end up using are so easily traceable and a log is kept of products bought with logs and dates. Lolable
if Trump wins again they will re-open the same type of shit up again for 3 years and keep chimping IMBEEECH RUSSIA!
I check 8 websites for MSM news updates. Guess who no longer allows comments… Foxnews.
Looks like so many people subbed Pewdiepie… even the controlled opposition has failed. Keep up the good work, lads.
That is some out of control pilpul.
what is your opinion on assad being alive
nobody gives a fuck
let Trump burn he turned his back on the white race
Remember when CNN allowed comments? Yeah, they got rid of that real quick.
Trump has no power here.
It used to be people got into politics so that they could make sure they weren’t investigated on the crooked ways they made their fortune. Thing is construction people never usually took a lead role. THIS is what all the kvetching is about: they don’t want the plebs to find out.
t. Rothschild (who didn’t know he was until all this shit started)
>just report it to (((the police))) like a good goy
Expect the internet to be severely restricted from now on. This was a golden age and it was a pleasure shitposting with you.
We were so filled with hope. Is it really so bad to want to believe?
I’m quarter kike, and I think you need to go back to reddit.
There are still many here who believe that peaceful solutions are possible. It's unfortunate.
KEK. Better sell more iodine.
The Mueller Investigation was nothing but a 24/7 TV program. It was designed to keep people contained in two camps and keep people distracted by the unity between both parties by feigning disunity.
In other words, the perfect controlled opposition TV show:
So why are they ending it? Because it only fooled Democucks. You will read this line ad nauseum all over any place Democucks frequent:
Republicucks were initially still fooled, and some still are, but the surprising amount of impotence from Trump and the overtly uncompromising movement from the Democucks made them question what's really going on.
Instead of feeling obligated to defend Trump, the surreality of this betrayed the effectiveness of the entire psyop. Examine the use of this to the media and controlled opposition:
^ Perfect tool for covering up actual stories (not that they would be honest anyway)
It really came down to that as the most telling sign that this was all a show. Every night on "left" wing news, they rehash the entire narrative in a single segment like you never heard about it before. Imagine writing it yourself knowing everyone watching is already caught up. The only reason why you would do that is to pad the length.
The media has had the easiest job ever since it began, and if you go back to 2015, you can see elements of it already in the media. This was planned ahead of time, and the scripts were both literally and figuratively written ahead. The jews played their hand, and it backfired because it only further disillusioned normalfags to the (((media)))'s tricks.
bump negated
Everyone knew, since Mulhole didn't push for an interview with Trump, that he had nothing, and closing it without doing so just proves it.
Trump is still a kike mouthpiece.
One can dream…
just write a fucking article dude damn
Unfortunately, that will never be allowed.
This is part of Trumps 4D chess.