WikiLeaks Precommit Posted

Wikileaks has released another pre-commit.

There are rumors of increased glow presence around the Ecuadorian embassy and rumors of an impending arrest of Assange.

This is a reminder that almost every internet platform can and will be censored if the keys are leaked and the content is substantial.

Therefore, if you receive or get hold of the keys, post them to the Blockchain immediately.

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Attached: precommits.png (669x272 56.96 KB, 49.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

From WikiLeaks directly.

Attached: assange.jpg (594x720, 120.55K)

What are pre-commitments?

Proofs that the files that may be coming have not been tampered with. Think of it as a definitive fingerprint of the files so that when they are released, if the fingerprint (hash) does not match, it means the files have been tampered.

Can't risk the protestors trying to break him out only to find he isn't there.

Let the White Wizard go, fucks sake.

Attached: shitposter.jpg (556x712, 55.12K)

Is this the 322 event?

In addition to the Mueller report, lots of shit happening

Well for some reason Zig Forums was shilled harder than usual today.

I would happily have every member of the US government and intelligence community along their families eradicated in exchange for the full freedom of Julian Assange.

Could this be the Assange related happening Cultstate has been talking about?

The leaf corrupt injun cunt thread was slid right off the catalog.

Assange and QAnon and Mueller are all spilling.

Most likely.

How so user. I am lost when it comes to Q shit.

Didn't he die in Oct 2016?

yes, and no, assange is alive/dead and replaced with a body triple.

That's some Schrodinger shit

He has to be Dead since 2016. I mean no internet fine. He still should have been able to construct or use a simple VHF radio transmitter to get some sort of message to the outside world.

He is DEAD

Attached: KEEP FIGHTING .png (1170x1155, 1.11M)

That is a glownigger meme meant to sow confusion and have anons discussion if Julian is dead or not, instead of what he leaks.

That glowniggers are willing to do this, is yet another reason to hate the traitorous cucks, since Western glowniggers have not done anything to help pro-whites save white people either.

Attached: 1945.jpg (1080x1080, 102.8K)

Are you a glownigger or just plain stupid?

No proof have been given that Assange is dead, but here you are being 100% certain.

What exactly has he leaked since then? And is it verified to be coming from him?

Nobody serious bother with Q-shit.

Give me proof, since you are so certain.

Im with you. All he had to do was walk to a balcony. No fresh air for years? I dont buy it.

So, whats your take on RBG?

Julian's mother still think Julian is among the living, and he have taken part in plenty of livestreams after the glowniggers started to push the meme that he is dead.

Livestreams can be faked easily and Julian's mother can be misled or threatened. Neither of those are exhaustive proof. I'm not saying he's 100% dead but there isn't proof for the alternative after the events of that October.

I'm not a burger, but I'm not braindead enough to buy into the she is dead meme.

How would that be proof, since you would just say film of that is faked just like the livestreams he participated in.

Is Julian's mother in on the hoax?

Are they doing this so that when the Neuvo French Revolution kicks off this weekend, they can shut down key parts of the net in order to keep the news from spreading?
Did you see the Gillete Jaune situation?
France is on the precipice…

Assange has been dead since October 2016.

Good luck white wizard

But film of him on the balcony can't?

Are you really this dense?

You’re a faggot.

Another spammer without proof…

Run out of arguments?

There really isn't any way to confirm it. If he never leaks anything substantial again then he's likely dead. If he does then he's either alive, or his work is being continued some other way.

Wikileaks has been compromised for years.
They are a tool of the State now.
They are being activated to provide an excuse to shut down data streams.
They need to contain the Revolution in France that is going to start when Macron deploys the troops in just a few hours from now.
They are dreadful that the Revolution will spread. They have to make sure that video of the Army brutally attacking their own people does not spread…

So why post as you are 100% certain?

Julian recognized me on Twitter, so I know he is alive after you guys say he was dead. I don't know if he is dead now, but his mother are convinced he is alive, and she got banned from twitter in time for Julian being arrested, if that is happening now.

see my post here , user
i think this is why Wikileaks has been activated

You don't know that, but you still present it like fact.

Are you just stupid, or are you one of the cucked glowniggers?

Did you know that Julian is pro-white, btw?

Some of you more tech savvy fucker better post this shit here if Julian leaks anything, sure it will be juicy

I'm not going to engage with you.
Keep your opinions
No one her can prove anything either way
So, why argue?

Great, another shitposting Australian that irritated kikes on a global scale is going to get arrested.

You can engage in other words.

go back to wherever the fuck you came from shitfucker.

I didn't. I was asking a question.



This is the thread you should be in, anons
Wikileaks is just a distraction.

Sorry. I mixed you up with 5a1d46

So why do you post in this thread, if Wikileaks are no longer important?

Gillete Jaunes, anons.
This is what you are being distracted from.
Pay attention to France!
Vive la Revolution!

GJ is mostly Antifa now, and I'm Norwegian, so there is very little I can do to help them outside posting memes.

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This, generally. Something happened. WikiLeaks may be in "other" hands (no echo here - their feed has consistently been critical of those horrid ones) and functioning as a partial honeypot, but in all likelihood he is still alive.
He may not be at the embassy any more though. Different groups (including the Russians or the glows masquerading as Russians) have conspired to get him out.

Leftists tried to coopt the movement, failed and elevated it to enemy number one status. France is effectively a dictatorship undergoing a color revolution, now.

Masked black clad protesters that destroy property are usually antifa.

I hope you are right, but from what I have seen, the french regime managed to use Antifa to destroy the GJ for now.

Nothing have changed though, so it's only a temporary fix.

I trust Julian's mother, but since she have been silenced, you might be correct.

They are calling out the Jew.
They are burning Central Banks now…
If Antifa is doing that, then…

WTF? I love Antifa now!

Who gives a fuck about a ghost that won't even show is face?

Paris is burning!
Don't let the illusionists draw your attention away from a legitimate Revolution happening in Europe at this very hour!

Antifa thinks money itself is evil, and that is too retarded to support.

I'm not shocked.

Eat a dick. We remember the night when half the entire fucking network went down and EVERY SINGLE WORD about this topic was automatically erased from EVERY imageboard.

You have your opinion and I have mine.
You keep believing in an Aussie ghost and boogie men in black.
I will stand with the people of France while they shrug off of the (((blood sucking parasites)))

Time will tell which of us is correct.
Until then, it's all just speculation and watching the show.
And it's going to be a hell of a show this weekend!


Anyone who has been paying attention for any length of time knows about this.
Wikileaks should be considered as an instrument of the State at this point
They lost all legitimacy years ago

Assange was replaced and killed off years ago, along with Seth Rich. They're finally getting around to quietly silencing his name and his organization.

Do you remember the night you got that head injury that makes you think if you repeat things angrily enough you'll be able to astroturf your narrative convincingly? Try to remember, Agent Fuccboi.

Shit that never happened 101.

So it's years ago now.


Trying to open your blinded eyes, friend.

You're failing.

This did actually happen to a significant degree. This is why people moved to the /bunker/ (Endchan) - which was also quickly comp'd once instructionals on how to scan the Blockchain were posted..
From there, it went to BitMessage where a channel - that had a SHA256 hash as its name - is still being heavily spammed to this day.
Furthermore: HTTPS was being stripped for some users (this would've had to have been a nation-state action, fourteen-eyes-type operation).
My summary of the situation would be:

Assange's PGP…
When was the last time it was signed?
How long has it been?

And why the fuck are you letting a known compromised actor draw your attention?
There are much bugger happenings afoot.
There is going to be a shit-ton of video coming out of France in a few hours.
The kind if video that needs to be thoroughly archived. It will be very valuable for evaluating how a State acts towards a legitimate revolution in its flagship city.

ha ha ha ha

sin.tgz == SINTOPPER

holy shit that old post before Assange got replaced with a Reptilian Shapeshifting body double on October 16, 2016, which named the contents of the mystery insurance torrents announced by Assange–it was fucking real!

by the way, if the Glow Niggers harm one hair on Assange, such as when they zip tie him and chuck him into the Gulfstream Gitmo Express–i hereby swear a vow to Thule that i am going to assassinate a high ranking officer of the Glow in the Darks in revenge.

do it faggots. extraordinarily rendition Julian and subject him to rectal rehydration in Camp7 in Gitmo. because then i will take one of yours.make my day.

You know take your meds.

hmmmmm… where are all the assange is dead glowniggers at?

Thanks Rabbi Cleverstein.

I was thinking this actually. Funnily enough, that screen-cap of the sin-topper and other codes WERE what seemed to be getting specifically targeted for removal.

Oughta score 2, one for assange, one for terry.

Terry was a real lunatic while assange is a stable genius.

While i would make brezel out assange.

Terry might've been crazy but he was /ourguy/

Why does Australia keep on producing the best cunts to buck the system?

Ahem….. im gonna post the keys

Attached: download.png (1000x1000, 169.93K)


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Attached: Tqi8r3AKdjKh RJzNA75XoBb4WAZH6q5yU pznV3c=.jpg (534x800, 51.7K)

Whatever happened to Assange being v& and being flown in a plane a couple years back?


Other than putting it into the block chain, what do you do with the keys?

Descendants of proven anti-authoritarians. Same with USA.

Julian assange is ALIVE

he has way too many people claiming to have met with him to all be lying. Lots of lawyers, politicians and himan righta crusaders. His mom just got banned from twitter. Do some research

This week will mark 1 year since,his internet was taken away. I dont know where this 2016 bs comes from theres been a plethora of info since then

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-22-17-02-04~2.png (720x899, 587.74K)

Attached: julian-assange-wikileaks-dead-01-1200x800.jpg (846x573 162.74 KB, 105.72K)

I knew they were going to kill him the moment he started talking about Scofield on his twitter account. The dude is dead and anyone who believes otherwise is living in a fantasy land.

Fuck off reddit. Those niggers haven't been relevant in years.

Do your god damned job you jew pieces of shit.

I assume pre-commitment is something to do with the giant files of leaks they've posted in the past.
Can someone explain to me precisely what it is?

NM been answered. saged for double post

Cuckstate is a sperg who larps as a hacker and tried to meme himself as some kind of Q-lite. He frequently shills himself here using multiple proxies, so these two posts were probably both made by him.

Daily Reminder:

Julian Assange has not signed anything with his private key since 2016, and when Wikileaks was asked why the answers they gave were total bullshit.

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