Trying to dip my fingers into economics and trying to figure out if there's superior economic systems from capitalism and socialism.
What caught my eye was Nazi Germany's economic policies which turned it from a hyper-inflated, wartorn backwater state like some of the post-Communist Eastern European countries to an industrialized powerhouse but what was the cause of it? Can anyone explain the economic policies of Adolf Hitler, Nazi Germany. How they tackled unemployment, the inflation, private property and markets and could there be any benefits of it being applied today?
Nazi Germany economics
Other urls found in this thread:
You could've asked in questions that dont deserve their own threads.
They backed currency with something that created value from effort, effectively solving the problems commies and capitalists have with parasitic proliferation.
They had a mostly self sufficient economy, and did not trade their currency in international markets. Because they did not hold much foreign currency, it was challenging for them to purchase/import goods from foreign countries.
The shortages in some key raw materials during the war forced them to innovate, and they successfully created synthetic rubber and oil
He could've also read any of Feder's books.
How effective was it?
Interesting, how did wages work then? Similar to how they are now or?
Thanks, I'll check it out when I find the time.
I think wages were similar or comparable to how they are now…only difference was you couldn’t really use the RM outside the country or to purchase foreign currency.
The one interesting thing they did was take over labor unions and replace them with trade guilds
Public works projects for the unemployed (such as expanding and improving the Reichsautobahn), to stimulate the economy. These projects provided workers with money to buy things (which enabled businesses to make money in turn) and also assisted workers in finding jobs elsewhere.
Also, they severely neglected the military budget, since they were not anticipating war with any major powers, and Hitler hoped desperately to avoid it. Poland's government and its murderous collaborators fucked that up for everyone, although Ribbentrop had assured Hitler the British would not intervene. Until war did break out, this meant there was a vastly reduced strain on Germany's budget as far as military expenditures went, while the British and French were both busy breaking the Treaty of Versailles and steadily expanding their militaries, which cost them a lot of money that they could have put towards economic growth instead. Military expenditure does help your economy a bit since you're buying stuff from your arms manufacturers, but doesn't provide secondary benefits like building a road does (ie, the road itself which can then be used) plus a lot of the money is just going into executives' pockets where it'll sit in a bank instead of being spent.
No problem op.
I rather keep the thread up for interesting discussions.
I wonder if this had anything to do with the situation
That also helped too.
TL; DR the market crashed and hitler needed a war to stimulate the economy sorta like bush with and the dot-com crash then 9/11 and iraq war
he got btfo by keynesianism like everyone else in history
Nice ally propaganda war was declared on him not the other way around.
The entire focus on money is retarded. Money is a social construct. Ideally money would be created at every desired transaction and deleted when the credit extension was completed. This is actually feasible now but difficult to implement. Second best solution is create money in proportion to labor. You can create unlimited money so long as it's backed up by useful (STRESS USEFUL) labor. That means the government can always fund infrastructure and public works projects so long as a unemployed labor force remains. The idea that the government can't do this is deliberate retardation spread by jews to maintain their banking cartels.
yeah hitler didn't invade france
Obvious bait is obvious
yeah cuz hitler and stalin didnt have an alliance
why was stalin so upset that he didnt leave his bedroom for a week after hitler declared war on him?
Reported. You're not even trying.
So when a country declares war on you, you don't invade it? That's kinda how you wage war… you invade. Otherwise you can't really do anything.
0/10 effort.
Read "Wealth, Virtual wealth, and debt" and "The role of money" by Soddy Frederick. The first edition can be freely found on the internet.
This will give you a good base.
wow you guys are so brainwashed you don't even take criticism seriously
be arrogant some more see how far that gets you in life.. oh yeah it got you to shitposting on a friday from your mom's basement
Reported. You're not even trying. All of your posts are lies. Zero effort was put into your shit. Tell your boss to fire you.
what is a DMZ?
Reported. You're not even trying. All of your posts are lies. Zero effort was put into your shit. Tell your boss to fire you.
It's like you forget Hjalmar Schacht, a banker so orthodox he spoke Hebrew, ran the German economy for most of the pre-war years and even some years before Hitler came to power. Hitler's basic economics were simple and simply Keynesian, to the extent that Keynes called it the purest application of his theories.
Hitler expanded the money supply and circulated the new money through public works, which produced more growth than inflation because of the previous under-utilization of industrial capacity and resources, which was a consequence of the Great Depression. It was also very much the monetary policy of the last Weimar government, hardly surprising since Schacht remained in the position they appointed him to. Although people here talk a lot about Gottfried Feder, the reality is his ideas were far too radical for the delicate economic and political situations, of Germany and the NSDAP respectively, at the time.
I was waiting for this dogma to show up. German economic malaise ended in 1935, before the rearmament programs began in earnest. The German economy wasn't centrally planned, but centrally directed like in Fascist (and for a long time post-war) Japan, the German government did not set production quotas, prices, worker allocations, etc. but did implement mild price controls and directed public and private investment towards industries they wanted to grow, for strategic or ideological reasons. Along with various policies specific for the times, for example, to preserve the small farmer by streamlining the supply chain for output to reach markets, mandatory minimum prices paid by the middlemen to keep farmers in business, and legislating that farms were not divisible in inheritance, to prevent them from shrinking to such a size over time that they were not commercially viable.
Wrong on two counts. The first is because Hitler both wanted an earlier war with Czechoslovakia over a year before the war with Poland, and yet the Germany economy failed to meltdown after the Munich Conference, then when war came with Poland and "appeasers" in Britain tried to achieve peace behind Churchill's back in the first days, Hitler was receptive, proving again that he did not require war for economic purposes. Finally, before the Soviets decisively alienated themselves from Germany with Molotov's demands that the Germans respect Soviet "interests" in Rumania and Bulgaria, i.e. to encircle the Rumanian oil fields and to gain a beachhead into the Mediterranean, Hitler was demobilizing men!
Second, and probably more importantly, Libertarian "economists" point at the national debt of NS Germany without ever questioning who they owed the debt to, i.e. who owned the bonds. I'll give you a hint, it was the same people and entities who were paid in MEFO bills - the big (German) corporations who were in bed with the state. Unlike for foreign currency speculators, calling into question the theoretical capacity of the government to service or repay its debts would cause an economic panic which effect their bottom-lines. One could look at this either patriotically or cynically, but the fact remains that industry magnates were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth any more than Japanese zaibatsu and pension funds would today, despite Japan having a debt-to-GDP ratio of about 250%. Finally, Germany secured itself from speculators forcing such an (((economic correction))) by forbidding the trade in RM abroad and more realistically, conducting its foreign trade in kind (e.g. goods for goods or services), preventing (((bankers))) from indirectly blockading Germany by saying "X Reichsmarks are worth Y tons of gold" and making it impossible for Germany to acquire sufficient economic materials.
it's called diplomacy
see where all that tough guy shit got hitler??
wow it's almost like hitler was a rothschild.. b-b-but no noway?? He didn't have a stepuncle that had a dubious background?? He wasn't associated with the austrian sect of rothschild??? Noooo that was just conspiracy theories by the ((((((((((((muh j0000s)))))))))))))))))))
lol didnt red
You know Germany tried repeatedly to negotiate a white peace with Britain, right? Britain adamantly refused. They did not want peace. They wanted Germany destroyed.
so u agree wit me or your a socialist?
printing money just like the feds.. not jewish at all
k but after you print all that money youre going to have to keep up the immense fucking growth rightttt??? Notice how everyone thinks our debt and money situation is FUBAR just like it was back then?? Almost like the elites want more wars especially now hmmmmmmmmm?
literal cuckism ok
literal socialism like venezuela but ok.. hmm i wonder why they had so many shortages??
yeah like the modern socialist leftist corporatist welfarist neoliberal prison military industrial complex.. not jewish at all
yeah that's not jewish at all ok…
yeah no shit he's a bully aggressor belligerent
no shit he didnt want a full blown war on two fronts but he had that tough guy image to uphold
romania* but i tip my fedora your way good sir nice job sounding exotic and intellectual
tinfoil hat tier but also diplomacy and stop with wit the tough guy shit would have been better
ok grandpa nice archaic expression fedora tip +1
he wouldnt have to worry about that if he had sound money in the first place
yeah cuz he wouldnt gib france bek… cant have your caek and eat it too, play silly games get silly prizes
Can never have a decent discussion without shills, can we?
Selling off the bloated government corporations into private hands and then reinvesting the money into public works worked wonders.
Quit replying to it.
can shillfags explain why germany did not experience inflation during the war period but france, the uk and the usssr came out of it broke as fuck?
Economics is not what you think it is, if you think that it will provide you with the answer to “which system is best?”
Read “Macroeconomics” and “Microeconomics” my Mankiw. It will give you an idea of how a working system actually functions. Then read “The Creature From Jeckyll Island” to see how the elites put Theory into practice.
The main problem lies in the ability to punish (preferably, kill) those parasites who leech from the system.
Implementing means to make it easy to eliminate the parasites, and enforcing it to the point that the whole society sees it as common practice, are what will protect the economic system from those parasites.
People must kill opportunistic parasites as frequently as they show up, and see this as mundane and essential as breathing.
No system can survive parasites. You can have the perfect economic system, and it will still be ruined if parasites are allowed to live.
Recovery was necessary for re-armament to happen at all. That some would claim re-armament drove the German economy demonstrates they are either simple-minded or (((deliberately deceptive))).
Albeit claimed, Hitler did not want war over Czechoslovakia, hence Munich. Did not want war with Poland, hence months negociating prior to September 39. By October 1939, the only plans for Case Yellow were an updated version of the 1914 plan and it changed several times before May 1940. Whilea war was believed to happen in the future by early 1939, like that (Plan Z?) naval built up plan showed, this shows there was little preparations for war against the Anglo-French alliance in the 39-40 period.
Prior to July 1937, half of the German trade was with the ROC. This came to an end with the second Sino-Japanese war. 2 years, 2 years and 2 months later, the Anglo-French declaration of war was not expected and Germany suffered as a result of trade being shut down.
The Soviet demands were military bases in Bulgaria, very close to Ploesti. The decision was made in late 1940.
ht tps://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Stalin%27s_Missed_Chance
Also, regarding 1941, this.
Economic demobilization and halting of military researchs taht would not pay off within 18 months already happened in June 1940, following the victory over France.
Correct, no need to argue with shills, just point out to their obvious dishonesty.
Currency not backed by gold, (((democracy))) meant that Germany didn't have that by the time Hitler took power but by labor.
German workers worked, they received credit.
Notice how the trade practices bypassed the value of money banker tricks.
Not economic matters but check this out.
hitler printed moneys just liek the fed
Every government prints money to get out of recession, you mod-protected cretin. Again, the reason hyperinflation didn't occur in Germany was because the economy was not operating at maximum capacity, and so the growth promoted by public works projects, such as the Autobahn used to integrate the regional economies of Germany, was able to outpace the inflation caused by the increase of the money supply.
To add to this, Hitler conducted Overheating on all branches. The government was borrowing huge amounts of money for rearmament, creating a massive increase in the national debt. (And for the record, most of that money was paid to private industry, and was very profitable for them. Nazi Germany had a state-regulated economy, even when they allowed industries to remain running.)
Normally this would lead to inflation, but that was kept in check by strict price and wage controls. Instead, the falling value of money meant that goods disappeared from the store shelves; except for the black market as suppliers no longer found it economic to produce and sell their goods at the low prices enforced by the government.
Another factor in this was the strict import and export controls imposed by the government. Nazi economic theory (such as it was) promoted autarky; the country should be self-sufficient as far as possible, to reduce its vulnerability to a blockade when war came, Raw material for industry was the priority: consumer goods were not.
The repeated "upside": the Nazi government did succeed in bringing in full employment partly through increased public spending on weaponry and projects such as the autobahns, partly by recruiting several million young men into the army, and partly by make-work schemes. They also used a combination of financial incentives, propaganda and discriminatory laws to push women out of the workforce, so they wouldn’t show up in the unemployment statistics anymore. Jews were also banned from many jobs, or had their property confiscated and were forced to emigrate; which opened up new jobs for unscrupulous Aryans taking their places.
All this meant that ordinary people had money in their pocket from wages, but there was little in the shops for them to spend it on. For several years they invested it instead in government bonds, which is how the Nazi government was able to borrow so much money in 1933?38. However, by late 1938 the bond issues were bringing in less and less money as people‘s savings were already fully committed, and many of the loans were coming due; which is why Germany was hovering on the edge of bankruptcy by 1939 unless it could plunder the wealth from its conquests.
To outsiders, who saw only the full employment, the booming munitions factories, and the budget figures which cunningly concealed exactly how much debt the government was running up, German economic policy in 1933-39 ;looked like a great success. But it was a pretty mask covering a rotting body.
Compare these posts to the posts in this thread.
See if you can put the pieces together.
I know this is a shill but posting this for austerity.
We've all seen the "arguments" of Wages of Destruction before. We've also seen, or rather failed to see, any actual evidence for those claims.
Hey, it's like that's the one thing that has any basis in fact and yet is still completely wrong. Read the last paragraph
again and again, until you like it. The German government owed its debt to the same people whose financial wellbeing was dependent on that of the German government. "Calling in" the debt owed offered no benefit whatsoever so long as the government continued to be able to service the debt.
Would you like to know more?
debt to whom?
Hitler invaded France after they declared war on Germany.
Stalin and Hitler did have an alliance. What about it?
Stalin was probably so upset because he knew he couldn't defeat Germany on his own.
Capitalists and Communists allying with one another to attack National Socialist Germany? Wow, sounds like the whole world was against Germany.
Who could be behind that?
Daily Reminder
World War II started with the creation of World War I-style Anglo-Franco-Polish military alliance.
The alliance's nominal existence was for the purpose of protecting Polish sovereignty.
When Germany invaded Poland, UK and France declared war on Germany.
After the war, at Yalta, the UK gave Poland - the country over whose sovereignty they declared war on Germany - in-entirety to the Soviet Union.
Anyone claiming Germany started WW2 is a kosher agent. ;)
Lmao you're a fucking retard
/liberty/, Zig Forums and a bunch of deviant porn boards does not "all the other boards" make, newfag-kun.
well said, even a brainlet such as myself could give the USA Nazi-tier gains just from "correcting" various parasitic drags on the economy, for at least as many years as Germany enjoyed. I've got confidence that after they get over the shock, in less than a year all the Blacks and Mexicans infesting inner-city public housing lounging around year after year, generation after generation, would be happy I put them out on plantations with something useful to do.
Lets start with something even young people with no exp in work/business can understand. At your school everyone will name the exact same teachers as 'best teacher' and 'worst teacher' but they get paid same and 'worst' is more likely to remain until they retire. At same time you know some older kid or neighbor who has functioned as a great teacher, and has good personality, energy, etc.
You're such a loser man.
This is a good thread but lets get back on topic about economics.
Simplified basics:
1.All economy is based on productive labour.
2.In return for productive labour you receive a 'receipt' that represents the labour you performed as economic value. In simple terms: perform X amount of work, generate X amount of economic value, get X amount of receipts.
3.These receipt are tokens that can be exchanged for other peoples productive labour ie. goods and services.
4.The name of these receipts/economic value tokens is money
5a.If i print off some money in my shed and spend it i will initially boost the local economy but will increase inflation.
5b.If i destroy all the money in the area i will reduce inflation but harm business by reducing disposable income.
6.By artificially increasing or decreasing the amount of money in the local economy i effectively control it without performing any productive labour myself. I am counter fitting economic value ie.counter fitting Labour.
7.This is exactly what (((central banks))) have been doing for over a century. Pulling the strings of economy and thus labour (jobs, businesses), government (that the (((central bank))) lends our currency to at interest) and through them manipulating society and our Nations.
8.Economic chaos, massive debt and subsequent massive taxation ensues. Dancingjews.wav
1.Slaughter every single jew without exception and abolish their system of capitalist control.
2.The government issues the Nations currency without borrowing it and issues it without charging interest.
3.The amount of economic value tokens thats money to you, bucko issued is directly related to gross domestic product (GDP) with the sole purpose of enabling the productive labour it represents to be exchanged by your people for other goods and services.
They didn’t need to borrow money. They just needed productive labour and the ability to issue tokens that represented that labour (Money). See
Sure, I'll vote for a Democrat who wants me to work in an Amazon cage forever. Bring it faget
Explain this, user.
No shit?
The nsdap would hate the democrats and actually purge them.
Would germany economic system work today?
underrated. Government should issue money in compensation to workers for labor. That money then becomes the currency in circulation.
no usury
encourage home ownership and high birth rates
I'm definitely looking for threads like this one. I'm trying to look further into the economic part of the Third Reich, are there anymore screencaps or archives to look into?
subscribe to cultured-thug
Here is his video on nazi economy. His channel keeps getting deleted so recommend downloading all that interest you potentially
I'll try and tl;dr it.
He made massive debts from jews to finance his "economic wonder".
We can insist on that. Contrary to popular belief, an increase of money supply will not destroy an economy by drowning it with said supply if it is absolutely warranted. The amount of money was therefore a requirement of an industrial potential.
You'll occasionally see your regular libtard/JIDF shill harp about how Hitler's government was producing inflation and debt ad nauseam.
Read and watch… Best way to get your info.
>(((adam tooze)))
T.seething jew.
based blacks
Is there a way to successfully implement this into the United States? Or is a full reset on the American economy needed? Can companies form based on this economic model?
The German government needed to spend a large amount of money to fund the Depression-era reconstruction of its heavy industry based economy and, ultimately, its re-armament industry. However, it faced two problems. First, rearmament was illegal under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and secondly there was a legal interest rate limit of 4.5%.
The government would normally borrow extra funds on the money market by offering a higher interest rate. However, because of the limit it was unable to do so. Additionally, a large, visible government deficit would have attracted attention. Hjalmar Schacht formed the limited liability company Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft, m.b.H., or "MEFO" for short. The company's "Mefo bills" served as bills of exchange, convertible into Reichsmark upon demand. MEFO had no actual existence or operations and was solely a balance sheet entity. The bills were mainly issued as payment to armaments
In 1932, Öffa bills were created by the second cabinet under chancellor Heinrich Brüning after consultation with the then President of the Reichsbank, Hans Luther. The bills were issued by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für öffentliche Arbeiten AG (English: German Society for Public Works AG), founded 1 August 1930, and rediscounted by the Reichsbank. With the capital thus raised, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für öffentliche Arbeiten AG financed public building initiatives. It was a shell company without sufficient shareholders' equity. Nevertheless, the bills were discounted by the Reichsbank. This way, the Reichsbank financed public building projects.
In the wake of the Great Depression, this hidden money creation stimulated the German economy. The German Deutsche Gesellschaft für öffentliche Arbeiten AG brought into circulation Öffa bills worth 1.26 billion Reichsmark. In general, the duration of a bill was three months but it could be prolonged to five years.[3]
Economically, this meant an expansion of the money supply. As this would tend towards increasing inflation, Hans Luther agreed to only a small volume.
3 reich printed money. reich bank could not print money directly so they created shell company.
full reset with new operating system. it is not needed. it is mathematical inevitability. i mean reset..not new operating system. new operating system would be advisable. there is no point in repeating same mistakes over and over again.
Any other books recommended for economics?
I came to this thread to offer a friendly reminder that despite having been reported repeatedly, these posts remain here and have remained here for days.
Anyone claiming nu/pol/ isn't real hasn't been paying attention.
Social Credit
It works fantastic; they tried it between 1930 and 1970 in British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec and there's only one problem with it. It works so well and the country gets rich so fast that it acts as a magnet for parasites and jew commies that want to suck off that wealth and fuck it all up. You become swamped with losers and lowlifes.
Yes, user. Yes there is.
There is always a way
Jews were always going to subvert.
"Overheating! Economic success is actually a problem!"
Economy doesn't work like an engine, reddit.
"Jews were also banned from many jobs,"
About 500 000 out of 66 millions.
"Ordinary peoples savings…"
People that were dead broke when Hitler came to power. The reason why Hitler was able to take power in the first place.
"unless it could plunder the wealth from its conquests."
Case Yellow planning was only started in response to the Anglo-French declaration of war, that caught Germany unprepared and shut down a sizable amount of trade. Hitler sought to negociate with the Polish gov for months over the Dantzig status and Poland was pretty damn poor already. As Operation Z indicated, building of massive battleships, pre-war planning was that a future war would happen around 1945 at least. Even in April 1940, there were expectations that the Anglo-French would be catastrophically defeated the way it happened…
"Muh military budget!"
… as France had the upper hand in terms of armament save aircrafts and radios at the time. Including better armored tanks and better combat-trained tank crews.
This effectively demonstrate that you have no good enough knowledge of what Hitler and his gov sought out at the time. You also lack te capability of accurate analyzing the bigger picture.
"It was all an illusion!"
"The government was borrowing huge amounts of money for rearmament,"
From fucking whom? Germany didn't even have gold reserves when Hitler came to power + opposition from international banking cartels, why the heck would anyone borrow em money? Not even the US could loan that much because of the great depression, that affected much of the world at the time.
Only reason China lend to the US in the Current Year is because the US have massive amounts of natural ressources. Ain't the case for Germany in the 1930s.
Your BS doesn't even make sense.-D
< Borrowing from 1930s balkans states, Denmark and Anglo-French colonies, my fellow anons!
Part of what Pol is for. -)
Wonder if something like this could be done with digital currencies…
Jews are desperately trying to find a way to influence a digital currency.
Go look at the board now, it's obvious the mods are the ones shitting up the place, 50% of Zig Forums right now is being shilled
So how do taxes work under this system where the currency is based on performing x amount of work? How is the government supposed to fund projects and sectors?
They created them, you fucking dumbass. Holy christ, you're too retarded to not be paid.
Good video
Proof that they did?
The biggest issue is defining useful.
Most people think their work is useful , even drag queen book readers
Meh, you cam generally let market forces determine that in the case of more niche goods and services. The peoples basic needs and the productive labour required to fulfil them are pretty obvious.
What? A currency entirely divorced from any productive labour under the issuance of fuck knows being used to buy children on the internet?
Idk, user. Eskimos?