How 2 save Europe PDF?

1st ever Zig Forums comment/thread/whatever the fuck, I've known about Zig Forums for a while, never knew and still don't really grasp how to exactly use this err…website? but didn't pay any attention until the NZ barracks assault perpetrated by the great crusader Brenton. I had lost all hope searching for a group of people woke to the world's state. To my delight, there's an entire website/forums/whatever the fuck this is full of other European soldiers looking for orders in the silent war.

That's cool and all but I have no idea what the fuck to do to. I feel I am more enlightened as to the current state and era of our world (Please, ask of you want to know. we will get nowhere without discussion) and I feel I am more dedicated then alot of people here claiming to be fighting for the future of Europe.

Scotland is becoming aware of their British occupation. Watching mhairi black speak at the, parliment was it? A week or two ago nearly made me cry. As I didn't think Scotland would ever wake up, and being an anthropology enthusiast and Scottish, I'm happy to claim them as the superior (Nordic) race/sub species. (Withing the last 800 years)

Anyways, Scotland's occupied. Northern Ireland, for some fucking reason unknown to me, is still occupied. They're destroying what's left of the native European culture in northern Europe.

They're trying to flood ireland with inferior negroids and sandpeople, Ireland being one of the last noticeably "pure" European Races in both culture and genetics. They've infiltrated and desecrated the name of the IRA so, yunno, there's that.

They're poisoning our brothers, sister and cousins of Europe with chemicals, damaging their dna, testosterone and such.

Veganism is a thing that people think is a good idea, in Europe mostly, perpetrated by Jews/Secret societies. Spoiler alert, we're fucking carnivorous apes, okay? It's fucking obvious. Right in our face. You're a goddamned fool

Our people are brainwashed. They do not care about what is correct, but what is popular and cool. They do not know who Odin, Tyr or vidar is. They do not know what Valhalla is. They defend Islam while shooting down every other religion.

We let the "out of Africa" propaganda get out of hand and now it's taught as fact.

We let the Holocaust myth get out of hand, and now we can't make any comments in public hinting at the fact that we know we are not the exact same animal as an Arab or a West African negroid.

Whilst, at the same, they can literally say what I they want, literally. I live in America. Prominent rapper chilish Gambino said he didn't know if he could have a white wife because "he's too racist". Everyone clapped and laughed. Not a single article or comment.

Living in poverty, I have witnessed the black hebrew Israelite schitzophrenic mythology infect the lower class via upper class liberal blacks. This is not good.

What do we do? The biggest problem is Hitler. Because of hitler, we cannot touch european nationalism with a ten foot pole.

We cannot proceed until we force the truth about the second world war to come out.

Also, I have no idea what the fuck I am saying and I came here in hopes of someone smarter then me with an already standing organization/group/ army/militia/resistance/literally anything that makes sure native europeans are a thing in 100 years

I would also like to change the minds of other people who visit here who seem to be of importance to the cause, but still think it's Jews. Truth be told, I don't know who it is. But it's some weird Jewish sector, Freemasons or some secret society we do not know about.

However, I sort of doubt that it's just…racist Jews.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome, newfag. If you're really new here, prepare for some terrifying redpills.

As far as I know, all of the people claiming to be "leaders", and all "groups", are controlled-opposition or honeypots.

How did you find Zig Forums?

Pretty ironic actually, as I found out about it through the media coverage of the shooting. I've heard the abbreviation before but never really knew what it was or meant.

Im pretty sure I'm woke to most of the legit, hard to believe redpills. Any suggestions?

read this

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So correct me if I'm wrong, but is this basically you hinting at your belief in the William "bill" Cooper theory of the numerous secret societies that "rule" the world?

Not to sound like criticism, I also believe this or something of the sort, or at least find this highly probable

I'm not really sure what's going on, I just know it's going on. I'm pretty sure it's a couple of different secret societies and Zionist Jewish supremacist is just one of them, and one of the most important

There's tons of stuff on there but you should probably ask some other user with what to start and how to parse out schizo garbage from real infodumps.

Hitler was just a guy who loved his people he was not that much of an extremist he is only painted that way because he fought (((them))) the problem is that we invited these jews and let them take power and scheme and lie about everything.

Also op, you should be posting only in this thread outside of this you need to lurk 2 moar years before posting.

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outside of this thread*


Never said I disagreed with him, just the fact that hes blamed for killing a bunch of Jews gave white nationalism s permanent sour taste, of course we all know he didn't gas any jews.

I do find his introduction of veganism into europe suspicious, considering how fucking terrible it is for you and how fucking stupid it is

Lurk two years before posting in other threads? I've heard that before, but why?

have you heard of the kalergi plan?

the "secret societies" can basically be distilled down into the super rich, european royalty, people with a lot of power and influence (there are a lot of jews in these categories). see

It's just one society, jews. They have numerous organizations and allies, but to boil it down, the word you're looking for is jews. Lurk more and learn newfrien

Hitler was vegetarian and he wasn't going to enforce it, but he isn't necessarily wrong that is still a grey area dude loved animals.

Your a newfag obviously, because there might be a high chance of you posting ridiculously stupid shit and might get your teeth kicked in, so is best not to post while you lurk 2 years that also means self improving your self reading mein kampf stalag as the first then read other books about philosophy and other books from our ancestors and lurking on 8/pol/.

So you have a clue what you're talking about and don't waste everyone's time by being a spoonfed faggot. There's not easy way to learn everything safe for learning everything.

I'm American, but that sounds like bullshit to me. Trump openly embraces nationalism, you guys voted for Brexit (which is nationalism). It's okay to be a fucking nationalist.
You guys just have no free speech protections which is absolutely required in anything resembling a democracy to have a healthy marketplace of ideas.
Anyway, get on Dissenter as well and you'll find another community you'll like. It's pretty much impossible to completely stamp out free speech on the internet and you need to go to where those places are. Just be wary because our enemies are also here in these places and they employ astroturfing tactics to try and disrupt things.

Give him a list of what shills do everything else he should be lurking.

I have heard of the kalergi plan, as every other white male with normal testosterone levels

I am not a fool, so I am open to different ideals. I am completely open to the idea of it being the Jew. Religion has an undeniable effect on mentality. The religion of judasim is weird at best. It seems undeniably… well. Imagine islam for smart people. The Jews themselves look like they're up to no good, and I'm serious when I say that

I guess I have too much respect for europeans (non Jew secret societies) to believe they could be supporting the destruction of their people for materialistic needs.

I am a nationalist

Suspicious of trump but mainstream media hates him so I like him

I also liked the explanation of my lurk 2 years question

My I ask your political stance?

the gist is that it's not 100 percent entirely jews, but jews are a very big part of it

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Since I should lurk for a little while, do you mind linking me to a redpills thread on what exactly is going on? What are their plans what are ours?

Which is exactly why they are so anti-trump, even though he's done more for gun control in two years than the past two decades of presidents combined, and is the most rabidly pro-isreal president in the existence of israel. The whole false dichotomy keeps schmucks distracted with bickering over left vs right to realize that everything is controlled and fucked.

Well why don't you tell me what you think is going on?

That question may sound simple, so I'll reiterate.

What's next? What's their next step? What's ours?

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Here are my favorite redpills in rundown format. (inb4 the disnfo ones)
Women only love top men, especially dark triad men. Marriage (1:1 pairing of men and women) is hated by women because it prevents them from chasing the top few men. Every civilization that has empowered women has collapsed as a result. Traditional marriage is illegal; (((marriage))) means that a wife can cheat and then force via alimony the ex husband to fund her sex dates with another man. Paternity fraud is 100% legal. Today, virgin marriage is unheard-of and far less common than women falsely claiming to be virgins, and people who try to follow the old rules get crushed by the majority, who treat sex as a game. This disastrous cultural shift occurred because the international financiers won WWII. Most wealth is in the hands of a small Cabal who are working toward a one world government surveillance state where they rule over racially-mixed low-IQ slaves. As part of this effort, they use majority control of media companies, as well as think tanks and research endowments, to change culture and shape public opinion. By funding both sides of debates they push people toward accepting totalitarian systems and dissolution of family, religious and communal power structures that oppose the financial cabal. The plan is nearly complete: nearly all of the world uses currency created by central banks which are wholly owned by the Cabal financiers, enmeshing the world in debt slavery and ensuring unlimited funding (via money printing) to crush all challengers to the new world order. Technology research is all redacted and kept for black projects (if it's useful) or patented and sold for monopoly profits (if it's marginally useful) by Cabal-owned companies; technology progress e.g. space colonization is seen as bad because it threatens the existing power structure. The Cabal won at the end of WWII, took some time consolidating their power afterward, and began to boil the frog in earnest in the 1960s. Since 1969, real wages have been flat while costs of housing, education and medicine have increased 8x, and job security and non-financial sources of stability and safety have been crushed and financialized. The Cabal members are smart: they went to the best schools and definitely remember the French Revolution and how to avoid it this time. There's not much hope; the majority of voters are firmly in the grip of Cabal mass-media, and eagerly vote for their own impoverishment and slavery.

9/11 was Mossad.
Afghanistan was for Opium and Israel security.
Iraq was for oil and Israel security.
The NZ shooting was real but was done by a Cabal operative (if it was real it would have had Pepes and merchant memes).
Sandy Hook was faked.
Pizz4 g4te is real and ongoing, to provide mutual blackmail that enables Cabal members to trust each other. (The creators of Rick and Morty have some highly questionable videos on their websites.)

The Frankfurt School is real, and won.
Replacement Migration is real.
Every white first-world country has a below-replacement birth rate.
Climate change is happening but it's a good thing; all of the proposed solutions call for one-world-government taxing white countries to pay for nonwhite countries. None of the solutions call for switching to nuclear power.
It's illegal to say race-realist (racial averages are different) or sex-realist (sexes are different) beliefs in public in many European countries, and will get one fired to say so in the rest of them, despite the obvious truth of innate racial and sex differences in important areas (honesty, justice, love of freedom, crime rate, ability to invent and engineer).
Nature, for billions of years, has advanced through bloody evolution; quadtrillions of animals have died painfully to evolve us to today.
Nature appears to run on precise mathematical laws; everything is made of complex-valued probability waves of an unimaginably huge number of particles.
God isn't in the picture, and evolution provides a good explanation for belief in God.
However, no one understands what causes consciousness, or why anything exists at all. It's probably impossible to answer these questions.
Most Jewish people are normal and just fine, but Jewish people have led many of the problematic movements that have wrecked the world in the name of fixing it (i.e. Communism, race-blind immigration). Specifics: Revolution of 1918, Immigration Act of 1965.
The purpose of diversity is to profit Cabal financiers and to make the world safe for the Jewish idealist activists they often fund.
AI is going to be developed in the next 20-40 years that will make 99% of people unemployable, by being better and cheaper than people in every way. This AI technology will be owned entirely by the Cabal.
If the Cabal wins, humanity is doomed.
The Cabal is going to win.
No one really knows what life is, or what it all means.

Best advice: get /fit/ like the Greeks and study the Talmud like the Chosen. Even 100% effort is probably insufficient to save your bloodline, though.

Lurk a few dozen redpill threads then make up your own mind.

Have you taken the brownpill, matey?

Also realize that there's a lot of juden here, but learning how to exercise judgment is good for you anyways. They're not hard at all to spot if you're not retarded though
As for my political stance, I tend to go with what I consider American National Socialism. Basically, Hitler was mostly
right, while acknowledging that America != Germany

Next step is hard to say, but the only possible solutions are extermination of whites, or extermination of jews (and their pets, as needed). Jews want a semi-intelligent slave caste to rule over, and whites want to be free, no real middle ground possible. I suggest finding the redpill thread and starting there

OP You are clearly from reddit, go back there.
You used the word "i" like 20 times retard nigger. What is your name? Anonymous or faggot?
Lose the ego. Opinions don't not matter. Objective facts only.
Think for yourself don't follow any leaders, only those that have been kicked out of employment and banks are actually worth following. But don't depend on them for long they can get killed easily.
If you are stupid then stop following anyone who does not 100% know who rules and owns you. No guessing or partial truths. Just start thinking and figuring out what group gains the most from all the wars in the middle east. Look into who owns the media and printed your schoolbooks.

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Nationalist. Pro-Trump because the alternative is a disaster. I don't like leftists or Islam and don't think low IQ people should have any say in policy. I think we're probably in the early stages of a civil war.
I think Tarrant's views are basically correct about most things. The United States won't get rid of the 2nd amendment over his actions though. If he thought that, he was wrong. The media doesn't even try to push that idea hard unless there are a bunch of dead white kids.

This is a redpill? Monogamy predominantly benefits women.
The way civilization fucks with reproduction is why we need cloning.

What kinds of videos do the Rick and Morty creators have on their website?

What do we do to stop the bad guys?

Why would you think Brenton was caval operative?

I feel like Jews would be too attached to their race to want to transcend into AI

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Whoa. Who shit in your dumb nigger soup, you fucking communist? I almost didn't say this because it's cliche, but you literally didn't tell me anything I didnt know.

Your little poem about being a lone wolf is sarcasm, no? Else you have no actual idea what the fuck is going on.

Take your larping elsewhere you cowardly fucking nerd, this is real life. I'm talking about real life

Everything seems in check except the second amendment part. We already gave that up. In what state can we own an assault rifle? I'm sure you know where I'm going to with this. Armed equal to the government. Automatic rifles. But no, they've actually convinced people that AR-15's are dangerous, military grade weapons.

Brown pill?

Hi, I am a reporter too, I mean I'm new here too. Really digging the cool place, it seems hip and down with the vibes. I'm just learning the ropes here, lol.
Yeah Scotland is the real success lol, when they finally break free of their capitalist oppressors, the bourgesoie will pay!!! WORKERS UP!!!! I mean, yeah those erm briddish guys can go away lol, I am a proud scotch too and.

Scotland has to leave, and join europe, so that they can have their quota of refugees to be doctors, scientists and doctors, otherwise they won't survive, right fellow white people.

That's cool and all lol, but I do not know what I am to do. I am new lol, you guys are so wise, and you know everything. Give me a pdf with all your secret plans on on how we fellow white people can 2 save europe 4eva bcoz that would b cool guys 2 b honest lol

Where are your secret manifestos bcoz everi1 has one here right my boss told me, I mean I heard about it from my super secret internet club friends guys lol

Anyway, Scotch are bcoming so great and they are going to escape from the evil briddish and that is what is important lol.

Neway I have 2 go 2 do sum secret stuff to help europe lol, bcoz I 1 2 save it and b a really great hero soldier lol
Bye, I am called John by the way that is my name do not be wearing of it out thanks.

What the fuck

stopped reading there
Get out here nu/pol/ with your Zionist worship

Yes is in the catalog

Also op before exploring anywhere else
Watch this first.


Try better, (((superior nordic))).

The biggest problem was the impact of the holohoax*

Better, euronig?

Change the minds of other people. Yes. Why aren't you all Norse/euro pagans?

Why didn't Brenton go after a more important target? Why not something to spark the Irish/Scottish revolution?

We need to bring back paganism.

A few examples.


been saw that noob

Zionist worshipper? Am pagan. Leave my presence, wanna be whitey. You're bout as good as a turk.

Going to take a break from Zig Forums for a bit. I wish you luck op and you better lurk before posting.

Do you want to reported and bullied off the site?
Then lurk 2 moar years before posting and if you want to ask questions then go the threads that do not deserve their own threads thread.

That is still debatable, but he was trying to achieve is white revolt acceleration

I understand his goals but don't you think I'd be easier to do something to get Ireland to question the whole northern Ireland which is full of Brits dillema which would lead to a revolt which would accomplish his goals I'm a different manner?

Jesus Christ, talk about fucking hubris. If you aren't a LARP, you're dumb as fuck. 96% of the people here are simply newfag tourists like you– idiots who saw "le bad terrorist site" in the Judenpresse and came here to be edgy.
Why exactly do you think Breton left his writing and stream? Because it is, usually, a small group of higher than avg IG, dedicated, fairly tech savvy, and with absolute contempt for ZOG and authority (thus the reason Faceberg claims that 200 ppl– all from here– watched the stream live, and not one would report it to ZOG).
You've essentially come to Munich during Oktoberfest or Tokyo during the Olympics and you're complaining you don't like/ are better than the locals since there are too many tourists. Fucking dumb ass.

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WHEN PEOPLE BITCH ABOUT JEWS THEY ARE ACTUALLY TAKING ABOUT…. the group that traces their lineage back before anchient babylon from cannaties and other folks who did most of the worst things on earth. They were known as the kazarian mafia before they were jews but all the surrounding countries sent in their armies to surround them and the czar told them to stop sacraficing people and eating them and raping children. The czar told them they had to pick and follow an abrahamic religion or he would kill every last one of them right there on the spot. They picked jew since they could still practice their favorite form of black magic or what we call central banking today. These fuckheads call them selves askanazi jews since they like to drop little hints while the screw up the world….note the last 4 letter of askanazi…..end of the jew thats funny. In reality they probably hate the jews more than any other group. They use jew oppression sympathy to guilt other groups and them laugh when the backlash is directed back at all the other jews they hate.

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NO, 99% of the oldfags here are, like Dr. Pierce talking about THE WHOLE TRIBE.

no dude , were talking about the annoying lazy degenerate hook nose shitters

you can fucking tell them by how annoying their are with no point

at least have of the jew hate here is posted by rooms full of IDF for some psyop reason. and another quarter by other random jews. Since the central bankers and tv news casters or so terrible I dont really mind if all the other jews get taken out just in case or as collateral damage. I'm a straigh white christian married male amd they really do force zionism down our throats. Also when the tell you to be nice to zionists counter them with the fact that they are literally siding with team anti-christ .

Wild guess– you are a kike or some sort of Christian zionist asshole who simply doesn't "get it." The oldfags here are not trying to be edgy or outrageous. Those of us who have been here years and years, THIS is the result of the research, and no one has yet to prove it wrong in 5 years of argumentation. Will you be the first? I doubt it. There's a video left RIGHT FUCKING THERE explaining it to you as simply as I know how.
What kind of fucking asshole comes to a group of people who have been studying a topic for YEARS and believes he knows better than everyone else? It's like me…walking into an operating theater and starting to give orders since I think I KNOW BETTER than those who have devoted an enormous amount of their time to this problem. Drop dead of the AIDs.

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Welcome newfren

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If you want to save europe then just start executing non-europeans. If not, well…

That's the reduction method. It doesn't work as well as the increase method, that is having white children. You kill and you are killed, along with an attempt to kill what you believe in. You have kids and they'll be on your side, if you make sure they're disconnected from (((them))).

#1- Of course, it's the Jews. It always has been, and always will be. They opened the gates. A good analogy might be…you have a nehibor who owns a bunch of vicious fighting dogs, pits pulls, and he lets them loose on your poprerty and they attack your children. What do you do? Well, the first priority is obviously to neutralize the attacking, raid animals. But ultimately, the goal os to del with those who are letting them loose.

I left this link specifically to address this question you have:

This makes me suspicious/angry. You claim to have "just found this place," which is 97% tourists at the moment, and yet you are already judging yourself as "Above" the oldfags here. Nein.

OK, you're either a troll or you've lost the plot
What do we do? The biggest problem is Hitler.

So you follow degenerate negro rap music, and seemingly care that a negroid doe NOT ant to race mix? Rather than celebrate, you are concern trolling?

Not only are you a troll, you're a FUCKING RETARD. Thus the reason you quit posting as soon as I made my first post, since you knew someone was here to tell the newfag/tourist infestation exactly what you are. May you drop head first in a shallow pond after falling and hitting you head, you bag of filth.

And sage.

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ok retard


That depends how redpilled ireland is

Come back once you know what racial and tribalism is you turd,the good jews you speak off comes to cover and defend turbokike actions and is funny before any of these factions existed these jews kept getting kick out of hundreds of countries…
Is almost as if this is a misdirection trick by a kike

No amerifag boomer. Its not.

It is very easy: If you show any sympathy for jews/israel on this board you are a jew.

"Judenpress" lol nice

I would agree with you if you weren't talking about me

Why'd you say all that? Because I said I'm pretty sure I'm more serious than alot of people here who are just fucking role-playing? (yes I know)

Where are the boards/threads with the crusaders? I know you know

Apparently you queers are roleplaying though, as I have seen a few threats or warnings of other missions since brenton yet silence. I get the feeling you're a larper and are mad you're getting called on your shit, pretender

Cowardly, Treasonous larpers as yourself will be executed come the great revolution.



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Simple as that

Learn to spot their ways of posting OP. Check out the replies listed in for a brief insight into a perverted and schizophrenic mindset. Learn how psyops are constructed, and as others have said, spend a while lurking first.
And of course, always practice good OPSEC, unless you feel like trying to game the surveillance network through some >>>/gnosticwarfare/ panopticon optics honeypot-setting metadata-falsifying shit.

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hello, Alex

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Bless Saint Tarrant, and a blessed Sunday to you brother

Read the full comment nigger. Long love Tarrant (peace be upon him)

I really enjoyed this pictures and your manners. Any other pictures like that or anything of the sort to show me?

I love psychology. And I love trying to find out what the fuck is going on in those libtards heads.

Cops = tyrannical racists

Ar15? = Only cops should own those

Epitome of braindamage

Follow the link to that board. There is enough of a rabbit hole in there to entertain you for at least a few years, if you look deeply enough.

I have a few more pictures, but I would recommend you also spend some time looking into the history of marketing and developments in psychological approaches within the industry, including the work of Bernays, the adoption of casino-style [B.F. Skinner] technology by social media and other technological firms, and the use of analytics including Cambridge Analytica-style psychographic mining.

I believe these videos largely cover that.

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(Couldn't post them both in 1 go)

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I'm going to give you some useful advice, newfag. Listen to Dr. William Pierce's dissident voices. Listen to them while you job or work or shitpost.
It will drastically improve your perspective, make you better able to articulate our problems and solutions, and is quite enjoyable.

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lurk for 10 years.


How is white nationalism the reason Europe is dying?

LOL, Shut the fuck up dumb nigger.

I feel like i am supposed to understand but I dont

Thank you kind sir

Lol, that doesn't even make any fucking sense.

National Socialist. It is the original ideology of this board. You should lurk for 2 years for the reasons stated, but at this point InfinityChan may not exist and the U.S. will be engaged in domestic warfare resembling "The Troubles" of 1970s-1980s Northern Ireland magnified 100. So save everything while you can user. Visit


. A L L . J E W S .


It's all about math. 7.6 billion humans (2018) against 14,511,100 jews (2017). The jews want to kill all the non jews, they already killed billions for thousands of years, and they are really good at doing it without doing the dirty deeds themselves. The question is…when will the rest of humanity address the elephant in the room of history and crush the parasite within?

May i ask for more information? How do you know this is o be true?

Start from here…

Fuck off newfag. Lurk for two years. Reported.