The New Awakening

The basis of our race is blood and soil. You can have all the accelerationism in the world, but all of our sacrifices are worthless if we do not return to a way of living that produces healthy white children. Only from physical communities rooted in blood and soil can a movement spring with the strength and longevity to save the west.

Join the New Awakening. We are a political vanguard working towards an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest and the only National Socialist organization with a constructive focus. Our aim is to establish cultural and political dominance through a process of organic migration. You do not need to enter some compound. Simply move to the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and network with like-minded people.

In order to join, you must be a National Socialist of white European ancestry and adhere to strict anonymity. If you qualify, enter our riot gateway under an account and email unattached to any personal information.

We are building physical communities through completely legal avenues. If you plan to engage in any illegal or terrorist activities, do not try to join.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Pacific Northwest is fucking trashmammal land.

Gales, rain, mountainous terrain, and a target-rich environment of shitlib zombies.

tl;dr: go fuck yourself, Rabbi Bagelstein

The jews are back in town.

Attached: 1553050668094.png (604x516, 107.53K)


Looks like we lost another boy to the Northern-West meme

Attached: 4273.jpg (1080x877, 354.79K)

Do you have oppritunity to be hired for a livable wage?
I'm talking atleast $1,488 quarterly.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (800x1200, 266.34K)

What kind of work do you do?

Attached: Working men.jpg (850x1301, 183.49K)

Fuck https:// protocol, too.
Wickr or PGP/GPG should be the SOLE method of communication for any and all Vanilla-Guerillas.


You fucking CIA niggerfaggotkikes don’t even realize how much you GLOW IN THE DARK—

Attached: 63B29821-976D-4649-82AC-3C0534C6B4F6.gif (659x609 194.88 KB, 918.09K)


Stop larping Niggersocs, unless any of you is unbelievably wealthy enough to create his own enclave this shit is only but fancy words.

Attached: bf6.jpg (340x527, 19.51K)

Are you NS?

Attached: 1537325721550.jpg (1119x1448, 204.94K)

Niggerfaggotry. You’ve disproved not a single one of my truths about how shitty the weather and growing season is in the PNW.


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You are becoming less and less original jidf
Do you know that that means?

Heavy networking, IT work, and maybe even web hosting.

The explosion of all these shills within the first 5 minutes of posting should tell anyone lurking that we are up to something that produces real results. Shooting up a mosque is not your only option.

Attached: WeBuild.png (1139x1355, 904.77K)

All these ready-made memes and videos suddenly popping up and being spammed en-masse; this isn’t glow-in-the-dark AT ALL.

I’m going to go run a WHOIS and do some pinging from a terminal and see where you’re really located, Moishe.

(Langley/Tel Aviv confirmed.)

Pic related: it’s what you should consider doing.

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Even if they were extremely wealthy guess who would lock their shit down in 1 second. Maybe the ones who own their (((accounts))). Damn. At least it's a good dream goyim. Crypto you say? Good luck hiding that during the conversion process.

My advice, don't create easy target groups like this. Spread out like flies before a shitstorm is about to happen. It's hard to wack many flies who fly around at different direction.

But a flock of flies just waiting like lambs like this group is trying to do. THey are begging to be wacked the fuck up Damn OP. GOod luck tho. Watch out for the Fly smasha.

You’re right, shooting up a mosque is not our only option: there are synagogues and government buildings which are just as deserving of unscheduled “remodelling”.


Attached: 62C19908-9594-4745-8E16-EB7A9B9A8CBB.jpeg (255x255, 35.54K)

Actually what would prove that you produce results is actually producing results.
Which you haven't.
You see why we don't want some poor white teen trying to figure out what to do with his life getting attracted to you faggots? Because you don't have results to prove your theories.
Use your brain, dumbass.

Spamming images?
You think that is gonna change our minds?
You must be really retarded.

Jewish vermin vs alt-right

Attached: image.png (477x768, 223.66K)

Great. That means your flexible. The PNW is one of the fastest growing areas for IT jobs. If you play your cards right, you can move to an area that isn't Seattle or Portland. We have some members working in the same field. You could talk to them in the gateway if you need specific advice.

Attached: technology.png (887x729, 244.85K)

Also reposting from last thread because people should know how gay you all are in the eyes of WLP and the people he defended over Covington, along with all your larp.

Attached: larp1.png (750x1250 10.84 KB, 860.86K)

What are you doing? What is your plan?

Oh yeah, thats right, you'd rather sit on your ass and shitpost than do anything constructive with your life.

At least these guys have a plan. Post Mug fag.



For the first time in the history of whois lookup, the database has no result.


Attached: 8A61733E-88B7-4557-8352-4A19DAD9C56D.jpeg (750x763, 199.6K)

You gotta be fucking retarded to do this in a pozd state. The courts will eviscerate you for anything, they will lie and make up false crimes.

This is the honey trap to end all honeytraps.

Why don't you try Montana or Missouri or something less cucked?

We are not LARPERS who march in the streets with flags. Our focus is constructive actions such as building families, homes, careers, and networking.

Attached: Flag in front of mountain.jpg (7280x8382, 6.71M)

what i like about my time in the northwest is people actually goto parks en masse. they have huge natural wildlife areas and thousands of people spend their time there during the summer because it's so gloomy the rest of the year.

Get out.

Attached: AwakenYourRace.png (1105x1448, 542.12K)

Everything is a ZOG OP to you schizos

You detractors have nothing to base your claims on.

You most likely have a conflict of interest, such as a nonwhite girlfriend or loved one.



Yes. There is an obvious white majority both demographically and culturally. The perfect foundation for us to build.

Attached: river.JPG (4032x3024, 4.56M)

No, you’re not LARPing, you’re actual FEDS setting up a honeypot.

You’re not luring me out to Ruby Ridge, niggerfaggotkike g-men.

I welcome all Zig Forumslacks to confirm the lack of a WHOIS record within ICANN or similar.

Every website in the world is required to have a WHOIS. This is a government OP, pure and simple.

Stack ammo and wait for DotR, this is a honeypot.

Anti-Jew Chickenfarming is the only real answer to destroying ZOG & ensuring 14/88
Do you even chickens, bro?

Attached: 73446992460.jpg (900x817, 183.09K)

What has your organization achieved, as a collective force, that I should want to join it? What can you show us?

Nigger, there is no WHOIS record for your domain, since you would have to list who registered it, Mr. In-Q-Tel-Nigger.

Kill yourself.

Nice fingerpointing, but again, you literally GLOW IN THE DARK. Terry wasn’t joking or kidding: you spooks LUMINESCE.

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Neat. I'm going to check you guys out. Seem to be one of the few groups that realize the simple principle of strength in numbers.

It's a starry night you better bet you boys out to mars
you're a dumbass. stfu and gtfo

I don't think its a ZOG psyop like some schizo. I know you'd love for me to be exactly that because you hate the idea that I'm legitimately opposed to your LARP from a right wing perspective.
You have no results. That is the issue. Its a LARP without results. Brenton, who the schizos of the "right wing" are analyzing the hell and back, claiming he's a Pakistani loving Muslim JIDF operative, got results. The same guy you're somewhat undermining when you say "Y-You don't need to shoot up that mosque for change!"
Now you come here, with little fucking images made moons ago in a optic cuck discord that had users paying for ranks and self doxing in their avatars, trying to tell everyone that you're either A solution or THE solution.
But what can you show me? You don't do on the street activism. I've never been able to get a photo of any community being set up. The most apparent real life imagery available is of a bunch of pudgy teens in larping uniforms around a fire praising a guy denounced by the entire right wing old guard.
Why the fuck would I support your organization? I have every reason NOT to support you and every reason to denounce you faggots.
You're just another little writhing tentacle of Covington's many failed operations, a byproduct of his obese, drunken, lazy nature.
If you want to give me proof, go ahead, I've BEEN waiting for years for someone from the NWF collective to show me something tangible. If you want to organize into small cells, get a community together so that you can be an effective arm against the System and tip it over with a fight, be my guest, the more the merrier!
But you got nothing to give, nothing to show.

Attached: tumblr_phq7pxRc8y1ujvdqf_640.jpg (633x795, 74.72K)

We have built up a stable support network to assist migrants, moved members to the PNW, and started families dedicated to white communities.

We can't show you any specifics for obvious security reasons. My advice is to join with whatever measures necessary to protect your identity, and see for yourself whether or not we're worth your time.

Attached: natureflag.png (1448x869, 329.74K)

30 years. You have accomplished nothing. You are a honeypot.

Way to post a goddamn irrelevant link, Shlomo.

Harold Covington is dead. The only thing that even remotely links out two organizations is the Northwest Imperative, and that predates both by about 200 years.

We do not publicize our results because that would be TERRIBLE opsec. We are building businesses and families, and publicizing them for all the world to see would be self destructive.



Yes. Our ability to resist is greatly enhanced when we are organized into physical networks. Consider joining the gateway and thanks for wading through all these shills.

Attached: Fireofyourfolk.png (1000x1500, 1.59M)

Mount Fuji

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Isolating yourself in rainy shitty would-absolutely-be-nuked-due-to-missile-silos territory is even worse OPSEC.

You’re either LITERAL kike-feds, OR you’re LITERALLY fucking retarded. Either way, white men who actually have a plan have no need for your stupid sub-85-IQ “strategy”.

You could always join the riot and talk to members if you're this skeptical over the legitimacy of the NA and its goals.

Once again, you fall onto this "opsec" shit. No leaks, no imagery, no show of force in any way possible.
And you want me to, what? Pick up my life and move on a whim?
You know I've been in your circles before, right? You know that I'm aware you faggots are either living out there because you were born there and so you think its the easy way out, or you're miserable city slickers on the East Coast or in California who use the idea of a "huwite western ethnostate" as a form of escapism?
Never any results, only ever talk, yawn.
I also love that you say "the only thing that connects" as though your entire movement isn't just one big Covington fanclub. Get over yourself and get your head out your ass.

Pics of National Socialists is now spam?

if you live in any 90%+ white american area with a family and contribute to the local economy then you are at least sustaining our existence. facts of mass immigration and low birth rates worldwide though are evidence sustainability isn't enough.

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To be clear, you’re the shill, shilling for your honeypot/piece of shit idea.

You’re not even utilizing the word correctly, Shlomo.


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Also, OPSEC? You're on fucking 8/pol/ openly advertising yourself, telling me to get into your circles (as if I haven't been in them for a long ass time).
Do you really think I'm going to fall for your bullshit?
Just like Covington: You say one thing then do the opposite.
You claim "opsec" then do the opposite.

30 years. Honeypot.


and you fags are Peinovich orbiters

get a life

Attached: JEW.jpg (306x165, 10.55K)

You wish.

Enjoy this calm, ZOG-FED:
it is the final calm before the maelstrom —

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What, do you think we don't have a screening process?

We haven't had any problems with advertising on Zig Forums. That's how I heard of the NA, and we got some quality people from the last 8pol thread.

We have an extensive vetting process that deals with would-be infiltrators.

Attached: Machine.jpeg (1000x1270, 162.12K)

Oh I bet you do.

I bet you want some DNA and fingerprints to “weed out” people, right?


Your screening process is like a mesh door screen being pelted with rocks.
It really does nothing. Not that it matters, because you guys don't do anything and the ones that advocate for any form of direct action and change get booted.

I support the effort to pool likeminded folkish whites together as a much needed shift from internet shitposting and memecraft to IRL networking. On the other hand, I kissed another man once, so I obviously don't pass your muster. I'll root for you from the sidelines though, and help in my own way. There are pro-white voices in Academe btw, but we keep our heads low.

If you aren't interested in uprooting yourself, there are other regional-nationalist movements around the States. And everyone should practice what he preaches by living a pro-white lifestyle in any case. There are whites across this land living in ethnically inconvenient places that could use your patronage and help.

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Covington would not approve of you limiting this movement to National Socialists!

You people are fucking miserable

Attached: NeverSurrender.png (1928x2280, 4.49M)

by the numbers you either need to birth and raise 5 europeans or kill 10 non-europeans to be an hero

That's all for me, I'm going to go and be productive now. Enjoy posting the same old images, talking the same old points, being btfo by the same old common sense arguments.
One day you'll realize that the time for this multi-generational process passed us long ago.
WLP did all the arguing we ever needed before most of your faggot members were even born.

Oh, and before I go
Yup, there you guys go again showcasing your hobbyist mentality!




There's two, one took the pic

The schizos are really bouncing off the walls tonight

Attached: tri.PNG (1084x649, 38.05K)

i'm gay

-you niggaz

You really have a bone to pick with racially conscious Whites who want to network, build families/communities and take back their country. I wonder why someone with White interests in mind would so adamantly oppose that.

Reminder to lurkers, it takes 5 minutes to join the riot and ask whatever questions you may have of existing members.

i'd rather live in a 1946 eisenhower death camp amongst wehrmacht allies then the baltimore-washington metro

Covington himself said that the Northwest Front is an organism not an organization. Multiple groups and organizations are very much in line with the Northwest Imperative so long as they are explicitly pro-white. Mormons, NatSoc, tax opposers, the usual "just stop fucking with me" everyman, etc. Shills want you to think the plan is an Aryan Nations compound in Idaho when the reality is we just want you to contribute to a white society instead of pissing your labor into ZOG.

Also out of 80 posts 30+ are obvious shills. That should get your noggin joggin right there. Maybe (((someone))) is terrified of anyone doing anything but bitching online, even when it's explicitly legal.

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We are not the Northwest Front. While they have some good ideas, their lack of accomplishments shows they have a losing strategy. We think that ideological cohesion was lacking, which lead to poor discipline. Not a problem in the NA.

Attached: Slogan Banner.jpg (3450x5121, 1.5M)

i'm gay
-you niggaz! maybe get to know the Jew before you get pulled into a Political fall guy scenario.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (671x464, 811.74K)

Honey pot?

We have to do something user. Compared to other organizations, the NA plays things extremely safe. Since migration is an organic and independent process, governments and political organizations will have a difficult time preventing it. Our ability to resist intervention will be greatly enhanced with the control of local governments. The rights of an ethnostate will morph into a legal battle over states' rights, which provides opportunity for widespread conservative support.

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you all need to die right now racist scum of the earth

if some new type of goyfundme with a very legit and open policy on their campaign results were renewed i'm sure it would be very successful

We require you to be anonymous and abide by the law. Take whatever measures to protect your identity you need.

Attached: Poster Swastika DNA.png (764x1080, 41.85K)

I did baker a little while back and doing Rainier pretty soon. It’s beautiful land. The sky is blue and the grass is green. Bless our people.

Nothing is better than hiking in the cascades in summer. Going with based boys makes the experience even better.

Attached: PCTJ.jpg (960x540, 641.94K)

Controlled opposition legitimizes the system it supposes to endeavor to change. It wants you to "march" and "vote" and "get active" doing John Birch tier mailing list cuckoldry. The NA strives to move past the System as it crumbles, not inject it with new life using the fruits of our labor. Everything we want to do, while legal is clandestine in nature. The only attention we want is from people ready to build and maintain and ideological vanguard of National Socialism.

Much to the horror of shills this board IS the biggest bastion of National Socialist thought, and it's why we are here today. People are black pilled because they think their only options are
and that's why we're here to offer a legal, real life, constructive solution. Family, friends, purpose, mental and physical health, all the things National Socialism highlights as the paramount facets of healthy living. That's what we're trying to build, and we are building it.

If you want in, jump in the Riot server. We're not going to dox ourselves to "prove" to some jew were employed and happy.

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All 2 of you?