Model Agencies as a pipeline for underage girls

Model Agencies as a pipeline for underage girls

I'm surprised model agencies never get mentioned.

Mothers in Russia or the Ukraine willingly send 12 year old girls to agencies to be shipped overseas with the help of jewish women that assure them everything is kosher.

The girls never make any money modelling and there isn't enough work to begin with. They're suddenly deep in debt from padded up costs and shlomo comes to them and coerces them into paying it off by fucking some Sheiks or VIPs.

They're also drug dealers and get girls hooked.

They're essentially high level pimps to VIPs.

Other urls found in this thread:

these kikes running scam modelling agencies which are really just covers for underage Intl prostitution-slavery rackets makes my blood boil. these kikes are among my top 5 reasons for hating NSA with the rage of 1,000 suns. because if i was NSA, i would trivially roll these pedo rings, which all use phone calls, emails, Google Maps and other open mass communications. these kike pedo rings are not even close to the opsec scale of ISIS sleeper cells using GPG and Tails and Tor. therefore there is zero reason why the NSA cannot flex its pinky finger and destroy these kike pedo rings in a single day. therefore, there can only be one explanation:

the NSA are *protecting* the kike's global pedo rings. the NSA are therefore guilty of being complicit in global underage human sexual slavery. therefore, the NSA deserves to be annihilated for its crimes.


The n s a knows about child prostitution. I am sure they know about the Eastern European child prostitution through model agencies you described if it is true.

Do any of you have a link to Donald MacIntyre's undercover investigation of the Elite Modeling Agency for the BBC?

Wikipedia LS Studios

Damn right, I hope the fucking cuckold underlings that monitor here realize they are protecting the evil they believe they’re fighting against. There should be constant kike pedo ring threads with dox to flush out glowniggers or redpill some of them if they’re not too brainwashed.

Why the fuck is "modeling" even a fucking thing, it's such a worthless fucking thing to do in life, you get payed to put on fucking clothes

They're on the same team. They don't care. They're probably laughing.

Well, they sell women on the idea that they too can "look like that" - sex sells, the sexualization of women sells.
It sells to men, of course, but it also sells to women, because they see the seemingly effortless influence that "sexual power" can grant, and they desire it.

What they don't realize is that their desires are the bait for the trap, and that "sexual power" only works on the weak minded.
They inevitably become the puppets and expensive fuck-toys of those with cooler libidos and a greater weight of grey matter.

Basically; they're stupid and get tricked by our whoremonger culture, because women are more susceptible to social engineering programmes as they are more "agreeable" and socially malleable, as necessitated by their sex's predilection for social climbing vis a vis hypergamy.

You think some low payed CIAnigger "chanbrowser" or whatever the fuck they call them gets payed enough to consider himself "one of them" or to look another way when the balance of power starts shifting against the (((pedoelite))) ?

Old news OP

These guys "Pragma Group Dubai" sources underage girls for Arabs in Dubai and Saudi Arabia under the guise of a "Modeling Agency / Night Club Management Agency"
Its owned by the Ex Prime Minister of Lebanon ( well his family , dude ded )

I'm so glad I have a cock and balls so I can release all that pent up sexual frustration whenever I feel like it, it must suck being a chick and never being able to know the feeling of draining your ball sack

Yes, I think they're vetted and brainwashed enough to think they're one of them.

Mid level actually.

High level is Music/Acting ect. Goes back to historic courtesans who were good for more then just sex. If you want proof i think the thread is still up for Korea pop stars getting busted as a huge prostitution ring. Its actually global.

Models are lower because they got no other talents nothing but their looks but see they aren't 'officially' prostitutes so they are considered low only mid range.

By the way those unfortunate young girls are considered the 'lucky' ones because they are protected by said agency. Since they are considered their asset. They aren't like the other trafficked young girls who are far more…cheaply disposable.

Of course its impossible to get a gig without becoming a literal whore so har har har quite hilarious how none of them are 'seen' as prositutes when you cannot get your foot in the door without becoming one and even if you do. There is no promise you'll get the job.

Fashion and entertainment industry all needs to burn to the ground and those behind it flayed alive for their crimes.

Yes but the difference between now and then is they were never payed all that well. Today models and (((artists))) can get payed more then doctors and engineers and people who do real work, and they were never respected all that much, and today they get treated like prophets or some shit

Q is in control. NSA and military intelligence are dismantling pedo rings very soon. Rachel Chandler in the news soon.


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Are you people totally stupid? The modeling agencies are nothing. There are child brothels world-wide operating openly. Don't pretend like you're that freaking ignorant.

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therefore there is zero reason why the NSA cannot flex its pinky finger and destroy these kike pedo rings in a single day.
Honestly, there's one huge reason they can't destroy these kike pedo rings. Their bosses won't allow it, because the US government is ran, at its highest levels, by the very same kikes.
Look at Podesta. Look at the Pope. Look at all the pizzagate shit out there, and you'll eventually see, that it's the top 1% of every nations government participating in, and protecting the kike pedo rings.
Even the girls in "normal" porn are used, both in the movies and in the recruiting phase for these pedo rings.
It's a way to get political leverage.
I'm pretty sure that Trump is in on it as well. Yeah, I know they've made more child trafficking arrest with Trump, but his relationship with the owner of Pedo Island and the history between him, the Clintons, etc, just doesn't add up, unless these arrest are very low level distractions from the higher level abductions and top tier players.

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Child modeling agencies are just part of a larger problem.
Realistically, parents in Russia know what they are signing their kids up for, when they take them to a modeling agency, and they are ok with that, since it beats them all dying of starvation, or in some cases, keeps the parents from having to work at all.
In the USA, people are naive, and think that their little girl or boy is signing up for a star on Hollywood blvd, when they sign them up at an agency.
At best, world wide, I'd say most parents know what they are signing their kids up for, and willingly want to be their kids pimp, so they can make money.
The real shady shit, is done with abducted kids, that are used like fuck toys, and discarded like used condoms once these weirdos have their fun. I remember about a year back, they found a place out in the US desert, a smuggling ring, where they would tie the kids up to trees, and people would come out there, pay to fuck them, orgy style, then someone would kill them, and bury the bodies, and bring in the newly abducted to do the same shit with. They found kids toys and shit at the "camp" along with makeshift beds, shoes, and a ton of bodies. It was reported on TV once or twice and then memory holed.

It wasn't law enforcement that found this place, but a group of pedo hunters on Facebook.
They went out in tactical gear and aimed on shutting that shit down. Much like Saint Tarrant, they took action.

Bump for a good peso-hunting thread. Cannot have enough of them anons.

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How fucking dumb are these mothers? "Oh just run off to who-knows-where with this nice Jewish lady, dear. It'll be a lot of fun." Like what do they think will happen?

With the right contacts, that you can make even without Tor online, you can buy girls as young as 3 from Cambodia & Indonesia. 9k USD for these.

Or if you are more into whites, they kidnap these from cheap hostels in southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain). 25k for that.

If you would know how the world actually is, you would cry far more. Most people, even on here, live in fucking lala-land.

Talent Schools (Acting, Modeling).
Schools "Hire" BS Agents to come audition the students in a BS casting call, the Agent tells target students (parents that have money, are show moms, etc.) to get certain items the school offers; pictures, a certain class, etc. Agent get percentage.
For poor parents the school or agent sends them on a different route.

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Sex slavery in israel.

sry, forgot to ad especially recruiting for the LGBT, ask Ashton Kutcher…
Discovered by a school recruiter (sales), then a fake agent (sales), then sent to competition IMTA that the school partly owns or gets a kickback…
Abercrombie & Fitch anyone?

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Just doxx these demons already.

IOW 95% of the female mind…kek

I for one am happy to see the loli revolution being brought about by capitalism of all things, we wont even have tondet off our seats Gents.
See, either you deliver these overvalued loli with what they desire, or they will simply make a deal with satanic overlord daddies, thats how sadistic and depraved these little angels can get. :^)

People are just weak minded and give their darling kiddies whatever they want. Find that BBC Elite Modeling undercover documentary Macintyre did in the late 90's. It shows this clearly. Little 14 year old English broads winding up in Milan of all places chaperoned by evil shave headed wop criminals and pimped off at night to fat bald old men. The kid winds up band in Shitville GB two years later, a shattered soul with herpes and a cocaine addiction. Disgusting shit.

They chose that, they want 'crazy and exciting' lives. Stop painting them as victims. If anything, its the men who have to pay for all this by being artificially cut off from access to pure virgin sex maids.
You sound like a beta cuck male feminist.


No just someone that remembers a pre jew infested society where children were left alone.

So true all of that.

I bet you that's the only reason they shut them down. The only time they go after pedophiles if is they are white and racist. Otherwise they ignore them.

That's kinda the point he was making bucko.

What are some signs to look for if one has set up shop in your town?

Q-fags have to go back

The agencies are at least a visible example to educate the wayward on the true nature of exploitation industries. Child brothels and trafficking rings are another step up, not as visible to the average Western citizen and have less material for educating. Exposing them means running afoul of the authorities and ranting about them will only desensitise people to exploitation in general. We don't need another clusterfuck of autistic retards peddling their pasta all over the internet.

Sure. It isn't like a fuckton of us were government or anything.

I don't see anything wrong with this.

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kill yourself you worthless fucking boomer

lol NSA and military run the pedo rings

another one for the file

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This is epic triggering of kike pedos.

It's ridiculous for little girls to be modelling swimwear in that manner. They should still be doing so for catalogues; at least the white ones. They also don't need to wear a top part to cover their non existent breasts. Save that for 13.

pre-jew society also included adult women (read: 14 year olds) being legally able to give her cherry away. raising the age of consent was just a tangential way by bible thumpers to try to curb prostitution, iirc. i don't have a source handy, but i know i've read as much here sometime in the last year.

You're right. It was supposed to minimise exploitation but just ended up being tarballed into the whole feminist turd of entitlement.

Sounds illegal to research

They all have a circle burn mark on their left arm at the lower end of the shoulder area. Every one of them.

small pox vaccination, its not done in the US anymore, but still given elsewhere

I have once a well (I'm a 30 yo male) it's called small pox vaccination.

Back in the day you had these dumb nurses that wacked the needle in your arm causing a mark.. It's still common in shithole countries.

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Usually, I have a thing or two to add to this, but my mind is just struck blank here: it really is that bad and it's happening more and more on a global scale. This is allowed to happen because the Pedocracy has the right people in the right places and violently kills everyone who opposes them. They project it as normal and parade all these abused kids and adults on TV. The only solution is a violent and bloody revolt. All people who are involved deserve death. NSA has those names. But they won't release it because;
Where have the good men gone?

Greed & Vanity.

I heard some whispers that some Arabs took over the Global CP Ring back in the 70's.
Any more info on that?

This is what you get when you put the Jew in charge. Print up worthless money and sell it as the highest good. This way children become sex slaves to you because parents sell them or bad people kidnap them. It will get even worse once the global economic crisis hits.

It's too confrontational for them and reminds them of the horrors of their childhood. They just hide the thread like they hide their pain.

LS was(/is?) one of the big distributors of Child Pornography. They operate from Ukraine. Parents were willing to hand their kids over and were even present during the shootings. This tells you a lot about these people (probably abused themselves as kids and thus deem it as normal). For some reason, Ukraine is one of the biggest nests when it comes to CP production. I have no idea why.

Yeah I got one too, left arm. Eastern Europe

Excellent first post.

Excellent kike post.

You got a source for this shit?

Would you pay 10.000$ for a virgin 12 year old russian girl?

Maybe to rescue her from being transported to a jewish brothel and have her placed in a Swiss convent at Neufschatel..

No, but I know people that would.

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Pathetic shill tier b8, m8. You'll never catch a roastie with that mess.