Ricans attack and strip naked french girl on honeymoon

It's an old tape, but while there is still higher than avg traffic here, it's good for the normal "joe six-packs" living out in flyover country where they still hardly ever see a nigger to understand what the rest of the nation deals with.
This incident is from 2000, so almost 20 years ago now, but still every year, the fucking puerto ricans have to "have their parade" and every year every store on 5th ave had to board up in case they start rioting, and then the mayor complains it is "racist." Entire documentary is worth watching, but imagine being the poor bastard husband show here as your wife (that you just married a few days ago) is stripped naked and finger-fucked as you are held back by savages and they film it all:

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm surprised the Jews haven't gotten to taken it down yet. Jewtube has even taken down the Randy Weaver hearings in DC recently:

Attached: rican-scum.png (1600x1062, 1.65M)

any bets on how long their marriage lasted? when, on your honey moon, you have a bunch of apes rip away your wife, rip off her clothes, fondle and finger bang her, and then squirt water on her as you try to walk her to a police car?
there's a Dr. Pierce broadcast that this incident and ricans in general if anyone wants to watch it.

Attached: rican-scum-3.png (1610x1060 1.71 MB, 1.49M)

I’ll dedicate myself to revenge. Fuck niggers, fuck mudslimes. Ands fuck spics. I’m fucking done. I’m so fucking done.
Why is it that we allow rape to happen on our streets? We joke around here and laugh about how these men are “cucks”. We meme, we have a good laugh about our clown world. But it’s not funny anymore. It never really was. We let this happen. Not just the Jews, not just the Muslims, not just the niggers, of all our enemies we are the ones who are the most disgusting. We are masochistic, we are inactive, and we are cowards. How can we call ourselves men? We all just sit back and watch shit like this. You know who the cucks really are? Us. We are the enlightened ones, and we do nothing. Most of us do nothing even though good women die and become traumatized. I am tired of this and I will not longer ignore it. I want to fight but I am only an individual and a product of this mass race mixing rape. The Jews are getting what they want, and they are rewarding their golems with ==YOUR== white women. God dammit. Boys, I’m coming to a breaking point. And to the glow niggers out their (feds) Zig Forums hasn’t radicalized me. The majority of the faggots here are stagnant. They won’t do shit. None of us are Branton Tarrent. He seems to be one of a dying breed. He was a man that wanted revenge whether he died doing it or not. He couldn’t live with himself at old age knowing he did nothing to stop this. He was one of the last men who cared. How can we live with ourselves by standing by? Are we going to age, then hope our children do something about this? White children won’t do anything, especially if their role models and idols have given up. You know what they will do to your precious children coward? They will gut them as the penetrate their wounds. Wake up, because we are all effected by this. There is no where to run but at the enemy. This is why we need some sort of acceleration. Not just acceleration, no, we need to organize. We need to train and form militias. Now is the time to fight, because I’m sure in there coming years if we don’t, we will perish. We will perish under the cock of our enemies, as humiliating as that may sound. That’s what you’re letting happen. That is why we are the cucks. We don’t have to be though.
If you are honorable. You will die fighting. If you are not a hedonistic shit, you will plan then die fighting for your volk. If you are a coward cuckold, you will sit in front of your computer screen and complain while watching your women get butchered and raped. I’ve seen so much, and I’m sure you have too. You are angry, you are enraged, you want to do something, but are you planning? Are you networking as hard as you can with other honorable white men? You need to be. You really fucking need to be, because we are getting raped out there. The beautiful wives with the best Aryan genes are nearly gone and are going down under rape groups like this one. The only difference is that they’re Muslims and that it happens more.
Are you a cuck, or are you a man?
Then coordinate and avenge your volk god dammit. I know I will. I’d rather burn alive than live as a sheep the rest of my life. I know many of you must feel as I do. We need to stop this madness.

Attached: 2194AEFD-3E47-4003-AB6F-E6380D099062.jpeg (590x365 481.35 KB, 44.51K)


It isn't a problem as long as the song (((DESPACITO))) is in every goyim's head

She deserves it for being there dressed like a slut

so are you going to kill politicians or just beat some mexican to death with a hammer behind 7/11 at 3 am?

Hitler has spoken.



Agreed. No self respecting white woman would ever allow themselves to be surrounded by drunk shitskins like that.

either is fine

nope, not cringe at all. If seeing this video doesn't make you mad, then you're a faggot cuck.

checking these dubs of radicalization.


Son, the only thing that's cringeworthy about it, is the fact that we let shit like this happen.

If you don't care about this, then you're the problem, and you deserve the next bullet.

What kind of shit-skin was responsible for the rape of your mother? Just curious.

Edgy hymie. Do you think a random French tourist, esp then when info wasn't so easily available, knew that there would be a group of marauding shitskins blow the fucking Park that particular day? I hope you get fucked up the ass by some big black nigger.
I saw this tape a few years ago, and have never forgotten it. They probably ruined this guy's marriage and his life. As for the edgy scumbags here saying "she deserved it," may you all die slowly and painfully of the AIDs.

A thread like this is also a very good reminder that there is a MAJOR spic problem that will eventually have to be solved, by hook or by crook. Fucking Spanish made one of the wort mistakes in the history of the world by not bringing their own goddam women with them when they crossed the ocean.

Wow. I hadn't seen that.
Scary stuff.

Dr Pierce on this event-
by Dr. William L. Pierce

TODAY LET’S TALK a little about the mass sexual assaults on White women by Blacks and Puerto Ricans which occurred in New York City a little less than two weeks ago. The assaults were on the Sunday before last: June 11, which in New York is officially Puerto Rican Day. And I should tell you that that fact alone dampens my sympathy for the victims right from the start. It’s hard to feel sorry for anyone who would choose to live in a place that has an official Puerto Rican Day.

I don’t know what your image of Puerto Ricans is. I believe that for most Americans it’s a smiling, brown face serving them some sort of iced beverage with rum while they are relaxing under a beach umbrella. That’s the average soccer-mom’s image, which she acquired from watching those television commercials for Caribbean cruises. Whites who live in New York and have to deal with Puerto Ricans on a continuing basis have a different image: they call them “cockroaches,” “cucarachas.” They are the ghastly result of crossbreeding Caribbean Indians, Blacks, and an especially low grade of White trash and teaching their mongrel offspring to speak Spanish — of a sort. They are probably the most unsavory ethnic group in the very unsavory stew of ethnic groups which is New York City.

About the only good thing that can be said for the Puerto Ricans is that they have set off a lot of bombs in various U.S. government offices over the years, and on one occasion they launched an assault on the U.S. Congress and shot half a dozen congressmen. They also made a reasonably creditable — but unfortunately unsuccessful — assassination attempt against President Harry Truman in 1950. But these valiant acts were carried out by an almost-White Puerto Rican elite and hardly compensate for the worthlessness of the average Puerto Rican.

After Puerto Ricans in New York’s Central Park sexually assaulted approximately 50 White women — plus a couple of non-White women — following the Puerto Rican Day parade on June 11, everyone was looking for someone to blame. The first thing the media and the politicians had to say about that is, “Don’t blame the Puerto Ricans! It wasn’t a racial thing! The victims were of all races.” Well, while it is technically correct that not every single victim was White, anyone watching films of the attacks can easily see that nearly all of them were — while all of the attackers were non-Whites. The rampaging mob really wasn’t interested in Black and Puerto Rican women, and so non-White women who were in the area managed to scurry out of harm’s way, while the mob of Puerto Ricans and Blacks deliberately singled out White women — and White girls as young as 14 — ripping off their clothes, squeezing their breasts, and thrusting their fingers deep into their genitalia. White men who accompanied some of the women were held and forced to watch while the non-Whites brutalized and humiliated their women. Despite the fact that nearly all the victims were White, the news story on the
assaults in this week’s issue of Gerald Levin’s Time magazine pictured both of the two Black victims, including one with peroxided orange hair.

The aim clearly was to create the impression that at least half the victims were Black. The story in this week’s issue of Katherine Meyer Graham’s Newsweek magazine had a photograph of one of the two Black victims.

Some of the women blamed the police, who ignored the victims when they pleaded for help. There were rumors that the politicians had ordered the police not to arrest or harass the Puerto Ricans, lest they riot. I’m inclined to say, well, that’s life in the Great Satan these days. What do you expect?

But many people are acting surprised by the sexual assaults and the reports that the police refused to intervene. The media and the politicians have been telling them that the crime rate in New York is going down: they have been boasting that the great experiment in multicultural living is succeeding. And now this! What a nasty surprise! That’s like a family living in a cockroach-infested apartment. The family is too lazy or too preoccupied with other things to clean up the apartment and get rid of the cockroaches. They have heard rumors that cockroaches spread disease, but everyone still seems healthy, so they just discount the rumors, ignore the cockroaches, and continue watching their ball games on TV. Then they start getting sick. I’m not surprised. Are you surprised?

I’ll tell you what does surprise me, and that’s the fact that the Puerto Rican Day assaults have gotten any media coverage at all. This is the sort of thing that the controlled media nearly always take great pains to ignore. They don’t want to confuse the lemmings, who have been taught that multiculturalism is the most wonderful development since the wheel. It makes me suspect that one of the women who had her genitalia probed by the subhumans in Central Park knows somebody who was willing and able to raise a fuss.

Certainly, these mass assaults on White women by our colored brothers generally are ignored successfully. Two moths ago, for example, Black college students had their so-called “Black Springbreak 2000” celebration in Biloxi, Mississippi. Approximately 20,000 young Blacks congregated in the Biloxi and Gulfport area, generally behaving as we expect 20,000 young Blacks to behave when they have the local law enforcement agencies overwhelmed. They ate in restaurants and walked out without paying. They smashed up convenience stores when the storekeepers ran out of beer. One unhappy White storekeeper complained, “My bathrooms are ruined. I didn’t believe people could be so mean and ugly.” Well, I hope you believe it now. Other Whites were shocked to see Blacks pulling down their pants and relieving themselves on the sidewalks.

The real Black behavior, however, manifested itself when White women and girls who didn’t have the sense to stay indoors — or in some cases were caught going to or from their places of employment — were spotted by the Blacks. The cry would go up: “There’s a White girl. Get her!” Then exactly the same thing would happen that happened in Central Park. The unfortunate White girl would be mobbed by Blacks, her clothes would be ripped from her body, and she would be fondled and probed while other Blacks gleefully watched and videotaped her humiliation. There were even photographs in the local newspapers of stripped White girls running from the mob and trying to cover their nakedness with their hands while the Blacks leered at them and made obscene gestures. But these Mississippi newspapers, just like those in New York, carefully avoided describing what happened in racial terms.

Well, that’s certainly not the Mississippi I remember from the days when I was an undergraduate. In those days if a mob of Blacks had assaulted White women the way they did two months ago, not one would have left Biloxi alive. Roadblocks would have been set up to keep them from fleeing, and they would have been hunted down and killed to the last Black. The police would be manning the roadblocks and helping to provide the firepower. But you know, Mississippi is part of the so-called “New South” these days, where Blacks not only can get away with that sort of behavior, but the politicians and the media make excuses for them and cover for them.

Well anyway, my point was that you didn’t hear about what happened in Biloxi two months ago unless you happen to live there. I got my information from the Gulfport, Mississippi, Sun Herald, but it certainly wasn’t in the Washington Post or the New York Times. Most such incidents are successfully covered up by the national media. The incidents this month in Central Park are the rare exceptions to the rule.
So who is to blame for this situation? Well, the soccer moms undoubtedly will find some small flaw in the system to blame, some minor breakdown in the system which is supposed to permit them to live in the multicultural jungle that America has become without being assaulted by the animals who also live in the jungle. They want to put a Band-Aid on the system — perhaps fire some lower-level police official — and then have things continue as before but without the assaults. They want to be able to stroll through Central Park on Sunday afternoons, with subhuman animals all around them and still be perfectly safe. They are out of touch with reality. Reality is that if you insist on living in a jungle, then you should expect to be eaten.

Reality is that Whites and non-Whites are different. To Blacks and Puerto Ricans, grabbing a woman in public and ripping her clothes off is no big deal. Rape is no big deal either. Blacks really don’t understand why Whites take rape so seriously. In the Third World rape is a macho thing. Young men do it and get away with it. And of course, as we bring more and more non-Whites into the United States, we must expect to see more and more of the sort of behavior we saw in Biloxi and in Central Park. And it’s not just the non-Whites. In fact, already White behavior also is moving in that direction. The Jewish mass media already have pounded the notion into the heads of the lemmings and the college girls of both sexes that whatever is Black is good, that Blacks and Puerto Ricans and Mexicans may have cultures and lifestyles which differ from ours, but really, theirs are better than ours, cleaner and greener and wiser and less offensive than ours, nicer than ours. The same sort of destructive nonsense is being taught in many of our public schools and in our colleges and universities.

I’m sure you’ve heard this “Black is better” party line yourself often enough, but I’ll read you a couple of paragraphs from a letter I received a few days ago from a woman who provides a perfect example of just what I’ve been talking about. This particular soccer mom, who goes by the name Cherylynn Hoff, apparently listened to one of my broadcasts, didn’t like it, and decided to tell me how displeased she is with my Political Incorrectness. Ms. Hoff writes,

“I am speaking as an educated, upper-middle class ‘White’ woman” — and she writes the word “White” with a disapproving sneer by enclosing it in quotation marks — “I am an educated, upper middle class ‘White’ woman of wholly ‘European’ descent, the kind of person you wish to recruit. Your attitudes and beliefs, beyond embarrassing me, highly offend me. I’d like to know what makes you feel you are, in any way, ‘better’ than anyone else.”

And “better” seems to be another word Ms. Hoff finds offensive, because she encloses it also in quotation marks. Actually, there are a number of words in her letter in quotation marks — the word “European,” for example — and I suspect that these are words she has been conditioned to feel uncomfortable about. Ms. Hoff continues,

“First of all, in terms of protecting our territory from non-Whites, you must remember that your ‘European’ heritage indicates that you are culturally and racially from Europe, not from the Americas. The Europeans came and exploited and abused this good American land and its native peoples, who have traditionally held beliefs and practices of deep respect for the land and Nature, the kind of knowledge and respect that hundreds of thousands of well educated, upper-middle class White people are paying big bucks to learn at seminars, retreats, and alternative education programs. Why? Because White Europeans, while having the market cornered in terms of aggression, control, and manipulation, have missed the boat in terms of spiritual values that honor and respect the beautiful earth and the beautiful creatures that Great Mother Earth has created for us. . . .

“It is Whites who brought the Blacks here — as slaves. They did not come of their own volition. They were stolen by force from their tribal structure, the attributes of which you obviously have no knowledge or basis for understanding. Go educate yourself, darling, about the value of elder wisdom as passed to indigenous youth through traditional tribal rites of passage, and you will find a structure desperately missing and much needed in the depravity of White America. Your ignorance and lack of capacity to appreciate what you can learn from indigenous cultural structures are, beyond embarrassing, obviously extremely dangerous. Gunpowder, arms, egoism, and a drive to control, manipulate, and destroy are not qualities of which to be proud. Yes, they helped Whites get on top for a minute period of this earth’s long history, but they are not qualities that will enable Whites to endure their deluded brand of supremacy. The natural order will take place, and people like you will fade away under the patchwork of multiethnicity and interbreeding, fight as you may in an unattractive quandary of fear and hatred. You live in fear and thus are fighting a losing battle. I can bet hands down that many of your members cannot hold a candle to the many intelligent, beautiful, talented, well educated, loving people that I am blessed to have in my life who come from a variety of different ethnicities and cultures. . . . Frankly, I don’t want more people like you on this earth. The contributions my friends of color and my friends of same-sexed sexual orientation have made to our society are vast. . . .” Et cetera.

Well, you know, I didn’t choose that letter to read to you for its brilliance, but because it is typical of a mind-set which unfortunately is very common among White Americans, not only among women but also among feminized men, who like to think of themselves as educated. And in a superficial sense they are educated, in that they have passed through one of the institutions pretending to be universities in America these days. When Bill Clinton speaks to university audiences about the fact that Whites are rapidly approaching minority status in America, it is women like Ms. Hoff — and their male counterparts — who applaud. They really have been trained to hate their own race, their own civilization, their own traditions.

Black is good, White is bad. That sounds pretty simpleminded, but in essence that is what people like Ms. Hoff have been taught. An ironic aspect of this situation is that these people have an instinctive realization that American society is in a terminal state of decay — Ms. Hoff refers to it as “the depravity of White America” — but when they go looking for solutions, the Jews, wearing their “New Age” guru hats, are waiting for them at the ticket booth, ready to take their money and stuff them full of even more baloney about “indigenous cultural structures” and the wonders of the colored brother in “seminars, retreats, alternative education programs,” and the rest of the New Age brainwashing apparatus.

What sort of 'marriage' did they even have?
Who brings their woman, dressed like that, around such animals?
>newly weds from france
Well, what did you expect? Even in the year 2000, one should have known better, but then those WERE simpler times… There were many who still didn't get it yet.

Hell, I didn't get it yet. Then again, I was like 15. A very ugly story involving very stupid creatures.

One of the standard features of such seminars, retreats, and so on is the claim that Blacks and so-called “Native Americans” are much more sensitive to environmental problems than we are. White heterosexual males are obsessed with gunpowder and destruction, while people of color are born environmentalists. That’s about as blatant a falsehood as you’ll find among all of the New Age hocus pocus. Take a look sometime at the membership of serious environmental groups such as the Sierra Club. You’ll have a hard time spotting a non-White face among them. Really, they would like nothing better than to have more “diversity” in their ranks, but the non-Whites just aren’t interested. To Blacks and Mexicans environmentalists are crazy to be concerned about things like trees and whales.

Take a look at conditions on any Indian reservation. They don’t spread their trash around like that because the White man forces them to. They do it because they don’t understand why they shouldn’t. When Europeans began arriving here in substantial numbers more than 400 years ago, the only reason the Indians hadn’t made much of an impact on the land was that they had only a Stone Age culture. They were still hunters and gatherers, without the know-how to sustain more than a very sparse population. If the Indians had had steel tools and gunpowder and machinery, there wouldn’t have been a buffalo or a tree left by the time the Whites arrived. And there wouldn’t be an environmentalist movement today were it not for the White people who are concerned enough about the environment to devote their time and money to trying to preserve it. Unfortunately, not every White person shares that concern — many care as little about Nature as the Blacks and Indians do — but it is only among Whites that there is any concern at all.

Anyway, back to Biloxi and Central Park. I always try to be completely frank with you, and so I should tell you that I rejoice whenever something like that happens. It makes me feel good to see even a very minor riot like the one earlier this week in Los Angeles. Of course, I am very sorry that many of the women who are raped or humiliated are completely innocent. It is a very rough educational experience for them. It’s too bad that the women who are victimized when the Blacks revert to their jungle behavior can’t all be Cherylynn Hoffs.

You know, I used to think that a good, brutal gang-rape by Blacks or Puerto Ricans would straighten out the thinking of someone like Ms. Hoff in a hurry. I don’t believe that any longer, though. I’ve seen too many examples of just how strong a grip Political Correctness has on such people. They would rather die — really, they would rather die — than be Politically Incorrect, than be thought to have an unfashionable opinion. By the time Cherylynn was out of the hospital she would have figured out how what had happened to her was entirely the fault of heterosexual White males. Such people can be cured, but it’ll take more than a gang-rape. To make the lemmings change course will take a scientifically designed program of mass conditioning of the sort the Jews have used to get them moving in their present direction.

Nevertheless, I still welcome these demonstrations of indigenous tribal exuberance such as we saw in Biloxi and Central Park. They may do nothing for Cherylynn Hoff, who will continue hoping for the extinction of the White race so she won’t feel guilty or embarrassed any longer, but there are many other White women — and White men too — who are capable of learning something from these demonstrations. They need to learn a lot, while there still are enough of us to do something about the course of events.
ADDENDUM– the woman who wrote this letter to Dr. Pierce, Cherylynn hoff, was an face berg a few years ago, and i wrote to her just to let her know how much i appreciated her letter. Feel free to do the same.

also, can't post this without remarking on what might be the best line ever written by Dr, Pierce, though it sounds better for some reason when he is saying it:

that's all folks*

If you know a certain type of upper middle class woman in NYC/LA, the s describes them so perfectly in one sentence that I've never heard anyone put it better:

An ironic aspect of this situation is that these people have an instinctive realization that American society is in a terminal state of decay — Ms. Hoff refers to it as “the depravity of White America” — but when they go looking for solutions, the Jews, wearing their “New Age” guru hats, are waiting for them at the ticket booth, ready to take their money and stuff them full of even more baloney about “indigenous cultural structures” and the wonders of the colored brother in “seminars, retreats, alternative education programs,” and the rest of the New Age brainwashing apparatus.

You're not understanding or you have never been to NYC. They were on honeymoon, this was right in lower Central Park, where usually you won't see a single nigger. t was the summer. I assume they were trying to cut through the park on the way back to their hotel near Columbus Circle, and just ran into this mob of savages unwittingly and before they knew it, there was no escape.

Ah man, Pierce was a great guy. My fuckin' sides m8.
wait wat?

There was a fairly large and active "puerto rican independence movement" in the mid-20th century led, as pierce describes, by the very Few almost pure Spaniards left on that island. And they killed a number of ZOg politican and came close to getting Truman while the White House was being renovated.
My fav line from the piece is still "the Jew, wearing his new age guru hate– is sitting at the ticket booth and ready to take their money." It's funny to hear him speak it, let me look for the audio if anyone wants to listen to it:

'''fuck, well, not on Jewtube, but for those who know where to find the audio archive, the title is "Black is Good, White is Bad." It's really amazing how badly jewtube has become censored in the past 2 years.

I'm not doing either of those.
NYC is a shithole. Nowhere therein is really all that safe, its a sprawling urbanite hellscape full of mud and waste.
Given your professed knowledge of the terrain, I have to conclude you're an urbanite or were. Don't try to pretend. Its a shithole.
Knowing that its a shithole, anyone who lives there is subject to shithole conditions, by their own doing in all adult cases. I can't feel too bad for idiots who choose to live in, or visit, such a shithole. The pathetic performance of the police, however, is truly remarkable by all accounts.

Very interesting, I've never heard of this event. Any saucy links?

I'm 96% sure this is the the cunt who wrote the letter if anyone wants to thank her fr her legendary contribution to a Dr. Pierce broadcast:


Dude, ANY fucking search engine, "puerto rican independence movement, terrorism" will give you thousands of results. Not trying to be a dick but Jesus, that's like..below retarded level not being able to figure that one out.

I would never pretend it isn't a Jew-run, mud-infested shithole. But despite that fact, areas like Central Park (near where the kikes and what little Old WASP money is left) live is generally the safest place in the entire city.

Checked for why would anyone want to engage such a venomous harpy?

Attached: Libshit White Guilt.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

Obviously I can find my own data dickbutt, I was asking if YOU had anything to contribute. You can just say no, its less passive-aggressive.

Wish, you're not a right one are you? Just to let her know that….she is a wonderful writer and how much everyone who listened to the broadcast appreciated her really telling off Dr. Pierce and putting the uneducated white Trash like Dr. Pierce– with a Doctorate in Physics and who worked for Los alamos and NASA Jew Prop Lab– and showing him how much smarter than he she truly was….

Checked for I guess, but seems like it'd be kind of a waste of time, ya know? Some worthless old hag isn't worth the time in spite, but then, spite is not my drug of choice.

No, you said "sauce," recall? WasI alive in the 1950s do you think? How the hell would I have any firsthand knowledge of it? They try to cover it up as much as possible for some reason. All I really is that the got a few congressmen, and WOULD have gotten Truman, since he was living in Blair House at the time but for some weird fuck up that resulted in his armed detail being there when otherwise he wouldn't have been (before Kennedy was shot, not all Secret Service were armed). there was a shootout, and i think the Secret Service guy died but also fatally wounded 2 of the ricans. Which is a shame, since Truman really deserved Traitor's justice for his being complicit in the relocation of the 14 million Germans from their ancestral homes and the resulting death of 3-4 million.

Who said anything about "spite?" Just fun to remind her that her brilliant insights are still a source of amusement for an entire new generation. Last time i contacted her (this was years ago when I had face berg still) I got a great response, which I actually increased in text size and used as my face berg "back phot" for years, since she wished death and me and a whole bunch of other ice stuff. Irony being, I was genuinely polite to the bitch, but she seems not to like being reminded of this letter.
Well, to each his own…

I meant specific links of import or value you autistic son of a bitch.
But yes, Truman was wretched shit.

Indeed, indeed.

it's a shame they didn't spend more time on target practice and ammo. they could have really "cleaned house" of traitors…

What happens when you go to a (((diverse))) country formyour honeymoon. Should have manned up and start neck stabbing all of them. Watched them scatter like rats real quick.

I did 8 months on riders for stabbing a rican. It was a packed subway, was with my GF, and he asked her "how about you sit on my lap?" I would have just fought the fucker fairly, but he pulled his knife first, so I got him right in the stomach. In any event, I got into the air-conditioned unit on Rikers and it wasn't bad at all. Especially once word gets around you are a crazy White motherfucker who doesn't mind shanking people if they fuck with him, the "multi-cults" tend to leave you alone.
Of course, now I have a police record but even still, was I going to stand there and let a spic ask my GF to "sit on his lap" when it was obvious she was with me?

*RIKERS. And for anyone going there, make sure you get on line early for dinner on "chicken thursday's," since they niggers who run the food hand-out will do anything they can to keep extra chicken for themselves if you aren't right there for meal call.

YEah, you aren't getting it. Firstly, you have to take you midget back 18 years ago when there were no "smartphones" to get directions from, and also recall that French are notorious for being ethnocentric re: their language and not speaking a word of English.
So, back then, they would have been relying on "guide books" (I actually wrote for one of the big "guidebooks" one summer and did their yearly update in the year before they finally quit printing it).
the guidebook they were using would, 100%, have told them that "Central Park is safe util you get near/above the Museum," which it is 99.999% of the time. You can'y blame this couple for not knowing that the annal parade of subhumans abominations would e there that day, the one day a year where every store on 5th ave. boards up their stores.
And also, fuck the NYPD for not wading into it and smashing some spic heads with clubs, although Pierce says that they were given orders from above to stand by and not get involved with the animals lest they turn a small riot into a GIANT fucking riot.
From what you can see, the girl looks relatively cute, the guy looks like an overweight sad sack type (overweight being usual for France). He probably wage-sucked for the past 20 years, finally met a girl who wanted him (or his money) had plans of having kids and settling down, and hthese beasts of he field almost surely ruined his live. 20 to 1 says they aren't married anymore, though no way to figure out unless someone even more autistic than I am wants to go through criminal complaints and the rest.

*MIDGET…=MINDSET. Probably my cue that I've been awake too fucking long.

* UNUSUAL FROR FRANCE. As stated already, I need sleep desperately. Later faggots.


Our generation will be the leaders of the Aryan revolution, gen Z will be the soldiers.
If yes, join it.

Fucking zoomers.

serves them right for going to a nigger country and wasting their dollars there


Video's removed by jewtube. Has anyone mirrored it yet?

That, real targets if you ever needed any.
Uh oh…
The man dropped such redbombs.
See Tarrantinos of all types, it didn't take much effort for Mr. Pierce to concisely and clearly name the culprit of this degeneracy instead of beating around the bush like some cuckold faggot while dropping a couple tame 'clues' to avoid offending normies who might read the manifesto (which they will never do).
These women, it's sad to say, wouldn't even be capable of blaming their rapists if they were thrown in the middle of a crowd of apes with smartphones.
The tragedy being that a man like Pierce wasn't listened to. Imagine men of his stature at the head of white countries.
Pierce's seminars, on the other hand, were brutal.
Especially if this Hoff was a Jewess. But I have heard Whites says such stupid nonsense, seen girls literally fall apart in tears because of racist opinions, some of them incapable to understand even if they came from different White countries, they were White nonetheless and not the type of migrant we don't want.
Heil tot that!
However, the preferable method would be to indoctrinate the youth.

can someone upload a better version, preferably unedited ? i fapped but the news aspect kinda ruined the experience

(((Ms. Hoff)))
Strange Pierce didnt mention that fact. It is obvious from her verbal IQ106.

Attached: ms Hoff.png (344x391, 85.69K)

Fixating on anomalies is used to obscure favorable trends. Crime rates are low!

Ah, look! The conservative pedophile, self-exposing. Behold their self-enforcing belief in the indoctrination of youth; complaining of the indoctrination of youth, their solution is more of tge same.

Accelerationism works if you push your enemy to move, not your own allies.
We must not harm ourselves, rather we must attack our enemy and have them retaliate back with such blows everyone will be able to see.

Slow and steady is what they want.

>(((people))) push in one direction

We really do need to gas (((them))) all, don't we?

Police stand down
everything caught on tape
etc etc

How do you strip a naked girl?

No dear, he won’t die of AIDS, we are going to have to ‘take care’ of these filthy subhumans via extermination. He won’t learn because he genuinely wishes that he had participated and would do the same himself in a heartbeat. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GENOCIDE THE MONSTERS WE CREATED. Sadly there is no other solution to this issue and it isn’t going to ‘go away’ by wishing that they ‘get some disease’…it will have to be something that we take care of and exterminate until they are gone from the planet and not longer disturb Life here. The ‘Age of Grace’ is over and it is time to stand up for Life rather than trying to ‘negotiate with Death’. Strength and Honor user.


Livestream it bro and beat the high score
Also be sure to sub to pew pew pewds

People need to start posting these things onto facebook and T_D. Like that video of the woman being pulled into a subway car starewell underground and surrounded by 40 fucking muslims. Her blood curdling screams still haunt my nightmares as she is pulled out of sight and into the darkness.

Every normy needs to see that and realize just how disgusting and savage a gang rape really is. It's worse than a pack of lions descending on a buffalo and it will hit you right in the soul and will change you who you are fundamentally as a person. Making sock accounts with a fake IP and just occasionally dump these webms on unsuspecting people.

Never forget. When Sadiq Khan made the "Part and Parcel" comment, he was admitting that the potential for violence from third worlders onto whites is a known. They knew all about it and decided to push forward regardless. This is the narrative that needs to be pushed, that your livlihood and family and safety mean nothing in this global change we are going through. What good is your individual rights when the collective power elite won't defend law and order. It is time to collectivize.

Go look up the 100 handers. They have instructions and materials for printing up pro white propaganda. It is time to start taking the meme war to the normies. Spend the $90 and get out there. There is literally no time to waste and the sooner we get this overton window acceptable to name, and discuss the roles of Jews in society the quicker we can shut them down. They can only operate in the ignorance that Jews are not white.

Strip naked girl is still grammatically okay i think, verb adverb noun. Strip naked is the action and french girl is the one being stripped. Something like "burnt partially french girl" doesnt mean shes part french. Would be better as partially burnt, but I guess nakedly stripped sounds weird.

Don't know why I posted all this though.

Puerto Ricans are nigger tier. They behave like niggers is every way possible do to their high African admixture. They're a mongrel, pardo group of savages. In a lot of ways, I hate them more than niggers. Worst part is, every single one of them is born with automatic American citizenship. Yes, even the ones in Puerto Rico.

First of all: what that white girl was doing there?!


No webm… mp4… nothing but a fucking youtbe link takn dwn as soon as this site linked to it.

Almonds.service -Overdrive