Please Tell Me Your Reasoning

(Reposted from a reply because I think we need to fucking hear it)

Why is it that we allow rape to happen on our streets? We joke around here and laugh about how these men are “cucks”. We meme, we have a good laugh about our clown world. But it’s not funny anymore. It never really was. We let this happen. Not just the Jews, not just the Muslims, not just the niggers, of all our enemies we are the ones who are the most disgusting. We are masochistic, we are inactive, and we are cowards. How can we call ourselves men? We all just sit back and watch shit like this. You know who the cucks really are? Us. We are the enlightened ones, and we do nothing. Most of us do nothing even though good women die and become traumatized. I am tired of this and I will not longer ignore it. I want to fight but I am only an individual and a product of this mass race mixing rape. The Jews are getting what they want, and they are rewarding their golems with YOUR white women. God dammit. Boys, I’m coming to a breaking point. And to the glow niggers out their (feds) Zig Forums hasn’t radicalized me. The majority of the faggots here are stagnant. They won’t do shit. None of us are Branton Tarrent. He seems to be one of a dying breed. He was a man that wanted revenge whether he died doing it or not. He couldn’t live with himself at old age knowing he did nothing to stop this. He was one of the last men who cared. How can we live with ourselves by standing by? Are we going to age, then hope our children do something about this? White children won’t do anything, especially if their role models and idols have given up. You know what they will do to your precious children coward? They will gut them as the penetrate their wounds. Wake up, because we are all effected by this. There is no where to run but at the enemy. This is why we need some sort of acceleration. Not just acceleration, no, we need to organize. We need to train and form militias. Now is the time to fight, because I’m sure in there coming years if we don’t, we will perish. We will perish under the cock of our enemies, as humiliating as that may sound. That’s what you’re letting happen. That is why we are the cucks. We don’t have to be though.
If you are honorable. You will die fighting. If you are not a hedonistic shit, you will plan then die fighting for your volk. If you are a coward cuckold, you will sit in front of your computer screen and complain while watching your women get butchered and raped. I’ve seen so much, and I’m sure you have too. You are angry, you are enraged, you want to do something, but are you planning? Are you networking as hard as you can with other honorable white men? You need to be. You really fucking need to be, because we are getting raped out there. The beautiful wives with the best Aryan genes are nearly gone and are going down under rape groups like this one. The only difference is that they’re Muslims and that it happens more.
Are you a cuck, or are you a man?
Then coordinate and avenge your volk god dammit. I know I will. I’d rather burn alive than live as a sheep the rest of my life. I know many of you must feel as I do. We need to stop this madness.

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Rapebabies provide strong offspring


rapists deserve only the rope. Defend the temple of God, the womb of the daughters of Eve.

OP you ain't gonna do shit. Now Get back to shitposting with the rest of us.

So was Brenton. That isn't an excuse. user, you already know what needs to be done. Whose permission are you waiting for?

You're acting like we've done nothing. We've turned this world on its head within the last decade. We are responsible for facilitating the rise of the global right-wing. We are responsible for memeing a president into office that despite his ineffectiveness, his very existence has exposed the true plans of the leftists to the masses and radicalized a nation.

You're the kind of retard that wakes up one day, reads the news about a few muslim or nigger rapes and thinks that we should all just immediately pick up guns and shoot everyone we don't like. This almost makes me think that you're a fed or a leftist shitposter. That's not how the world works, that's not how successful revolutions happen. Every revolution that's ever occurred in the history of humanity was at least a decade, usually several, in the making before the first shot was fired.

I'm not the average faggot on this board, I have an Ivy league education and I run a decently successful company (that only hires right-wingers). I only ever play to win, not waste my own life shooting up a mosque when there are 1.5B other Muslims that need extermination, among others - although I am very happy that Brenton Tarrant did what he did because it furthers our goals immensely. We are not yet at the phase where we should pick up guns. Buy all the guns you like, but don't fire them yet until you're given the signal to do so - you'll recognize it when it happens.

As we continue to radicalize people (and the (((institutions))) continue to radicalize people far to the left in our favor), we will eventually come to the point where the left makes the first move. That first move will instill the righteous indignation needed to finally get things moving. The Boston Massacre was the event that finally precipitated the American Revolution, even though the main complain was taxation without representation (nothing to do with the massacre besides anti-British sentiment). The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what precipitated WWI despite similar events in the past not having quite the same consequences. We are waiting for our Boston Massacre, but the public sentiment has to be there for it to carry the intended effect, and we are trying our best to get the public to that point.

Women wouldn't get raped if they were at home with the children and baking.

All white males Deserve to be Raped in their Assholes

Fuck off kike

its very rare and we have a sophisticated system of law and order that ensures vigilantism will be punished. Basically I have tendies to eat and im pretty safe.

I did see some crazy shit once and the girl was just standing there while some black dude was chimping out. I looked at her and she looked at me. He had a friend there. Maybe some ex relationship shit either way. She wasnt doing shit and I wasnt going to white knight for some random black chick.

I could have called the cops and said, dude looked crazy and scary but I was like. Meh. She could do that to. She could have walked back into the bart station and talk to an attendant.

Bitches be dumb as shit. Anyone that hangs around nogs is already lost.

Good post. I'm always in awe that people have literally no hindsight. Remember how dark 2010 seemed? Keep the chaos.

Too many people forget that we can ride the wave of their insanity. Shilling tries to convince us to not use the tools given to us.

Because the White Nation is ruled by people who hate us. Rape is funny to them; Freud told them women want to be raped from a young age, as a way to act out their sexual fantasies without any guilt. There is no cultural Marxism, but there must certainly is a cultural Freudianism.

Stopped reading there

This is an important realization on your part. Anyone over the age of 30 has already made their peace with the ZOG, and can't be trusted.
The "Right" wing of the ZOG eventually comes to believe niggers are still slaves to "America," that the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are their fellow White Blood Brothers, etc. If you question the shills here enough about what they really think, you'll see this is true. They want you to make peace with the ZOG the way they have; through the fantasy that "America" is the new Roman Empire subjugating the barbarian world.
Any White Nationalist over 30, you should ask them "Why aren't you dead, faggot? Why didn't you start the Turner Diaries yourself, faggot?"

shieeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt …. checkem

damn nigga

das my nigga

They are dumb whores who thought they were too good for a 'basic' white man, or even a stud. Im against physical violence, but these women chose that risk by not submitting to a white 'daddy' the minute they became sexually awakened. They chose to withold that care and pleasure out of sadism. Evil is womens default, with only a rare exception. They cant even exist as humans without us, but they dont deserve our grace.

And If im going to start any rahowa, it will not be to save some expired ungratefull fleshbags. It will be for my own honor alone. If you want to go and exert revenge for overrated meathags who already deemed you unworthy And want to replace you for junglebodied homo erectus monkeys, thats like your opinion man. You want me to fight for waahmenn? Lel. These fucking demented soulless rape-fetishists want this. It was the ultimate betrayal, and its over now. Stop worrying about these dumb little walking bloodbags, they are objectively disgusting, and you have to turn off your higher reasoning to be aroused by them in the first place. Shit even asian women are more favourable towards white men. Even traps are more honorable.

I want a 'clean' planet just like you user, but these demonic witches make me almost hope for the destruction of the white race, i suppose the best outcome now would be all humans on the planet being removed somehow, to restore honor. The critters and trees dont deserve to die though so no nukes.

White civilization will end because women wanted to fuck monkeys so that their disgusting gapecaves could be more vilolently carnaged and wrecked. Facilitated by the male feminist beta fags who didnt want to regulate them as little girls because they were afraid of the truth regarding the nature of rabid femagroids. Now witness what your selfish civility has wrought.

Here is you RAHOWA faggot telling you he hates 50% of all white people (white women) by default.
White woman don't want to fuck niggers. The only white women who fuck niggers do so as a form of virtue signalling ("Look how not racist I am! I fuck niggers!") or because they're gold-diggers taking advantage of dumb ZOG-niggers who have been brainwashed into worshiping white women.
White women don't fetishize niggers. Some depraved white men who watch interracial pornography might think they do, but they don't. The ZOG has just repacked and sold dumb sexual fantasies of young men back to them, because women don't think like that, only men do. If women thought like that, all women would just keep horses and play with their dicks all the time, but that doesn't happen either. There are more faggots playing with horse dicks than woman.

Biologically, women's response to rape is orgasm.
Psychologically, the typical woman's reaction to rape is a mental breakdown, followed by an attraction to the rapist race, for example, if they get raped by a nigger, they have to have more black cock, because of the intense mental and physical orgasm they had, or adversely, they develop a revulsion towards all men, and become lesbians or some form of LGBT advocate who hate all men.
This works in to the Zionist Jews hands by lowering white birth rates all across the board. Women willingly pull themselves out of the white gene pool, because, a big, strong man from the other tribe raped me and made me cum or all men sicken me now, and I have to eat the bearded clam. Either way, with rape outside of the white race, Jews win. That's why, in most cases, Jews will allow the mudslimes to get a slap on the hand, and send them back out into society to rape more white women.

Don't you think that the Christchurch shooting could be our Boston Massacre/Franz Ferdinand assassination? Some of what he wrote in his manifesto is already playing out the way he wanted to. Just a sidenote, violence should only be used sparingly on our side since we don't control the narrative, and most of the time it will only strengthen the grip of ZOGs hands around our necks. But when violence from our side is committed, it has to be the right target, at the right location, with a realistic set of goals to achieve from this act, the attacker must be of a sound mental state and know what he is doing, it has to happen at the right time, during a very vulnerable political situation that is ripe for exploitation, and that is exactly what i'm seeing here. The gunmen even outlined in his manifesto that he knew ahead of time what was to happen in response to this.

Since it isn't written in the NZ constitution that the citizens have a right to bear arms, it would not be unconstitutional for the government to go for a gun grab. However, there are many things that complicate this. For starters, the armed population of NZ outnumbers the police and military 12:1. Add to the fact that many in the military and police support what the shooter did (using the shooters own manifesto as sauce for this), as well as the fact that many kiwis have already broken the law by just watching the video, and are also still breaking the law by having semi to fully-automatic firearms. Also, the government of New Zealand also doesn't even have the resources necessary to pull off what Australia or the UK did back in the late 90s after Dunblane and Port Arthur anyways. I think i've even read somewhere that some 94% of all firearms there aren't even registered with the government and are mostly unaccounted for, meaning that there really is no track of all these guns that are out on the streets, so there's no telling how many of these guns are still out there.

Most people don't even support that jewess PM. She won with a minority vote, the majority of kiwis don't even like her. Also add that only 37 guns have been turned in (voluntarily), so there's many more kiwis out there who are willing to fight to the death for their guns.

While i'm not gonna jump to any conclusions or speak too soon here, but it seems as if we've found the guy.


Slip of the tongue, kike?

My man!

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Because european men have been weak.

The jews are strong because european men refuse to kill them.

inb4 muh baste muslim

Kill them too.

This ZOG-faggot is a stupid liar, peddling their own sick, delusional fantasies.

Reptilian brain does weird shit. I don't blame women for their purely physiological orgasms. It doesn't mean they enjoy their rape, it means that their animalistic aspect becomes receptive in order to maximize survivability.

Jews are not strong. They remain, and will always remain, inferior - even in their own minds and hearts. That's why they view their anti-social actions as 'revolutionary' despite being in power, to the point of monopoly or near.

You might actually be retarded.

I'm not the dipshit that's about to get fired for inferring that there were multiple shooters.

Does not compute. Somalians, Syrians, Pakistanis, Iraqis and Moroccoans who do the most rape are not characterized as such.

ZOG-faggots like yourself say weird shit, because you've been watching too many porn videos.
Women don't orgasm from rape. Most men don't ever orgasm from rape either, especially if their cock's have been mutilated by that ancient Semitic ritual known as circumcision.
Women don't get wet from being punched in the face repeatedly until they stop struggling, you stupid ZOG-faggot (because that's what you gotta do to get them to stop fighting you). Most men who get to this point put their dick in for a few minutes, lose their erection, pull out and leave. That's because it's not a sex-act, but a way to humiliate the woman.

They are not strong yet in the mind of white men, they are strong and thus cannot do shit against them.

Nah. What we fear is the zombie hordes controlled by simple memes.
etc. They make the golems go insane. You lose your job out of mass hysteria and gain nothing. So it's the sheer power of intentional white stupidity we fear.

I'm not zog.
Wrong. They do, but they don't like it. They usually hate themselves for it.
Men and women are different.
It's a horrid practice of baby torture, but it has been recorded as an Egyptian practice. Not exactly a Semitic thing, though they popularized it. Savages with no place in a human society. However, democracies are not human societies.
No, but they get wet from being penetrated, overpowered and loss of control. It's not something they choose to do. In fact, their resistance is what they choose to do.
That's certainly one type of rape, the ambush one. However, if you kidnap a woman to be a sex slave, it won't be like that.

Except that's what I'm talking about.

This white "stupidity" is actually the problem of white men, they literally fear offending jews/muslims.

Nigger, there are no rapes where i live. Because people havent been addicted to soy for years. Go to a city, sure, there are rapes. Because the amount of shitskins is much larger. Whats next, assuming id allow my daughter to go to those hotbeds of sandniggers? Give me a break.
This is projection. You dont do shit, so you see Tarrantino and are confronted with your own lack of discipline and action.
You cant change the world if you cant even change your village.

Your city is still a part of your country.

No they don't. They fear missing out on good boy points, seeming like an outcast and what have you. This is purely a white spiritual matter.

No, they don't. This is a fantasy in your own mind.
It sounds like you've never tried to actually stick your dick inside a woman who isn't already wet. Trust me, it's pretty much impossible without a bottle of lube.

With my size it was nigh impossible when she was wet. However, if you lack size and you go for public thots…

And how is that not fucking stupidity/fearing to offending jews?

Why are you defending this good goy points shit as if it's something normal for a race of people?

ZOG-lings think Kikes are white people. Charlton Heston was Moses, remember? Your average "Right" wing ZOG-fag thinks defending Kikes is defending the white race.

It is. That's exactly my point.
Hardly. Have you ever talked to a liberal / leftist? They might say that they think that nigger slavery is wrong, but they just replace it by making negroes into trinkets, decorations and pets. Likewise, not offending the jew is seen as an agreement to the egalitarian and progressive ethos and dogma, rather than the jew being a real being in their minds.
You can prove this to yourself by throwing jewish quotes on their faces. Jewish whistleblowers have tried to warn Europeans for decades, if not centuries. Most of it falls on deaf ears.

That's not healthy.

Which is again, a problem of white people.

So white people have been warned of this issue for YEARS, yet now the problem continues.

This is true. The nigger to the liberal is what animals are to an animal rights activist. Almost all liberals/leftists think niggers are low IQ animals that need to be taken care of, least they die like a lost chicken.

Yes, which is what I stated earlier. Whites don't fear offending the jews, they fear offending other whites. Well, aside from the corrupt politicians owned by the jews.

So again, they fear offending whites by offending the jews.

It's the same shit.

I think you are being obtuse of a serious problem with the race that is being genocided.

If I lived in a free country, I'd shoot myself.

Offending jews is just a cardinal sin.
No. It's a deeper, more ingrained structure among whites. We fear the guillotine, we fear being voted to death, burned as heretics, shot as a deserter… By the white mob of white underclass. White upper class and everyone else ruling over whites must do so by abiding by the white spiritual structure. They can slowly change some values and beliefs, but the structure is far too rigid to change. Essentially they can make us value homosexuals only as a symbol or even an idol, because whites revolve around symbols and idols. They can likewise make themselves idols. But that's all they can be. There's very little reason to fear Mossad striking your door, it's likely FBI/CIA/Interpol goy operating on the law, from which all morality and divinity has been eroded.

There is a reason that the only ones that can be responsive to the JQ are spiritually awakened in some sense.

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And this fear is a goddamn problem of white people, it's cowardice.

You know you can fix society, but you don't.

I can't fix society because it operates on broken, self-destructive parts. I know this. I try to fix anything, I get intentionally mislabeled and burned for sins I haven't committed.

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So this is white people self-destructive impulse.

It is. The sin of pride, human rights and all other forms of idolatry have taken over, and are doing what they do best; eating human flesh.

It's a spiritual problem, and it will eventually fix itself. You see, the spirits are abusing jewish hostility to solve this problem. The simple, rigid structure that is behind the NPCs is killing them now. It's trendy, empowering, liberating to kill off your offspring. Hence all the spiritually dead ones die physically. The jew will not survive either, though.

Our only goal can be, and should be a spiritual awakening.

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Tbh the reason I'm not doing anything, is because I'm not really one of you. White people I mean. So I'm really only following politics to watch and laugh at you get rekt every step of the way while in spite of this, most of you are perfectly happy to defend your purposeful and violent extermination and sabotage any attempts to stop it, because a kike from 2000 years ago told you to turn the other cheek.
Here, yes, but most of the White race don't visit 8/pol/, do they? The White race encompasses every self-loathing liberal cuck you can find on facebook, reddit and other similar websites. Those all make up what the White race is more than you do. If you guys were the entire White race, I'd be on your side, but you aren't. So yes, I'm really only here for laughing at the clown shit. Seeing Tarrant was a breath of fresh air, but it's too little too late. Even he was a cuck on race and advocated letting the kikes live in Israel. You guys are fucking dodos. If there's one thing the boers told me, it's that you never, ever fight back. We can murder your sons, rape and then murder your daughters, cut the limbs of your fathers and mothers to slices while they're still alive, and you still won't fight back. Not because you're too scared. Far from it. You turn into a lion if there's a nigger baby's life to save somewhere. It's because you're compassionate to self-destructive degrees and too squeamish and too self-sacrificing to lay a finger on anyone that isn't White . You couldn't hurt a fly. Let alone a nigger.

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because we have only in the last three years begun to 'win'. before this time it was tossing your life away for absolutely nothing. you were not there supporting us, you were some faggot normalfag trying to be 'the good guy' and watching your good goy movies, games and tv. before gamergate even gamers were only willing to joke about the yids, women and cucks, they still didn't understand our warnings or reasons as to why there would fail utterly. once faced with the truth of what was said, gamergate spawned an breed of Zig Forums that played to win and fought with driven emotion rather than trying to convince cucks to think logically, that resonance bore the fruit you have seen today.

For decades there have been hundreds of reasons to believe there is some other way. There was some more time left. There was an route to travel thru this shit without having to go down with the ship idiots were building. But every year more and more of that has been stripped and eliminated. More and more, just accept it because its not so bad, has become the domain of conspiracy theories while those whom point out the jq issue have become sage and realistic. Only in the last few years has the iron grip of the media been crushed, now their mewling an echo chamber only the most idiotic and foolish pay attention to seriously. Twenty years ago an talking head only had to imply you were guilty and not an single person would ever rise to your defense. Today, one man kills 50, and hundreds of thousands rise to defend him and spread the truth despite utter shut it down.

You are exceedingly short sighted.

Niggers are the weakest race on the planet. Muscles are nothing compared to smarts. Rape is disgenic because brain > brawn

Also if that's how you feel than do something about it instead of bitching inb4 you won't because you're a bitch or fbi

So let me get this right you got chimped by some chink getting abused and some coalburner that was asking for it?

Nigger, females ain't shit. Chill.

It certainly was at some point in time, but the unironic blackpill is that its not my city anymore. Once you dont hear your native tongue on the street, see no western stores, only hijabs. I insinuated that you need to secure a stronghold first, a foothold from which to start, and you do thay by cementing order in your own area.

This ZOG-faggot thinks electing the Celebrity in Chief was some kind of "win" for the White Nation!
Zig Forums inspiring Brenton Tarrant to shoot a bunch of people is more significant than electing a Kike-worshiping retard that people only know about because he had a TV show.
This is the ZOG-faggot admitting to cowardice, and putting themselves above their own people, including the generation that would come after them. The boomers forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. That thing called "America" got its own Cultural Revolution in the 60s, except no one ever came and put a stop to it, unlike China.
You're a coward and a liar.

good post but stop with the larp


I never thought that it was funny.

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