Hello 8ch peeps !
I just want to say that I'm a Muslim. I'm Kabyle (google it if you're too ignorant). I have blue eyes with a gold ring, white skin, and brown hairs. I live in Canada. Lol I enjoy being the pinnacle of what triggers you.
I just wanted to say to y'all, go fuck yourself lol… I read 3 ignorant filled comments out of 4 every time.
Funny how y'all think you are revolutionary and special snowflake.
What disgusts me the most is how you suck your own tiny white dick so much.
Also funny how you hate libtards, but y'all libtards as well. For your ancestors, you are libtards. Only people like me can truly hate libtards.
Anyways, I kind off understand all the frustration around white genocide, Jews (even if you should focus on Zionists), how your societies are turning into trans/gay/feminazi bullshit society…
Ya, I definitely don't want to stay in Canada. Was it only for myself, I would stay, but I don't want to raise my kids (if I get some) here. Any Muslim country y'all could recommend me pls? xD
So yea, I was talking about how I understand stress, bad emotions, and anger some of you can feel because things are really critics.
However, y'all seem to play the victim all the time in addition to deep throat yourself… So I have some questions for you :
Part 1- About the US - Do you know that the US :
- Killed over 2 million people in Afghanistan
- Killed over 1 million in Irak
- Killed 21 million people in 37 countries since WW2
- Funded and trained terrorists in Afghanistan to fight Russian in the 80s (so YOU created terrorists in the first place)
- Thrown 26171 bombs on 7 Muslim countries only in 2016 (thx Obama)
- Lost to Vietnam farmers (I love Vietnamese) xD
- Found (atm) terrorists in Syria. Calling them moderate democrat fighters Bahahahaha!
You rednecks are the biggest terrorists and warmongers ever. 9/1/1 was 1/10000 of the your Karma.
Answers :
A - I know all those but it's legitimate
B - I know my government (deep state) is a rogue terrorist head BUT I don't care
C - I know all those but I disagree with what our deep state is doing
D - I don't know about these facts
Part 2 - Pedophilia :
We often read that Mohammed (saw) was a pedophile.
- It was common in the past to marry young girls (when they reach puberty)
- European kings were marrying 12 y/o girls
- It's proved that girls in hot countries reach their puberty at a younger age
- Where I live, in Canada, at school, we studied poems of some Canadian group and one of them was about a man (30+ y/o) who was in love and flirting with a 14 y/o shepherd
- One of my teachers told us how his ancestor married an underage girl
So if Mohammed (saw) was a Pedo, then your ancestors too.
Part 3 - Rape
I also read that Muslim rape. This trend came with refugees in Europe.
>> nationmaster.*/country-info/stats/Crime/Rape-rate
(you know how to enter a web site properly)
The worst Muslim country on rape is Oman, which is #64. Y'all pavers countries are - most of them - in the top 30.
And yes, before a dumb ass opens his mouth, every Muslim country have laws against rape.
In you countries (and yes I live in one of them), your daughters get face cummed and your sons fap on it. You have lost the morality that used to come from Christianity. Muslim country forbids mixing and relation outside marriage. Naked women are everywhere here. Of course, rape happens more in your countries… You successfully follow the path leading toward it.
Part 4 - Lands
Don't you think y'all dumb when you talk about land free of multiculturalism (except in Europe) since you're invaders yourself ? Like in America, Australia and New Zealand… You fear replacement and terrorism but it's how your asses are sitting in said lands. Lmao.
I just want your opinion on that. Answers :
A - Omg, I didn't know, shall I kys?
B - We stole it fair and square! It's ours now!
C - I know but I'm kind of hypocrite/retarded
So don't be a pussy and answer, because I'm curious. Be honest with your enemy, if not, with who can you be honest huh? I can even answer some questions of yours if they're not too dumb.
All right my fellow snow niggers, peace be upon you (in hell).
*Don't mind the beautiful Muslim families pictures, it's just to remind you that adultery in your countries is at a rate of 38%-42%, that divorces at rate of 50%+, that you're in top 30 tier list for rape, and that you make so few children that we're wondering if Western men are fertile or no lol.