I'm Muslim

Hello 8ch peeps !

I just want to say that I'm a Muslim. I'm Kabyle (google it if you're too ignorant). I have blue eyes with a gold ring, white skin, and brown hairs. I live in Canada. Lol I enjoy being the pinnacle of what triggers you.

I just wanted to say to y'all, go fuck yourself lol… I read 3 ignorant filled comments out of 4 every time.

Funny how y'all think you are revolutionary and special snowflake.

What disgusts me the most is how you suck your own tiny white dick so much.

Also funny how you hate libtards, but y'all libtards as well. For your ancestors, you are libtards. Only people like me can truly hate libtards.

Anyways, I kind off understand all the frustration around white genocide, Jews (even if you should focus on Zionists), how your societies are turning into trans/gay/feminazi bullshit society…

Ya, I definitely don't want to stay in Canada. Was it only for myself, I would stay, but I don't want to raise my kids (if I get some) here. Any Muslim country y'all could recommend me pls? xD

So yea, I was talking about how I understand stress, bad emotions, and anger some of you can feel because things are really critics.

However, y'all seem to play the victim all the time in addition to deep throat yourself… So I have some questions for you :

Part 1- About the US - Do you know that the US :
- Killed over 2 million people in Afghanistan
- Killed over 1 million in Irak
- Killed 21 million people in 37 countries since WW2
- Funded and trained terrorists in Afghanistan to fight Russian in the 80s (so YOU created terrorists in the first place)
- Thrown 26171 bombs on 7 Muslim countries only in 2016 (thx Obama)
- Lost to Vietnam farmers (I love Vietnamese) xD
- Found (atm) terrorists in Syria. Calling them moderate democrat fighters Bahahahaha!

You rednecks are the biggest terrorists and warmongers ever. 9/1/1 was 1/10000 of the your Karma.

Answers :
A - I know all those but it's legitimate
B - I know my government (deep state) is a rogue terrorist head BUT I don't care
C - I know all those but I disagree with what our deep state is doing
D - I don't know about these facts

Part 2 - Pedophilia :

We often read that Mohammed (saw) was a pedophile.

- It was common in the past to marry young girls (when they reach puberty)
- European kings were marrying 12 y/o girls
- It's proved that girls in hot countries reach their puberty at a younger age
- Where I live, in Canada, at school, we studied poems of some Canadian group and one of them was about a man (30+ y/o) who was in love and flirting with a 14 y/o shepherd
- One of my teachers told us how his ancestor married an underage girl

So if Mohammed (saw) was a Pedo, then your ancestors too.

Part 3 - Rape

I also read that Muslim rape. This trend came with refugees in Europe.

>> nationmaster.*/country-info/stats/Crime/Rape-rate
(you know how to enter a web site properly)

The worst Muslim country on rape is Oman, which is #64. Y'all pavers countries are - most of them - in the top 30.

And yes, before a dumb ass opens his mouth, every Muslim country have laws against rape.

In you countries (and yes I live in one of them), your daughters get face cummed and your sons fap on it. You have lost the morality that used to come from Christianity. Muslim country forbids mixing and relation outside marriage. Naked women are everywhere here. Of course, rape happens more in your countries… You successfully follow the path leading toward it.

Part 4 - Lands

Don't you think y'all dumb when you talk about land free of multiculturalism (except in Europe) since you're invaders yourself ? Like in America, Australia and New Zealand… You fear replacement and terrorism but it's how your asses are sitting in said lands. Lmao.

I just want your opinion on that. Answers :
A - Omg, I didn't know, shall I kys?
B - We stole it fair and square! It's ours now!
C - I know but I'm kind of hypocrite/retarded

So don't be a pussy and answer, because I'm curious. Be honest with your enemy, if not, with who can you be honest huh? I can even answer some questions of yours if they're not too dumb.

All right my fellow snow niggers, peace be upon you (in hell).

*Don't mind the beautiful Muslim families pictures, it's just to remind you that adultery in your countries is at a rate of 38%-42%, that divorces at rate of 50%+, that you're in top 30 tier list for rape, and that you make so few children that we're wondering if Western men are fertile or no lol.

Attached: hitler.jpg (1300x1106 164.7 KB, 138.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Trumpshill!

Attached: trumpkikeshilltactics.png (1366x768, 157.25K)

On a final note, while French white flag pussies were rapping my ancestors, drowning them alive, killing babies in the lamb of their mothers, torturing them, testing nukes in our soil, committing genocide in small villages, colonizing them, etc. My grandfather, a Muslim, fought your ISIS-before-the-GoPro soldiers and successfully throw them out like we throw the vermin out of French kitchen.

Don't forget you destroyed Lybia in the name of Israel recently. So to any stinky cheese crybaby out there: Allez vous faire foutre! :D J'ai un jeu pour vous : Où est Charlie? rofl.

Picture caption : Before you were labeled antisimetic speaking anything against your masters in France

Copy Pasta.

How do I join Islam, and look legit?

Please answer.

Answer first my questions.

I considered joining Islam to see if I can illegally cross the border with weapons. Would be funny. Maybe some human smugglers will "save me" and bring me to Europe.

t. Amerimutt


Because the west actually enforces their laws against rape and has increasingly low standards for what constitutes it.

I wanted to have a wholesome family, where the community kills anyone spreading feminism.

Maybe you should have thought first before raiding the coasts of europe for slaves and that wouldn't have happened.

Lol laws here (in Canada at least) are funny asf. Sometimes 10 years max for a murder. Few years for rape. Nothing for adultery. Your laws are jokes.

That is Zig Forums 's laws. Go ask them why they love being cucked.


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What question?

1- Gay prides are done in your countries. Not Muslim ones.

2- Charlie is dead

3- Zoophilia (fucking animals) is forbiden in Islam, but you guys fuck with horses and dogs.

Try harder.

I posted 2 questions in my long ass texte. Go find hem.

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Fuck off with your goat fucker cult. Islam will never ne accepted. Better get out of our countries while you still can.

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Imagine living in modern times and believing in a pedo cult from 1300 years ago. Imagine every new boy and girl having their gentiles mutilated to satisfy wishes of insane cult leader from 1300 years ago. This is what muzzie shitskins do FIVE times a day every day. Imagine waking up everyday before the sun is even up to worship a pedophile? and then four more inconvenient times during the day. What a dumb sack of subhuman.

Oh look, the sand people have come to lay claim to these lands.

1- I don't have a problem with pork. I don't hate them.

2- Gay prides are done in your countries, not ours. Enjoy it loser.

3- If Mohammed (saw) was a pedo, then your ancestors too.

Try harder.

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London is beautiful BAHAHAHAHAHAHA !

1 on 3 person on Earth is Muslim, fuck you and your acceptation, I don't need it.

Also, zoophilia is forbiden in Islam, but women in your country fuck with horses and dogs.


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This is an image board not tumbler faggot!

This is Western countries. Enjoy it.

Also, stop posting those before you lose your job over homophobia xD

Like I care

Nobody cares sweetie.

These are Muslims in the West. Your religion is so shit they turn into giga-fags as soon as they hit the soil.

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Looks like even Muslims succumb to the gay kike disease. Maybe one day you'll be more progressive and tolerant. What would you do if your Muslim friend tried to make out with you?

Ya… in the West. Enjoy.

Your countries failed when you dropped your religion. We won't have your problems as long as we hold to Islam.

Self-employed software engineer, shitskin.

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Prohet Muhammad was pedo conman who made backwards people join his cult he invented to fuck children and get rich.

If Mohammed (saw) was a pedo, then your ancestors too.

And girl don't get their gentiles mutilated in Islam. Dumb ass redneck.

If Mohammed (saw) was a pedo, then your ancestors too.

It was never humans land to begin with. Always belonged to the Creator. We are all invaders. Just use whatever that is left before the world ends. Do I need to send you to nursery to teach you how to share? SHARE THE LANDS

This is your western countries. Maybe London, Perhaps Paris. LOL

Then why are you in Canada? Everything you hate is there apparently. Why not be a gay Muslim like everyone else who comes to Canada? Oh yeah I remembered something.What do you think of Bacha bazi?

Which you seem to all love so much

So following your own logic, Muslims and people of color are not invaders.


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(((ALL))) 54 Muslim Countries. 2 billion Muslims. Stfu. I didn't chose to live where I am actually.

Stop doing Bacha Bazi lol.

Good, you can stay in your kingdom of shit and sand.


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That's all you'have find ? A guy with black around his eyes and a dude kissing a boy in a ceremony ?

I have said to try harder !

Look, do like me :


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It seems there's a number of actual homosexual Westerners posting itt. weird

Ottoman sultans engaged in gay pedophilia regularly. Gay pedophilia was and still is a regular normal occurrence in the muslim world




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Even if this is true (anyone can photoshop a sentence on a picture). This is one out of 54 Muslim countries.

Kids being rape is more common is any country with Priests in it lmao.


Yeah, okay, your progressive credentials have been established, send us your address so we can send over a cleanup team.

Islam forbidn sodomy. Death is the penality for such act. It's not today that a redneck will teach me my religion.

I clearly succesfully trigger y'all tho :P

Nope, it is in other countries too.

Even Iraq.

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Pro Lgbt ? Pro child-rape? This is not Europe son.

So you do like Bacha Bazi? I thought muslims weren't gay. They sure love arabian boy pussy though.

Sodomy is forbiden in Islam while gay parade with PRIDE in your streets!

STOP! You won't possibly trigger me with this lmao. I don't care what a bunch of Irakis do smh. We all know what happen to sodomits in a Muslim country… Aren't Western complaing about it days'n'night lol ?


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