Rachel Madcow Crying Again
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Quick, somebody burn the constitution!
I never realized people like her actually believed they would find Russian collusion. I assumed they were just leading their dumb camp followers? Real tears or crocodile tears, it's damn hilarious though.
She smirks even when crying.
this must be a kamphy thread
Or could be jamal pretending to be kampfy to condition us before he starts sperging soon.
This is the seething instabilities hiding behind these people who have been perpetually broken since election night.
Maddow has always been barely coping the entire time which is why she put so much stock in this muh russia bullshit, hilarious watching it come crashing down.
I'm expecting maybe some overdoses or similar, definitely a lot of usually smug posting leftist fucks playing possum for a while.
Fucking wonderful watching it happen to the worst people, which is why it'll be worth making them lose it again for 2020.
Need to work on your bodylanguage and read the rest of her face. That's a forced grimace of thinly veiled despair. Madcow is a true believer neck-deep in a crisis of faith.
You're misunderstanding her expectations. None of these niggers actually believe it to be true, BUT they believe orangemanbad.exe to be a flawlessly coded program architected by the media, hollywood, and two years of horseshit propaganda that he would be "convicted" and found guilty NO MATTER WHAT THE REALITY IS in the same way Hillary has gotten away with everything for her entire career.
Essentially her salt is an expression of the following internal emotional state…
reminder that Nunes is suing twitter for $250 million.
spot on analysis. leftists always argue in bad faith and their livelihood demands they convince the public of this.
Literally nobody cares. Why would ZOG go against Trumplestein?
Seriously kill yourself Trumpcucks.
tfw the rachposter slash imkampfy meme was all a lie and Kampfy was actually Kushner all along
Rachel should be more concerned about living a sinful life herself, rather than gleefully hoping to hear about the crimes of another man.
me really miss your ironfist here, but FFS THIS CRAP? AND YOUR OBSESSIONS, SHE SUCKS
btw a friend of mine asked if erdrogan still has the varangian guard, just asking for a fren ofc
do you know how much they pay?
also they banned me again from cuckchan I lit haven't been there in years….. and they banned me, sure I can just use one of my 6 million vpns that the nazis left me, but still. they haven't done that since I… sorry that faggot doxed all that CRT stuff, that was not me, I didn't read their internal emails, no no, that would be kek overload.
instead some negro went to 4chan here and spread some of their shit in proper moderation. I had never heard of this negro befor, in fact I think his name was Jamal Hussain and was the cousin of the atual hacker
you know these shitskins, they are pretty smart
You forgot banning bump stocks after the vegas false flag, in a tip-toe towards banning "military style assault weapons" like NZ just did in a week.
i think its just menopause "hot flashes", seriously.
Be like if you or me eat a super hot pepper just before going live. LOL.
then again, Jews and particularly bull-dykes are clearly insane by normal standards so they have weird emotional reactions.
LGBT allies on Zig Forums, gas yourself faggot.
butt I have to agree with her on this.
there should be no question that this whole report gets 100% released to public ASAP.
if some Undercover Agent's name is in it then he can go into Witness Protection if he needs to…..
if Rachael feels there might actually be a foreign Govt controlling our elections.
It's an act. Maddow is a partial jew who wants to genocide White Russians – a background and agenda she shares in total with President Dump. She serves to radicalize her mostly bourgeoisie and mongrelized audience into a frothing rage to make them believe a forever war in service of the military industrial complex to dismember Russia and render Europe an ashen heap is a "revolutionary strike" against Dump [never mind that Dump is easily one of the most anti-Russian presidents we've ever had despite decades of formal cold war].
Imagine your life revolves with a deep grudge of obsession over a single man that you'd pray and hope for his downfall, only to end up crying live on public TV, twice.
Haha epic chinese children cartoon show promotic pedophilia reaction image user, you brave aryan warrior you
Remember, there's enough rope for all of you
better be careful with all that rope moshe, you might trip and fall into a bog. Once a torpedo always a torpedo.
only thing i found interesting
No one actually believes that, certainly not maddow. She's pissed because she and lots of others expected full on banana republic style political persecution. Also, this isn't over by any means, this is where their flowchart demands lots of violence, they need to make people afraid of supporting Trump or going to the polls.
It's 1.32 right now and growing. Account is back. Their fucking "algorithm" won't slow this down.
I duno how to webm this video
MATTHEWS: “Why was there never an interrogation of this president? We were told for weeks by experts you cannot deal with an obstruction of justice charge or investigation without getting to motive. You don’t get to motive until you hear from the person himself who’s being targeted… How can they let Trump off the hook? So far tonight, we have no reason to believe Trump is going to be charged by rhetoric in the document itself, in the Mueller report, he will not be charged with obstruction or of collusion, without ever having to sit down with the special counsel and answer his damn questions. How can that happen?”
Kampfys waifu BTFOO
Shouldn’t Maddow be angry because Muller decided to save his own skin instead of continuing the hoax?
what a dumb bitch
Dyke trash