Ethnostate? No, Ethnoglobe

Non-whites will shit up the planet if you just stick to your ethnostates. The only solution for this is to populate the entire planet with whites.

Look at China today, versus when it was inhabited by Tocharians. Look at Zimbabwe today, versus when it was inhabited by Rhodesians.

Think of all the animals you are leaving to be tortured by non white populations in their ethnostates. Just look at how chinks treat their animals. They aren't human and shouldn't be allowed their own ethnostates.

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Asian here, I'm been warming up to this idea lately.

I guess once the lesser races are exterminated, the Earth will have a final race war between whites and asian.

needs more inforgraph and statistics, or shocking photos and memes

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Part 2:
Non whites don't care about animal rights or environmental pollution. Only whites do. Look at all those animal activists and people buying hybrids. How many non whites can you count?

This planet will become uninhabitable if chinks or arabs get their own ethnostate. The Middle East, once a lush forest, has been turned into a desert. China, once full of beautiful bamboo forests, has been turned into a festering shithole littered with plastics and garbage.

As long as a few chinks or arabs are left alive, they will continue to multiply. Their numbers will replenish rapidly, and then they will begin the cycle of destroying the planet once again.

It is torture living with non whites, and the kikes will manage to use them as weapons against whites as long as even a few are left alive.

As long as a few kikes are left alive, they will escape to chink countries and begin the cycle all over again. We need to destroy both of them completely, along with their cousins in the Middle East, North Africa, and East/South Asia.

Of course, niggers need to go too.

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The only respectable asian military is the Japanese. I think in a fight between the Asians and Whites the Japanese would just tell the whites they want their Island and that the whites can kill all other other countries.

The japanese, like every gods blessed race, is purely expansionist when it's allowed.

A war between a japanese-controlled Asia and Germany-controlled Europe would be the final war of humanity.

Part 3:
Niggers are not really "primitive humans" or "ancestral humans" like the kikes want to portray them as.

Most mammals have light pigmentation and extensive body hair, just like whites. If anything, whites were the original humans, they are the most similar in appearance to other mammalian populations. Do not believe kike scientists, the evidence is right there in front of your eyes.

I would argue that non whites are the real mutants, and that they all have various diseases. This can be seen by the chinks who look similar to Down Syndrome children, or niggers who have big lips and black skin not found amongst any mammalian species.

They did not get this from "the dark sun of Africa". Look at actual primates in Africa, they have extensive body hair, and underneathe that, white skin. They have deep sunken eyes and often light eye colors. The desert fox and the camel both evolved in extreme heats yet they are either ginger or blonde. This is the natural state of mammals.

Non whites are more like insects. Insects have a diverse array of deformities that disgust whites, for good reason. Most non white features, such as slanted eyes, black skin, hook noses, etc are insectoid features and not mammalian features.

Mammals are the most empathic and kind hearted of all the animal kingdoms. Insects eat their own children and resort to subversion and parasitism to bring bacon home.

You must understand, that this is about mammal versus insect, and the insectoids cannot be allowed to win, or else this planet will be engulfed in eternal torture.

Look at non white architecture, it is EXACTLY like what an insect would build. Narrow, closely clumped together units without any aesthetic appeal and built solely for function. It reminds one of an ant hive or a bees nest, or a termite tower.

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The Japanese have no morals in actual war. Nato is laughable to them.

NATO is just a kike alliance held together by the USA.

When the USA is down, NATO is down.

No, the Japanese would take over Asia and whites would get everything else. That's what they wanted to do before.

The Japanese have too much non white DNA in them, and their architecture more closely resembles that of the chinese and koreans than whites.

Yes, they have a lot of Ainu/Jomon dna, which makes them much better people than say, the Chinese. However, the non white DNA is a problem, and modern day Japan, despite being Jew free and highly homogenous, is extremely dysfunctional and has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

Further proof that even a mixture of non white genes can ruin a population. Ancient Japan was little better, and was very restricting in nature. Whites are a naturally freedom-loving people.

Of course, before a single Jap is dealt with, it would make much more sense to deal with Israel, China, India, Saudi Arabia, SE Asia, the rest of the Middle East, etc.

Nothing non whites ever built will compare with pic related.

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Honestly I would be willing to do this compromise. It still makes me extremely uncomfortable leaving a pocket of partly non whites.

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The japs are literally non-white, that's the point.

Their fight against white is gonna be the final war for the ethnoglobe.

Wow, I had no idea gorillas were reptiles, I always thought they were mammals.


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Daily reminder that hapas are superior to whites and that one day the world will belong to hapas. Whites are cucka, Asians are bugs, jews are mentally retarded and niggers are worse than animals.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Eurasian* children
* east asians (china/taiwan/japan) only

whites and asians can and should be allies to keep the animals out of Eurasia

Japan today is an aging island without sex

fuck that, hapa nations like East Turkestan (West China), Kyrgyzstan, Western Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are utter shitholes. I went to most of those places, despite most of the population being dirt poor, they litter their plastic garbage everywhere, and their architecture is almost China tier with a few notable exceptions (probably from the Soviet era).

They are loud and yell when they talk just like non whites. Every hapa I've ever met IRL either has some mental problem or hates whites (sometimes both).

It's the only solution. Zig Forums may not have the resources or the manpower, but we are god tier at propaganda and can convince those who do have resources to come to our side.

Gorillas have black skin, but thin lips. Thick lips are an insectoid trait, almost no mammal has these traits.

Then the Japs will lose, and whites will have inherited all of the glove. No Mars colonies until the Urheimat planet, Earth, is ours.

We're not giving away Mother Earth, with her beautiful forests, animals, plants, and natural formations, the farms, the vegetables and dairy products, the meat from hunting and the fruits from foraging, for MREs in some ethnoenclave in Antarctica or the dark side of the Moon. This is our planet, and we will take it all.

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Insects don't have lips you fucking retard.

no the FUCK they shouldn't. You haven't lived in an Asian country if you talk like this. The cleanest and most aesthetically pleasing Asian country (Japan) is a far cry from rural France. The best hapa country (probably from my personal travels, Kyrgystan, is a shitty attempt to copy Greco-Roman architecture, and the rest of the country is dotted with plastic trash and loud, smelly people.

There will be no alliance, we will take all of the world for ourselves. White people belong everywhere. We thrived better than niggers in Rhodesia, we thrived better than the chinks in Tocharia, we thrived better than indios in Mesoamerica and South America.

We do better than all the natives in every environment, tropcial, arctic, subarctic, tundra, rainforest, desert, island, temperate, sub-tropical, swampy, steppes, coniferous, etc. We even turned Australia and New Zealand into first world countries.

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All asian with no white admixture.

the point is they have all sorts of freaky mutations like 8 legs, 100 legs (centipedes), 5 eyes, hexagonal plated eyes, stingers, skin the texture of plastic, etc.

And insects eat their own children, just like chinks and dotheads during famines. They eat their own husbands after mating. Insects survive off of sucking blood and burrowing in the skin of mammals.

This world doesn't belong to insects, it belongs to mammals. And whites are the ultimate mammal, we will take it all.

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The point is you are a braindead nigger that has no fucking clue what he is talking about. Insects are not freaky, they do not have 8 legs, or 100 legs, or skin. No white person could be stupid enough to say any of the retarded shit you are saying.

why do hapas resort to lies?

Uyghurs and many Mongols have light hair and eyes. I personally saw (not from photos) many people in Kyrgyzstan who have light hair and eyes.

White admixture doesn't redeem chinks and gooks. It makes them a bit less pleasant, but not by much.

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If you're white then why are you shilling against the best interests of white people? An ethnoglobe is in the best interests of white people, this entire planet being ours. How can you argue against that unless you are non white?

Even if I made some mistakes, you would overlook them as a white man, since what I am saying would be in your best interests. Clearly you're a kike, and your days are numbered.

This is too true. The 10 most polluted rivers are all in Asia and South America. You can't give modern technology to peoples who didn't invent it because they won't be able to handle it. Unless we genocide the fuck out of 90% of shitskins, the world will be a giant trash heap by the end of the century. Interestingly, the Sierra club used to be uberracist back in the the early days because it was obvious to any honest man that shitskins are environmental disasters.

Hawaii is better than most states, and it's a hapa nation at this point.

Go back to faceberg Tyrone.

I agree with 90% of what you say, but even if they are intelligent races capable of invention you still cannot trust them. Look at kikes, they are non whites who have a long history of inventions, yet they are behind the systems which are destroying this planet (capitalism, communism, industrialism, socialism, etc).

Kike owned politicians refuse to do anything about pollution. The Japanese government dumps radioactive wastes in their oceans. The Chinese invented explosives yet they pump out more pollution than all the white countries combined.

Just because a race is "intelligent" or "capable of invention" doesn't mean they should be allowed to live. They will only use that cunning to figure out ways to profit off of the destruction of our planet.

Whites are the only ones who love mother earth. We have to win, otherwise chinks, kikes, and shitskins will kill the woman who gave us birth.

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Shill more now. You are only further immunizing us against your tactics. We are very familiar with them by now.

Whites were always victorious. Sure, there was always a Hannibal or a Masada that held out for longer than the average, or inflicted significant defeats. But no matter how many battles you win, Whites have always won the war.

You have lost before it began.

I'm convinced it's a bot. We should probably stop feeding it.

Definitely the vocabulary of a nigger.

Says the worthless fuckstain that thinks hapaland is "better than most states".

Hawaii is better than most states.

even if that is true, chinks and hapas had very little to do with that. White vacationers probably built it up.

But honestly, I've been to Hawaii 5 years in the past, I'm not sure how much it's changed since then, but Hawaii is extremely overrated, except for the nature, but again, hapas and chinks had nothing to do with that.

I think that this needs to start very soon the more fuckers come in the more we have to fight and then the more problem so the sooner the better I'm going to UK in few days and this is like the fucking plagued hot spot of the west at the moment and this is a place to start so there I'm gonna start u guys can shitpost all day about this stuff but action is needed


this. Thanks for a good post, my white brother.

Would you kindly tell some lies about Antwon Rose? I want you to obediently make Zig Forums look bad again for my amusement, and I know aryans can always be relied upon to trash themselves. No dignity at all.

Yeah, not hating whites is a mental problem. You unwillingly spoke the truth there.
Whites are cucks. Hapas are 9000% better in all possible ways.

Rural Japan >>>>> Rural France.

by this I meant that the "more fuckers come in the more we have to fight" part was agreed with. I am in no way encouraging any illegal activity nor am I responsible for any illegal activity committed by any posters on this board.

you wanna know how I know you've never been to Japan?

I have been to both and rural Japan is superior.

Closer to nature, rural France is ironically full of asian for some reasons.

Die in a fire fuled by the pages of a talmud while tied to a post you fucking globohomo.

wait really? Okay then, I'll admit that I may have been wrong about that.

But you do agree with the ethnoglobe stuff regardless, right? This could all be ours.

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As said, yeah, but I think the ethnoglobe would be result of a literal genocidial war between whites and asian.

do you agree with the genocide of asians? I know you mentioned above that you were one, but honestly after seeing the behaviour of your people you must hate them too, right?

THE WORLD 11!!!!!1111
and then we
by the the homosexual one ege, hater of slavs
Adolphus "the terrible" Hinkler!!!

No, as an asian I love my people and culture.

All I can say is that may the best race win.

why are Tor posters all fucking anti-white? Seriously everyone with ID 000000 in this thread has been absolutely atrocious, I am starting to believe that you really are FBI/CIA.

are you Japanese? If so I feel bad that you have to identify with chinks.
The best race is whites though. Just look at the types of societies we create versus the societies in Asia.

This is definitely feasible looking at how things currently stand. There is no way in which this could possibly fail to take hold.

If a fucking Bolivian shitposting board can convince the world's white population to start popping out 10 kids at once, somehow support and raise them all to not become trailer trash whiteniggers, AND manage outbreed the actual niggers, I'll eat a whole phonebook on livestream for you.

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Study biochemistry. We can bioengineer shitskins to become pure whites.

I'm vietnamese and I love my people.

why though? I've been to Vietnam and it was an absolute shithole.

Why do you love unworthy people? Just because you are genetically related to them?

Why fight though? It's not like we're really enemies.

This is the crux. Property where jobs are is ridiculous, and so are decent school options.

I love our society and our cozy life.

What's your problem with it?

Survival of the fittest, me think.

We don't have to be friends, but we also don't have to be enemies. There's no need to have a war between Asians and Whites.

yellows are the biggest threat to our race after kikes.

narrow streets, ugly architecture, loud people, disgusting food, old paint peeling off in some places, sometimes you will even see trash on the streets which only happens in America where niggers live.

This is common in western countries too, all city worldwide have this.

They are our enemies and always will be until we wrest the entire globe for ourselves. My white brother, you must not be soft, for as long as we allow non whites to exist, they will pose a threat to us.

The threat they post is far worse than ice ages, sandstorms, volcanoes, or asteroids, because they have the power to deal a fatal blow to us by interbreeding with us. We can survive anything as long as our genes survive, but we will not survive the destruction of our genes.

there is no such thing as a 'planet', that is a jewish lie

earth is flat

not as bad as in Vietnam. This is like comparing a family where one daughter has braces to a family of niggers with giant noses and lips.

Yeah, I think Paris is worse than Saigon.

Paris is inhabited by Italian plebian classes who immigrated after the Roman conquest, along with arabs and maghrebis, niggers, chinks, etc.

Yeah, which is why it's worse than Saigon.

Are you not counting Italians as white? Who would be white in your ethnoglobe?

Is that you Ethno-globe girl? I want to go out with you, you crazy diamond.

Blonde haired, blue eyed whites.

Italians have a lot of J2, J1, and E1b1b, which are the same haplogroups found amongst Ashkenazis, Sephardis, Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanis, Saudi Arabians, Omanis, Yemenis, Gulf Arabs, Egyptians, Morroccans, and other shitskins.

Italians were once white. In fact, the Italic languages were brought into Italy by Indo-Europeans. Most of the Roman Emperors were light haired and light eyed, even those with plebian origins.

Most of Rome's greatest generals were blonde haired and blue eyed as well. Flavius Aetius was a Scythian whose name literally means "red".

to add, blonde haired blue eyed Italians are white. Italy has had a lot of Germanic and Celtic influences and invasions over the years. And although the Boii and the Goths were eventually defeated, many of their genes still persist in Italy.

Thank you for specifying this. Well, you do you.

AKA whites.

of course

this guy admitted to being a hapa earlier on in the thread. Don't trust anything he says, he is anti-white.


Find the quote.

I'm a light brown hair, green eyes "nonwhite"

Hitler had light brown hair and blue eyes. Don't trust black and white photos of him, most of which were edited by "mainstream" sources.

You are mixed. Obviosuly mixed peoples will carry some of the traits of both parents, including light hair and eyes from your white father.

Unless of course you're one of those AMWF hapa supremacists, I just hope you know, your white mother would have had to be bottom of the absolute barrel to even consider dating a chink. I mean, chink "males" are lower on the sexual totem pole than literal pubic haired niggers.

Actually a lot of Celt, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Phoenician genes came from Atlanteans, not Aryans. In fact, Aryans were influenced by Atlanteans and took most of what would be the cusp of their primitive technology from the last remaining Atlantids.

Check out this divide and conquer Jew. European Whites are blonde, brown haired or red haired. Eye color varies, but blue, green, grey, and brown are all acceptable.

For the proper "White test", check the color of your dick, nipples and lips. If they're not pink, you're not White.

Are you guys all niggers? Asians already have their ethnostate.

I never said (light) brown or red haired whites were not white. All light colored hair is white.

Black hair on the other hand, is not white. And obviously, not all those with blonde hair are white either, many are albinos or mixed, or Melanesian.

Maybe this is true, but if it is, it only makes the case for light haired and light eyed supremacy more evident.

I'm a mix of German, Swedish, English, and French ancestry. However, as I have green eyes, I seem to be nonwhite.

You're a White European. Don't let the kikes trick you into believing anything else.

Accuse others of D&C before you do it. Nice one, "friend." Eye colors actually used to denote a type of caste within society long ago. For instance: Grey is denoted as the "Marksman" or "Specialist" and was more often than not seen in men who took Warrior roles.

Given the higher tech that will be available we would either have to breed togheter…in which case the White race will die out no matter what we did, or one will kill the other. This is what the entire history of this planet has shown us it is either OUR RACE OR THEIR RACE/SPECIES.


I set out to build a biological weapon that would kill our enemies but I realize now that I am not going to have enough time to finish it. The Turk/kikes increased the pace of the genocide to ensure that we are ended.

Please someone with more biochem than me, consider that this is going to be the absolute end of our people and DO WHAT MUST BE DONE. In the meantime I am going to keep slogging away, but please, please, please someone release the FIRE that is going to burn our enemies and kill them all where they stand. The moment that the borders to our nation's are removed the flood of subhumans will become 10,000 times worse and they will devour everything in their path…there won't BE food, electricity or modern convenience.


I was pointing out a video about the Ukraine where the woman who was the advocate for Ukraine women and little girls was saying that MILLIONS are sex trafficked by niggers and shitskins and transported through/out of Ukraine and that they just couldn't tell the number because of 'OPEN BORDERS'. This is the future of your gf's, sisters, daughters and mothers if someone doesn't ACT NOW.

Remember Ginsberg is a huge fan of 'open borders' because they want to be able to traffick anyone and anything wherever they want.

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That's not going to happen. Worry about the current path of annihilation that you're on.

This guy admitted to being a hapa earlier on the thread. He isn't white because he is part chink, not because of green eyes.

I have clearly stated multiple times that light hair and eyes are white.

That is going to happen ANYWAY though…this is the nature of species. There is no such thing as FUCKING MULTICULTURALISM.

Sorry if my previosu post was unclear. The poster you are responding to said whites were cucks, hapas were superior, and that hapas should replace whites. He is resorting to lying now that he has been caught.

Still waiting on that quote where I said that I myself was a hapa

The whole "X is not White" argument has been a long used tactic of D&C. Keep the White race as fragmented as possible to prevent any form of unity or racial pride.
You honestly think Hitler excluded Germans (or other Honorary Aryans for that matter) based on your bullshit theory? The Nuremberg Laws were what mattered the most - to filter out the kike in you.

Ethnoglobe user is here finally. Hey are you single by any chance?

I was vaguely hoping this would go somewhere but I knew better. This is just one more thread where someone states a bunch of common knowledge, then tacks "X is the only solution" or "Y is the best solution" onto it and offers no realistic way to deploy it or actually get it going. Saying that negroes are retarded and bugmen can't into empathy doesn't make an XY-solution statement any more valid than without it. OP is the equivalent of that one Ideas Guy fucker that says, "Hey everyone, I have a really cool game idea! I just need someone to code the whole thing, draw the art, write the finer details of the story, test it out, come up with general gameplay themes (I can help!) and also provide funds for my idea". Count how many go anywhere, especially the more ambitious project ideas. "But we can just outBREED them!" isn't a fucking solution. How do you realistically do this? Look at how things stand and work out the logistics of your planned solution, fuck.

Oh, you.

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kek, you're spinning my saying that Hawaii is better than most states into that? I'll pray for you.

This. Very simple but truthful post.

What I am about to say is satire and should not be done. Research genetic engineering. You can figure out how to turn all non-whites into pure blood whites with a simple virus or such. The only recourse kikes would have to that would be to kill babies openly, and that would wake up whites for sure, if anything.

Also I agree that open borders will make it easier to traffick, it is a huge problem.
