A Jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine

A Jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine
Adding to the Mossad spy ring in Christchurch, this is all very suspicious.

How many of you visited Israel?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-23 New Zealand mosque shooting suspect reportedly visited Israel in 2016.png (832x783, 634.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I almost did, but I've been to Jew York, does that count?

Not sure, what agencies have you visted there?

None, but I saw many, many Jews, for the first and so far only time in my life.

Actually, you are posting a half-truth, thus a full lie.

Why are you doing it?

Attached: Manifesto 15.png (1555x195, 26.85K)

Don't forget Pakistan and Turkey. Kid-fucking meccas. This fuck was an incel chomo.

What's wrong with visiting Pakistan and Turkey?

Also, the israel visit is an unconfirmed claim by the israeli themselves in order to muddy the water.

jews don't see it the same way, dumbass.




This is another half-truth thread created by Mossad gang.

They got their ass kicked in this thread and now they are moving here.

4d chess, goyim.

Tarrant has no problem with muslims in their homeland, and Turkey is a big ass place/european land.

How is it 4D chess?

You kikes don't give up.

it doesnt make a difference, as if his stance on Israel isnt bad enough, he also visited it.

Yes, half of Turkey is european land.

Do you kikes give up Constantinople?

How is it bad?
This is an unconfirmed claim by israeli officials.

He visited a lot of countries. Your narrative is failing.

adolfh hitler is closel ascosiate with ww2

I kid you not, that is exclty what it said….
nobody knows how it feels to be the bad man

…like that..

Well he stepped into North Korea too, and they subvert my people How can I tell that Tarrant isn't a Juche socialist provocateur?


I guess we'll find out soon enough if he visited Israel or not. But I'm sure if it does bget confirmed, you will twist and turn this into something that dfoesn't matter because I don't get the feeling you are looking at Brenton unbiased, you all glorify him, so no room for critcism against "Saint" Brenton


He has plenty rooms to be criticized, such as his plan isn't efficient enough.

But your criticism of him are falling.

Yeah, wait till it gets confirmed first (how exactly do you confirm it, btw?)

No thanks.

Can anyone actually link the manifesto? Got the full vid but want to save it too.

what does his mumbujumbu mean?

Yeah, no thanks to you either, Europe for european.

See 8ch.net/brentontarrant/

He should have stamps in his passport, plus plane tickets on his name etc. We'll find out soon enough.

The French version was updated: anonfile.com/9bSar3T7m8/LE_GRAND_REMPLACEMENT_pdf

Look another brainlet, there's a reason he didn't go full anti-semite and the reason for that is he knows the average normie in Europe that isn't a complete cuck is anti muslim.

However aside from the most redpilled rightwingers here on these boards nobody has a clue about (((them))).

He also prevented the media from portraying him as a basement dwelling incel because he travelled over the world and visited my cultures, I wouldn't be suprised if he actually didn't give a fuck about other cultures, it's just optics.
If he went full anti-semite he would've quickly been written off as a right wing conspiracy lunatic.

Those can be faked as well.


Germany , England , Caribbean , mexishitole a couple of times , Hawaii , never pissrael though. I have no desire to see that shit land or anywhere by it. Maybe Egypt but that’s about it

Israel has Jerusalem and its seven hills, which is a historical site.

This is an unsubstantiated claim that jews are saying to shut him down.

Aside from making it clear that all jews are his enemies, since they all seek to subvert and harm our people. It's a clever way he's worded it tbh.

You can link boards like this >>>/brentontarrant/1

The fact israel says it immediately makes the whole false flag narrative suspicious.

Expect this shit like in the future.