Art Thread II

There are thousands of magnificent artistic stuff to be posted left.

Please keep the thread alive.

Post only high quality. Paintings, sculptures, musics, etc.

Attached: 1553006457299.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:

A message to the user who was regularly posting rare and high quality in the previous thread: I am willing to pay you to post more stuff, not joking. I discovered myself a real passion for painting thanks to your posts.

Attached: D2VUGSNXQAEoSIK.jpg (827x1247 191.17 KB, 237.38K)

Attached: 1541516979878.jpg (2327x2980 1.48 MB, 984.47K)

OP image is bad, scrap it

Attached: 1541516571883.jpg (1968x1644 158.13 KB, 847.55K)

These are lovely, OP

The Prado is really quite a red pilled place, I would say

Attached: 9f84832f43d0e167393eebb67f10083c--lord-vishnu-indian-gods.jpg (736x949, 195.15K)

Attached: 1541516525992.jpg (1920x1080 1.52 MB, 435.69K)

I can hardly think of some other statue better expressing ideal noble Europid features as this one by Pietro Canonica.

Attached: f8c1a44a9be8939b27bc1964d385be89.jpg (700x939 187.52 KB, 97.06K)

Attached: 1519125502638.jpg (500x475 123.69 KB, 997.27K)

Attached: 1AhEwZt-7vY.jpg (900x1482 1.11 MB, 574.5K)

Attached: swastikaborospepe.png (1400x1236, 585.43K)

makes me cry
please post more

Attached: hitlermorrowind.png (720x715, 447.92K)

Attached: dotr3.png (1295x977, 1.65M)

Attached: Homecoming H A Buhler, 1940.jpg (427x633 33.28 KB, 81.49K)

Attached: the-knight-death-and-the-devil-1513.jpg (678x1024 269.6 KB, 406.45K)

Attached: beardsley_68_mortedarthur.jpg (1032x1329 520.68 KB, 550.45K)

Attached: bd6d800d5270c5d7bcb8471257e8bdc33e5b4af2904102950086546f2b5f1ac5.jpg (1200x1267 211.5 KB, 375.05K)

Attached: ludwig-hohlwein-artworks07.jpg (363x471 237.79 KB, 26.46K)

Attached: Nazi-party.jpg (379x550 114.85 KB, 172.03K)

Your own body is an art project which will span the course of decades, that in of itself is art for you to look at, I look in the mirror every morning and I see a masterpiece, I don't need to look at some faggot painting on a wall for be enlightened.

Autophil pls.

Attached: Courage-Park-1440x939.jpg (1000x796 442.08 KB, 173.38K)

Still spam, nigger. Reported for rules breaking, kike.

My nigga

Attached: ex-thb-up-periscope.jpg (2400x1445 239.5 KB, 1.58M)

Attached: 3.png (848x1284 4.57 MB, 2.32M)

Hey guys,

Here is my new piece of art : AWAKENED

My name is Kremlin and I'm broke russian artist making "controversy" digital art. I tryied to make a Patreon to substain and gather a userbase that reflect my own ideas but they ban me everytime. Seems like my only solution so far is to just play the anonymous card and use bitcoin / altnerative bbs to create and share my art.

Hope you like this one, many more to come if you guys like it.

If you like what you see, any donations would grealty help me to keep me doing what I'm doing :15yj41JQ8ZVa4acw22u7jsEfTW748gSBcp (btc, eth, xml, bcc welcome).

Attached: Brenton_Hommage.png (2552x1436, 5.27M)

Is Symbology welcome here too? (Images in this post are a mix of styles, from the Slavic Kolovrat and Celtic Knot symbols.)

Attached: 500_F_77784133_TApa6ZJIux9E5NvIFTkbMgx8FJkDELfY.jpg (448x441 149.72 KB, 45.1K)


We Won the WAR. I went into the FUTURE.

SEE for yourself NEWFAGS.

Carly Rae Jepsen - Now That I Found You

Attached: download (1)

beautiful, European man as he should be.

Attached: download.jpg (768x1132, 47.91K)

Attached: e865921a7dc8833964c67dd50a66f487.jpg (1081x1500 272.91 KB, 617.32K)

Attached: freya-rackham-1909.jpg (474x700 145.29 KB, 159.77K)

Attached: Francis_Towne_-_The_Road_to_the_Lake_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (535x718 3.87 MB, 208.32K)

Attached: BretonHommage.png (2555x1437, 5.29M)

(Some might not have names, just ask if you want it)

Attached: Lord Frederick Leighton (1830-1896) Invocation - Oil on canvas.jpg (1120x1600 399.8 KB, 237.42K)

Does anyone have the painting of the old knight on his horse? He was in full plate armor besides a visor, had a long white beard, had a (maybe black) cross on him somewhere (maybe on a standard), and looked to be tired. It is very high quality.

Attached: Adolf von Henzel - Blind Man's Buff.jpg (1121x869 432.76 KB, 452.49K)

Previous bread:

Attached: parade-in-the-1941.jpg (3142x1994, 3.77M)

Attached: fuckitshotinhere.jpg (2067x1292, 367.07K)

Attached: Hugh-Capet.jpg (509x631 48.51 KB, 33.88K)

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Ein deutsches Requiem Op. 45, 2nd movement "Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras" - 1865-1868

Thanks for the offer fam, but even though all of the stuff that I post is legally in the public domain, I have no doubt that the kike occupation regime would charge me with six million counts of copyright infringement and aesthetic terrorism if I made a penny off of this stuff.

I'll try to post some guides on finding, labeling, digitally cleaning and compressing high quality art. Aryan art is tremendously powerful propaganda which can help to unify and motivate our people, hopefully lots of other guys will get on my level with this stuff.

It's a good template for the original full-sized allegorical oil paintings that our guys should be working on.

Attached: Richard Moser (1874-1924)

Are there modern artists doing ANYTHING like the stuff here? Marble sculptures especially.

I fucking despair of what's become of us

Man this really is stunning how come nobody has noticed it

What countries do exist in the future? What happened to the US and EU?
Answer fgt

Just dropping this off for the newbies.

Hey dude, do you have more stuff, like perhaps a Artsation profile ?

I see its a 3d render, have you ever worked on animations ?

Amazing! Thank you! Please never stop posting.

Attached: D1xatvIWoAA4ek4.jpg (940x657, 120.08K)

Tumblr actually has some good right wing / trad pages with classical art. Here’s a good example

All part of the plan to debase our culture. A work of art that once took craft, skill, time and dedication can now be achieved in 10 minutes if you have the right backstory.
Trace the fuse, you'll find the Jews

Attached: johnconstable.png (1414x1000, 3.9M)

Attached: israel-inside.jpg (400x374, 75.78K)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53, First Movement - 1804

POL art posting guide I:
Everyone who posts art should take the minimum step of running your images through a few reverse image search engines in order to see if there are any better versions out there. These are the three that I currently use:

If your image is low quality, the chances are that there is any easily accessible higher quality version out there. At the very least you can find info on the piece and put the name of the artist and the artwork in the filename.

Attached: Antonio Joli (Modena 1700-1777 Naples)

Didn't realize that there was a new art thread. Here, have some links to the previous one:


Attached: 1533385875330.jpg (2325x4078, 3.92M)


Does anybody here have any decent vector images of the Schwarze Sonne/Black Sun?
I'm looking to make PVC patches.

If some user can find good vector images of a Roman eagle as well (pic related), I'll probably combine both of them. euro-normies wont even notice it at all, they are too ignorant anyways

Attached: IMG_1373.jpg (400x400 2.04 MB, 311.87K)

Let's hope after Greece gets nuked, it'll disintegrate all of the brown Albos exclusively.

Attached: 56553611_392903394625546_3269618887158661120_n.mp4 (480x600, 1.43M)

The Last Crusader?

Attached: 609px-Last_Crusader.jpg (609x600, 141.21K)

Hitler dubs!

Attached: 1467577518663.jpg (564x758 381 KB, 125.71K)

Attached: 301.jpg (900x894 454.27 KB, 364.61K)

Attached: Edouard_Detaille_-_Vive_L'Empereur_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (474x718 1.18 MB, 738.85K)

I feel I have a wealth to contribute to this thread, though I am unsure about posting through opera built in vpn. Some of the best music is still available on jewtube but difficult to find. I fear I may jeopardize its existence. I'm also classicly trained oil painter but I don't know if you fags realize how long it takes to paint renaissance style, or how expensive a 6 by 4 ft canvas and artist grade paints are.

Lend me an ear, and I mean an Aryan ear capable of understanding more than simplified retard nigger music.

How do I avoid youtube linking, I will hurt deeply if I cause media jew retaliation

Attached: Blut und Erde.png (1620x900, 107.97K)

Holy fuck I love this thread

Attached: Serge-Marshennikov-15.jpg (760x516, 71.73K)

Attached: 7aaafec1-8706-402a-9939-36284938cec1.jpg (452x452, 44.01K)

Attached: 2019-04-04 14-48-12.JPG (1150x768, 132.78K)

Without tribalism we are doomed

Damn, good stuff. I'd hire you.

Hell, if you're interested in a commission sometime, we can talk.

Attached: Deer.jpg (1920x1148, 540.05K)

My Aryan ears approve, user. Keep it up.

Attached: 1418254058594.jpg (4702x3617 979.95 KB, 1.8M)

Van Eyck - Ghent altarpiece

+ Josquin Des Prés - Nymphes des bois

Attached: u4god1.jpg (878x1300, 229.38K)

Do you have a mega or something with the paintings you posted in the previous thread?

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Bagatelles, Op. 126, No. 4 - 1825

I keep finding better scans and improving my color-correction techniques, my autism prevents me from posting the collection until it's perfect. I'll try to do it during summer vacation, until then I hope that somebody reposts some of that stuff so I don't have to keep this thread alive by myself.

Attached: Terence Cuneo (1907-1996)

Beautiful thread. Here are some of my favorite pieces from Abhishek Singh.

Attached: Ganesha.jpg (1000x1200 216.99 KB, 472.71K)

Attached: Bhadra, Guarding the Eye of the Universe.jpg (812x1024 688.47 KB, 351.29K)

I have only saved a few but I wish I had much more; I can repost them although I appreciate your regular posting so please keep doing this. Also I perfectly understand your perfectionist autism.

Attached: « Weatherboard Creek Falls, Jamieson’s Valley, New South Wales » Eugene von Guerard.jpg (3200x1825 3.44 MB, 3.39M)

Attached: cb457b9c699ab4d5676ffb2bbcbb0be32db8f351b8bb34d0c0c3598cde037677.jpg (3029x4665 317.09 KB, 3.5M)

does anyone know the name of this thomas cole painting? im pretty sure its his work. also included another of my favorites called "The Past"

Attached: tournament.jpg (2576x2039 2.7 MB, 2.06M)

Attached: grimshaw 620-x-350.jpg (1536x1028 133.27 KB, 263.52K)

and The Present… ;)

Attached: The Present Thomas Cole.jpg (2000x1311, 512.92K)

i want to get a copy in of both of those and have them side by side, kinda like a reminder that nothing is permanent.



I have a lot more but don't youtube urls posted here get removed from there? I'ts legit natsoc stuff too. Furrows of Gods by Drudkh is a masterpiece and one of my favorites.

Gustave Dore. Of Dante's Inferno illustration fame.

Attached: the-inferno-canto-21-1.jpg!HD.jpg (2539x3169 324.32 KB, 2.02M)

The Voyage

Attached: Thomas Cole The Voyage of Life Old Age.jpg (4000x2698 3.34 MB, 2.75M)

Attached: Roberts_Siege_and_Destruction_of_Jerusalem.jpg (2048x1388 1.3 MB, 192.99K)

Hey anons do you have some third reich paintings,i'm getting interested in it.
Thank you.I wish you the best.

Nikoláy Andréyevich Rímskiy-Kórsakov (1844-1908) Antar Suite, First Movement - 1868

Attached: Pietro Sassi (Alessandria 1834-1905 Rome)

Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883) Die Walküre, Act III finale, Wotan Encircles Brünnhilde in a Ring of Magic Fire - 1856

Reminder that you can save them with the original titles by clicking on the name itself.

Most of the good stuff was either destroyed by zog or hidden away in some basement. It is almost impossible to get good scans of Third Reich paintings. This blog is a good resource for what little Third Reich art is available: I recently found a pretty good Goebbels approved musical romantic comedy thanks to that site, I highly recommend it:

Drag the image into any of these reverse image search engines:

Attached: Konstantin Vasilyev (1942-1976)



Holy shit, it still looks exactly like that. I looked at it and immediately knew exactly where it was. Amazing.

Wow, browsing the google picture search results for John Atkinson Grimshaw really puts you in the mood.

Attached: 2018_NYR_16387_0026_000(john_atkinson_grimshaw_a_wet_moon_putney_road).jpg (1280x810 806.81 KB, 348.81K)