Did you remember when juice and whites were friends - Prove Duff wrong - B.T israeli Discussion

ITT: Memories of good juice

(((WHERE DID THE BALDJEW (shooter 3) GO?)))
I wanted to believe at first

As time went by I realized, the mudslimes are actually much more like a friend than our so called whitesnake allies,

The glowskins have taken over - and I used to like NOFX too.

I actually had a bunch of Jewish friends growing up - my sister dated one for a couple years until his parents made him full orthodox, WHY DO THE JUICE HATE THE WHITE MAN SO MUCH?


Pic rel. Go to Google translate - Type Brenton Tarrant >>>
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Hover click Berenton Tarrant


Gematrix is a Jewish cryptojuice, put his name in

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This will stay up all day, for any saturdayfags who aren't hip to the deal

I am open to suggestions as to how you may begin to prove me wrong, also -

A real discussion on the bloodlines of the Aryan master race - if there be anyone foolish enough to go against me

Look up, at Shamash on Shabbath, look down - at the grass and dirt of our ancestors

You will join them soon, are you ready to meet the Grandest Architecht??

Have you been pious to the Lord and your fellowman?

Or have you incited hatred, and samefagged all over the net hoping some jit would kys

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Check out the hindu swatty

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Western Europe, which has been predominantly Christian for centuries, has been “cut off” from its ancestral religion of Hinduism, which was practiced across prehistoric Europe for thousands of years before the rise of Christianity. As a result, Europeans and their descendants in the Americas and Oceania have lost their Path. Many seem to have forgotten “who they are” spiritually, and discard introspection in their wild pursuit of money and material possessions. We’ll examine the modern day censorship of Europe’s indigenous Hindu faith, and the suppression of its key symbol, the Swastika, which has become synonymous with brutality, racism and genocide, but once upon a time represented something very different.

I truly want to know if any of you, mostly Americans - grew up with - or had good Jewish friends growing up,

After all, we did build the 'new world' together, not that I can say I am proud of it - but it's ours nonetheless

I did,

Not only did my sister date one - I've had multiple jewish princesses - I even loved one

Brown eyed girls are an attraction for us blue eyes - and vise versa

Why is that, that races mingle like that?

Because deep down, the Aryans are a celestial race, while the hebrews are earthbound

This fact has been hidden throughout the ages

They destroy any shape of history that might allude to it,

And now - we read from Emmanuel Swedenborg

Chapter VIII. The Hittites and the Hivites.

76. The good remnant of the Most Ancient Church. Besides the direful tribes generally known as "Nephilim," there was in the land of Canaan another and very different class of aborigines, —the two more or less scattered nations known as "Hittites" and "Hivites." While these, in the letter of the Word, are generally classed as "Canaanites," as in the oft-repeated lists of "the Jebusites, and the Perizzites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Kenites, and the Girgashites," etc., the Hittites and the Hivites must be considered separately from the rest because of their distinct origin, history, character, and spiritual representation.

Hello TelAviv

being among the last "living" remnants of the Most Ancient Church, in the midst of their spiritually dead neighbors,—the Nephilim.

Both the Hittites and the Hivites are said in the tenth chapter of Genesis to be of the sons of Canaan, and according to the letter of this genealogical table they must therefore be considered of Hamitic origin, like the rest of the nations of Canaan. But it is to be remembered that the family-trees of Genesis X. refer to the spiritual rather than the natural descent of nations and races. Shem, Ham, and Japheth were not actually the sons of Noah, but were Gentile nations

sage this dick faggot

Asshur, or Assyria, which in Gen. 10:22 is described as a son of Shem, in verse 11 of the same chapter is mentioned as if of Hamitic origin, and this because,— as is known to history,—the original Semitic Assyrians, after their conquest of Babylon, accepted the corrupt Hamitic religion of the conquered Chaldeans. And so also the Hittites and the Hivites are classed among the descendants of Canaan,—although from the Divine Revelation to the New Church we know them to be direct remnants of the Most Ancient Church,—because after the Hamitic conquest of Canaan they gradually accepted the idolatrous religion of the Canaanites.

bear with me now, it gets good

Thus in the light of the New Church alone can a solution be found of the question which is still puzzling the archaeologists: the question as to the origin of the Hittites and the Hivites. "The Hittites seem to have been included among the Canaanites by a mistake," says the Rev. T. K. Cheyne in the Encyclopedia Britannica; and nearly all the modern authorities admit that these nations were neither of a Semitic, nor Hamitic, nor Indo-European, i. e., Japhetic stock. Whence, then, did they come? The Writings of the New Church answer: from a stock far more ancient than all these!

(((77. The Southern Hittites and Hivites. Most certainly they were of a race quite foreign to the Hebrews. Abraham tells them that he is a stranger in their land;)))

and Isaac and Rebekkah view with displeasure the marriage of their son Esau with the Hittite women "Adah, the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibama, the daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon, the Hivite," (Gen. 36:2),—and this in spite of the very friendly relations maintained between these people and the early Hebrew patriarchs. While the Hittite names mentioned above, and all other Hittite and Hivite names occurring in the Bible, (—Zohar, Ephron, Judith, Beeri, Bashemath, Hamor, Shechem, Abimelech, Uriah—), are all Hebrew names, yet this does not prove that the Hittites and Hivites were of Semitic stock.

Stop being a fucking cuck.

For the names of the Nephilim, and the names of all the other races inhabiting Canaan, are all capable of an Hebrew interpretation, and this because the foreign invaders who successively conquered Canaan all in their turn accepted the vernacular of the land, a Hebrew far more ancient than the tongue of Eber or Abraham,—an original Semitic which was the language of the Most Ancient Church in the land of Canaan.

I'm open to discussion, I can prove there is good in all peoples, can you prove your blind hatred?

The Hittites as well as the Hivites, at the time they appear in the Scriptures, were each divided into a southern and a northern branch, inhabiting widely distant territories. The southern Hittites in the time of Abraham inhabited the mountainous country which in later times belonged to the tribe of Judah, making their, headquarters at Kiriath-Arba, whence they had driven out the Anakim and re-named the city, Hebron. In this region they also possessed another town known by the significant name of Kiriath-Sepher, (city of Books), which was another name for Kiriath Sannah, (city of Instruction),'

the sacred books of the Ancient Word were once preserved and studied. In the times of Joshua these southern Hittites had been crowded out of Hebron by the Anakim, and had withdrawn to the more mountainous country further north. In Numbers 13:29, we learn that "the Hittites dwell in the mountains," while the Amalekites dwelt in the south, and the Canaanites dwelt "by the sea."


pic rel.

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The northern Hittites, on the other hand, constituted a great empire of confederated states, occupying the whole of northern Syria, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Euphrates, extending also, as we shall see, over the whole of Asia Minor, from Armenia to the Aegean Sea. But of them later.

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The Hivites were likewise divided into two great branches, the southern and smaller division inhabiting the towns of Shechem and Gibeon and the territory afterwards occupied by the tribe of Ephraim. But the main body of the Hivites dwelt in the north, "under Hermon in the land of Mizpeh," (Josh. 9:3), and in "Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal-Hermon to the entering in of Hamath," (Judges 3:3), that is, the ranges of Lebanon and the intervening valley of Coeli-Syria. Here, according to some ethnologists, their descendants still dwell under the modern name of Druses.

"Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal-Hermon to the entering in of Hamath,"

Prior to the Revelation given through Swedenborg nothing was known in the Christian world concerning these two nations, beyond the meager details given in the letter of the Word. But in the Writings of the New Church a new and unexpected light was shed upon the ancient Hittites and Hivites, as a part of the grand new revelation concerning the Ancient and the Most Ancient Church. In these Writings we are first of all told that

The Hittites were among the better ones in the land of Canaan, as is evident from this that Abraham dwelt among them, and afterwards Isaac and Jacob, and that they had their graves with them; also that the Hittites behaved courteously towards Abraham, as is manifest from the things recorded in Genesis XXIII.(AC 2913.)

The Hittites were among the more upright of the nations in Canaan, and by them is represented a spiritual church among the Gentiles. (AC 3470.)

The Hittites were of the Church of the Gentiles in Canaan, and were not so much in falsity and evil as the other nations there. (AC 3686.)

Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 2913
Previous Number Next Number Next Translation See Latin
2913. 'And spoke to the sons of Heth, saying' means those with whom a new spiritual Church was to exist. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'Heth' and of Hittite. Many were the nations inhabiting the land of Canaan who are mentioned one by one in various places in the Word, among them the Hittites, see Gen 15:20; Exod 3:8, 17; 13:5; 23:23; Deut 7:1; 20:17; Josh 3:10; 11:1, 3; 12:8; 24:11; 1 Kings 9:20; and elsewhere. Most of them belonged to the Ancient Church which was spread through many lands, including the land of Canaan, see 1238, 2385. All who belonged to that Church acknowledged charity as the chief thing, and everything they taught was about charity or life. People who cultivated teachings about faith were called Canaanites and were separate from the rest of the inhabitants in the land of Canaan, Num. 13:29 - see 1062, 1063, 1076.

READ CAREFULLY NOW 78. Their gentle disposition. The twenty-third chapter of Genesis presents a truly pleasing record of the courtesy and kindliness prevailing among gentlemen of antiquity, before the charity of the Ancient Church had yet passed into oblivion. Sarah had died in Hebron, and Abraham came unto the sons of Heth to buy from them the cave of Machpelah as a burying place for his beloved dead. And the children of Heth answered him, saying: "Hear us, my lord; thou art a mighty prince among us: in the choice of our sepulchres bury thy dead; none of us shall withhold from thee his sepulchre, but that thou mightest bury thy dead."

You put words in my mouth, not only are you dishonest and arrogant, but you attempt to come off moral.
There are instinctual preference for ones own, that is a trait all races share, it is a trait all species of all kinds share - even a fucking tree does this through root networks.
The "other" does not put my people first, and I do not put theirs first, thus we are already there very different and eventually going to come into conflict, should there not be strong borders or great distance between us.
But what is good for my people is not good for other people, and what is good for other people is not good for my people. So you're not wrong if you are a deracinated non-human with no understanding of how we work. I speak from the perspective of my people, and there is therefore no good those not of my people.