Men asked to Wear Hijab to Support Muslims

Would any of you guys wear the Hijab to Support your Muslim Brothers who were killed in NZ??? Cause its happening and im welling to bet my cock some of ya'll are involved in this

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why did he also shave his beard?

Pure cuckoldry user

He best not live in a muslim nation like New Zealand, or he will be beheaded for womanlyness.

I can't even laugh. Man, and people rip on Sweden! These guys are literally wearing female head coverings that signify ownership and control over women. This is just sick. What kind of gigantic cancerous faggot do you have to be to stoop that low? Muslims must be creaming their pants right now. If any Anons in Brisbane, Aus have guns or balls, just come and end me now. I've seen enough. Just give me my wish: cremate me and put my ashes into the bullets of the next Tarrant.

Ozzies and Kiwis definitely aren't the same race. Kiwis for sure have different genes, but not good ones. Australia is cucked too, but at least we have alpha males like Tarrant.

Too much empathy is womanly. This level of empathy with an invading people? Jesus Christ dude…he should cut his balls off at this point

I don't know, user.

the message is loud and clear: I want Samir to bend me over like the little white cuck microdick bitch boi i am and stick his shit stick into my loaf pincher. Praise Allah. We are them. They are us.

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I may or may not have been involved in pushing men wearing fashionable new headwear. We have to do these sorts of things to know how cucked these soy boys are.

Amazing what a beard can do to a soft face

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I'm confused why he shaved it, muslim men wear beards… I guess the idea is to cosplay as muslim women for some reason, despite 90% of the victims being men?

You are a micropenis owner? Sorry for your predicament user.

Maybe wear the AK and suicidevest.

Pure 100% soy
More proof femenism is cancer on society.
At this point, being turned into a Muslim Nation would bring manliness back to this secular-prot shithole.

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Holy Hannah the state of NZ cuckery is off the charts.
Bonus points that he now slightly resembles Eminem

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And this is why they're known as South Sea Poms.

Land of the long white virtue-signaller.

Just a thought but if you were a man that wanted to support muslims, wouldnt you just wear the little hat and cloth garb?

You're looking for Zig Forums

You can't empathize with someone who hates you, that's just self loathing - since empathy is inherently putting yourself in another persons shoes.

There's nothing manly about sodomizing pre-pubescent boys dressed up as girls, or wearing a dress to church m8.

shieeeeeetttttttttttttttttttt… are traps gay?


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These guys look like if Charls Carroll played a father and his own child for a bit

Isn't it some cardinal sin for men to wear hijabs? If soms, this is a epic troll.

To be fair, that looks like an FtM tranny.

It's forbidden by Islam.

> : . .

And Christianity.

This shit is absolutely pathetic, it should be pretty obvious that asking a mana white man no less to wear female garb and essentially "cross dress" is emasculating and insulting in the same breath.
Any man who wears female garb AND shaves his beard is signaling to any foreigner to come and fuck his tender little asshole.

Throw in a soy latte and I'll consider it.

This is a joke. And I don't mean it's a fake article, I mean the muz are just fucking with the Kiwis at this point. Forcing them to crossdress because then they'll be able to label them as haram or whatever and start killing them more often.

Hijab are only worn by women. If they wanted "solidarity" it would be to grow out your beard.
They are literally calling for men to femenize themselves to show solidarity. New Zealand was THAT afraid of ISIS's threat that they not only blasted Muslim prayer chants over the radio but now are telling their men to crossdress.

That is a dead country.

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I don't reckon it's the muzzies pushing this; they despise trannyfaggotry. It's jews.

Maybe, but I might also be right in that they're pulling a sneaky to allow themselves to justify future killings.

A country with no self-defense capability being targeted by elite mossad agents would usually capitulate instantly. Why so surprised?

Future killings are already justified by the fact that any non-islamist is an infidel; they don't require further justification above and beyond that. No, my read is this men-in-hijabs push is coming from the media and those that run it.

That's a good idea: only cucked whites would do that shit. And since it appears anti-"racist" thing to libshit faggots, they will jump onto it, trying to virtue signal doing that shit. They will end up provoking mudlsimes into attacking themselves, since they are technically being trannies and ending up "insulting Islam" stirring up even more shit. A nice way to accelerate.

A man who wears a hijab ceases to be a man.
A Westerner who wears a hijab is a traitor.
A Western man who wears a hijab to show solidarity with an occupying force is a fucking joke.

Well, that will end as it should, I guess.

Every once in awhile, I forget that Zig Forums has been flooded with degenerates.

This faggot should be gassed

This made me fucking lafff

I didn't even think this was even possible holy fuck. No need for comedy anymore. Actually Mega beta and cucks. Cute.

Someone turn the ROTC on to this idea. They can wear both high heels and head scarves.

How did his eyes become bigger?

Only shitlibs would do this.

Why not just grow out your beard and slap some women around? Sounds like a better deal to me.

He just got the dildo in the ass…that is the look of Fedora surprise.

Allahu akbar pussies…islam taking over

Also, fat people don't look like "themselves".

Underrated comment

Allan Kaybar your mum's cunt with muh cock.




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god damn western culture is doomed

did brenton predict is
the insecure bois here would love the opportunity to play dress up like a slut
they even call it programming socks!

the west is doomed lmao

If I see a white man in a hijab, I'm going to kill him and mutilate his body for his family.

go back to facebook with your low iq spelling. Also, since you are Semitic, why do your people love to fuck 5 year old boys so much?

Don't you mean pc jewish culture is doomed? Our current culture is not even remotely western.

will men wearing Hijabs be less likely to be raped?

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NZ annons its about lynchmob time. theres so many on our side and so little on theirs we can literally drown them in our piss.

dream on