Mueller Report Leaked

FULL text of Special Council Mueller's Investigation into Russian Interference During and Before the 2016 Presidential Election LEAKED.

It's here, boys. Dig in.

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non-kike 1st post

No one cares, boomer. Trump kiked out, it doesn't matter at all if Russia interfered either way

Yeah I didn't even care before the state if the union I definitely don't care now

Nah, rather wait for an officially released copy. Also, those in the media, establishment Democrats/Republicans, and all those who called Trump and his voters "Russian agents" better have some real dirty on Trump or there will be bloodshed.

Those in the corporate media, in politics, and in the government who called Americans "Russian agents" "Putins trolls/bots" and pushed this US tax payer funded scam of an investigation to fuel the 24/7 media hysteria will face punishment. No need to travel around the world to fight an enemy when the enemy works in the media or government has an apartment in NYC/LA and you know where they children go to school.

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It's a troll of lyrics. This is yet another /b/tard weekend warrior.

not the sharpest tool in the shed, yeah?

I would rather wait to see what angle they are going to take with whatever they are going to release rather than some shit on scribd.

suit yourself man but only shooting stars break the mold

any proof that its not just a fake?

Collusion confirmed, they have trump on wiretap asking Putin to hack the election with Russian bots!

It's in the summary (page 10) if anyone's looking for this specifically

Fuck you. Go troll reddit or something.

Hey now , he’s an all star with his game on
You sir can get fucked

Ain't no trumpcuck ever gonna spill a drop of 56% 'murican blood.

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oh,wait. ..

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The official report is going to expose the Demonkkkrat deepstate and prove the Qanon was right. #trusthteplan #wwg1wga #standwithisrael

It doesn't matter. It never mattered. Trump failed and was forever cast out when he cucked on the budget, signing without getting borderwall funding. I noticed it that day, as he was announcing the state of emergency order he was also going to sign, that he was already beaten into submission. His face was dejected, his voice was subdued, and his charisma was non-existent. (((They))) found his weakness. That's why they can stop the Mueller investigation.

Further proof that there is no working inside the system. It's time to burn the chaff, filter the dross, and refine the metal of our men. Let the fire rise, for it will only make us stronger.

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Now Mossad has Trump's back according to the Anons on here. They are all white niggers with no knowledge of anything, but somehow they are privy to who runs the world.


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How long until the fucking NPCs wake up, user? Probably never. I'm sad now.

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I agree with your comment, but use this image instead.

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Lol, Trump agreed to release it, so they leak it to look like rebels

Ok it’s fake nvm

Can someone post the PDF for those of us who don't want to sign up for a scribd account?

Trump made a deal with the Jews to keep US Border Open in exchange for Wars For Israel and Tax Dollars for GoldmanSachs.

So Trump ain't going anywhere, and may well be re-elected (with Jewish help).

That fucks the USA, but will also keep the SJW triggered, since SJW ain't that high on the Chain Of Command to "get" that the Jews are having Trump carry out their agenda after all.

How unsurprising, reminder to filter and move on

Nice virus.