/SIG/ Self-Improvement General - Spring Edition

Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves


Shills and useful idiots will come. They will attempt to derail the thread and undermine good advice, as they do in every /SIG/. Ignore them – do not even respond.

Go to the gym or start a body weight routine fat ass. Don’t neglect cardio, go for a morning run. Take a cold shower. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night, avoid stimulants in the late afternoon. Become a morning person and get up early.


Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but it’s amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.

Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The (((food pyramid))) overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine, or a small portion of high cocoa dark chocolate. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.

Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.

Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.


Do not act like a nigger, do not steal, rob or vandalize. Violence should be used sparingly when there is no other option, you are not a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degeneracy of feminism.

Stop consuming (((pornography))). Oh, you think that you’re not addicted to porn? Prove it. Try to go without porn or fapping for a whole week or two. Then aim for a month. It’s harder than you think.



Quit playing video games faggot. Do something productive, write something or build something. Plan your career, climb the ranks or start a business. Learn something useful.

We need more strong, kike-free men in positions of power.

Now get off the internet, go /out/side and get some sun. Go for a hike. Go camping. Join some wholesome clubs and make some normal friends. Do not reveal your power level to normalfags, drip feed them redpills. Stop smoking cigs and don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate (((media))) and read some good books. You can easily source used books cheaply from local stores or online.



Work towards owning property and/or land. Don’t waste your time and money buying new cars on finance, it is a jewish trick. Save 10% of your income for a rainy day, even a little will go a long way. Stash some money in safe alternate forms, like silver and gold. Maybe a little crypto too, but be cautious.

Become informed on prepping and homesteading, make sure you’re ready when SHTF.

This is your life now.

Welcome to /SIG/ 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:


Trying to post some new guides up now. Didn't see a new /SIG/

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Appreciate the thread. Now I'm up to 35x5x5 on chest. I know it's not exactly world breaking, but it's the first milestone I set. Kept a workout journal and it's pretty great. Gonna make it bros.

Good on you, bro. I've been working on squats, can't miss leg day. I've also been editing files, and trying to update our guides.

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A video with my girlfriend to motivate you. You too can have a girlfriend like her.

Lift. Eat well. Take your vitamins to have a powerful cock. Dress well. Grab them by the pussy.

Good luck. It's all up to you.

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Then where IS good places to meet a wholesome girl? Could you make a onesheet for this? I'm tall, muscular, white and I do not engage in anime or other degenerate behaviors but I don't know where to start.

Why would you pick a nasty skank as your fantasy girlfriend?

Reminder: Hitler promoted a vegetarian diet. Humans are not meant to digest meat, you are not "alpha" for eating meat, you are simply feeding the worms that live inside your stomach which control your cravings and emotions. Eliminate the internal jew.


You are wrong but that is still funny.

Prove me wrong then!

Hitler also shot himself, so why don't you?

Citation needed

Is it too much to ask that liberals be original?

monotheist scumbags :/


No one is going to stop eating meat, give it up already

Still working on some, bros. Would it be too much if I cropped the 4chan off of some these? I believe they are still good.

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FRESHMAN book downloads:
How to Read a Book by Mortimer J Adler and Charles Van Doren
Mastery by Robert Greene
How to Solve It by G. Polya
The Great Tradition by Richard M. Gamble
How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Michalewicz Z., Fogel D.B.
Ancient Engineers' Inventions by Cesare Rossi, Flavio Russo
Gwynne's Grammar by N M Gwynne
Latin: First Year by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student by Corbett and Connors
Introduction to Logic by Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen, Kenneth McMahon
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco


FRESHMAN▬▬primordial sludge just exposed by low tide
How to Read a Book && Mastery
How to Solve It && The Great Tradition && BEGIN Latin: First Year
How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics && Ancient Engineers' Inventions && Gwynne's Grammar && CONTINUE Latin: First Year
UNIT 4: yourlogicalfallacyis.com and yourbias.is
Introduction to Logic && Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student && CONTINUE Latin: First Year
The Name of the Rose && FINISH Latin: First Year



SOPHOMORE book downloads:
Language L. Bloomfield
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco
The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach. . . . by Steven G. Laitz
The History of Science and Technology by Bryan Bunch, Alexander Hellemans
Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits by Bertrand Russell
Second Year Latin by J. B. Greenough
Knowledge and Its Limits by Timothy Williamson
Towards a Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Lanugage Comprehension by G. Scott McGlashan
Conceptualizing Music: Cognitive Structure, Theory, and Analysis by Lawrence M. Zbikowski
The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts by Julius Evola
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus, Paul Rabinow
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics by Timothy Gowers


SOPHOMORE▬▬a wise moron; or, a learned idiot
Language && Foucault's Pendulum && BEGIN The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach. . . .
UNIT 2: The history overlaps somewhat with the Ancient Engineers book, but you should know how to skim read by now you cuck
The History of Science and Technology && Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits && FINISH The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach. . . . && BEGIN Second Year Latin
Knowledge and Its Limits && Towards a Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Lanugage Comprehension && Conceptualizing Music: Cognitive Structure, Theory, and Analysis && CONTINUE Second Year Latin
The Doctrine of Awakening && Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind && Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics && READ PART 1▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics && FINISH Second Year Latin



JUNIOR book downloads:
A Discourse on Winning and Losing by John Boyd
The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene
A Historical Greek Reader: Mycanaean to the Koine Stephen Colvin
Ancilla to Pre-Socratic Philosophers translated by Kathleen Freeman from Fragmente der Vorsokratiker
Thales of Miletus. . . . by Patricia F. O'Grady
Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato by John Burnet
The Complete Works of Aristotle by Aristotle, Jonathan Barnes
The Histories of Herodotus by Herodotus
Books 1▬2: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=682121BE7FD618E1EFAE4124AB695671
Books 3▬4: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=A167C2E1517F60F533BCE3D2B4CDCCBF
Books 5▬7: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=74D897D9EE775EA4C9B4246DF9F84C9D
Books 8▬9: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=2F2A35C1F295B1EB94FDFB9005CC3A1E
History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Books 1▬2: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=DADCF4324C923B7D8F5B38927B727479
Books 3▬4: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=A4526083DFBC4867A9D6E5DB1E81FC3A
Books 5▬6: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=8EC7532634678569C6536F8C764FFEBD
Books 7▬8: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=A17112F90808ADAEA77A0077DB8D23B6
Hellenica by Xenophon
Books 1▬5: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=CECD37AA545C0B624C4CC0BD4370FE19
Books 6▬7: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=4AECE0F5CA2A7C9654BAEC9623B30D4E
Anabasis by Xenophon


JUNIOR▬▬it's sink or swim, junior, and there's sharks in the water
UNIT 1: Gold-Standard Winning
A Discourse on Winning and Losing && READ PART 2▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
The 33 Strategies of War && A Historical Greek Reader: Mycanaean to the Koine && BEGIN Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year
Ancilla to Pre-Socratic Philosophers && CONTINUE Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year
Thales of Miletus. . . . && CONTINUE Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year
Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato && CONTINUE Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year
UNIT 4: the works of arguably the most influential philosopher of western civilization
The Complete Works of Aristotle && FINISH Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year
The Histories of Herodotus
History of the Peloponnesian War

fuck forgot the latin:
Latin by the Natural Method: Third Year by William Robert Most


SENIOR book downloads:
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion by Sir James George Frazer
Book 1: archive.org/details/TheGoldenBough-Part1-TheMagicArtAndTheEvolutionOfKingsVol.1
Book 2: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy02frazuoft
Book 3: archive.org/details/goldenboughstud03fraz
Book 4: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy04fraz
Book 5: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy05frazuoft
Book 6: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy06frazuoft
Book 7: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy07fraz
Book 8: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy08fraz
Book 9: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy09fraz
Book 10: archive.org/details/1913goldenboughs10fraz
Book 11: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy11fraz
Book 12: archive.org/details/goldenboughstudy12fraz
History of Rome: I & II by Titus Livy
The Once and Future King by T. H. White
The Book of Merlyn by T. H. White
A Theory of Semiotics by Umberto Eco
History of Rome: III & IV by Titus Livy
A Theory of Musical Semiotics by Eero Tarasti
The History of Rome: Books 1 - 5 by Titus Livy
Rome and Italy: Books VI-X of the History of Rome from its Foundation by Titus Livy
A Theory of Computer Semiotics by Peter Bogh Anderson
History of Rome: VIII▬X by Titus Livy
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter
History of Rome: XXI & XXII by Titus Livy
The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft by H. P. Lovecraft
History of Rome: XXIII▬XXV by Titus Livy
History of Rome: XXVI & XXVII by Titus Livy
History of Rome: XXVIII▬XXX by Titus Livy


SENIOR▬▬the price and profit is greatest for the elder
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion && BEGIN▬▬PART 3▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
History of Rome: I▬II && The Once and Future King++The Book of Merlyn && FINISH▬▬PART 3▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
A Theory of Semiotics && BEGIN▬▬PART 4▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
History of Rome: III▬IV && A Theory of Musical Semiotics && BEGIN▬▬PART 4▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
UNIT 3C: highly useful fleshing out semiotics
READ BOOKS 5▬7 The History of Rome: Books 1 - 5, Rome and Italy: Books VI-X of the History of Rome from its Foundation, && A Theory of Computer Semiotics && FINISH▬▬PART 4▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
UNIT 4: God's Wart
History of Rome: VIII▬X && Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
History of Rome: XXI▬XXII && BEGIN▬▬PART 5▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
History of Rome: XXIII▬XXV && FINISH▬▬PART 5▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
History of Rome: XXVI▬XXVII && READ▬▬PART 6▬▬The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
History of Rome: XXVIII▬XXX && FINISH The Princeton Companion to Mathematics


it's fucking nothing

General IQ Boosters
The Ultimate IQ Test Book by Philip Carter, Kevin Russell
Advanced IQ Tests by Philip Carter
The Puzzle King: Sam Loyd's chess problems and selected mathematical puzzles by Sid Pickard, Sam Loyd
Mathematical Puzzles: a connoisseur's collection by Peter Winkler
Puzzles for Programmers and Pros by Dennis Shasha
chess.com; online-go.com

fixed, chr*stfaggot scum

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If one is serious about philosophy, then I can complement with this. It's much larger than your collection, but it has a natural progression to it and deal with the essential areas of Western thought.

repostan to remember from previous thread

> Don't watch degenerate (((media))) and read some good books.
I'd refine this a little. Don't watch any "moving picture" media for a while and read books instead. Your brain is a passive potato when watching movies but it creates it's own, unique mental imagery on the fly when you read.

With time, this will greatly improve imagination and mental well-being.

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Tell me anons, how can one spot a kike? One method is their reluctance to type the word "God" or "Yahweh", along with other names of God. Another is that they avoid writing out the name of Christ. In all these cases, they'll often substitute out a letter in the word. I'm not sure if it's a habit they don't notice, or they're really THAT superstitious - but it's a nice little Shibboleth to use to spot them. Similarly, many keyboards in Israel lack a "+" key - yes, they're that petty about the whole "cross" thing.
So bear in mind that d&c of Christian, Pagan and Atheist anons is one of their most successful campaigns. Only you can prevent mindfuckery by kikes from influencing your decisions.


Can I get some feedback on this self-study curriculum?
If anyone has critique I'd appreciate it. I'd like it to be infographic-worthy.

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go home Jay

Help, I'm losing my mind. I haven't went outside in weeks, my cognition is deteriorating

Go for a walk right fucking now. Do not reply, open the front door and take a walk. Right the fuck now.


Any anons dealt with chronic pain?

I've had it for about three years now. Been looking into Tension Myositis Syndrome. My issue is pretty similar to how others describe it; a traumatic period in my life plus physical injury resulted in constant physical pain.

Would really appreciate some input, thanks.

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Well anons, I started the 5x5 workout routine today, and I'd like to share what I did, how I think I did and I want to ask for some feedback.

So, first thing I did was pack some water, light clothes, and ate something. Now, I only ate about 15 minutes before the exercise, as I was busy with studying, and I can only afford to spend so much time on different things. I ate a soup of Polish lentil soup with chunks of boiled beef, and went to the gym.

First thing I did was a bit of stretching, but I'm not sure if I did enough, I'll get to that in a moment. I started off with squats. I got the barbell, got into starting position, and I struggled a bit. First I tried to hold the barbell up behind my back, just above my neck, but I nope'd straight away. I then tried resting it on my neck, and nope'd once again as I felt it press against my neck way too much. I managed to get a position where I supported it with my neck, but held it firmly in my arms. After a few squats, I started to think I didn't stretch right, cause I felt a pain in my biceps. It wasn't injury pain, I don't think, but it felt a bit too severe to be simply worn out or tired, especially so early on in the exercise. Anyways, I did 5 sets of 5 reps each, though I couldn't get my hips below my ankles (my thighs are a bit too thicc, I think. It's been like that forever, even back in primary school when I played soccer on the daily, my thighs were rather thick). Grand, that's done, onto the bench press.

Now, I am no newbie to bench press, and I have gotten to lifting 40kg (nothing big, I know), so the starting weight of 20kg was nothing. Still, did the 5x5, better to stay in the routine. Not much to say here.

Then came the 30kg barbell row, and it didn't go as well as I had wanted it to go. While I got the 5x5 done easily enough, I found my upper body pitching up to around 40 degrees, which is much above the 30 degrees inclination that is recommended as max. The rest was grand, just gonna have to work on the form.

All in all, the exercise took me about half an hour, after which I had some nice Irish lamb stew to replenish the muscles overnight. The short duration of the workout is the thing which is my largest concern. Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything that should be focused in particular? Thanks for reading, and any advice is much appreciated.

Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists 2nd Edition
Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain
Rock, Iron, Steel
Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength

You should be pulling the barbel down on your traps. Also, 45 minutes is the "sweet zone" test starts to drop after this. Maybe try prolonging your resting period a bit, you should also take a day out of your week to work on your mobility. You might also want to not eat so soon before working out as it can lead to some pretty bad nausea if you overwork yourself on a pr.

It's a meme; he's mocking Christianities Jewish origins.

Because this is SIG, not suicide.

Exact same problem here.

I've been spending hundreds of dollars at chiropractor and trying to hit up every single yoga group I can find and started using topical medications for sore muscles as well.

I have persistent depressive disorder, insomnia, chronic pain, problems with my hips and shoulders.

Got it from injuries and also mental traumas too combined with everything to make it so I never recover.

I'm going all out though. If I don't have this fixed in a few months, I'll just take more painkillers I guess, and then go full Brenton because I can't take living like this any longer. I am thinking though I am going to finally cure it.

Right anterior impingement of shoulder
Recurrent right psoas strain
Acute left ITB syndrome

Muh issues, any advice on fixing would be appreciated.


Read about this myofascia. Get rid of pain by improving the myofascia. Develop fitness with myofascia.

sounds like a medical issue.

Screw our optics, just go in. Make sure to bring plenty of ammo.

Thank you for posting this user, this really put things into perspective for me. Going to try this out.

Don't eat before lifting. Eat high protein w/30 min AFTER lifting, e.g. 1/2 gal of whole milk (chocolate milk if you're not a lardass)

Don't lift barbells, lift DUMBELLS. Much harder to hurt yourself using dumbells, and you don't need a squatter unless you're doing stupid high weight (you'll know when you need one)

Don't do isolation exercises, do COMPOUND exercises. Don't be a bodybuilder, be a weightlifter.

Get a stamina routine. Hill sprints are great. Look up high intensity interval/Tabata training. Do this every other or every third day.

Stretch AFTER lifting/running. Do some warm ups/light stretching to make sure you're ready to lift, but don't work on flexibility until afterward, it hurts your lifting power doing it before.

Otherwise: Good fucking job, you've probably lifted more than half the neets here, and more than 95% of the (((JDIF faggots))).


He should just read:

Is there any way I can learn how to fight without a partner?
There is no martial art clubs or anything in my area, the closest I can find is so far away and don't have the time or money to go there and practice. I don't have any friends who are interested either.
I have a punching bag I practice punching and kicking with and I try to learn some through youtube but it can only teach me so much.

I'd also like to learn HEMA but it's the same situation.
If I could become an expert at something like that I would love to setup a club or school here and teach it to others

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Our small guts and big brains were developed by eating fatty meat not leafs

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Humans have similar diets to other omnivores such as Bears and Dogs. Fruits and meat is what we eat.

What do I base my self-worth on?
I've done everything I can to improve my character and get out of the slump of my teenage life (am currently 19), but I cannot help but feel as though I am a failure just because I could not accomplish a goal I set for myself. How can I reframe the way I think about myself in such a way that I am able to handle the pitfalls of life and not shut down when I can't achieve one goal (leading to hindrance in achieving others)?

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Fill your self with dragonfire and burn too fucking hot to feelz. Do one thing and go at it with all of your intensity and effort. When your mind strays, remember "good posture", "breath through your nose", "push your tongue to the roof of your mouth", and "oh fuck I'm (((distracted)))". If it feels like you should be doing more, it's because you're not trying hard enough on what you're doing. If you feel burnt out, go back up to 50 - 70% until you're burning steady. Feels are another enemy to you getting shit done; righteously smite them. They aren't informing you well if that (((informing))) is actually a parasitic diversion, like a wet blanket on a fire, right in the middle of you stoking up a scorchingly productive session.

Get into philosophy. At least it helped me a lot.

A lot of shit is like working out. You go HAM and then lay in bed for a week in pain. Incline up to HAM then lower the heat to just low-key internally HAMing when it's too much, then find "the zone" to go steady state for a while and dip your toe in the True Ham every once in a while, and jump right in before you're ready but know it is Truly the Way of HAM to do so.

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How to not be a depressed neet and food cravings charts to help with diet

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There is nothing beta about self improvement.

It's the most alpha and realistic thing you can do. It takes an alpha to recognize his faults and do something to correct them.

Quit giving up. Set a goal, and go for it until you accomplish it. So what if it takes you a decade to master the deadlift or something else. Master something, and then work from there. Self worth comes from self mastery. If you're fully aware of what you're capable of, then nobody can tell you otherwise.

I don't do things for other people. I do things to prove to myself that I can do them. This is a part of self mastery.

You have to turn your willpower into a weapon that can be focused and used at a moments notice.

If you've never picked up a sword, don't try to teach HEMA. If you can't use a staff, you don't really know HEMA, or the Panzer Arts. Squires start with the staff. The hand to hand comes after you've mastered the staff.

Sound like you suck at setting goals, but your partially right: you do need to change your perspective.

All your goals should be to achieve something important or maintain current success. Things like studying, practice, and proper work are all important; keeping yourself healthy and maintaining relationships help to keep that success.
What people forget when making goals is the WHY and you lose spirit. For example: it’s easy to say:”this week I’ll work out everyday because that’s the healthy thing to do” but it’s hard when your body starts feeling it or unexpected incidents arise like overtime or sudden invitation to go out with friends. “The healthy thing to do” becomes a faraway concept while immediate concerns and pleasures are tangible.
So instead be concrete. When I decided to run again for the fourth time in my life I did it for my late grandmother. I wanted to live a full life like she did as a pilot and a mother of seven children, when I die and meet her I want her to be proud of me, but I won’t be able to do that unless my life is long and good. So I ran everyday for a year. I ran in the rain, I ran in hail, I rain at 4 am, I ran when there was a tornado warning, I ran when there was lightning coming down around me, I ran after there was a body found on my route, I ran even when college kids would roll up and scream at me, and most importantly, I ran when I just didn’t care too. A year ago I was obese and now I’m at a healthy weight. I did this because every step of the way I pictured myself meeting her again.
Gloating aside, to achieve goals you need to make sensible goals, have a solid mind set to achieve them and be able to get back up when you fail. Try writing your goal down and ask yourself why this is a good idea. Be specific and verbose about it. Make a time every week we’re you review that goal and maybe write some more thoughts on it, you want to examine your mentality and process as much as what your actually trying to achieve. Did you try this and fail in the past? Try and diagnose why and come up with a plan to overcome that difficulty.
Most importantly be an active participant in your own life. You control your own actions, but only if your conscious about it. And if you have no will to be conscious just remember something important your doing this for.

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A few other tips since you really rubbed me noggin:

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That is baseless conjecture and your image is a retard posting complete nonsense. We have archeological evidence of people harvesting and grinding grains 180,000 years ago. We are not, and never have been carnivores. We are omnivores. Our diet should consist of whatever we fucking get our hands on, just like an omnivore.

Dogs are not omnivores, they are carnivores. Stop repeating idiotic vegan advocate nonsense back at idiotic vegan advocates. Dogs are the same species as wolves. They have the same dentition and digestive tract as wolves. Like wolves, they are facultative carnivores, they have absolutely no dietary need for carbohydrates, and wolves do not eat fruit unless starving.

What is pasta agilo de olio?

Short story? I am not very creative

The people who most need self-improvement are the ones who draw abuse of others and then laugh at how funny they are for teaching bullying to culture.

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No. If you dont live spar its fake.

I already am. I learned as a kid.

You don't spar in traditional HEMA. The hand to hand is all open palm and grappling. It's pointless to punch somebody wearing padded leather and chainmail.

That's literally asking to have your hand broken.

Don't be a retard.

Yeah. Become quick, fast, and tough as fuck. Strong hands, wrists and forearms will allow you to hit the bag up to the ceiling, and wield a weapon much much better. Work the shoulders and grip by holding the weapon out in front of you level to the ground, or laterally, going for an hour+. Switch arms and overhand/underhand when your strength fails, alternating.
Check out the Steve Justa book, and the gymnastics would be good too:
He talks about being stronger than his friend in everything except the wrists▬his friend could wrist curl 285 lbs for 10 to 15 reps; when they tested who could hit the hanging punching bag further back and up, his friend won. A lot of good stuff in his book. Included:
Walking with hundreds of lbs on.
Running with sub-hundred to hundreds of lbs on.
Ultra strong co-workers.
Lifting heavy ass weights.
Taking a bar with 100 lbs+ on the end and swinging it around like it's an awkward shovel for reps.
Wearing 100lbs (120?) in chains and throwing hay bales all day for a month.

You're the only retard here. And also a fucking pussy. Get strong soyboi or die a spineless cuck and coward.

Then its fake.

For progress to be made, there first has to be struggle.
Artificial struggles can only be created through thorough self-discipline.

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The first thing for any man seeking to improve is to understand the disctinction between motivation and dedication as hinted in the original image. It is the very core of your development. The best analogy I came up with is to imagine a forest and within the said forest imagine a great tree. This regal creation full of verdant leaves and ever expanding branches of noble oak expands and grows forever onwards and can weather come what may. The only way to destroy the oak, much like a man whose heart is filled with fire and dedication, is to fell it completely, to tear it assunder. Much like man, it can weather storms, bear deep scars and face almost anything thrown at it. Only the most cataclysmic event can fell the tree or the spirit of a steeled man.

Motivation, by comparison, is the leaves of this grand oak. They come and go, felled by everything from a breeze to being displaced foraging creature. Much like a leaf, motivation is fleeting in it's nature, a fluid thing that changes form at the smallest whim. This is the defining difference between the two mindsets and must be understood before one is to start upon the road of achieving greatness. Once a man has taken this realisation, he can begin the path to mastering his own fate, free of semetic and degenerate influences. He no longer will require strength from outside sources but can find his own, whether from the drive to protect his family or to becoming a man willing to stand for his people.

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So now we understand the fundamental idea behind real self improvement we move onto expanding upon the topic; the reason to fight. Not merely fight in a physical aspect but in what one could potentially term a "spiritual" way. Allow me to explain.

A man can steel his body, sculpt a perfect example of the European man's true form through hard work indeed. But there needs to be a deeper purpose to it. Merely identifying a deeper purpose is just the first step, it must become an entrenched bulwark for the mind to detect and defend against potential corruption influences (nihilism, ego death etc). Let us begin.

So, let us state an obvious goal we all share; the protection and propagation of the European peoples and their long term survival in a world of chaos and deeply embedded corruption. Now this sounds a rather grand and sometimes almost impossible feat but the truth is it is much simpler than it first appears. The initial routes to dedication must come from personal aspects and expand from that, the roots must be bedded deep as it were. Therefore a wise decision is to attempt to begin with family or a loved one. As a European man, your role, first and foremost, is the protection of those you hold dear. Blood. Ethnic nation. Race. For some expanding this to your entire racial group is fairly easy, for others it can be challenging, hence this approach.

So, how can one protect those he loves? Each person decides different priorities when it comes to this but for the most part in my experience the overarching concepts are;

- Physical mastery. To become strong enough to protect them in case of attack. It does not need to simply be an immediate threat but a long term threat such as encroaching (((diversity))) or some such. Use that initial fear as a drive. Realise this is a fear to be conquered and overwhelmed by your dedication to physical improvement and sheer will. Once you have begun to improve and grow stronger you will find this fear replaced with instinctive awareness and the fight reflex in place more firmly than before. This is just part of mastering your physical world though for you must also remember the world you live in; food may be plentiful but the items of plentitude are rather vile and poor for you. A man can buy a Big Mac for a couple of pound but if he wishes to buy real meat without hormone treatment or factory farmed you'll be paying a fair bit more. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat so if you wish to master your physical aspects you must first understand the fuel you are taking in. I will expand further on this point at a later date however.

- A drive to provide stability. Any man of noble spirit and heart wishes to ensure his family and his people deserve a place to rest easy. We are often deprived of this by the hate fuelled semetic parasites who force the outsider upon us in an effort to drive us to the brink. We are forced to live among Negroes, Arabs and assorted other unwelcome offshoots of humanity resulting in a devastation of the European spirit for it is forced to live in a state of constant threat and unending aggression commited against ourselves. Thusly we must forge new homestead and bastions far from the maddening crowd and in order to do that we must provide both financial capabilities and emotional succor in the interim. As a man this is vital and must become a key aspect to any improvements you make, be it for personal or familial reasons. A man can begin the path to /sig/ but if he is trapped within the belly of the beast he can only go so far in such a vile environment. You must become the unmoving mountain of both physical and emotion aspects.

- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be them poor food quality (soy used in bread production, chemical use for preservatives etc) to (((media))) in the form of movies and music. "Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?))) is an every day thing which no one outside those waking up to the state of things notices. The worst is subtle corruptions, such as placing Negroes in historical European fiction, making the American Civil War all about slavery, how noble ideals of virtue and honour are "dated" but wanting white women to fuck anything *but* whites or embrace ackbars is great. Seperating yourself from these poisons allows greater clarity, your no longer lethargic due to poor food and no longer mentally subdued due to (((media))) bombardment.

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smoking cigs is actually pretty harmful
cigars is less so because you're not supposed to inhale the smoke

the redpill is that tobacco itself is actually a very useful stimulant and that nicotine is an extremely powerful nootropic if you know how to use it. Cigs happen to be a shit-tier vehicle, though.

I use nicotine lozenges to reinforce habits such as weightlifting and studying, as well as to improve my performance in high risk activities like piloting aircraft. I also use swedish snus to relax in the evenings.

If you're interested in lots of research on this subject you can find it here


in brief:

A few things. Squatting that deep is good but not necessary, going to parallel is usually all you need. Also if you’re having trouble hitting higher weight, try hip press (4x20 or something high volume). Another thing, I’m not sure what routine you’re doing but make sure you’re doing deadlifts and overhead press, they’re essential for overall strength. If you can hit 1/2/3/4 (1 plate OHP, 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, 4 plate deadlift) you’re as good as you need to be strength-wise. Also, some really important exercises for aesthetics and strength are pull-ups, dips, farmers walks and forearm curls, shrugs, curls and tricep extensions. If you do all of those, you should be good.
Last thing, invest in protein powder (MyProtein is a great brand imo), and creatine monohydrate for when you’re bulking. Hope this helps and god speed on your journey

After burning off most of the fat on my body with keto, I finally joined a gym and got set up with a trainer. Third day in and it's kicking my ass, but it feels good. Stick with it bros.

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Eh, i'll throw down one last aspect of understanding self improvement before resting, mainly as it's prescient for myself after the gym visit tonight. Do not expect instant results. Assuming one has found his inner fire, his will has been strengthed and has finally chosen to improve, the first few weeks can be a true test of this new mindset. Once a program of fitness has been chosen, whichever one it may be (there are a myriad of approaches available) you will find it to be an uphill battle. I'll share a personal anecdote on this one. When my training began after realising what is required of me I threw myself into it the first week. I watched countless videos, read innumerable blogs, discerned what methods fit with my approach and went into it with a glad heart. It was a slog. Your body, the first couple of weeks, is incredibly tired, you ache constantly. You'll wonder why results are taking so long and the first test of resolve is issued; to stick by or surrender. If you surrender then you lack value, to yourself and to those who rely on you, you demean and shame yourself in this action but may try justify it with nihilism or pithy jokes. Initially, I did just that, it didn't seem worth it, I fell into a blackpill stupor that took some effort to get out of. But if you persist, if you refuse to lay down and die you will find results coming bit by bit. That protruding gut no longer appears a piece of sagging flesh but toned muscle. Your shoulders and arms grow, once shirts tight around the gut slacken and your arms now stretch them to a welcoming degree. You'll feel better mentally as well, gaining pride in what your achieving but that achievement will take some time.

It won't be instant, not by a long shot. It'll take sweat. It'll take pain. It'll take dedication. But once your in the rythm, once your body is becoming more receptive it grows easier and easier. Upon getting over the hump you'll find results arriving incrementially over time with each one providing a new push towards the herculean goal of achieving your form. One must remember though, this is but a part of what must be done. A perfect body is lacking if it is not tempered by the sharpened mind in the same way a great mind lacks force if the body is weak and flabby. Achieving unison in both is the goal of the Overman. Most will never achieve it, it is a life long goal but it is the pursuit of it that makes it such a noble ideal. True perfection in that regard may not be achievable but that is what makes the challenge one worthy of any son of Europe, be him in the States, a far flung former colony or within the home continent. The strength you'll gain and in turn share with others by inspiring and teaching as a result of this road is something to behold. It may just be the thing that saves us. Remember always, weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men.

Complete bullshit. I agree with the other poster. Stop spreading this misinformation. You're gonna make someone have kidney failure.

I need help getting a girlfriend ASAP. Even if it's only a fling or a fuckbuddy, I NEED SOMETHING. I'm starting to lose my mind, I've been lonely and isolated for far too long, I need human warmth and intimacy, I need some touch and TLC. Please fucking help me, I need something that works, I will do what I can to change but I need some assurance that there will be some kind of payout to collect. I'm tired of going on wild goose chases for girls that aren't interested, I'm tired of trying to no avail, I'm tired of becoming despondent and wasting away in my room, please frens I beg of you, HELP ME.

Stop begging firstly, it's demeaning and does you no favours. Explain why exactly your so alone first, in honest terms.

As an aside, if you act this desperately around women you will automatically repulse them, women seek a combination of kindness, leadership and strength in a man. Get a grip and lay out your situation.

you're desperate and every girl will know it
read the thread and better yourself

I guess I'll start from early on, in elementary school ~20% of the entire school was white, the rest was mostly asian, latino, black, etc. So I had very little opportunity to naturally socialize in a healthy and meaningful way early on, which of course stunted my social no, I did not want to socialize with the "other" kids, I was openly doing roman salutes at this age without fully understanding what it "meant" . This later on transferred to middle and high school as the demographics were relatively consistent, and so I kept going through life never having advanced beyond a second graders level of social skills. It probably didn't help that I moved schools several time and was an aspie. Even while growing up, In hindsight, I had several opportunities to socialize and make friends/girlfriends, but I was totally unaware in almost all of them, I had a "girlfriend" once but that failed miserably shortly after. I've held a few job since leaving school but none of them ever stick for very long, and in public whenever I even SEE a girl that is attractive, I get hot and flustered, and so most times I'm rushing around with my eyes straight forward to avoid eye contact with anyone.

I've been like this for as long as I can remember, I feel so drained. And I having a sneaking suspicion that (((someone))) may have purposefully intended for me to be socially stunted, but I can't be sure. I've just been so isolated for so long, I feel like I've evolved into a different species, as if I sing a different song from all the other birds, as if my feather can't fly with theirs. I just want some kind of acceptance. In all honesty if this all keeps up I may find myself dead within a few short years, which I would rather not do.

Kidney failure from what? Lack of grains/carbs? Genuine question.

The thing is, the grains our ancestors were harvesting and eating thousands of years ago are completely different from the processed, genetically modified shit we eat today. They lack any significant source of nutrition, and any that are present have poor bio-availability. Unless you live in the mediterranean and eat heirloom grains, you're getting nothing of value. Humans can get all necessary fat/water soluble vitamins from animal products, organ meats especially. Not only are they more abundant, but they're far more bio-available to our bodies. Clearly we can eat a multitude of different foods, from animal products, grains, fruits and vegetables, but humans didn't evolve with access to fruits, vegetables, and grains from all over the world all year round. Most shit only grows in certain climates at certain times of the year. You ate it when you could find it. The thing is our brains need fat and cholesterol, and the best, most nutrient dense source of that is from animal products.

TL;DR - don't believe the (((food pyramid)))


Basically, acidosis because you can't process excessive amounts of meat, specifically red meat. If we were meant to be carnivores, we'd have carnivore teeth.

+1 on the grain thing. We only ate what we could find in the old days, because that's what any other animal does. If it's smaller than you, you try it out.

I should also mention– we weren't meant to be solely herbivores either. At least, we aren't anymore. Back in the Garden, killing/eating animals was forbidden/unnecessary.

Stay away from pork– there's a good reason the Jews/Muslims/Orthodoxy don't eat them. I can't find the article I had on it, but this guy pretty much gets it:



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Why are these threads always posted on here? The people who post on this board have no interest in bettering themselves and only want to blame others for their problems.


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