Undeniable Proof: The Disappearing Cartridges

Hello anons. Based Brenton Tarrant seemed like something to encourage, and for the last week or so I've been doing my part to make sure that message is what I distribute because I'm in favor of Accelerationism.
I found this.
Undeniable Proof the New Zealand Mosque Shooting is Staged
In bitchute.com/video/OSGXpUMfX9gL/
In this video, you'll see that the spent cartridges from Brenton Tarrant's rifle literally disappear in mid-air.

I hate that this is the truth. But it is. These were CGI added cartridges.

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Fuck off, dumbass. It was a false flag that actually killed dune coons. We don't need your well poisoning.



who cares anyway

CGI. lol. I doubt that it's CGI.

Enlighten me on how the cartridges vanish midair without hitting anything. They disappear.

Slowed gifs

Attached: SmartSelect_20190323-151210_Samsung Internet.gif (320x178 6.5 MB, 6.19M)

It's simple: you're a disinfo shill

you can literally see one of the fallen brass appear on the ground. fuck off kike.

due to the low res footage, they look like they "just disappear" but they do re-appear on the ground to if you want to see them.

Where? No brass appears anywhere on the ground

right near the fence.

This is the same retarded kike shit (((they))) pull to discredit questioners of the MSM 9/11 narrative.

please swallow a bullet you glow in the dark cocksucker, tell your bosses you will never fit in here, stop trying

they are only even on screen for a couple frames

How's the view from up there on Mt. Stupid?

So here are the reasons it was a zionist false flag:

>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there
>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity

People are tired of your shit. It didn't took me 10 seconds to decide to tell you to go fuck yourself.>>13010699

Attached: Tarrant is Real.jpg (8000x5387, 3.99M)

My grannie went to Israel for longer than he did. Was she a Mossad agent too?

oy gevalt quite the cohencidence

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and they were released retard.

lmfao this is pathetic, in the video when he is in the mosque and goes back in for the second time you can see all the fucking brass casings on the floor. This shooting was real, it was done by Brenton Tarrant a self described Eco-Fascist who is also a White man. It was done as a lawful combatant against an invading force of racial aliens. It was NOT done in support of israel. Brenton Tarrant explicitly named the jews in his manifesto.

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I'm not (((them))) and I despise kikes. 9/11 was done by the Israeli Mossad with the help of the CIA. I just want the truth. The sheer amount of faggotry in the responses versus examining this evidence is sad.

I’m not saying that any of those facts alone, except for the fact that five people were arrested and two mosques were attacked (lone wolf narrative isn’t right), make it a false flag, but I am saying that reasonable doubt excludes any other possibility than false flag.

to be fair he's subtle about it

call me a newfag all you want, but what is a "Mossad"?

The other people were civilians that were wrongfully detained do to being suspicious. he planned it himself, he was a lone wolf

do you have any idea what "shutter speed" is on a video camera you retard


It wasn’t CGI, it was a zionist Kabbalist ritual sacrifice disguised as a white terrorist attack, probably. See my earlier post.

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Waterboard yourself

It's compression of a low-res video. It's the same kind of thing that kike Simon Shack used to argue that no planes hit the WTC.

why would they sacrifice shitskins? their gods don't value them at all, their complete garbage, psychically and spiritually. their gods love white sacrifice, especially babies

kill yourself, OP. youre fucking retarded. the 9/11 airplanes were just holograms too, right? just fuck off.

At least make a strawman that makes sense next time, Moshe.

That nigger with a rifle that aided Tarranr was ‘wrongfully’ suspected?

Also, where is the video of the second mosque Tarrant attacked, assuming he was a lone wolf?

he didn't aid him and he wasn't charged

I guess I should have expected you to be this stupid.

I want to give you a clip of a kike in Israel saying that bulldozing one Palestinian village is like killing all muslets standing in the way of Eretz Israel (= Greater Israel). Alas, (((google))) keeps deleting these red pills.

Israel is an illegitimate apartheid terrorist state and will be dismantled.


they murder shitskins because they want their land, not for sacrifice to their gods.

You can literally see that it hit the wall all the way down and bounced to the ground, though.

What’s the difference in their sick twisted minds?


Becos of op's post i dont beeleev the shooting tuk playse

sacrifice is very important to them, they have to undergo religious preparations. them bulldozing mussies that won't get off land they want is obvious them not caring and taking the land anyways. not a sacrifice

Red herring.
The cartridges don't disappear, they're just on the edge of resolution

see: Blood libel and kosher slaughter as excellently depicted in the movie drive

Fuck CGI. I have a feeling the real White Nationalist are sending him money on his books, naked photos of white women, and love mail. It's only a matter of time until he receives this. The question is - What Brother will take it to the next level and send him stuff?

Instead of namecalling kike, why not prove he's wrong? You won't though…

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did you just blow in from stupid town?


He points out in the video where the catridges disappear, yet all you can do is call him a kike rather than attempt to explain why he's potentially incorrect. But you won't. You'll just keep calling anyone who remotely agrees with OP stupid. So go on, keep following your script.

KYS kike.

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sage low iq fed threads

they fill these things with disinformation by posting from the perspective of both sides and building faux-arguments to sway anons that are less experienced in seeing through kikery, and to slide potential happening threads

they literally don't disappear
they're moving extremely fast and it blends into the wall color

hint: it's something to do with compression.


I normally agree user. However, this is something that can't be ignored, and should be given a plausible explanation as it'll come up again.

user, none of the shell casings are visible on the ground. In the original video, you can't even hear the 'tink' of them hitting the ground despite there being gaps of silence. Where are the shell casings? If they hit the wall, you would see them bouncing off. It moves fast, but not THAT fast. (I'm retired military nigger. I've used an Ar-15 before and I know how they fire. Or are you trying to count on my potential ignorance of how guns work?)

You do realize they can roll once they hit the ground, right? Maybe in the video games you've played the casings freeze as soon as they hit the ground, but that's not how real life works. There are two concepts in physics called kinetic and potential energy, that apply to the expended casings. You should look into these as you develop your theory.

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Do you think this shooting would of happened if the guy would have been able to get pussy?

Ask me how I know that you've never fired a rifle in your life.

The room is quite obviously carpeted.
Beyond the redundancy of calling it a "shell casing" the video is very pixellated and a tiny 5.56 case wouldn't show up.

Well that's easy to test. Figure out what type of camera and stream settings he was using, then do a test on a range with rapid fire to see if you can find the cartridges.

fuck it we'll do it live

In a mosque, I assume?

In minecraft, retard.

Point being that if this really was a false flag we would be playing into the kikes' hands. Remember - TRAITORS are the first to die. ENABLERS must die.

There are so many targets to choose from that will govern the cause better than killing 50 shitskins, when we're facing Billions of them migrating.

Attached: do it live.png (2000x1000, 1.05M)

The compression in entirely on Facebook's end, right? If one of you use that service, can you take this video and run it through their service? I found this on youtube, it's a guy shooting an AR15 and filming it with a go pro. The ground is similarly noisy to the pavement seen in the OP video. Of course in this video we can see the cartridges and hear the clinking, but I wonder what happens after it is run through facebook's re-encoding.

I have also heard that we don't hear the clink because the microphone is distorted by the loud gunshot which precedes it. This video proves that it doesn't seem to be a GoPro limitation. To reiterate, someone please live stream this youtube video and see if we still see the casings.

So you don't understand how cameras and video quality work? Did you really need to make a thread to tell us that?