
Hey Zig Forums

Leafanon here my father had his license revoked by the ZOG for honking at a retard while he was passing a ZOG, three trumped up charges by a vicious slave kicking downwards later he's set to lose his license and his ability to take care of my grandparents. With the pension now changed to federal tax benefit and the fund drying up for shitskins gibs we are hoping to move to Eastern Europe. We don't speak slavic but are going to learn. Can any Slavanons recommend a country, place or destination for some Irish to settle?

Attached: Eastern Europe.jpg (600x587, 190.62K)

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Not a Slav, just commenting to say
Jesus fucking Christ, is Ireland really this bad?

Someone was saying some years ago to take Transnistria by force. But then, I don't think there would be enough militaryanons to be able to train the rest of us, to say nothing how we'd get the firepower to that area in the first place.

Oh wow, let's go take over Luxembourg while we're at it. Then we'll fabricate a claim on Alsace Lorraine and defeat France while they're at war with Spain and slowly take over all of Europe.
That or the "let's move to some shithole region of a shithole country like Nigeria or the Congo and build our White utopia there!" larp.

Go pull a Brenton Tarrant or get the fuck out

Leafland m8 Canada. Yes it has really started to disintegrate before the citizens eyes. I talk with normies and even they say that immigration is way out of control and that we have no say at all. This is ancillary as I need to take care of the grandparents first and pensions are set to dry up in 1 1/2 years and we need to move out.

I am talking about moving to Eastern Europe. Read the OP I don't want to LARP Crusader Kings 2

Attached: eyebrows.gif (640x360, 6.42M)

While I'm not Hungarian, I might reccoment checking out Hungary as under Orban they are providing skilled White immigrants with assistance if you move there. Or so I have heard.
Good luck.

Stay out of baltic states
They are genetically to pure for western fags

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1009x927, 109.59K)

Yeah, just go attack the 14th Guards Army of the USSR that just happens to still protect till this very day the stockpiles of one of southern USSR army group's weapons enough to exterminate Turkey a dozen times in a row. What a splendid idea. #YOLO.

K, there are only 2k Russian troops left there, instead of USSR's 22k, but I'd still like to see that.

I had already heard that but thank you user. This hit us hard as I am the only one left to take care of the daily routine and any info is appreciated.

Well I guess you'll never be able to move there mate as you're both jewish and gay and I'll be welcomed with open arms.

I am from baltic states you faggot. We will kill all mutts like we will kill all rapefugees/kikes/faggots

Then why is half of Latvia and Estonia Russian, while half of Lithuania is Polish.

100% pure Irish with family record history to the Norman invasion is that a mutt? I'll take you for your word that you are a Baltic take me at mine that I am 100% Irish. Do you have any info for me?

estonia already has a bunch of shitskins and niggers, every restaurant in the capital basically has many or some arabs/niggers/other middle easterners
disgusting, please people start accelerating faster

I don't quite get what you expect from moving to an Eastern European country. Can you clarify?

Come to Albania. We have the best caches of Kalashnikov rifles and TT pistols. Not to mention half of our women are prostitutes mmmm.

We won't mix with them and we will wait until we can throw them out

North Western Euros are not that different genetically
You are basically mix of two populations (50% of Yamnaya + 50% northern european farmers) I also upload picture of reconstruction of corded ware (which is 70% Yamnaya, 30% north european farmer)

They are mostly students but that's not excuse
I think they are still under 1%. I haven't been in capital for years so I can't tell about that

Attached: neolithic british.jpg (444x795 8.46 KB, 72.6K)

Security from Commie shite, Opportunity to own a business free from affirmative action, a desire to contribute a people that are set to survive global homo, not having to deal with niggers arabs and chinks. The list could go on endlessly. Do you have any information for my family?

Could you fill me in on this Yamnaya? I've never heard the term and I've been around on the chans since 2008. Is that a term for ancient Aryans?

czech republic is cool, albeit not as eastern as you might want. minimal ammount of immigrants/muslims, cheap beer, nice architecture etc.




You are Canadian. If you have 100% ancestry from a given European country (i.e. Britain, France, etc.), and you are willing to learn the language and assimilate to the country, then you may 'return' there. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OUT!

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It was one of the first Indo European cultures (We also have Khvalynsk and Afanasievo). But Yamnaya/Afanasievo were important because men from these cultures brought Indo European ancestry to the rest of the world.

Thanks Balticanon I've learned something new. To the OP at hand could you tell me anything relevant to resettlement? I know the paradox that we face is that we have to find a place that hate immigrants while ourselves being immigrant albeit white ones.

euro-mutts need some kind of solution. I'm a euro mutt and it really fucking sucks tbh.

If we had a small battalion we could do it. Luxembourg is politically stable, Transnistria is not and the likelihood of the EU to come rushing to their aid is slim to none. But there isn't 500-1000 able bodied men in the WN movement willing to sacrifice for this goal.

It would be a simple matter of offering half those troops something better than what Russia is offering them. Eastern Europe is more corrupt than Detroit.

But yea, we simply do not have the will or the man power. All we have is your occasional mass shooter, which is politically shocking but ineffectual.

I've heard that too and it was on the list to move to before this happen this incident has just accelerated our plans by years. Are you Czech? I know Babis is alright but does he resist the global homo or is he boiling them slowly? Could you tell me more?


There are virtually no niggers and chinks here, and those that are here are mostly students and leave when they graduate. They are not refugees.

There are some Muslims, but they are a different kind of Muslims, not from the Middle East. They are usually docile, don't congregate into large groups and are not very fanatical about their religion. I suspect many of them are borderline atheists.

If you are far right, it's certainly not a problem here. People won't hate you for you views here (unless you do some obviously stupid shit like going in public waving a Nazi flag or acting like a crazy fuck). You can easily find comrades here.

Labor is cheap here, taxes are low, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile to open a business here if you want to target the Ukrainian internal market. People are comparatively poor here so they don't have much money to pay for your goods and/or services. I would consider hiring people here, but selling your products to foreign markets.

Food, rent, etc. are cheap here as well.

People usually are friendly, certainly more friendly to white foreigners. You may even live for some time here without knowing any Russian (the most widely used language in the Western and Central parts of Ukraine), because it's easy to find those who speak English and are happy to help you.

If you choose to move here, I can help you find an apartment to rent and can introduce you to some people.

Overall, if you want to find a well-paying job, Ukraine is probably not for you. But if you have some capital and want to open a business, then you may want to give it a try. Also, if you have some source of income from abroad, then Ukraine is perfect because you'll be getting a lot of money and everything's cheap here.

That homeland was America. The future Homeland will be carved out of the corpse of America one way or another. Keep the faith.

Well you can either stay in North-America where most people are euro-mutts or you can just not give a fuck and go to whichever European country you want. We're facing extinction, its not the time for us to be picky about which kind of white we are.

Fuck off, faggot, just because you have no discernible culture or distinct ethnicity doesn't mean everyone else should. A Euro country being replaced by another ethnicity of euros is no better than niggers.

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In any case, if you want to contact me, download this and post your id here. I'll contact you. I don't want to share my id publicly.

Go to China instead. White diaspora in China is growing. Soon we will have 500k post your public key and I'll send you some info. All are ultranationalists and pro-white. Chinese officials around us say they love us compared to other immigrants and muslims. They even let us run our own ISP and police our community. We expect to have 10 million whites by 2050.


your reaction image is very ironic, considering you're the autistic fuck who's solution would only lead to a loss for whites in general. Consider suicide, nigger.

Attached: german_sniper.jpg (236x239, 15.11K)

he was right, you are wrong and also are an idiot

Contact me at [email protected]

I don't trust TOR at all but I'm willing to risk talking to you. I don't give a fuck anymore.

Dude, I asked for your Ricochet id. To contact you by email, I would have to create a new one, something that I don't want. Also, you are wrong about Tor. Using Ricochet is good opsec. High-profile Neon-Nazi like weev use it and are quite happy.

Well, Croatia is doing brettty good in terms of globohomo, as it's still in it infancy here, and the country is 97% white.
Economy is a bit shite.

You are retarded. LIMITED white immigration is good.

Sounds like you're the only idiot here.

A protonmail takes 1 minute to setup as a favor me make one if you seriously want to help out I won't use TOR as its outside my area of expertise.

Will its grow out of infancy though? Or be post-birth aborted? Is it relatively stable as economies go and can I with relative ease open up a pub for example?

We're more dangerous than ISIS to the current elites. They would never let us just snatch any land.

That too.

This thread is dying while I didn't learn anything new except for the ancient origins of Europoids (Thanks Balticanon) I thank all Anons who've responded out of goodwill. I shall lurk now but will respond if anything catches my eye.

Don't you think you sound a little bit entitled? Instead, how about: "Do Y if you really want to get some help."?

That's precisely why we should use the communication method of my choice. Infosec is outside your area of expertise, but it is inside of mine. Let me explain.

Ricochet provides two vital things: end-to-end encryption and ephemerality.

Many modern-day messengers provide end-to-end encryption. Telegram notoriously doesn't. Neither does ProtonMail. You can learn what end-to-end encryption is and why it is important on Wikipedia. I won't focus on it here.

Ephemerality is more important. Ricochet never logs any messages to disk. It doesn't have such an option. Everything is stored in RAM. Once you and me close our respective Ricochet instances, all the messages are as good as gone. You can of course take screenshots or manually copy the messages, but likely you won't bother doing it and neither will I.

Now let's imagine that we use email as you suggest. One day you will get hacked, trust me, you will, and then some CIA nigger or Mossad kike will be happily reading all our messages, rubbing his dirty little hands and smiling. It's the future that I'm trying to prevent.

Even if I fail to convince you, I'm writing this post anyway because I hope to convince other anons to use more secure communication methods.

Installing Ricochet doesn't require any expertise. You simply download it, install it, and it's ready to use.

He's a leafanon so he's in Canada. A Canuck of Irish stock. And yes, Canada is that bad.

I think moving to Europe is a good idea, but the the massive area you highlighted is bad. Western Europe is pretty turbulent and eastern Europe is full of slavs. I think the Visegrad group are the only countries worth recommending, since they are the only countries right now that are preserving European blood and culture. I don't think slavs are that good of people, but the central slavs seem to be good people based off their governments. I'm personally going to scope out Hungary this year. Viktor Orban is the best leader of Europe.

If you are a swarthy person, but do not want to stay in America I would recommend Italy. Salvini seems to be doing well, since he has cut immigration to Italy by 95% and is shipping the current ones back. It seems like he might actually fix the country. If I was swarthy I would seriously conciser Italy.


I forgot the pic. I also know that the Hungarians aren't slavic, but I'm just lumping them together for simplicity sake.

Attached: CentralSlavs.png (911x937, 1.73M)

screw you leaf, it is not pictured here but you lit belong to Garðar

Attached: 350px-Den_nordiske_kirkeprovins.svg.png (350x198, 38.78K)

"White" isn't even an ethnicity you mutt, there are Japs and some chinks that have skin just as white as Euros. If you think there are only 5-6 different races you're a room temp nigger. "White" is a broad group of Caucasoids most of which lived on and around continental Europe. Nordic Germanics are distinct from Iberian Mediterraneans, which are distinct from Ruthenians, which are distinct from Gaels, and so on. Since culture is derived from biology, it follows that each of these groups have distinct cultures which includes values, and mentality. Wanting to erase all that for some broadly defined "white" people isn't nationalism, it's fucking globalism-lite, restricted to a continental scale. Americans cannot be nationalistic because they have no nation (a nation is an area shared by a common peoples with a common history and culture, ie: the German nation includes political Germany, Austria and German Switzerland, as well as Prussia and Silesia, political boarders do not inherently define nations) so since the majority of America does not fit that description, Americans cling to the broad group of "whites" which is retarded. I'd no rather have my country overrun with slavs or Swedes or Scotts, than with niggers, because it's still fucking replacement. If you had any culture or a discernible ethnicity you'd understand. White mutts are still mutts.



roach eternaly BTFO



russiarussiarussiarussia moskva russia russia russiarussiarussia

This, why do people think they have a right to move to your country simply because they are rich and your country is poor?

omg fucking kvetching jews ma lol, they are so hysterical and arrogant

what is that jews? your "new world order" is collapsing?

here you filthy turk kike

They have been ruined by capitalism and thinks money is the only thing that matters in life. I feel their is a lot of people on this board that are this way. Just because I dislike capitalism doesn't mean I'm a commie retards

Yeah, my bad.
I read "place or destination for some Irish to settle?" and forgot about the first word.

It's a disease of the Western mind. Anglo countries are the worst.

Why would Eastern Europe want cowardly faggots like you and your Dad?

America is the worst. Americans are completely value less, and I wouldn't say they are anglo.

If you lack the courage to correct the faults in your own nation, why should the people of any other nation want you?

Not anymore from a racial standpoint, but the Anglocapitalist Jewish mentality is still very much a thing.

It's alive, but america hasn't been anglo in forever. Your average white american is German or Irish.

what do you call charlottesville

Not OP, but its just a case were ethno nationalism is genetic and cultural. If you live in america where the people don't have the genes or culture you should just move. You can win over some people, but most the population is hopeless. You can just move to a white state, and have other whites who believe in white unity to move to that state, but I would rather move to Europe. I plan on moving to hungary and assimilating to the culture. If I stay in the US and have kids I could literally have my kids taken away for telling them that they should be proud of being white. I would rather just move to a place that shares my values, so I can spend the rest of my life paying taxes to a government that doesn't want me and my people dead.

I can highly recommend The Pervert's Guide to Ideology on this, narrated by Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek. He makes the logical connection between capitalism, ideology, and psychology. While Zizek himself isn't openly against (((them))), his readings are consistent with what Europe is experiencing under their subversion. It's a heavy movie, but it woke me up and gave me more words to use in debates regarding society to redpill others with.

Attached: Slavoj Zizek pepe.jpg (500x500, 19.64K)

I'd say Poland or Hungary will give the best standard of living generally. Though with the language barrier you might want to consider Romania as almost everyone understands English there and everyone that's young speaks it fine. You'd want to stick the the central and north west areas though. Your problem will be getting Visas and permits to work anywhere in East Euro. However, Bulgaria has a good amount of UK expats there so I presume it's easier to set yourself up there.

Were they trained soldiers?

The main reason WN has failed is simple incompetence. Yea, it's fun to share a meme or too, and maybe someone kills a nig or three, but that doesn't really accomplish anything. Yea, rallies do matter, because the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the left understands this well.

So, we need a base of action. But that requires people with actual skills. The problem is that talking about it online only makes it known to our enemies.

Also, OP, I'd like to add that if you act like a fuckhead ANYWHERE in East Euro you will be cast out of society there (people will shun you and the word will spread fast about what a massive faggot you are). Also, if you say some dumb shit or get drunk like a retard expect to be complete pounded into the ground like a nail in concrete. Also, no one will really give a shit about the fact you are a foreigner though they will be friendly with you. If you start up about some bullshit fag ideas like intersectionality or whatever you will be ridiculed like you've never been ridiculed before. Also if you don't have a job everyone will straight up think you are a deadbeat piece of shit and let you know to your face. It's not a place for the faint of heart. Enjoy.

Talking about it online, as long as it is legal, is not something (((they))) can do something about. Any retaliation would only create a Streisand effect which could be used to further redpill the public. (((They))) know this and are relying on people fighting the ideological war for them - defending the indoctrination by themselves so they won't have to get (((their))) hands dirty. Once that is broken, even if cracked, people can congregate and move mountains. Talking does not solve anything though, action must be taken and everyone (including you) should actively redpill the public in low doses. Over time, this will provide results.

Adding to this, try to see people as a boulder. It's hard to push, but once you get it rolling, it's easy to steer in the direction you want. (((They))) employ this efficiently, but they can only make wide turns without being found out. It is perfectly legal to show the public political enactments and bills that contradict with their wishes. Showing that the (((politicians))) do not serve the people and you get the boulder moving in another direction which can be steered. Mounting a movement to do so can be done here, on Zig Forums, without any hierarchy or leader. All we have to do is do our individual part because many small acts makes one big whole. The internet moves fast and (((they))) won't have the time to provide a defense for the population before they get redpilled and perpetuate the spreading of redpills.

Get the boulder moving, anons.

Anywhere in the V4. Slovakia has zero mosques, Hungary is self-explanatory, Poland is based af, and I know nothing about the social climate in the Czech Republic. Romania would be a good choice because they speak better English and disdain brown people because of the gypos. Ukraine seems to be the place for far right nationalists.

What about Belarus??

I hope you're not seriously consider this and hope that you'll stay the fuck away from any country. Instead of running stay and fight for your country like a man, otherwise you're just a parasite and I bet your ass you'll never be able to not only learn the language but you'll have zero respect for the culture of said country. The fact that you're trying to pick another country you want to feed off as some kind of cheap whore is clear enough for me to think that you won't take anything seriously.
Do yourself and the other people a favor if you have at least some kind of respect for them left inside of you and fix your shithole instead of running, otherwise you're just like chinks who are running from their shithole to Canada and at this point, it would be better if you went to completely broken country like US which is very close to you anyway. I'm sure you'll be fine to feed off America anyway if you want to escape so bad.

V4 is by far the best. Ukraine is a failed state, Romania's government is shit, and both of those states are in Russia's back yard, so the bear of zog will always be looming over them.

There's not many downsides to that. Much easier to fly under the radar. Just don't get caught.

This is true. Running from the problem will not solve it and will eventually catch up to you if not dealt with.

Exactly and another country don't need this kind of people or in other words parasites.

It is a problem when you move to it and everything is a mess. You end up in a situation were you need to know russian and know the local mob boss or get robbed endlessly. Everyone from Ukraine is moving out of it. Ukraine is Russia's puppet state, and it doesn't want to be a western one now. Why move across the world into another problem state? You might as well move somewhere that you most agree with and strive to improve that while you have a family.

Baltic women

Attached: baltic2 states women.jpg (975x731, 300.69K)

Baltic states refuse to comply with UN directive that orders them to be silent on the Nazi's. 22 nations refuse to comply, many saying that the USSR was worse than the occupation of the Nazi regime.

Not to blackpill but most of Western Europe is even worse. Christ you can be thrown in jail in numerous European countries for a mildly offensive tweet in the UK, maybe also Germany and France.

I think if OP is posting on Zig Forums the things you describe are exactly what they are looking for. Faggots and trannies and deadbeats deserve to eat concrete

I don’t think you understand how bad things are in North American.
I say this as somebody of 100% Northern European heritage, mostly recent immigrants to the US from Europe. For one when Europeans complain about immigrations they have cultural ties to the land, 1000s of years of history to tie them to it. We do not have this. So there is no moral argument against our replacement and eventual genocide here.
Secondly your statement on assimilation is asinine. You act as if white North Americans are niggers and mudslimes. Where is your loyalty to race? Do you really think a North American ethnonationalist on Zig Forums would be so naive as to move to a place, a nation in Europe we deep inside revere (and protip many white North Americans greatly admire you in Europe) and would be so stupid as to not assimilate? My grandmother fled eastern Germany after its collapse in WWII to avoid being raped and killed by the communists, she came to America, learned English quickly and assimilated to the customs here. Do you not think somebody such as myself, OP, or whoever, who is the stock of these people would not do the same? My grandfather, the wife the above mentioned grandmother fled lithuania shortly before likewise to avoid Soviet persecution, and likewise assimilated.
So some of us may be euromutts, some may not. Would you seriously turn your back on your brothers and sisters, good men and women of European heritage simply because we may be of mixed European ethnicity/nationality, raised in a different country, speak a different language, ect? Especially in such a dire time when I raise has its back against the wall, and wholesale slaughter of our people will be the modus operandi of future shitskin invaders?

If so you may want to reconsider why you post on this board. If you think we are all bible thumping, motorized cart riding obese fucks who believes in American superiority over white superiority you are mistaken.

I would move to central Europe, since they care the most about preserving European blood and culture.

Hello fellow Leafanon.

Come on down to Alberta or BC, particularly either small towns in Alberta, or Prince George or something in Northern-Central BC. It'll be the best bet for the future.

It speaks your tongue, and the whole Northwest Front thing exists. If you say it's not gonna happen, just wait till the Green Blue and White flies in front of Alberta's legislature building.

Attached: northwest front.jpg (474x474, 61.45K)


I am glad! I really hope they aren't seduced by the EU gibs.

You are clearly confusing HGs with ENF, eestianon.

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Leaf here. Your father deserved it.

canada is so insane that even foreign students seem stressed about how fucked up it is. I was on the bus home from work yesterday and there was a korean student (they dress different from locals) and she was giving a wtf face to a group of arabs babbling in some mud language. Other times i will see japanese students on the bus breathing heavily and rubbing their temples like they are so stressed they want to off themselves. It is so insane. here in bc we are getting flooded with spics for some reason. I've gotten used to the asians but even they irritate me. I got yelled at by by mongoloid boss for bowing wrong with a client. How the fuck am i supposed to know how to bow. i seriously thought about getting a knife from the staff room and offing her. I fucking hate this country so much. we are the true jewish utopia that turns normal people mentally ill from the sheer insanity of it all.

How about Hell, you shamrock eating p.o.s.?

Sounds like you need to go on a mass shooting spree to save the H'White race.

target selection is important. jews are smart enough to van their political enemies. Whites cant even take out barbara spectre, noel ignatiev, or tim wise. Jews are smart enough not to do mindless shooting sprees. Whites are not smart enough to comprehend targeted attacks.

there's no point in resettling if you're not willing to put up a fight

Hungary is already transforming into France; the Open Society is actively promoting race mixing with Hungarian women and Negroes

Poland will go the same way.

I repeat – if you didnt put up a fight in your own country, you're not worth resettlment

Zizek is Lacanian marxist and crypto jew, user.

you are irish so go to your own country
its not my fault,that your country is cucked
btw poland is no longer 99%white,90% maybe

Not going to happen, Alberta and B.C. are overrun with Chinks and Filipinos, lots of Indians here too, I'm from a small Albertan farming community and despite every farmer being racist as hell, none of them would ever vote anything but cuckservative. And they're all getting too old, even the nearest small town has gained several Mexican, black, and Indian (pajeet) families, since I was young.

No I am not. British/Irish are 50% Northern Farmers and 50% Yamnaya
Also qpADM produces unreliable results (as it depends too much on how do want to model this and what pops will you pick for right pops)
I think that best results that we have right now is Genetiker's ADMIXTURE K = 14
Yamnaya itself is mix of EHG/ANE + CHG (people have got different results there)
Northern Farmer is 70% EEF + 30% WHG

Fight for your country, stop being a fugee

jews have gone on multiple shooting sprees in america
in fact, i think jews are more likely to do shooting sprees than whites
you're just doing the