Brenton Tarrant starting the revolution with a livestream was prophesied on an Xurious video called "Patience Has Its Limits".
Brenton Tarrant starting the revolution with a livestream was prophesied on an Xurious video called "Patience Has Its Limits".
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Happy times.
checked and bumped
tbh literally everyone with a brain who's right of center (and some on the left, albeit in a slightly different frame) have warned that conflict between groups is the inevitable outcome of demographic re-engineering. But nobody listened/listens because conflict is what the elites want, as it helps them secure their power in the West. Tarrant wanted to speed up this process in the hope that it will freak Europeans out. As a people, especially NW Euros, we tend not to like police states, and multicultural propaganda was already at the "this is kind of weird and creepy" stage in 2015. Initially I didn't think the accelerationist strategy made sense, but the response from the establishment and their clients seems to have been exactly what Tarrant was trying to provoke, at least according to his manifesto.
Daily reminder Xurious's music is actually blacklisted and restricted on jewtube and cannot be accessed in his own country despite just being 99% instrumental music. His bandcamp page has been deleted multiple times for no reason and the username was stolen by some jew in israel on that site.
Sage for the cuckchan-tier thread that's literally Q-tier "a vague statement was said on the internet and something later down the line seems to fit it" garbage.
He didn't just say "conflict would happen"
He said it would be livestreamed. The revolution would be livestreamed.
False dichotomy.
Guess what feds? Even that statement on youtube is free speech. It doesn't incite immediate violence. I know right now you're looking for anything associated with Saint Tarrant but you aren't going to be able to go after random internet users posting satirical phrases or exaggerated speech. I feel bad for the feds right now. Think how many shitskins are looking for everything they can to get this place shut down. Unfortunately Tarrant probably used proxy chains with Tor so you're absolutely shit out of luck fedniggers. Go do your job and get the actual terrorists and pedophiles (your boss).
Obvious kike
Jimi Hendrix did say the revolution wouldn't be televised after all and the CIA did kill him.
So is this an actual revolution with bombs and bulletds or is it just another alt kike MAGAZOG talking shit over some news story?
Here is your (you), kike. Filtered.
t. kike
wew lad
The absurd levels they are stooping to in order to paint us into this corner!
cmon now
four minutes of mediocre techno music.
What was the point of that?
Collect ip's
That's a scary comment
There should be a gang targeting muzzies dressed as Rabbis, it would be a top wew.
No its not you utter faggot, oh how scary they know i clicked this Xurious vid.
Xurious has some good shit though.
Like 99% of the time?
You’d be surprised how much Zig Forums would deny that mass-immigration is a problem and that demographic replacement is no problem, mocking the concerns of REAL workers (not armchait college students whose heads are full of Jewish theories) who worry about immigration destroying their culture, taking their jobs and depressing wages
Lol, my dick and balls can't even fit in a coffee jar. I'd like to see a study done on political beliefs and male genital size. I bet right-wingers literally have monstercocks in comparison.
lol please tell me this is a real pic
Kikes and other invaders all get the rope. Nobody gets spared except white pro-whites.
Televised is not the same as livestream. Technically, Brenton Tarrant is not being televised, as they're suppressing information about him through the normal media outlets.
t. someone on the list of degenerates/invaders/traitors to be killed who wants us to go after only one of our enemies
aryan issa slur
The video is filtered in italy.
Please post a webm/webms.
Far-right as it gets here reporting in and possessor of a massive BWC.
people have been saying "the revolution will be livestreamed" since occupy wallstreet dumbass get the fuck out of here with this
Come on nigger.
I want that on a t-shirt, in St Tarrant's handwriting.
any update, annon?
You will go into the same oven as your jew masters you goat fucking mudbug.
You got to think of the local scale and the big picture user. Deletion of either party is a net gain so both is better.