New Zealand Police Taken to Christchurch Mosque, Encouraged to Convert to Islam
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All I had to do was show my normie friend these photos and even he agreed that this is all really stupid
This is what happens when you empower women.
Yep. Women exist solely to sniff out weakness in their men, even if it means betraying them.
thats just internal politics i bet most of them were forced to go
I hope it still smells like blood and death in that mosque
BASED and >(1)pilled
They likely volunteered, then converted to islam while they were there. Females are traitors. The one thing islam gets right is in how they treat them.
Women don't want to be empowered in general. They want to be slaves men. This is why they support niggers and Muslims. The white man treats the woman like a secretary, a loyal aid, much higher than the slave or breeding sow the niggers and Muslims will make of white women… The only true feminist is a lesbian or a BDSM queen nya~
Shield maidens served a man, typically a woman's brother or father nya~
Women are more leftist due to the mother instinct being exploited by mainstream media harping about le poor rapefugees. They are also simply weakminded and subservient which makes them more easily manipulated by the system / falter to the pressure of the majority.
Most leftist white women still want to live in white neighborhoods and marry a white husband. They are hypocrites.
But yes, women desire to be enlsaved in a metaphysical sense.
yo thats based dude! bet you wont show him holohoax infographics
The way the media and NZ police are trying to spin the whole shooting is interesting.
1. They try and re-frame the story from one average guy, expressing the frustrations and concerns of the average person, taking things into his own hands through vigilantism, to a milquetoast sob story about "those poor muslims".
2. They show to the general public that they're loyalty is to Islam rather than the majority Anglos.
Making the story about Tarrant himself seems to scare the ever living shit out of the elites. They are afraid that his actions will inspire others into action as well, which would throw a wrench into their whole plan for NZ and Ausieland. If the narrative stays focused on Tarrant's actions rather than on the 'victims', and emphasize the NZ police and gov's betrayal of its people/siding with islam, that would likely result in public distrust in the state among kiwis.
this is damn near comical. Why would they degrade themselves like that?
Those trips of truth.
They have to make it about the poor muslims, they fear an outburst of vigilantism the most. Tarrant's actions is a killshot to the apathy so many White men hold over the ongoing invasion. It shows the excuses of "I'm only one man", "what can I even do" are null.
B-but 8/pol/ told me the joos won't let white people become Muslim
Of course not, we're saving Israel for last ;)
wooden doors
of course, that's why they are all smiling
And that's a good thing.
Glass walls before its (((remodel)))
this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad
Because, well you know…the manifesto
More White babies…
AWWW I should have made it:
Right Wing Dick Squads…
Missed opportunity.
What a sick cunt. I'd have liked to have a beer with him.
El mundo le pertenece a Cristo, nuestro señor!
New Zealand and Australia will make "Koran Memorization Classes" mandatory for all students starting next school term! Pleases tell all the Mommy Groups on Facebook and Instagram. They need to buy new cute scarfs for their daughters and skullcaps for their boys!
Islam appears to be the new religion they want to manage the goys. Wonder how that will work out for them nya~
cchicks hawt af
I'm surprised they're going back into the mosque. They're religious so I assume they believe in evil spirits and spooky ghosts, or even the bad juju of the nasty gunman.
Proof or it's not happening.
what a nation of pussies and cucks.
all becuase of 1 man an entire nation has
1. had to give up their guns
2.lost what freedom of speech they had
3.lost what freedom of access to information they had
4. had to watch their law enforcement officers prostrate themselves before the mudskins
i'm sorry NZ anons…i'm so sorry.
I'm curious to see what the polling for the NZ Labour party is at right now. If they are up in the polls, the whole country should be reset with a nuclear bomb.
Trust the plan!
How the fuck a kiwicucks not creeped out by this?
Are there any famous Kiwis (not of the Maori variety)?
didn't think so.
Honestly the whole thing was set up IMO. I think it really happened and it's fucking sad, but the shooter, the reaction, was all pre-planned. Time and again we know muslims give no two fucks about sacrificing their own in order to advance their religion. Suicide bombing is a fucking glory for them even. They got some radical muslim to pose as a nazi, shoot up a mosque, all so they could push this bullshit, all to test and see how they can then implement this same tactic in Europe.
NZ isn't handling it well either. Media's specifically reporting on people pro-muzzie and in favor of this happening. Meanwhile you have actual NZers saying anyone who even mentions the slightest word of disagreement getting raided by the cops and questioned or jailed.
Mark my words this shit will get worse, and we will see a forced acceptance and conversion to Islam by it. I don't give a shit what your religion is either, this issue isn't about Islam, it's about the Powers That Be using it as a means of taking control, censorship, and powergrabbing. NZ is the first stepping stone. More innocent people will die, more false flags will occur, and the clock will tick ever closer to 1984.
This just shows how NZ was not really a nation.
The illusion has been dispelled. Now if they wish to be a nation they must fight nya~
you men trust that the kiwicucks have it in them to do something about all of this.
like the fucking commies, people need to understand, there's a big difference between having a plan and being able to execute it.
this whole plans execution hinges on the kiwi peoples desire to fight back against an ever authoritarian government before it's too late…
..i'm a dual national between the US and UK, there's a lot of good people in the UK but the vast majority of them just don't have it in them to go the lengths needed to fight the government, i couldn't see the kiwi's being much different after how little push back there's been already.;…the Americans on the other hand, there's enough of you crazy fucks and red necks scattered all about where you could actually have a chance at fighting back and you likely would too…..from what i know of the kiwi's i don't see that happening, but who know, i thought the Aussies would never give up their guns and look at 'em now.
when you hold your weapon like you're fondling a nut sack. kek
You overlook the whole thing. It is a cuck country that was planning on gun bans long before the shooting. Nothing is surprising.
women exist for procreation
they are bad judges of men
This is why Aryan Americans have to lead. The next global reich will begin in America. All Aryan citizens armed in trained for war. Never to yield. The spark of the revolution has begun.
I've not seen any evidence provided whatsoever. Just some photos and wild assumptions…
Female only spaces should exist, but otherwise they are clearly not fit for leadership as a group.
Where is the female version of Zig Forums find it and I may change my mind nya~
lol, 4d chess, the muzzies figured out killing their own in western counties is more effective than killing westerners anywhere in the world.
i don't think they are that intelligent, but you are right, i do think they had this response planned, it's not too hard to guess that if you keep importing millions of Muslims into your country someone is going to get pissed and do something eventually….the shooter knew how they'd respond to and gave them what they wanted, i don't think there needs to be a conspiracy here man, not with how fucked up the state of our world is right now. this is just how things kind of predictably work at this point.
my only surprise was how fast they were able to implement all of this, goes to show how paper thin their right are in that country, at least here in America corporations get a chance to bribe politicians and we can take it to the supreme court first, like they at least have to jump through hoops, there it was just like bam, you're fucked mate. lol
Kiwis must fight for their lands, for their right to exist as a free Aryan people nya~
i'm thinking of moving to idaho. lol
Women are incapable of having power; they're just being told to make decisions for themselves.
The new Aryan Reich needs soldiers. Tactical retreat may be an option. However I would suggest going to the mountains and building a Free Aryan resistance there.
I think if a woman can pass the same trials as a man, she should be able to live as a man. Otherwise, yes you are right.
You're forgetting the Māori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand
Considering that once again there was a police anti terror exercise happening at the time of the attack, police should just stay at home and not do shit from now on.
They murdered and ate the pacifist Aryan Elves who lived there before them. They were cannibaals . They deserve no mercy or pity.
In a little over a thousand years they're the second largest religion on earth and are protected and knighted for by just about every dimwitted democrat and lunatic leftist in the world even as they rape and murder and rob everywhere they go.
They're obviously pretty fucking clever.
Incorrect. Europeans arrived to New Zealand starting in the 17th century.
Incorrect. Go to hell. She'll take care of you.
Jews started arriving in Palestine in the 20th century ; >
kek, (1)bros forever
All that podcast is, is a theory which is not supported by historians and archaeologists.
Yes because you kikes control media and academia via you banking control. Now go drown yourself and save your soul.
Right, the same media and academia (wikipedia in this instance) the Christchurch terrorist used as evidence in his Manifesto are accepted as facts but not in this instance…
Sheeple will always accept the dominate orthodoxy. Well some here are not sheep. We will use whatever we can to gain advantage. Because that is all there is. The truth that matters is our freedom and dominion. Our will to power. I suppose we have that in common with the (((elite))). But we desire a beautiful world unlike (((their))) fetish for the base things. In a world of lies all you can do is believe in yourself and your true comrades. Will will become your worst fear. We shall be one with the sun and they abyss.
Interesting how the same source (wikipedia) can be used as both truth and lie depending on how you want it to suite your own belief.
History will show that Hitler attacking the Soviets in 1941 is what ultimately destroyed the white race. If the Nazi's hold Europe, they then purge the arabs and take the oil, which is the key to their power.
Yes. That is how the world works, as you well know kike. Truth is hard to discern in a world of lies, and all tools including lies are used for the cause of victory.
No, it was the failure of Oswald Moseley to network with Hitler sufficiently… and Hitler was not perfect by any means. Still we struggle we not let one man, not even a great man, finish us.
No more civil war. True Aryans of will, stand now, united against the forces of darkness.
Victory or Valhalla
So the references to wikipedia in the Christchurch terrorist's Manifesto were lies then were they?
You have identified yourself as a shill and an enemy to the future of the Free Aryan Race and deserve no answer but a blade.
Does answer the question
Furthermore, I have not need to prove your claims or disprove your claims. They are irrelevant to the grand nature of the world's demographics. As you shills and kikes control the media, only by strategic violence against
your kind and our other enemies can we find peace through extreme action.
Cui Bono?
Europeans? Nope, PR disaster in race relations. Very bad for Europeans living among Muslims, will escalate tension and violence in every diverse neighborhood.
Muslims? Nope, very bad same as above but vice versa.
Mass media? Yes dream come true.
AIPAC? A dream come true
Governments trying to gut free speech? Yes dream come true
Governments looking to tighten gun laws? Yes dream come true
Police state/surveillance apparatus? Yes dream come true.
Military Industrial Complex? Yes citizen we need to keep you safe from terrorists, it'll cost you $750 billion per year plus interest. Sorry you can't afford Universal healthcare, what are you a Socialist?
Israel? Yes, "how nice of you to step in and volunteer to take the retaliation for our decades of slaughtering unarmed civilians in Gaza.."
Pro-war Neocons/Mossad? Dream come true, now they can easily lead some angry patsies into carrying out false flags in order to get US and EU to support their war with Iran and Syria.
There's nothing known about the three other suspects? Hey, that's not strange at all.
Stopped reading there. This is exactly what we want. Kike shills are pathetic these days.
When will this circus show end
Why are incels so retarded?
Beheading videos when?
Muzzies would rape, torture and behead this stupid slut like the Norwegians.
Reminder to Muslims and Muslim converts especially those in the police force and politics that headscarves will not stop a bullet from emptying your or your families skulls onto the ground. Being a traitor to your people and country by converting to the invaders religion while also wearing the invaders religious garb makes your eradication even that more satisfying.
I will pay US$20,000 in bitcoin to anyone who kills this race traitor whore.
No you won't you incel NEET
I will put it in escrow, PGP signed key with link to her dead body gets btc sent to address in signed message.
That is a tranny you fucks…NOT A WOMAN it is part of the globohomo kike nation.
It is not 'incorrect' the Maori themselves talk openly about the Whites that they hunted and slew when they were establishing themselves on the planet. THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET BELONGED TO OUR KIND BEFORE YOU SUBHUMAN FILTH SHITTED THE WHOLE THING UP.
4ch veteran b&
After 6 years of shitposting
Guess this is my home now
Fuck off newfag we don't want you
Yeah I don't want to hear about that veteran shit as if it is some card of goodness. Fuck you. The only people we want here are those who can research and investigate well and if you are lucky you will be called to the grandest chan of them all… which is of course hidden from the faggots and media drones and where the real action is. But, either way, fuck you.
Yeah but then she won't learn anything in this life…and what a waste that would be. I vote that you send her to the Middle East as a present for the muslims in their own desert. GIft wrap her with a bow…she should know up close and intimate what she is betraying her nation and people for…we might even be able to crowd fund for her to be delivered to them. when she is beaten, raped, scared, blinded and maybe acid burned for no reason, then we can talk about her desire to be a traitor to her own people.
I am just saying that she should be THE VANGUARD for the nations women since she is advocating for the invaders.
Not even shitting you when I say that I legitimately saw her in a porn. Not kidding.