Change my mind. Pro tip, you CAN'T. Also friendly reminder that exposing (((christianity))) as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow is a vital part of Pro-white activism. Hail ThuleanPerspective!
To be Pro-white is to be Anti-christian
Other urls found in this thread:
To be pro-pagan is anti-intellectual and pro-kike
No, pro White is also pro Christian and other forms of White culture.
Stormfags are anti White including anti Christian, anti older Whites, anti Gay Whites, anti Trump supporting Whites…
Which is 99% of fucking Whites!
French Catholic who grown up in Catholic culture here.
Churches are filled with niggers and priests preach for invaders every Sunday.
Absolutely awful and criminal.
They're doing this everywhere in Europe btw, even in 99% White Poland.
The Catholic Church is an enemy along with the jews and freemasons.
I don't know much about the other branches of christianity but I've been honestly disgusted with all these jewish fairytales.
However, I can't stand Varg, he's too fucking stupid
Pagans were pro-gay back then just as they are today. Change my mind. Pro tip: YOU CANT
guys this group of people have infested everything and subverted absolutely all morals and culture in the name of making you easier to rule over
but they didn't mess with religion at all don't be silly
Race > your retarded D&C religious philosophical bullshit
Athiest white state when?
nations that nixed christianity: sweden, uk, germany
nations that didnt: italy, hungary, poland
hmmmmmmm really makes you think.
why would (((op))) want whites to stop being christian?
Begone divide and conquer shill.
Christianity is a duality of a lie created to replace my true revelations with Satanic idolatry, and to cause the original White Hebrews to permanently break their true covenant.
You do know pagan is a derogatory term coined by christcucks to refer to everything not christcuckery, right?
you've already got the european union
Pro-white movement is nothing more than a combination of therapy and support group for low IQ white trashes. Prove me wrong.
I won't try to change your mind because I am pretty sure you are Jewish.
This is for the goys, Germanic Paganism prohibits not only race mixing but also homosexuality, adultery, feminism, desertion and other christian degenaracy. Read Tacitus Germania and get redpilled folks.
In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men & women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]
Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.
The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried & concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]
The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried & concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]
Germanic Pagans: Punishment for homosexuality is death by suffocation
In.. To priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children. Pagans Killed homosexuals and deserters. Were tribal and opposed Mixing. Supported monogamy. Limiting child bearing was seen as evil and adulterers got their head shaved.
Christian Germans - Made homosexuals into priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children. The leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel brought in the biggest number of Christian Africans into Germany.
Your own deluded assumptions prove you wrong!
Said the Christ pedo whose major religious institution the Catholic cuck church of Christ Jewsus is constantly in legal trouble for buggering little boys.
Oprah needs to make a documentary about your kiddie fucking peter gazing pals and her Jew butt buddy Weinstein's rape sex crimes instead of bothering with the long dead Michael Jackson.
Retard as Kristian "Varg" Vikernes is.
odin was a cum guzzler, change my mind
Your butt buddy Jewsus Christ had for his constant companions 12 guys for his entire life.
Doesn't get anymore homo suspect than that Cletus.
Learn to read faggot
As an atheist I would caution against such shit. There is a reason religion is a common thread of all civilized nations. The vast majority of common sheep need it, death is scary and losing loved ones is soul crushing to an npc whom cannot conceive of reality, the comfort, guidance and stability of some religious foundation is key to keeping things stable and remove hedonistic decent.
As far as any middle easter religion tho, those can all die in a fucking fire. Different facets of the same kike religion. Praise kek btw.
>defending gay (((whites)))
Officially worse than 4chan
I have a question for you, can you cite the source from which your image is taken?
witnessed by thine dubs. sounds familiar.
everyone will bow the knee pagan
kike shills will never even larp as a christian. they wont even say praise jesus as a larp. try it next time you find a live one. it never fails.
they hate christianity too much. because it is the truth.
jews speak in the language of lies, and they are children of the devil. jesus said that and we all know its true.
has he become your enemy? because he told you the truth?
Only person that hates white Christians more than Jews is OP.
Nice D&C attempt, Shlomo.
I'd like to be pagan, but all the Åsatru communities here are filled with larping losers and social justice warriors.
hmmmmmm (((who))) on earth would save gay pictures of jesus on their computer?
WTF? I hate the very foundations of White culture now!
Thanks OP!
pure coincidence that anti-christian pagan communities are filled with degenerates.
Sup Varg.
So, did you just find out about this board after the shooting or what?
Hitler was Christian originally but wanted to make Nationalist Socialism a religion just like Buddism is a religion. He saw that we must move away from these roots that can be easily subverted and so easily connected to the kikes. I am a strict catholic but the day I am required to believe in the ability of my own people's tillage and soil is the day I covert to Nationalist Socialism. Don't misquote hitler kike.
Every religion is now corrupted by leftist losers. I'd recommend reading the work of Fr Raphael Johnson for a good perspective on this. Essentially, even the Old Testament provides a model for National Socialism and Christians were National Socialists before Hitler was ever born. Even after Hitler was born, there were still lots of church fathers who were NatSocs. But everything has been corrupted now. All religions have been turned into Leftist diversity groups by subversive Leftists. It's all so tiresome.
christianity is anti-jew. germany had a jew problem because of lutherans.
Varg is a DNC king. Every second video he makes is DNC.
You're admitting Neo-Pagans are weak. Stick with playing video games and stay out of Zig Forums.
PDF file pls.
On the contrary.
Kikes love Christ insanity since it was their idea/invention that later kikes used to create the political ideological variant of it known as Communism which has led to all of our modern kike ideological ills such as cultural Marxism and the resulting SJW scum.
If kikes really hated their cuck cult of Christ they'd eliminate it just as they eliminated the National Socialist threat during WWII.
The way kikes could destroy Christ insanity is by removing it's tax exempt status which is something we'll never see because Christ insanity remains a useful tool for Jews to control masses of idiot white and other goyim whenever Uncle Jewy needs cannon fodder to die for Israel.
Onward Christ tard soldiers!
Die for Jewsus and Israel!!
It is specially tiring how many anons fall for the religion d&c threads and posts; can't we have a sticky to contain religion?
you know nothing ..try learning
That would be a good idea. We don't need DNC thread #6001.
(((jewsus))) wants you to be christian and (((jewgodosaurusrex))) .. and (((godzuki)))
unfortunately "paganism" is a bit like judaism … its both a race and a religion
This isn't a DnC issue and never was.
If you're Christian you're on Team Jew.
Its just that simple.
We can't be tolerant of these literal Jew worshippers since "tolerance" of various Jewy and or other unhealthy things for us/our race is how we got in the bad situation we are in to begin with.
You people screaming DnC about this issue are either low IQ reactionary dumbasses who haven't thought through the issue properly or Jews/some manner of leftist white shill just trying to obfuscate and muddy the waters with unproductive bullshit.
None of your queer fantasies about me will ever be true, no matter how hard you wish it!
Imagine believing Hitler was a Christcuck in 2019.
It is as I would post modern faggotchurches as an example of christianity as a whole
Zig Forums is fucking dead.
Dr. William Luther Pierce on church-goers:
> In fighting against the enemies whose aim is to destroy us all, we need to put religious differences and factional differences aside. We need to feel a sense of solidarity based on our common blood and our common purpose. But this solidarity, this common purpose, does not preclude us from speaking out about those things which need to be spoken about. And when 15,000 churchgoers in Switzerland demonstrate obediently against their own people and for the Jewish swindlers and extortionists who are stealing money from the pockets of the Swiss people, then we should speak out against them. We should separate ourselves from these renegades. We should let the world know that they are beyond the pale, that we disown them, not because of their religion, but regardless of their religion.
Fuck of you D&C kike.
Christianity until the current pope was strictly anti-islam. The last pope caused a huge outroar when he publically condemned Islam for being a religion of violence that spreads its faith with the sword.
The current cuckpope was put into office by a coup d'etat of the antichristian NWO satanists. The holy church of deus vult is in eclipse right now and only exists underground, being persecuted by the NWO satanists.
They are not Pagan. They are larping christians living in a multi racial christian shit hole. They are Wiccans at best. But they are still better than true christians though.
You cannot call yourself uncucked while worshiping a Hebrew idol.
Semen is a euphemism for psychoactive mushrooms, in this case probably Amatia Muscara.
Ancient people did not understand the concept of spores, and believed that mushrooms appeared out of nothing (no seeds) and was therefore the seed (semen) of the gods
You have no argument for that position except low IQ Varg bantz. This shit only works on people with low education attainment.
It's this Semitic bullcrap that has made whites and niggers equal (I.E; Black Church meme) whilst calling for open borders. It's is one of the most cucked religions on the planet.
It needs to be dumped into the garbage.
Everyone should realize by now that Christianity is the reason we're losing the war for our races and our countries. Christianity has laid the foundation for every degenerate act and every abuse of power. Christianity is an anti-national, universalist, egalitarian, pathologically altruistic anti-white ideology that has led out people to ruin and empowered Jewish Supremacists throughout the ages. Hell, one of the biggest reasons why the U.S is so cucked by kikes is because Christians consider them to be like their cousins or something (see Trump, Pence, Bush, Reagan, etc;
This isn't a defense of Paganism either, btw.
why do jews have so much power? christians are jewish dhimmis - muslims are jewish dhimmis and you're all too dumb to see it
Is christianity a wall against Islam? Let's find out.
lol where? they're all over europe and the christians welcome them with open arms
No, it is not. The reason we are losing the war for our race and our countries is because our values have been replaced by jewish values, irrespective of the church. The teachings of the church are today being interpreted through the lens of the jewish zeitgeist, and Christians today - just like society as a whole - stand for little at all.
Hail Dr. William Luther Pierce! That being said there is no "d&c" when it comes to Christcucks because they are already conquered by the enemy right down to their very souls. To unite with a Christcuck is to become conquered as well. Any group that does not exclude Christcucks and work against the influence of their Semitic religion will never achieve results.
I don't need to change your mind, since you're an irrelevant fringe minority within an already fringe circle of extremists. This will be a Christian movement or it won't be a movement, it's as simple as that.
you worship the jew god .. you are their slave and they laugh about it
I'm not Christian.
Christianity among Whites is dying quickly. It is already majority non-White.
no .. because our "religion" or "worldview" is the correct one
atheist is still christian .. you need to alter your concept of "god" .. sure the jew god isnt real .. duh.. but other "gods" are real
Its not a fantasy though!
You literally get down on your knees and tongue your prayers like a fag to a fictional Jewish god the Jews created to mentally enslave you and your people to their rule.
If that ain't queer then nothing is boyo.
Christians forced integration with niggers on the White Nation in that thing called "America."
World War 1 (More like Inter-Euro Slaughter 1) was started because Christfag governments were fighting each other over African colonies (read: nigger converts).
I'm not Atheist either. Fuck off with your idiotic profiling.
Nationalism is not only accepted by the Orthodox church, but celebrated by it. The Black
Hundreds had their own churches as did the Cossack Host. The latter existed to celebrate the warrior
ethos of the Cossack brotherhood, especially in cleaning Poland of its Jewish infestation in the 17th
century. This is the norm for the church. The bourgeois, individualistic, ecumenical “Orthodoxy” of today
is a perversion.
The alternatives to the biological nation is the class or the individual. In modernity anyway, these
have been the two alternatives, with the west backing the latter and the former USSR allegedly backing
the former. Both were equally hostile to the nation as a concept since it competed with their civic
foundation. The individual is an absurdity since man is born into a family and requires a society for even
the most basic action. The class is more serious, but it is merely a negation. It is formed subjectively as
the pain of oligarchy and monopoly keep food off the table. In itself, this is legitimate, but contains no
positive program. This anger is insufficient to hold a society together. Globalism cannot be fought except
by the ethno-nation, since it alone provides a coherent platform of personal identity and civic action. If
there's another feasible way, I await the treatise explaining it to me.
There is no theological demand for the belief in the mathematical equality of ethnic groups or
races. No two people are equal as none are the same. Its a stupid point of view demanded only to be
imposed on whites. Whites alone are expected to be color blind. This we do not accept. Behavior is the
ultimate ground of moral life socially, not race or ethnicity. However, in America, violent crime is almost exclusively non-white. Gang culture is non-white. The criminal underclass in the USA is nonwhite.3
Our hurches will and must keep this in mind, especially if situated in nonwhite areas. Covering over this truth
is dangerous and, since it is a lie, sinful.
The Bible treats society as a family. Civil power grows out of the family and is thus part of natural law. One will notice that in 2 Sam. 5:15
and 1 Chr. 11:1the claim to legitimacy is based on ethnic and genetic foundations. This is not the only foundation, but clearly an important one. Carlton and others point out that the nature of political rule is not unlike that of marriage, as even the “flesh and bone”
metaphor is used for both. Nations (ethnic groups) are creations of God and exist at the same level of as families. They
should be maintained in their purity no differently than the individual personality or the family. Not until the 1960s in the west has this obvious statement been challenged.
Let us be clear: no Orthodox can accept liberal democracy, capitalism, usury, modern banking,
mass production, materialism, mass society, hedonism, Enlightenment-era rights, communism or
individualism, just to name a few. These are based on non-Christian and anti-Christian conceptions. They
are not compatible with anything the Church teaches. Rejecting these views, together known as
“modernism” is essential to our self-centered mentality and the beginning of our repentance. Politically,
nationalism is the only coherent alternative to it. Globalism cannot be fought with good intentions.
Strong, moral and unified families – and their extension into nations – can effectively fight the regime.
The present rule of global oligarchy was prophesied by St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Lawrence of
Chernigov and many others.
jew spotted
Diocletian, Emperor of Rome 303 C.E: "Christianity is a Jewish religion whose mission is to make Romans their slaves"
Christianity is Neo Judaism. Judaism is the elite religion. Jews and their Jewish supremacist faith will continue to exist as long as christianity exists. Why do these so called redpilled christians conveniently ignore the origin of Christianity? They love to yell larpagan and say not muh true christianity while conveniently ignoring the fact that Jews created Christianity. Christianity started in Judea (Israel) as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow. It is the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.
That's what lying Jews want us to believe to make their Neo-Judaic cult more legitimate. Reverse psychology.
In reality Jesus (real name rabbi Yeshua bar yosef) was a subversive Jew and was crucified for trying to corrupt Roman-Pagans into an Abrahamic cult.
Redpilled goy history.
Tacitus and Pliny the Younger on the Early Christians:
The originator of the name, Christ, was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; and though REPRESSED, this DESTRUCTIVE SUPERSTITION erupted again, not only through JUDEA, which was the origin of this EVIL, but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and SHAMEFUL floods together and is celebrated.
It makes me happy polacks voicing it out and being civil about religion.
Thing is, in this world of sin and struggle even if you have the perfect text of truth, evil will go try to subvert it. Whatever is your religion, guard it. And we can all agree that islam, judaism and satanism are shit.
Christianity is jewish slave morality. Abandon the kike on the cross and embrace world domination.
You right nothing but slander about me, yet fail to recognize me!
Yes, our people have been enslaved by a falsehood. No one knows that more than I.
Of course. Religion is a trichotomy, therefore I must be a jew. Idiot.
i can never be a chrischump - reality matches the pagan worldview i'm afraid and christianty is basically a sexual abuse and blackmail club (confession) - do you really believe that the priest kid fucking is a recent phenomenon? i'm sure one pope described buggering a boy no different to washing ones hands … filthy nonces
oh go on then whats your religion? fagnostic? scientologist? jovis witness? ..
I think this place is beyond saving at this point.
To any and all the Christians ITT and the ones that are about to post… if you were forced to choose between a racial melting pot Christian Europe and a secular and/or Non-Christian white Europe, which one would you chose?
The only reason some Christian hate fags is because they're not fags for Jesus. All the Christian fag-conversion groups just try to pray the fag away, they don't even try to figure out the underlying psychological causes of faggotry. That's because they don't care; they want their patients to continue being fags, except fags for Jesus. Like they are.
If the white race cannot conquer within itself the implanted spiritual HIV/AIDS virus that is Christ insanity then I hate to say it but that means we have lost the evolutionary battle, proven ourselves to be unworthy of life and deserve to die while the Jews will then deserve to win and have total unrivalled control of the planet.
If we can't conquer this ultimate self destructive stupidity that was forced upon us at the tip of a sword and 2,000 years of hardcore subsequent state sponsored brainwashing then woe to us, we don't deserve to go on existing as a race.
To any and all Christians*
Jewish supremacist ideologies were condemned in the three synods in Russia
(starting in 1471) which were aimed at the Judaizers (led by the Karaite Shariya) in Novgorod. These
were called under St. Gennadius the Metropolitan with the cooperation of St. Joseph of Volokomansk. It
condemned the concepts of Jewish oligarchy, the occult, Zionism and the belief that they are a “chosen
people.” Those too frightened to offend Jews also sin grievously. These are not optional opinions, but
facts of Church life.
National Socialism, or the political organization of the nation in times of severe stress, is the
doctrine of the Old Testament, albeit updated for the modern state. St. Nikolai spoke of Dimitrije Ljotić,
the best known Serbian National Socialist: “Dimitrije Ljotić was a statesman, a teacher and a Christian.
He was not only a statesman, he was a Christian statesman. . . He is the Minister of Justice as adding a
censer to the priest in the church.”
A nation without a strong sense of ideological identity and moral unity is not a society, not a
people and is easily dominated by others. The bearers of the purity of the national idea and national logos,
by and large, can only be the holy ascetics. These are the soldiers of the idea. From the secluded hermit to
the warrior, asceticism is one and the same.
Politics is not campaigns and voting, but the understanding and promotion of the national idea
and the Christian faith (as if they can be distinctive). St. John of Kronstadt saw a direct threat to the
Russian nation. He said in one of his sermons in 1907: “The Russian realm is unsteady, it is close to
disintegration. The anarchists and atheists will impose their will the moment the state is no more. Russia
must be cleared of its weeds and the sins that create them.” Only then can morality thrive.
St. John consecrated the banner of the Union of the Russian People as the bearer of the national
idea. At his home in May 1908, he hosted a meeting of 49 royalist and nationalist deputies of the Duma.
Among the hosts were the Bishop of Kholm Evogius, warning them about the Jews and encouraging their
nationalist, royalism and high moral standards. The slogan was “Russia: One and Indivisible.”
In another meeting in Saratov, John said,
because, on the one hand, people's lives are complicated and, on the other, the enemies of
the Church, striving to shake this eternal pillar and ground of the truth, have resorted to a
new, more sophisticated methods of struggle. That is why modern pastors, like the
builders of the work of Christ on earth, and in addition to the extensive and broad
education, need a great caution and firmness and fidelity to his duty to adequately keep
the charge entrusted to them by God the flock.
We stand with Metropolitan St. Filaret (Drozdov) in his political views. This includes his
condemnation of Freemasonry and all forms of ecumenism (as defined in the 1983 ROCOR Anathema).
He states,
part of their freedom for the preservation and confirmation by the common forces of the
law of morality, which constitutes the necessity of their existence. The civil laws are
nothing other than interpretations of this law in application to particular cases and guards
placed against its violation. . . As heaven is indisputably better than the earth, and the
heavenly than the earthly, it is similarly indisputable that the best on earth must be
recognized to be that which was built on it in the image of the heavenly, as was said to
the God-seer Moses: 'Look thou that thou make them after their pattern, which was
showed thee in the mount' (Exodus 25.40). In accordance with this, God established a
king on earth in the image of His single rule in the heavens; He arranged for an autocratic
king on earth in the image of His almighty power; and He placed an hereditary king on
earth in the image of His imperishable Kingdom, which lasts from ages to ages
(Metropolitan Filaret. Sermon on the day of his Most Pious Majesty Emperor Nicholas
Pavlovich, 1848 edition of his Works, Volume II, pp 24ff).
What is the nature of this “unity?” Sheer will? It must be at a minimum, common language and
faith. The “common forces of law and morality” must be accepted by all and thus, all forms of liberal
democracy must be rejected. The monarch rules the ethno-nation in the same sense that the father rules
over the family. Why would anyone part with their freedom unless it was for a common sense of faith and
tradition? The ethno-nation, faith and common culture are assumed, since one cannot talk of a “people,”
“society” or “unity” without it
You either trust Pagan Romans or the christshilling Jews. I have chosen the side of mother Europe. Rabbi Yeshua was rightfully crucified for trying to corrupt our Europeans into his Neo Judaic cult. But sadly his cult took off after his death, thanks to Paul another circumcised Jew.
do you believe in the same god that parted the red sea for (((moses)))? you cant be this retarded … this is vox day levels of dribbler
Whatever you say, Rabbi.
DEFINITION of black and white fallacy. Not interested in your brainlet questions. Fuck off.
the wikipedia entry for the first copyright law ever is an interesting read .. someone has a copyright on the buybull … and its not the bearded man in the sky ;)
There is a reason it's call the 'Zionist Occupation Government and not the Kike Occupation Government. Without Christfags and capitalists, Kikes wouldn't be able to rule us.
According to (((christianity))) they have to chose so called 'brother' in christ over a Pagan. If they don't they are not true Jew worshiping faggots.